why do conservatives care about other peoples abortions?

Well put your money where your mouth is, get a lawyer and you better get a good one jc.I my guess is around 4 million bucks to challenge roe vs. wade and I will laugh at you the Supremes wouldn't even hear your cry baby argument

It is what it is
Get the fuck out of a strange womans reproductive system control freak perv

Jesus Christ
now that's an oxymoron
Let me guess you are 14 and a pk?
I'm whatever you fear.

I don't fear shit if wade and roe gets over turned that's a day I switch to democrat and pick up my guns

But it will never happen

So I am good

Democrats don't want you to have a gun. You'll need to turn it in for a ribbon.
Over my dead body
I don't know what the problem is I understand a womans right to choose out weighs the babys right to life.

It is sad but.it is what it is
If you accept the "legality" that children can be killed for the sake of convenience then that makes you pretty damn guilty.

I think it is morally reprehensible that the state allows the murder of children for the sake of convenience and I don't accept that the filthy government has a right to allow it. The government gets away with it like they get away with a lot of other morally reprehensible things and I am powerless to stop it but I don't accept it.

1) I don't consider fetuses to be "children", and neither do most sensible people, at least not in the first trimester, when 96% of abortions are preformed.

2) The state merely acknowledged reality in 1973. The dirty little secret is that before Roe v. Wade, women had abortions and their doctors wrote something else down on the charts.

3) As much as you find something morally reprehensible, doesn't mean other people do. If people agreed with you that it was, you would have more of an argument.

1. most people do consider unborn humans as humans
2. abortion is murder, it was murder before roe v wade and its murder today
3. a society decides what it considers right and wrong, and it does it by majority vote. So lets put it to a vote, ok?

You are just all about following the leader aren't you? Letting society decide for you what "right" and "wrong" is, and acquiescently embracing the herd's collective subjective opinion by assuming that it equates to some objective truth.

in a word, yes. a society that does not operate on democratic principles is either a dictatorship or anarchy. All free democratic societies decide what is to be considered right and wrong based on majority opinion. Our constitution was ratified by majority vote of the states, all of our laws are put in place by majority vote, our representatives are selected by majority vote.

it amazes me that you liberals favor minority control over your lives.

The United States is a Constitutional Republic, not a democracy, whose citizens are subject solely to the rule of law, not men, as men are incapable of ruling justly.

Because we are a Constitutional Republic and not a democracy, citizens' civil rights are not subject to 'majority rule,' the majority is not authorized to determine who will or will not have his civil rights, where we are citizens of the United States first and foremost, and residents of our respective states subordinate to that – as one does not forfeit his civil rights merely as a consequence of his state of residence.

Consequently, the majority of a given state may not compel a woman to have a child against her will, for the state to seek to do so violates the woman's right to privacy and her protected liberty to make personal, private decisions absent unwarranted interference from the state.

What's sad and telling is that so many conservatives are ignorant of the fact that the United States is a Constitutional Republic and not a democracy, and that they wish to expand the size and authority of the state at the expense of individual liberty.

the citizens or their representatives made the laws. Those citizens and representatives are men and they made those laws by majority vote. A majority vote created civil rights laws.

to claim otherwise is just plain stupid. Any law, or any constitutional provision, can be changed by majority vote, or 38 states in the case of a constitutional amendment.

If you want to make gay marriage constitutional, which it is not today, then amend the constitution and get 38 states to ratify it.
I don't know what the problem is I understand a womans right to choose out weighs the babys right to life.

It is sad but.it is what it is

how about after its born? the same arguments can be made for killing a child after birth. "don't want him" "cant take care of him" "made a mistake" "the father ran off"

if you support abortion then you also support infanticide.
History is on my side , if you can not figure out forcing a woman to carry a baby to term is slavery, you are as fucking stupid as democrats who think taxes is charity

Slaves did not willingly become slaves.

Unless the pregnancy was forced upon the woman, your argument fails
It is a 40 plus year old law, it will never be overturn , Supremes never would revist that one grow a brain
then why are you here? you are here because you want us all to go away. Nope!!!!!
Get the fuck out of a strange womans reproductive system control freak perv

Jesus Christ
now that's an oxymoron
Let me guess you are 14 and a pk?
I'm whatever you fear.

