why do conservatives care about other peoples abortions?

What is it jc are you going to debate
or just cry? I have no time for tantrums
give us something to debate! When stupid is used as a debate tool, I call it out. You wish to debate present facts, fact is the proof backs myside and not yours. One day, the courts will reverse this. You hate that idea, I get it, but dude, you have nothing to argue with.
You just crying kiddo because you can't make women into human incubators, you can't force them and a right wing leaning supreme court over 40 years ago said so
You just crying kiddo because you can't make women into human incubators, you can't force them and a right wing leaning supreme court over 40 years ago said so
still doesn't explain your presence here, LMAO dude. You fear that reversal close. You must shut people up who believe it's murder. It is by the way. Just because the SC says something different, doesn't change what it is. BTW, as I stated, you are more concerned with the life of a tree than the life of an unborn. That sir is just sad and sickening.
I don't fear shit if wade and roe gets over turned that's a day I switch to democrat and pick up my guns

But it will never happen

So I am good
JoeB131 said: you still believe that new borns can live on their own? Come on S0n, let's have that answer! One can't be too stupid every day. What say you?
I don't fear it, you just don't know history, when have you seen a entitlement go away? God damn you live in a dreams world
I don't fear shit if wade and roe gets over turned that's a day I switch to democrat and pick up my guns

But it will never happen

So I am good
good, then nothing any of us say should bother you at all. Right?
So jc why do you even care pk?

I know you are a preacher kid, it's obvious
It is a 40 plus year old law, it will never be overturn , Supremes never would revist that one grow a brain
Why do you infer that most abortions are performed on 'scared young girls'?
Yea I said that post wrong thats why I deleted it, when it came tI my comment thats what I remember 30 years ago, from my friends (I had a lot of girls as friends back then who got themselves in hot water)

A pregnancy is not "hot water" and they didn't get there alone.

My point is, we still have the archaic idea that men are not responsible for pregnancy. They are as much, if not more, to blame for every single abortion.

And then there's the problem of dead beat dad's.

Here's a novel idea. If you are a woman do not get impregnated by a man that A) does not have a job, B) isn't in between prison terms and/or C) cannot provide a safe and secure future for the child.

Good points and most women don't

But what do you propose happen to women who do?

How about men never lie to get into a woman's pants?

How about neither be punished for life for making a mistake?

How about we not punish children for the stupidity of their parents?

Men are the cause of all abortion.

They already punish the children with the parents stupidity, it's call abortion. That is the ultimate punishment.
I don't fear shit if wade and roe gets over turned that's a day I switch to democrat and pick up my guns

But it will never happen

So I am good

Democrats don't want you to have a gun. You'll need to turn it in for a ribbon.

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