Why do conservatives complain about being called out as racists so much?

There's one party that defends racial profiling. There's one party that's driven crazy by the fact that the current POTUS is a black man. There's one party that defends spying on Arab-Americans and insists that their religion and ethnicity makes them a threat to national security. There's one party that tries to prevent non-white people from voting. there's one party that tries to bar Hispanics from obtaining US citizenship. There's one party that actively tries to prevent immigration or a future for immigrants beyond industrial or agricultural wage slavery. There's one party that tried to shut down all air traffic to and from Africa because dirty black people carry diseases. There's one party that routinely tries to shut down government programs for the explicit reason that a large number of minority families rely on them. That party is the party of David Duke. The shoe fits. Why can't they just wear it?
Being called racist by a Libtard is tantamount to being called gay by Howey...makes no sense.
There's one party that defends racial profiling. There's one party that's driven crazy by the fact that the current POTUS is a black man. There's one party that defends spying on Arab-Americans and insists that their religion and ethnicity makes them a threat to national security. There's one party that tries to prevent non-white people from voting. there's one party that tries to bar Hispanics from obtaining US citizenship. There's one party that actively tries to prevent immigration or a future for immigrants beyond industrial or agricultural wage slavery. There's one party that tried to shut down all air traffic to and from Africa because dirty black people carry diseases. There's one party that routinely tries to shut down government programs for the explicit reason that a large number of minority families rely on them. That party is the party of David Duke. The shoe fits. Why can't they just wear it?

Look around, democrats controlled 2/3 of the federal government for several years and the entire government for two years. If democrats didn't want to profile Arabs the government wouldn't profile Arabs. Historically the democrat party is the party of racism. Never mind spying, FDR incarcerated American citizens with an executive order on the basis of their ethnicity.
Seriously? You really think this is a good point? They were put in camps because they were Japanese and Japan was the enemy in WWII. It was wrong, of course, because they were American citizens, but it had nothing to do with pure racism, it wasn't because they were racially Asians. Lord. What a stupid attempt on your part to portray FDR and the democrats as racists.

Since 911 when the radical muslims attacked the US we have been at war with them. Using your pathetic reasoning, don't you think it would be OK to round up all of the Muslims in the US and put them in prison? The are obviously just as much our enemies as the Japanese-Americans were in 1941.
Your point is based on an incorrect premise: we are not at war with Muslims. We are, as is the rest of the world, including Muslim countries, fighting against extremist, radical terrorists who say they do what they do in the name of Islam. They are not representatives of true Islam, and we are not at war with Muslims.
What a bunch of nonsense. True Islam? Who's to say what is or isn't the "true" Islam. It's all a matter of personal perspective. One FACT does remain, most of today's terrorists that we fight are Muslim & practice Islam.
What you perceive from your tiny isolated bubble is irrelevant
Go through this board and pick out any thread on a Black man or women Republican and you'll see who the REAL RACIST are and what party they come from.

they need to project it onto others to wipe the stain off themselves. it's an ugly trait

So sad to see such an important word trivialized and diluted by the PC Police like this.


Yes, there are actual racists and victims of racism out there. By turning into a generic political attack against any political foe, Democrats protect them by making everyone's eyes glaze over and not take any accusation seriously.

They can't be trying to improve things.

I don't know what this is.


So sad to see such an important word trivialized and diluted by the PC Police like this.


Yes, there are actual racists and victims of racism out there. By turning into a generic political attack against any political foe, Democrats protect them by making everyone's eyes glaze over and not take any accusation seriously.

They can't be trying to improve things.

I don't know what this is.


I'd like Kaz to point to one case of racism that exists against a black person that is not a political player. If Kaz does this this would the first and only time he admitted there is an actual case of racism
There's one party that defends racial profiling. There's one party that's driven crazy by the fact that the current POTUS is a black man. There's one party that defends spying on Arab-Americans and insists that their religion and ethnicity makes them a threat to national security. There's one party that tries to prevent non-white people from voting. there's one party that tries to bar Hispanics from obtaining US citizenship. There's one party that actively tries to prevent immigration or a future for immigrants beyond industrial or agricultural wage slavery. There's one party that tried to shut down all air traffic to and from Africa because dirty black people carry diseases. There's one party that routinely tries to shut down government programs for the explicit reason that a large number of minority families rely on them. That party is the party of David Duke. The shoe fits. Why can't they just wear it?

