why do conservatives care about other peoples abortions?


I could make the smart ass comment all you are doing is killing off 300,000 potential democrats a year, but I won't.

Why do you care? A right leaning supreme court said it was legal, so why care?

I don't.

Because killing unborn human beings is wrong.

Good to know you don't care about unborn human beings. Probably you don't care about born ones either.

I'm pro choice, but it's not terribly difficult for me to recognize that the pro-lifers are against abortion because they perceive it to be the wanton, cynical, heartless, wholesale slaughter of innocent human life.

Is it really that complicated to understand?


You are correct, Mac. It's mind-boggling that it actually needs to be explained, isn't it?
Not just abortion though.

To me, most important is that we keep government and religion out of our private lives.

Keep gov't out of our private lives? So you're against the (un)aca?

Um, in our private lives is exactly where religion belongs. Cripes. :rolleyes:

It's a little now to be wailing about this need to keep government out of our private lives. Like you mentioned, OscamCare and they can thank Obama and the Democrat party for it. Sure seems they want it both ways. beats me

I could make the smart ass comment all you are doing is killing off 300,000 potential democrats a year, but I won't.

Why do you care? A right leaning supreme court said it was legal, so why care?

I don't.

It's not just conservatives. It is after all ending a life. Everyone should be uncomfortable with that. With all the forms of birth control why does it so often come to an abortion?
Abortions would not be necessary if, the large majority of the time, the two parties involved took the necessary steps to prevent an unintended pregnancy.
Generally, by the age of 11, most preteens know the birds and the bees and the consequences of the action. And they learn more as they and their friends explore their sexual identity.

I believe abortion is morally wrong but would concede to a woman seeking an abortion in the first trimester.
If a woman hasn't made up her mind in the first 12 weeks, then she probably struggled with the moral dilemma of the action.

I'm curious as to why liberals don't find it morally wrong.

I also find it difficult to comprehend how my very liberal and staunchly Catholic cousins (I'm agnostic) can support a woman's right to abortion when it is categorically against Catholic doctrine.

I'm pro choice, but it's not terribly difficult for me to recognize that the pro-lifers are against abortion because they perceive it to be the wanton, cynical, heartless, wholesale slaughter of innocent human life.

Is it really that complicated to understand?


You are correct, Mac. It's mind-boggling that it actually needs to be explained, isn't it?

The thing is, it really doesn't. The topic has become hyper-politicized, so that means (for some reason) that the obvious just HAS to be denied.

Crazy me, I don't think that's how problems are fixed, how resolutions are found, how common ground is achieved.

Or is that even the goal at this point?

I'm pro choice, but it's not terribly difficult for me to recognize that the pro-lifers are against abortion because they perceive it to be the wanton, cynical, heartless, wholesale slaughter of innocent human life.

Is it really that complicated to understand?

I would be more impressed with these pro-lifers commitment to pro-life if they didn't support wars and executions, and weren't trying to snatch food out of the mouths of hungry poor children.
Actually abortion gives women the power to decide when they will give birth and what size family they are willing to have.
This is by far the most ridiculous comment with regards to family planning I have ever seen.

You obviously don't understand abortion
I DO understand abortion.
It is a medical procedure performed on a woman that prevents her from bringing a fetus to term.
How do YOU understand abortion?

I am impressed

Now, what does that have to do with what I posted?
why do conservatives care about other peoples abortions?

Why do liberals care about other people's gun safes?
WHY do libs care about other people gun ownership?

Becuase they kill 32,000 people every year and injure another 78,000 and are used to commit 300,000 crimes and our police have to arm themselves like they are in a war zone.

And there are some 360K aborted humans every year. You have no point, Job. Just m,ore hypocrite right on your face again. :itsok:
And there are some 360K aborted humans every year. You have no point, Job. Just m,ore hypocrite right on your face again

no, there are 800,000 aborted fetuses that really, no one cares about, except maybe the woman it is in and can't wait to get rid of it.

Fetuses aren't people.

Sure they aren't. You keep telling yourself that, Job. It makes the hypocrisy bearable I imagine.
Tell me what the message is and I'll tell you if I support it.

Basically, the KKK's message is: black people are inferior.


The democrats obviously still feel that way. But I don't support that notion.

So you think black people are equal to white people?


Depending on the definition of equal, I don't think all people are equal. I think as Americans we all have equal opportunities to succeed or fail as well as equal rights.

You really believe that we all have equal opportunities and equal rights? No way Jose I say. But you at least said depending on the definition of equal.

Sure do.

Give some examples of where I have certain rights and/or opportunities that you don't.

I said depending on definition because we are not all equal, physically or mentally.

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