I don't fear shit if wade and roe gets over turned that's a day I switch to democrat and pick up my guns

But it will never happen

So I am good

Democrats don't want you to have a gun. You'll need to turn it in for a ribbon.
Over my dead body
And there is the fear!!!!
1) I don't consider fetuses to be "children", and neither do most sensible people, at least not in the first trimester, when 96% of abortions are preformed.

2) The state merely acknowledged reality in 1973. The dirty little secret is that before Roe v. Wade, women had abortions and their doctors wrote something else down on the charts.

3) As much as you find something morally reprehensible, doesn't mean other people do. If people agreed with you that it was, you would have more of an argument.

1. most people do consider unborn humans as humans
2. abortion is murder, it was murder before roe v wade and its murder today
3. a society decides what it considers right and wrong, and it does it by majority vote. So lets put it to a vote, ok?

You are just all about following the leader aren't you? Letting society decide for you what "right" and "wrong" is, and acquiescently embracing the herd's collective subjective opinion by assuming that it equates to some objective truth.

in a word, yes. a society that does not operate on democratic principles is either a dictatorship or anarchy. All free democratic societies decide what is to be considered right and wrong based on majority opinion. Our constitution was ratified by majority vote of the states, all of our laws are put in place by majority vote, our representatives are selected by majority vote.

it amazes me that you liberals favor minority control over your lives.

The United States is a Constitutional Republic, not a democracy, whose citizens are subject solely to the rule of law, not men, as men are incapable of ruling justly.

Because we are a Constitutional Republic and not a democracy, citizens' civil rights are not subject to 'majority rule,' the majority is not authorized to determine who will or will not have his civil rights, where we are citizens of the United States first and foremost, and residents of our respective states subordinate to that – as one does not forfeit his civil rights merely as a consequence of his state of residence.

Consequently, the majority of a given state may not compel a woman to have a child against her will, for the state to seek to do so violates the woman's right to privacy and her protected liberty to make personal, private decisions absent unwarranted interference from the state.

What's sad and telling is that so many conservatives are ignorant of the fact that the United States is a Constitutional Republic and not a democracy, and that they wish to expand the size and authority of the state at the expense of individual liberty.

the citizens or their representatives made the laws. Those citizens and representatives are men and they made those laws by majority vote. A majority vote created civil rights laws.

to claim otherwise is just plain stupid. Any law, or any constitutional provision, can be changed by majority vote, or 38 states in the case of a constitutional amendment.

If you want to make gay marriage constitutional, which it is not today, then amend the constitution and get 38 states to ratify it.
Isn't it why the majority is important in Congress? Just sayin that was some kind of stuipid, eh?
Half of pregnancies among American women are unintended, and about four in 10 of these end in abortion. 58% of women making abortions are in their 18s. That's unacceptable.
Well put your money where your mouth is, get a lawyer and you better get a good one jc.I my guess is around 4 million bucks to challenge roe vs. wade and I will laugh at you the Supremes wouldn't even hear your cry baby argument

It is what it is
see, the nice thing is, there are already groups out there willing to spend the money. I back them, I don't personally have to have millions. I have to donate. ah, a word liberals hate. another right they'd like to grab away from conservatives, the right to donate. In climate arguments it is already out there as it is in this one. Koch brothers and anyone associated with Fox Broadcasting. the fear in these lipterds is hilarious. Big bad boogie conservative going to take something away. Watch out!!!!!!
Wtf? You still crying about this thread dude? Move on, Most of us adults did 40 years ago

Again you are smoking crack if you think your going to control a female human being when she is prego

Dumb ass
She will light up on your ass jc she will kick your ass, that's a fact
I know prego woman it's obvious you don't , they would tear a stupid kid like yours head off lmao and I am serious
They are Tuff and mean as hell jc
I know it been in The delvery room a bit
But jc the best cry ever is from your sons or daughter greatest sound in the world

It is what it is

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