why do conservatives care about other peoples abortions?


Well, actually, putting aside rape, it is about a woman who used her reproductive system and deciding she didn't want to after the fact. Sort of like buyers remorse.
Like I said earlier....you need to understand the other position. You don't need to agree with it. You need to understand it.
There would be a lot less hate.

I do understand the "other position". My wife participated for three years in a mission to council women that were considering abortion. I have heard it all. There are some valid medical reasons for abortion but for the sake of convenience doesn't meet the threshold of justification to kill another human being.

Once the child is conceived it is just not about a woman using her reproductive system and then being able to undo the act through murder. Another human life is in the equation and that is a game changer. The time for a woman (and the father) to think about birth control is before she gets pregnant.

If being against the killing of a million American children each year for the sake of convenience is considered "hate" by you Liberals then I can live with that.
That is becusae YOU see it as murder....as I do.

But you need to understand the other side. They do not see it as murder. They do not see the fetus as a human being. You and I disagree with them....but that does not mean they are to be considered wrong in their thinking.

And if it is not murder (in their minds), then why cant the law allow for it for convenience purposes?

Again, I agree with you. I see it as the killing of a human being, But that is me.
It has to do with the fact that some prefer we not have laws that allow for murder (as they see it) and others do not see it as murder and therefore the law should allow for it.

Shouldn't the law always come down on the side of life instead of convenience?
This is not about woman and children being killed in broad daylight dumb fuck. This is about a woman and her reproduction System get the fuck out of her life and let her and her quack decide control freak , mother fucker

The child is just as dead when it is ripped out of its mother's womb and thrown into the dumpster as if the mother had thrown it off a bridge, you dumb fuck.

A woman does not have the moral right to kill another person for the sake of convenience. She is the one that is trying to be a control freak by killing her child, you stupid mutherfvcker. It is not her body that she is controlling. It is putting another human being to death and that is wrong.

It is better to chose life over convenience and if you don't understand that then you are no better than the Nazis with their program of mass killings.
You need to understand that those that support abortion do not consider a first trimester fetus a human being. I do not agree with it....but I understand why they think that.

Do you realize that you can hear the heartbeat of a fetus when the woman is two months pregnant?
If you can hear a heartbeat that is a human being and not just a lump of cells like the left are telling women.
But at the same time, whereas you can hear a heartbeat, most of the vital organs are not developed. So whereas I agree with your thinking, I understand why others do not see it as a human being.
They are not children

Women should have the right to control their bodies and plan their families

Yes they are children. You were one once and if your mother had aborted you would be just as dead now as if you had been murdered later.

When you Libtards say an unborn child is not a child then you are attempting to dehumanize the victims you are killing in order to have some moral justification and that is despicable. it is like the Nazis saying that the people they sent to the gas chamber were subhuman so therefore is was OK to kill them.

When a woman gets pregnant there is not one human bodies but two. Two distinct human beings Each with their own separate DNA, brains, toes, fingers eyes etc, the whole enchilada. Just because the woman is serving as a host to feed the child as it develops does not give her the right to kill the child. It is not like we are talking about her removing a part of her body that will only affect herself. Abortion kills another human being and that is not right.

The time for a woman to "make a choice" is when she spreads out her legs. With birth control consisting of either the word "no" or a ten cent condom there is no reason for a woman to get knocked up if she doesn't want to. If she does then she (and the guy who screwed her) needs to accept responsibility for the life they created. Killing a child for convenience should not be a birth control option. Only a despicable immoral society would allow it.

Unfortunately, life is not so simple

She is already pregnant......Women have a choice to make. A single woman will have to decide if she can support a child, what impact it will have on her ability to keep her job. How will she work and care for a child? What support system does she have?

Married women will have to decide whether the family can support another child.

You use the term "convenience" and it is a good word. A new child will impact both the woman and the family unit. As a society, the more we do to make that child less of an inconvenience on the family unit the more likely the woman will keep it. That includes low cost child care, job protection, liberal time off to take care of her child
Those are considerations any THINKING woman(or man) should have before having unprotected sex.

But you can still get pregnant even if you use protection.
It has to do with the fact that some prefer we not have laws that allow for murder (as they see it) and others do not see it as murder and therefore the law should allow for it.

Shouldn't the law always come down on the side of life instead of convenience?
Always....but those that support abortion do not see a first trimester fetus as a human life.

Do you truly think that those that agree with abortion think it is murder? I know many that are pro choice (many strictly for partisan political reasons, but them aside), and none of them consider it murder. I disagree with them, but I get it.
Your just mad because I am against abortion when my four kids were in the womb but don't give a damn if it is someone else kids, I don't it's between them and there God, if they want to deal with it the rest of there lives there choice not mine
Are you completely ignoring the fact that those that are religiously against abortion, have an issue with their country allowing for it? They have a right to fight against it for this is their country to.
Stop with the spin. It is not about control.

You stupid dumb fuck , she will still do it legal or not, and least this way she won't die in some back alley
If she decides to do it illegally, how is it anyone's fault if she were to suffer for it?

Should we make bank robbery legal so we don't have to worry about the bank robbers dying from a gun shot wound fired by the security guard?

You really need to stop with the spin. Have tolerance for those that see abortion as murder. There is biological/anatomical reasons for people to see it that way.
That's a straw man argument and you know it
How could you compare the two?

I could make the smart ass comment all you are doing is killing off 300,000 potential democrats a year, but I won't.

