why do conservatives care about other peoples abortions?

We have probably aborted many awesome people who could have made a difference in this world. They are lives....THAT is why I care. It is a travesty. It is shameful. But hey, who cares about shameful these days. Anything goes:death:
I agree pixie but you could have aborted killers , some one that could of ended your life
We have probably aborted many awesome people who could have made a difference in this world. They are lives....THAT is why I care. It is a travesty. It is shameful. But hey, who cares about shameful these days. Anything goes:death:

another liberal lie is that planned parenthood is about parenting, it is about abortion nothing else. And its founder started it to reduce the black reproduction rate.

liberals are just fricken stupid, they support those who want to kill them.
You can't answer it because the fact is that no part of a woman's body is removed. That is the fact of abortion, and you gloss over it and treat it like a joke. You're an asshole. The body of another, separate individual, a human being in the very early stages of development, is what is destroyed when it is aborted. That is the fact of abortion. At the end of the day what all you pro-choicers are for is the destruction of a human being, under the guise of 'woman's reproductive rights'. Period.

Hey, frankly, abortion is a great thing. I certainly don't want to share my streets with people whose mothers didn't want them. The awesome thing about Roe v. Wade is that when the fetuses borted in 1973 failed to hit their 20's in the 1990's, the crime rate dropped. That was just awesome.

And, yes, i treat abortion as a joke because I see how much you conservatives care about the fetuses once they turn into children who are the wrong color. We have children who got to bed hungry at night in the richest country in the world.
JoeB131 said: you still believe that new borns can live on their own? Come on S0n, let's have that answer! One can't be too stupid every day. What say you?

I'm sorry, are you so desperate for attention you have to discuss straw men.

Point isn't that a newborn needs care. It's that the government can't put a gun to your head and make you take care of THAT newborn.

What you nuts want to do is have the government put a gun to the head of a woman and make her give birth to THAT child, even if that child is severely deformed, threatens her health or was put there by a rapist.
Half of pregnancies among American women are unintended, and about four in 10 of these end in abortion. 58% of women making abortions are in their 18s. That's unacceptable.

Yes, it is. We should have better sex education and better access to contraception.
You can't answer it because the fact is that no part of a woman's body is removed. That is the fact of abortion, and you gloss over it and treat it like a joke. You're an asshole. The body of another, separate individual, a human being in the very early stages of development, is what is destroyed when it is aborted. That is the fact of abortion. At the end of the day what all you pro-choicers are for is the destruction of a human being, under the guise of 'woman's reproductive rights'. Period.

Hey, frankly, abortion is a great thing. I certainly don't want to share my streets with people whose mothers didn't want them. The awesome thing about Roe v. Wade is that when the fetuses borted in 1973 failed to hit their 20's in the 1990's, the crime rate dropped. That was just awesome.

And, yes, i treat abortion as a joke because I see how much you conservatives care about the fetuses once they turn into children who are the wrong color. We have children who got to bed hungry at night in the richest country in the world.

then why not kill the ones that were not aborted? Kill them at one week of age, don't make the mother care for them, or make society care for them------------if the mom doesn't want them, just kill them, right?
JoeB131 said: you still believe that new borns can live on their own? Come on S0n, let's have that answer! One can't be too stupid every day. What say you?

I'm sorry, are you so desperate for attention you have to discuss straw men.

Point isn't that a newborn needs care. It's that the government can't put a gun to your head and make you take care of THAT newborn.

What you nuts want to do is have the government put a gun to the head of a woman and make her give birth to THAT child, even if that child is severely deformed, threatens her health or was put there by a rapist.
S0n, that isn't what you said. And me requesting you answer a question from a stupid statement you made is not a strawman. Learn what a strawman is. See your response qualifies as a top notch one. Now, getting back to the question, do you have the belief that a newborn is self sufficient? It is, the quailifier you posted as aborting a fetus, because it isn't. So that would imply that a newborn can? So, answer the question, or stand down as losing that argument.

Let them grow up and THEN shoot them, huh?

That's our StoopidStuff for you.
huh?????????????? more [email protected]

Actually, some aren't allowed to grow up - there is a country where a mad man shot and killed a classroom of 5 and 6 year old children. Hard to believe, nothing has been done to prevent another such horrific even though a terrorist organization has decided arming teachers and administrators and taking away the rights of those with mental health issues is the answer.

If you think any law will prevent another misuse of firearms, you're an idiot. I had a gun stolen from my car last year. It was in the glove box under state law, making me think it wasn't the target but a bonus for the thief, the doors were locked, and laws say the person that broke the window getting in can't do that yet it still happened.

I don't believe laws prevent crimes, a law makes an act criminal and provides a punishment. Thus I support requiring any person who wishes to own, possess, or have in his or her custody or control a license. And any person who sells a gun to an unlicensed person to be punished by a loss of said license and the surrender of any weapons they own or possess to a licensed gun dealer sans compensation.
so what do you believe does prevent crimes. BTW, the laws aren't made to prevent, they are meant to deter and make people aware that there are consequences. Not to prevent. No where will you find that in any explanation. Deterrence has always been the rationale. It's amazing how many humans don't care about the consequences until after the fact. Oh wait, i didn't mean to that, can I have a mulligan, do-over, oops. Abortion has consequences. Seems the left don't like the consequences and want the opposing view to just shut up and go away. Interesting on how the majorityof the left can't debat any subject matter without getting into a hateful spite.