You say "conservatives" in your subject but I don't know that conservatives are the problem. Its the radical, anti-American RWs who the racists. OTOH, there aren't many true Conservatives left. Or maybe the nutters just drown them out.

But yes, the GOP has become the de facto face of racism.
Brother Luddly, today's self proclaimed "conservatives" ARE the radical, anti-American RWs who are the racists.

The OP is spot on, it only applies to those that are CURRENTLY calling themselves "conservative."

If they want to reclaim a good name for the title "conservative" then they have to do their utmost to publicly denounce such behavior. The fact of the matter is, they haven't. They sit silent, meaning they agree. So the shoe fits and it fits them perfectly.

oh brother, brother. what a load of spew

Nothing like two racist stroking each other in their lame attempt to more chaos and hate.
There's one party that defends racial profiling. There's one party that's driven crazy by the fact that the current POTUS is a black man. There's one party that defends spying on Arab-Americans and insists that their religion and ethnicity makes them a threat to national security. There's one party that tries to prevent non-white people from voting. there's one party that tries to bar Hispanics from obtaining US citizenship. There's one party that actively tries to prevent immigration or a future for immigrants beyond industrial or agricultural wage slavery. There's one party that tried to shut down all air traffic to and from Africa because dirty black people carry diseases. There's one party that routinely tries to shut down government programs for the explicit reason that a large number of minority families rely on them. That party is the party of David Duke. The shoe fits. Why can't they just wear it?

You say "conservatives" in your subject but I don't know that conservatives are the problem. Its the radical, anti-American RWs who the racists. OTOH, there aren't many true Conservatives left. Or maybe the nutters just drown them out.

But yes, the GOP has become the de facto face of racism.
Brother Luddly, today's self proclaimed "conservatives" ARE the radical, anti-American RWs who are the racists.

The OP is spot on, it only applies to those that are CURRENTLY calling themselves "conservative."

If they want to reclaim a good name for the title "conservative" then they have to do their utmost to publicly denounce such behavior. The fact of the matter is, they haven't. They sit silent, meaning they agree. So the shoe fits and it fits them perfectly.

oh brother, brother. what a load of spew

Nothing like two racist stroking each other in their lame attempt to more chaos and hate.

oh yeah, it's downright hateful and ugly you can feel it thought our computers. but they don't care
You make something up out of whole cloth and then you construct an entire scenario based on that idea that you totally made up and can't understand why we don't agree.


You're right...I made this up too.

GOP leadership stands by Scalise after white supremacist speech - CNN.com

Or will you go with the obligatory "cant trust the liberal media" dodge?

No, CNN made that one up, same difference, retard.

And people wonder why republicans are seen as racist...lol

No one wonders why liberals see Republicans as racist, it's because you're stupid.

They sure dont wonder because its obvious why lol

Why is that?
'cause why?
Because I said it was!
And who are you?
Because I said it was!
Why is it obvious?
Because I said it was.
etc., etc., etc., ad nauseum.

So sad to see such an important word trivialized and diluted by the PC Police like this.


Yes, there are actual racists and victims of racism out there. By turning into a generic political attack against any political foe, Democrats protect them by making everyone's eyes glaze over and not take any accusation seriously.

They can't be trying to improve things.

I don't know what this is.


Personal attacks are all they have with the endless failures of their policies.

So sad to see such an important word trivialized and diluted by the PC Police like this.


Yes, there are actual racists and victims of racism out there. By turning into a generic political attack against any political foe, Democrats protect them by making everyone's eyes glaze over and not take any accusation seriously.

They can't be trying to improve things.

I don't know what this is.


I'd like Kaz to point to one case of racism that exists against a black person that is not a political player. If Kaz does this this would the first and only time he admitted there is an actual case of racism

There's one party that defends racial profiling. There's one party that's driven crazy by the fact that the current POTUS is a black man. There's one party that defends spying on Arab-Americans and insists that their religion and ethnicity makes them a threat to national security. There's one party that tries to prevent non-white people from voting. there's one party that tries to bar Hispanics from obtaining US citizenship. There's one party that actively tries to prevent immigration or a future for immigrants beyond industrial or agricultural wage slavery. There's one party that tried to shut down all air traffic to and from Africa because dirty black people carry diseases. There's one party that routinely tries to shut down government programs for the explicit reason that a large number of minority families rely on them. That party is the party of David Duke. The shoe fits. Why can't they just wear it?

