why do conservatives care about other peoples abortions?

"Fetuses aren't people", but they are innocent human life. That's what the pro-lifers are saying.

Tough to believe we'll ever have an honest, constructive conversation on this important topic.

Well, it's hard to have constructive conversations with dupes.

Here's the thing. The GOP has been "against" abortion since Five Republican Justices teamed up with 2 Democratic ones to strike down the country's largely unenforced abortion laws.

In that time, they've appointed no less than 8 justices to the Supreme Court, yet Roe v. Wade has stood every challenge. And guys like TakeAStep get all so upset about the poor little babies (although they can fucking starve to death, he'd be fine with that, before giving them a food stamp) and they vote Republican.

And the rich get their free trade, they get their union busting, they get deregulation and their bailouts and their tax cuts. But strangely, Abortion, which is supposedly this great moral issue, remains just as legal now as it was in 1973.

Now, there are ways to REDUCE the number of abortions. Universal health care, comprehensive sex education, fostering self-esteem for girls, family and medical leave- paid. Things that would either prevent unwanted pregnancies to start with or would allow a couple that is on the fence about whether to abort or not to decide in favor of keeping it.

But shit, you suggest that kind of liberal, "it takes a village" stuff, and they are screaming about "Freedom" and "Founding Fathers" and that sort of shit.
Actually abortion gives women the power to decide when they will give birth and what size family they are willing to have.
This is by far the most ridiculous comment with regards to family planning I have ever seen.

You obviously don't understand abortion
I DO understand abortion.
It is a medical procedure performed on a woman that prevents her from bringing a fetus to term.
How do YOU understand abortion?

I am impressed

Now, what does that have to do with what I posted?
Answer my question.
Sure they aren't. You keep telling yourself that, Job. It makes the hypocrisy bearable I imagine.

Legal abortion pisses religious assholes off. That's pretty much all I need.

I know, Job. Because you're a thoughtless, hypocritical troll.

Look, you guys keep acting stupid because an imaginary man in the sky tells you to, that's not my problem.

Look, Job. The fact that you are a thoughtless hypocrite troll worthy only of these moronic exchanges isn't my problem. I still like to get you to show it off every now and then.
In that time, they've appointed no less than 8 justices to the Supreme Court, yet Roe v. Wade has stood every challenge. And guys like TakeAStep get all so upset about the poor little babies (although they can fucking starve to death, he'd be fine with that, before giving them a food stamp) and they vote Republican.

Is that so, Job? Can you prove I vote republican or are you just throwing out thoughtless statements as usual?
Look, Job. The fact that you are a thoughtless hypocrite troll worthy only of these moronic exchanges isn't my problem. I still like to get you to show it off every now and then.

Yes, and making you look like a twit never gets old. Still not paying you for all that space I occupy in your head.

You can have that corner of the trash heap, Job. Pointing at you as an example of thoughtless trash in the heap is why you get to have that space.
In that time, they've appointed no less than 8 justices to the Supreme Court, yet Roe v. Wade has stood every challenge. And guys like TakeAStep get all so upset about the poor little babies (although they can fucking starve to death, he'd be fine with that, before giving them a food stamp) and they vote Republican.

Is that so, Job? Can you prove I vote republican or are you just throwing out thoughtless statements as usual?

Oh, I'm sorry, do you waste your vote, too?
In that time, they've appointed no less than 8 justices to the Supreme Court, yet Roe v. Wade has stood every challenge. And guys like TakeAStep get all so upset about the poor little babies (although they can fucking starve to death, he'd be fine with that, before giving them a food stamp) and they vote Republican.

Is that so, Job? Can you prove I vote republican or are you just throwing out thoughtless statements as usual?

Oh, I'm sorry, do you waste your vote, too?

The vote is mine to do as I see fit, Troll. It is your opinion, your thoughtless opinion, that I waste it. :itsok:
Opinions are like assholes, Job. Everyone has one. Only some of us bring forth thought provoking ones. You? Just another thoughtless troll here on USMB worthy only of being made fun of and laughing at.
The vote is mine to do as I see fit, Troll. It is your opinion, your thoughtless opinion, that I waste it. :itsok:
Opinions are like assholes, Job. Everyone has one. Only some of us bring forth thought provoking ones. You? Just another thoughtless troll here on USMB worthy only of being made fun of and laughing at.

Well,if you want to waste in on a libertarian who has no chance of getting elected, I'm fine with that.

But you're still a tool.
The vote is mine to do as I see fit, Troll. It is your opinion, your thoughtless opinion, that I waste it. :itsok:
Opinions are like assholes, Job. Everyone has one. Only some of us bring forth thought provoking ones. You? Just another thoughtless troll here on USMB worthy only of being made fun of and laughing at.

Well,if you want to waste in on a libertarian who has no chance of getting elected, I'm fine with that.

But you're still a tool.

Once again, your opinion = not titillating or useful. :itsok:
I'm pro choice, but it's not terribly difficult for me to recognize that the pro-lifers are against abortion because they perceive it to be the wanton, cynical, heartless, wholesale slaughter of innocent human life.

Is it really that complicated to understand?