If someone is deterred from doing a crime because of the punishment the law places on that crime, it prevented the crime.
I'm sorry, are you so desperate for attention you have to discuss straw men.

Point isn't that a newborn needs care. It's that the government can't put a gun to your head and make you take care of THAT newborn.

What you nuts want to do is have the government put a gun to the head of a woman and make her give birth to THAT child, even if that child is severely deformed, threatens her health or was put there by a rapist.

You are right the government can't make you take care of that newborn, there are countless babies that go uncared for on a daily basis. Until the child needs medical attention / dies or the parent gets some morality then you are absolutely correct, but there are agencies / laws which deal with neglect of children. There have been several high profile cases which deals with the states intervention in family matters for the welfare of the minor child.

What the opposition is stating is more along the lines of taking life is wrong no matter how you justify it. If killing of innocents is morally wrong in your book then, there is no justification for that killing. You simply strive to justify your actions by looking for an excuse, if the baby is deformed then the parents morally have an obligation to love, nurture and care for that child to the best of their abilities, too much trouble, give them to some one who values life and will make sure the human is given an even chance in life to survive. We fight all our lives to survive if given the chance, why should some ass hole come along and shit any one out of that chance for life, even if not the quality or level YOU feel it should be??
huh?????????????? more [email protected]

Actually, some aren't allowed to grow up - there is a country where a mad man shot and killed a classroom of 5 and 6 year old children. Hard to believe, nothing has been done to prevent another such horrific even though a terrorist organization has decided arming teachers and administrators and taking away the rights of those with mental health issues is the answer.

If you think any law will prevent another misuse of firearms, you're an idiot. I had a gun stolen from my car last year. It was in the glove box under state law, making me think it wasn't the target but a bonus for the thief, the doors were locked, and laws say the person that broke the window getting in can't do that yet it still happened.

I don't believe laws prevent crimes, a law makes an act criminal and provides a punishment. Thus I support requiring any person who wishes to own, possess, or have in his or her custody or control a license. And any person who sells a gun to an unlicensed person to be punished by a loss of said license and the surrender of any weapons they own or possess to a licensed gun dealer sans compensation.
so what do you believe does prevent crimes. BTW, the laws aren't made to prevent, they are meant to deter and make people aware that there are consequences. Not to prevent. No where will you find that in any explanation. Deterrence has always been the rationale. It's amazing how many humans don't care about the consequences until after the fact. Oh wait, i didn't mean to that, can I have a mulligan, do-over, oops. Abortion has consequences. Seems the left don't like the consequences and want the opposing view to just shut up and go away. Interesting on how the majorityof the left can't debat any subject matter without getting into a hateful spite.

If someone is deterred from doing a crime because of the punishment the law places on that crime, it prevented the crime.
yes and no. If it actaully prevented a crime, there would be no crime. If someone actually thought, hmmmmm, if i do this the reprucussions are 'x', I'm not doing it, then yes it prevented a crime. The problem is that the deterrence doesn't work all the time, and therefore, the crime is not prevented at times. That's all.
Yes, it is. We should have better sex education and better access to contraception.

We have universal access to cheap contraception and every teenager capable of getting pregnant knows about sex. That is not a problem.

What we need is personal responsibility and the morality to understand that it is wrong to kill our children for the sake of convenience. That is what is missing.
Actually, some aren't allowed to grow up - there is a country where a mad man shot and killed a classroom of 5 and 6 year old children. Hard to believe, nothing has been done to prevent another such horrific even though a terrorist organization has decided arming teachers and administrators and taking away the rights of those with mental health issues is the answer.

If you think any law will prevent another misuse of firearms, you're an idiot. I had a gun stolen from my car last year. It was in the glove box under state law, making me think it wasn't the target but a bonus for the thief, the doors were locked, and laws say the person that broke the window getting in can't do that yet it still happened.

I don't believe laws prevent crimes, a law makes an act criminal and provides a punishment. Thus I support requiring any person who wishes to own, possess, or have in his or her custody or control a license. And any person who sells a gun to an unlicensed person to be punished by a loss of said license and the surrender of any weapons they own or possess to a licensed gun dealer sans compensation.
so what do you believe does prevent crimes. BTW, the laws aren't made to prevent, they are meant to deter and make people aware that there are consequences. Not to prevent. No where will you find that in any explanation. Deterrence has always been the rationale. It's amazing how many humans don't care about the consequences until after the fact. Oh wait, i didn't mean to that, can I have a mulligan, do-over, oops. Abortion has consequences. Seems the left don't like the consequences and want the opposing view to just shut up and go away. Interesting on how the majorityof the left can't debat any subject matter without getting into a hateful spite.

If someone is deterred from doing a crime because of the punishment the law places on that crime, it prevented the crime.
yes and no. If it actaully prevented a crime, there would be no crime. If someone actually thought, hmmmmm, if i do this the reprucussions are 'x', I'm not doing it, then yes it prevented a crime. The problem is that the deterrence doesn't work all the time, and therefore, the crime is not prevented at times. That's all.

Not doing something because you think "hmmm, if I do this the reprucussions are this" is the definition of deter. I know not everyone is deterrred. That's why I said IF they are, it prevented a crime. Deterrence depends upon the individual not the law itself.
Half of pregnancies among American women are unintended, and about four in 10 of these end in abortion. 58% of women making abortions are in their 18s. That's unacceptable.

Yes, it is. We should have better sex education and better access to contraception.

" . . and better access to contraception"

Don't you mean the taxpayers, once again, should be forced to provide it to someone else? That's unacceptable.

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