Look around, democrats controlled 2/3 of the federal government for several years and the entire government for two years. If democrats didn't want to profile Arabs the government wouldn't profile Arabs. Historically the democrat party is the party of racism. Never mind spying, FDR incarcerated American citizens with an executive order on the basis of their ethnicity.
Seriously? You really think this is a good point? They were put in camps because they were Japanese and Japan was the enemy in WWII. It was wrong, of course, because they were American citizens, but it had nothing to do with pure racism, it wasn't because they were racially Asians. Lord. What a stupid attempt on your part to portray FDR and the democrats as racists.

Since 911 when the radical muslims attacked the US we have been at war with them. Using your pathetic reasoning, don't you think it would be OK to round up all of the Muslims in the US and put them in prison? The are obviously just as much our enemies as the Japanese-Americans were in 1941.
Your point is based on an incorrect premise: we are not at war with Muslims. We are, as is the rest of the world, including Muslim countries, fighting against extremist, radical terrorists who say they do what they do in the name of Islam. They are not representatives of true Islam, and we are not at war with Muslims.
What a bunch of nonsense. True Islam? Who's to say what is or isn't the "true" Islam. It's all a matter of personal perspective. One FACT does remain, most of today's terrorists that we fight are Muslim & practice Islam.
What you perceive from your tiny isolated bubble is irrelevant
My 'tiny isolated bubble' is having spent 7 1/2 years working and living in Muslim countries with 99% of my co-workers and clients being Muslim, as well as my neighbors, acquaintances and friends. I know that the average Muslim and terrorists who say they are Muslims are two completely different things. Bottom line is, we are not at war with Islam or Muslims. The problem is terrorists. And, btw, you are an ignorant buffoon.
There's one party that defends racial profiling. There's one party that's driven crazy by the fact that the current POTUS is a black man. There's one party that defends spying on Arab-Americans and insists that their religion and ethnicity makes them a threat to national security. There's one party that tries to prevent non-white people from voting. there's one party that tries to bar Hispanics from obtaining US citizenship. There's one party that actively tries to prevent immigration or a future for immigrants beyond industrial or agricultural wage slavery. There's one party that tried to shut down all air traffic to and from Africa because dirty black people carry diseases. There's one party that routinely tries to shut down government programs for the explicit reason that a large number of minority families rely on them. That party is the party of David Duke. The shoe fits. Why can't they just wear it?

Look around, democrats controlled 2/3 of the federal government for several years and the entire government for two years. If democrats didn't want to profile Arabs the government wouldn't profile Arabs. Historically the democrat party is the party of racism. Never mind spying, FDR incarcerated American citizens with an executive order on the basis of their ethnicity.
Seriously? You really think this is a good point? They were put in camps because they were Japanese and Japan was the enemy in WWII. It was wrong, of course, because they were American citizens, but it had nothing to do with pure racism, it wasn't because they were racially Asians. Lord. What a stupid attempt on your part to portray FDR and the democrats as racists.

Since 911 when the radical muslims attacked the US we have been at war with them. Using your pathetic reasoning, don't you think it would be OK to round up all of the Muslims in the US and put them in prison? The are obviously just as much our enemies as the Japanese-Americans were in 1941.
Your point is based on an incorrect premise: we are not at war with Muslims. We are, as is the rest of the world, including Muslim countries, fighting against extremist, radical terrorists who say they do what they do in the name of Islam. They are not representatives of true Islam, and we are not at war with Muslims.

What's your point? We were at war with Japanese from Japan. Was there a litmus test that the racist Democrat FDR gave the Japanese-Americans before imprisoning them? I notice you mentioned that 'extremist, radical terrorists' are not representative of true Islam. How do you know the Muslims in the US aren't extremist radical terrorists?

Actually, all you are doing is defending a sorry POS named FDR because, and only because he was a Democrat.
Look around, democrats controlled 2/3 of the federal government for several years and the entire government for two years. If democrats didn't want to profile Arabs the government wouldn't profile Arabs. Historically the democrat party is the party of racism. Never mind spying, FDR incarcerated American citizens with an executive order on the basis of their ethnicity.
Seriously? You really think this is a good point? They were put in camps because they were Japanese and Japan was the enemy in WWII. It was wrong, of course, because they were American citizens, but it had nothing to do with pure racism, it wasn't because they were racially Asians. Lord. What a stupid attempt on your part to portray FDR and the democrats as racists.