Why do you care? A right leaning supreme court said it was legal, so why care?

I don't.

All innocent human life should be protected. All innocent human life has the right to live.

Too bad you don't agree.
Ok I agree, but I am going to tell you a short story would you have done the same as I did 20 years ago in a cold Christmas eve up in chicago

Worked 12 hours and I went to the 711 to get a 12 pack of bud light and noticed a young woman in a mini van that looked like she had everything she owned, her two little girls ran out in their pajamas into the store

I took off thinking that was strange

Then it dawned on me, they didnt have no where to go, so I turned around

She told me she left her husband and waiting on a check in a few days.

So I put her and her kids in a motel room, came back a little latter with wrapped christmas gifts for her daughters, then I went home

The point of my story is liberals are right to bitch cons only care about the unborn not so much for the ones already born

Edit forgot.to say I paid for her and her daughters motel room for a week

And you did all that because you were a conservative....

Warren Buffett gave billions to charity, I don't think he did that because he is a liberal...

But keep believing... By the way a Liberal would probably ask why the check was late?
Also why is there less poor in liberal states than in conservative ones?
Why also doe the Red states take more handout than Blue ones? Glug, glug. glug at the Federal tit...
Your just mad because I am against abortion when my four kids were in the womb but don't give a damn if it is someone else kids, I don't it's between them and there God, if they want to deal with it the rest of there lives there choice not mine
Are you completely ignoring the fact that those that are religiously against abortion, have an issue with their country allowing for it? They have a right to fight against it for this is their country to.
Stop with the spin. It is not about control.

You stupid dumb fuck , she will still do it legal or not, and least this way she won't die in some back alley
If she decides to do it illegally, how is it anyone's fault if she were to suffer for it?

Should we make bank robbery legal so we don't have to worry about the bank robbers dying from a gun shot wound fired by the security guard?

You really need to stop with the spin. Have tolerance for those that see abortion as murder. There is biological/anatomical reasons for people to see it that way.
That's a straw man argument and you know it
How could you compare the two?
whereas comparing the two is kind of over the top, I simply gave an off the cuff example to show you that we should not make laws simply to protect those committing illegal acts from the PERSONAL consequences suffered from those illegal acts.
That's a personal ideology of my own...I don't expect all to agree with it.....but respect it.
Flash you can not make laws about morals , its impossible

So we shouldn't have laws against murder? Isn't it immoral to kill another human being?

Most of our criminal laws have a moral basis to it.

It would take a really confused person to think it is not immoral to put a child to death for the sake of convenience.
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All these ridiculous straw Man arguments are making me laugh
You want to force a woman to be a slave for 9 months and make it illegal for her to own a coat hanger?
This is not about woman and children being killed in broad daylight dumb fuck. This is about a woman and her reproduction System get the fuck out of her life and let her and her quack decide control freak , mother fucker

The child is just as dead when it is ripped out of its mother's womb and thrown into the dumpster as if the mother had thrown it off a bridge, you dumb fuck.

A woman does not have the moral right to kill another person for the sake of convenience. She is the one that is trying to be a control freak by killing her child, you stupid mutherfvcker. It is not her body that she is controlling. It is putting another human being to death and that is wrong.

It is better to chose life over convenience and if you don't understand that then you are no better than the Nazis with their program of mass killings.
You need to understand that those that support abortion do not consider a first trimester fetus a human being. I do not agree with it....but I understand why they think that.

Do you realize that you can hear the heartbeat of a fetus when the woman is two months pregnant?
If you can hear a heartbeat that is a human being and not just a lump of cells like the left are telling women.
But at the same time, whereas you can hear a heartbeat, most of the vital organs are not developed. So whereas I agree with your thinking, I understand why others do not see it as a human being.

My problem is that the women are being told that it is just cells and a lump when it isn't.
At 8 weeks -
  • The embryo is measures about 18 mm (3/4 inch) in length.
  • Their arms and legs are growing and location of the elbows and toes are visible..
  • The feet and hand buds have appeared.
  • Starts to practice moving (not felt by mom till week 20)
  • The stomach is being made from part of the gut.
  • The face is beginning to take shape.
  • Your baby's mouth and nostrils are starting to develop.
  • Teeth begin to develop under the gums.
  • The eyes can now be seen as small hollows on each side of the head.
Now if they are fully informed about this before they make their decisions that is fine with me.
It is the left who are fighting against giving women this information.
You stupid dumb fuck , she will still do it legal or not, and least this way she won't die in some back alley

People still commit arson, rape, burglary, murder, etc. even though they are against the law. According to your logic we may as well just get rid of these laws because people do them anyway.
What's next take away her phone and computer so she couldn't google it you tube on how to perform a safe abortion?
Damn you guys are control freaks
All these ridiculous straw Man arguments are making me laugh
You want to force a woman to be a slave for 9 months and make it illegal for her to own a coat hanger?
Force her to be a slave for 9 months?
Putting rape aside, are you saying she was not aware of that possibility when she engaged in intercourse?

Man...as I keep telling you....you are so wrapped up ion the spin arguments, you have lost sight of why those against abortion are against abortion.

So if I lease a BMW for 3 years and realize it was a waste of money, I should be able to get out of the lease as opposed to being a slave to something I don't want for 3 years....

Its not that I didn't try ......but I noticed anything that I say is "useless" to you if it does not meet with your sentiments.

Thus why your posts are filled with hate for those that think differently than you.

Go for it.
Another straw man argument, try again this time think real hard :)

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