I would be more impressed with these pro-lifers commitment to pro-life if they didn't support wars and executions, and weren't trying to snatch food out of the mouths of hungry poor children.

Wars are to protect us from those who wish to do us harm, self-defense as it were. You have a problem with this.

Execution is for those who have broken a law by taking the life of another. You have a problem with this.

No one is trying to take food out of the mouths of babes, conservatives would like the babe's parents to be able to provide for their children rather than uncle Sam. You have a problem with this.

Abortion kills an unborn human being and is unnecessary as putting the child up for adoption is always an option. You don't have a problem with this.

<blink, blink>

I could make the smart ass comment all you are doing is killing off 300,000 potential democrats a year, but I won't.

Why do you care? A right leaning supreme court said it was legal, so why care?

I don't.

Because killing unborn human beings is wrong.

Good to know you don't care about unborn human beings. Probably you don't care about born ones either.
I always like how posters think they know you, 20 years ago quacks from northweastern told my wife and I that we should about are baby it could of been a dwarf or a down syndrome baby, we said "Fuck you" she is now a healthy 19 year old
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They are not children

Women should have the right to control their bodies and plan their families

Yes they are children. You were one once and if your mother had aborted you would be just as dead now as if you had been murdered later.

When you Libtards say an unborn child is not a child then you are attempting to dehumanize the victims you are killing in order to have some moral justification and that is despicable. it is like the Nazis saying that the people they sent to the gas chamber were subhuman so therefore is was OK to kill them.

When a woman gets pregnant there is not one human bodies but two. Two distinct human beings Each with their own separate DNA, brains, toes, fingers eyes etc, the whole enchilada. Just because the woman is serving as a host to feed the child as it develops does not give her the right to kill the child. It is not like we are talking about her removing a part of her body that will only affect herself. Abortion kills another human being and that is not right.

The time for a woman to "make a choice" is when she spreads out her legs. With birth control consisting of either the word "no" or a ten cent condom there is no reason for a woman to get knocked up if she doesn't want to. If she does then she (and the guy who screwed her) needs to accept responsibility for the life they created. Killing a child for convenience should not be a birth control option. Only a despicable immoral society would allow it.
Fetus are babies , 300,000 of them are killed legally each year, who cares, move on.
Should I or could I post the photos of aborted fetuses? Do you know it is a fact that babies in the womb feel pain?

Never mind.

Liberals demand a criminal like Ted bundy needs to be protected by constitutional rights, and babies in the womb have no rights.

The safest spot a baby should be is the womb of a mother. It is one of the most dangerous places. When it comes down to it, there are very few things that are sicker than the notion of abortion.

Don't believe me? Let me know if you want me to upload the photos of the slaughtered BABIES. Yeah, I thought you would not want to see that.
Them only thing I Care about none of my wives or girlfriend aborted my kids, God and me are good on that subject :)
Should I or could I post the photos of aborted fetuses? Do you know it is a fact that babies in the womb feel pain?

Never mind.

Liberals demand a criminal like Ted bundy needs to be protected by constitutional rights, and babies in the womb have no rights.

The safest spot a baby should be is the womb of a mother. It is one of the most dangerous places. When it comes down to it, there are very few things that are sicker than the notion of abortion.

Don't believe me? Let me know if you want me to upload the photos of the slaughtered BABIES. Yeah, I thought you would not want to see that.

These Libtards are really sickos with their support of infanticide. Libtards get everything wrong and the murder of innocent children for the sake of convenience is one of the most despicable core Libtards beliefs that they have. They are the Nazis of America for the most part when it comes to this issue. Of course Progressives have always been proponents of eugenics so it is to be expected.

I could make the smart ass comment all you are doing is killing off 300,000 potential democrats a year, but I won't.

Why do you care? A right leaning supreme court said it was legal, so why care?

I don't.

Because killing unborn human beings is wrong.

Good to know you don't care about unborn human beings. Probably you don't care about born ones either.
I always like how posters think they know you, 20 years ago a quacks from northweastern told my wife and I that we should about are baby it could of been a dwarf or a down syndrome baby, we said "Fuck you" she is now a healthy 19 year old
It was based on the fact that you asked the question....
This is not meant as criticism....albeit, it may come across that way.
I will never support an abortion if one were to ask my opinion. Likewise, I will never tell someone not to. I will always respond with "it is a personal decision"...and I will only say that if someone were to ask my opinion of what they should do.
But to ask the question you asked to start the thread means you do not understand those that are against abortion. They don't care about anyone individual...they care about what they believe...and they believe that a fetus is a living being...and their religious beliefs have them seeing abortion as murder....and they do not appreciate the fact that our laws allow for murder.
I don't necessarily agree.....I am not overly religious and I respect the fact that years of debate , it was deemed to legalize abortion...But I personally would never support it if asked for I believe all "fetuses" have the right to live.
You do not need to agree with those that support abortion to respect why they do....and you do not need to agree with those that are against abortion to respect why they are.
You simply need to understand WHY they feel as they do.
Thus why I, as a conservative, do not "hate" liberals for what they believe. I disagree with them wholeheartedly....but I understand and respect why they believe as they do.

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