Since 911 when the radical muslims attacked the US we have been at war with them. Using your pathetic reasoning, don't you think it would be OK to round up all of the Muslims in the US and put them in prison? The are obviously just as much our enemies as the Japanese-Americans were in 1941.
Your point is based on an incorrect premise: we are not at war with Muslims. We are, as is the rest of the world, including Muslim countries, fighting against extremist, radical terrorists who say they do what they do in the name of Islam. They are not representatives of true Islam, and we are not at war with Muslims.
What a bunch of nonsense. True Islam? Who's to say what is or isn't the "true" Islam. It's all a matter of personal perspective. One FACT does remain, most of today's terrorists that we fight are Muslim & practice Islam.
What you perceive from your tiny isolated bubble is irrelevant
My 'tiny isolated bubble' is having spent 7 1/2 years working and living in Muslim countries with 99% of my co-workers and clients being Muslim, as well as my neighbors, acquaintances and friends. I know that the average Muslim and terrorists who say they are Muslims are two completely different things. Bottom line is, we are not at war with Islam or Muslims. The problem is terrorists. And, btw, you are an ignorant buffoon.

The problem is we are at war with terrorists, all of whom just happen to be Muslim. And every person in prison is innocent.
There's one party that defends racial profiling. There's one party that's driven crazy by the fact that the current POTUS is a black man. There's one party that defends spying on Arab-Americans and insists that their religion and ethnicity makes them a threat to national security. There's one party that tries to prevent non-white people from voting. there's one party that tries to bar Hispanics from obtaining US citizenship. There's one party that actively tries to prevent immigration or a future for immigrants beyond industrial or agricultural wage slavery. There's one party that tried to shut down all air traffic to and from Africa because dirty black people carry diseases. There's one party that routinely tries to shut down government programs for the explicit reason that a large number of minority families rely on them. That party is the party of David Duke. The shoe fits. Why can't they just wear it?

Look around, democrats controlled 2/3 of the federal government for several years and the entire government for two years. If democrats didn't want to profile Arabs the government wouldn't profile Arabs. Historically the democrat party is the party of racism. Never mind spying, FDR incarcerated American citizens with an executive order on the basis of their ethnicity.
Seriously? You really think this is a good point? They were put in camps because they were Japanese and Japan was the enemy in WWII. It was wrong, of course, because they were American citizens, but it had nothing to do with pure racism, it wasn't because they were racially Asians. Lord. What a stupid attempt on your part to portray FDR and the democrats as racists.

Since 911 when the radical muslims attacked the US we have been at war with them. Using your pathetic reasoning, don't you think it would be OK to round up all of the Muslims in the US and put them in prison? The are obviously just as much our enemies as the Japanese-Americans were in 1941.
Your point is based on an incorrect premise: we are not at war with Muslims. We are, as is the rest of the world, including Muslim countries, fighting against extremist, radical terrorists who say they do what they do in the name of Islam. They are not representatives of true Islam, and we are not at war with Muslims.

What's your point? We were at war with Japanese from Japan. Was there a litmus test that the racist Democrat FDR gave the Japanese-Americans before imprisoning them? I notice you mentioned that 'extremist, radical terrorists' are not representative of true Islam. How do you know the Muslims in the US aren't extremist radical terrorists?

Actually, all you are doing is defending a sorry POS named FDR because, and only because he was a Democrat.
Are you really that stupid? We were at war with Japan, a declared,formal state of war. Also, it was a different time and we had different perspectives than we do today. All who look back on that time and the decision to put Japanese Americans in camps realize it was a mistake. If FDR were alive, he would realize it too, from a modern day perspective. 20/20 hindsight is what you are using; you seem to be intellectually incapable of putting history in perspecitve.
You're right...I made this up too.

GOP leadership stands by Scalise after white supremacist speech - CNN.com

Or will you go with the obligatory "cant trust the liberal media" dodge?

No, CNN made that one up, same difference, retard.

And people wonder why republicans are seen as racist...lol

No one wonders why liberals see Republicans as racist, it's because you're stupid.

They sure dont wonder because its obvious why lol

Why is that?
'cause why?
Because I said it was!
And who are you?
Because I said it was!
Why is it obvious?
Because I said it was.
etc., etc., etc., ad nauseum.

Dont forget the link GOP leadership stands by Scalise after white supremacist speech - CNN.com

So sad to see such an important word trivialized and diluted by the PC Police like this.


Yes, there are actual racists and victims of racism out there. By turning into a generic political attack against any political foe, Democrats protect them by making everyone's eyes glaze over and not take any accusation seriously.

They can't be trying to improve things.

I don't know what this is.


I'd like Kaz to point to one case of racism that exists against a black person that is not a political player. If Kaz does this this would the first and only time he admitted there is an actual case of racism


:rofl: Told ya
Look around, democrats controlled 2/3 of the federal government for several years and the entire government for two years. If democrats didn't want to profile Arabs the government wouldn't profile Arabs. Historically the democrat party is the party of racism. Never mind spying, FDR incarcerated American citizens with an executive order on the basis of their ethnicity.
Seriously? You really think this is a good point? They were put in camps because they were Japanese and Japan was the enemy in WWII. It was wrong, of course, because they were American citizens, but it had nothing to do with pure racism, it wasn't because they were racially Asians. Lord. What a stupid attempt on your part to portray FDR and the democrats as racists.

Since 911 when the radical muslims attacked the US we have been at war with them. Using your pathetic reasoning, don't you think it would be OK to round up all of the Muslims in the US and put them in prison? The are obviously just as much our enemies as the Japanese-Americans were in 1941.
Your point is based on an incorrect premise: we are not at war with Muslims. We are, as is the rest of the world, including Muslim countries, fighting against extremist, radical terrorists who say they do what they do in the name of Islam. They are not representatives of true Islam, and we are not at war with Muslims.
What a bunch of nonsense. True Islam? Who's to say what is or isn't the "true" Islam. It's all a matter of personal perspective. One FACT does remain, most of today's terrorists that we fight are Muslim & practice Islam.
What you perceive from your tiny isolated bubble is irrelevant
My 'tiny isolated bubble' is having spent 7 1/2 years working and living in Muslim countries with 99% of my co-workers and clients being Muslim, as well as my neighbors, acquaintances and friends. I know that the average Muslim and terrorists who say they are Muslims are two completely different things. Bottom line is, we are not at war with Islam or Muslims. The problem is terrorists. And, btw, you are an ignorant buffoon.
While I tend to agree that all of Islam isn't radical, I'm still waiting to hear condemnationhear of the extremists from ANY prominent Muslim leader/cleric
Look around, democrats controlled 2/3 of the federal government for several years and the entire government for two years. If democrats didn't want to profile Arabs the government wouldn't profile Arabs. Historically the democrat party is the party of racism. Never mind spying, FDR incarcerated American citizens with an executive order on the basis of their ethnicity.
Seriously? You really think this is a good point? They were put in camps because they were Japanese and Japan was the enemy in WWII. It was wrong, of course, because they were American citizens, but it had nothing to do with pure racism, it wasn't because they were racially Asians. Lord. What a stupid attempt on your part to portray FDR and the democrats as racists.

Since 911 when the radical muslims attacked the US we have been at war with them. Using your pathetic reasoning, don't you think it would be OK to round up all of the Muslims in the US and put them in prison? The are obviously just as much our enemies as the Japanese-Americans were in 1941.
Your point is based on an incorrect premise: we are not at war with Muslims. We are, as is the rest of the world, including Muslim countries, fighting against extremist, radical terrorists who say they do what they do in the name of Islam. They are not representatives of true Islam, and we are not at war with Muslims.

What's your point? We were at war with Japanese from Japan. Was there a litmus test that the racist Democrat FDR gave the Japanese-Americans before imprisoning them? I notice you mentioned that 'extremist, radical terrorists' are not representative of true Islam. How do you know the Muslims in the US aren't extremist radical terrorists?

Actually, all you are doing is defending a sorry POS named FDR because, and only because he was a Democrat.
Are you really that stupid? We were at war with Japan, a declared,formal state of war. Also, it was a different time and we had different perspectives than we do today. All who look back on that time and the decision to put Japanese Americans in camps realize it was a mistake. If FDR were alive, he would realize it too, from a modern day perspective. 20/20 hindsight is what you are using; you seem to be intellectually incapable of putting history in perspecitve.

If FDR had been a Republican you would be screaming racism. FDR isn't alive today, and unless you can talk to the dead, you don't know what he would have realized.

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