Why do conservatives complain about being called out as racists so much?

You make something up out of whole cloth and then you construct an entire scenario based on that idea that you totally made up and can't understand why we don't agree.


You're right...I made this up too.

GOP leadership stands by Scalise after white supremacist speech - CNN.com

Or will you go with the obligatory "cant trust the liberal media" dodge?

Except Scalise didn't give a "White Supremacist Speech".... typical CNN... I guess that's why they have what, 1,000 viewers left?

Great because they didnt say that. But there is a link as proof that I didnt make up shit.

You on the other hand have to play the dumb role or your reading comprehension is retard level. Either way, there are republicans defending someone who gave a speech at a outfit ran by David Duke.

Are you going to know pretend you dont know who Duke is? Or will you continue to defend it while asking for proof that someone is defending it?
Actually David Duke spoke in and too Congress for at least two years, does that mean everyone in that Congress was a racist?

Heres a challenge. Be dumber
Your the one that claimed if you spoke to or were spoken to by a racist that meant you are a racist.
You're right...I made this up too.

GOP leadership stands by Scalise after white supremacist speech - CNN.com

Or will you go with the obligatory "cant trust the liberal media" dodge?

Except Scalise didn't give a "White Supremacist Speech".... typical CNN... I guess that's why they have what, 1,000 viewers left?

Great because they didnt say that. But there is a link as proof that I didnt make up shit.

You on the other hand have to play the dumb role or your reading comprehension is retard level. Either way, there are republicans defending someone who gave a speech at a outfit ran by David Duke.

Are you going to know pretend you dont know who Duke is? Or will you continue to defend it while asking for proof that someone is defending it?
Actually David Duke spoke in and too Congress for at least two years, does that mean everyone in that Congress was a racist?

Heres a challenge. Be dumber
Your the one that claimed if you spoke to or were spoken to by a racist that meant you are a racist.

Thats it...now even dumber
If you want to ask me a question based on things I actually said then get back to me.

Who are the victims of racism out there you refer to?


Yes, there are actual racists and victims of racism out there.

Who are they Kaz?

I don't argue the points of the voices in your head.

Does this you're a racist, you're a racist, you're a racist thing really turn you on? Why? What does that say about you?

Damn...have some pride in yourself and stop acting stupid its unbecoming.


I see, stupid people without pride don't argue with the voices in your head. So why don't you answer them? Are you stupid? Don't you have any pride?

Tell the truth, you are actually eight aren't you?
There's one party that defends racial profiling. There's one party that's driven crazy by the fact that the current POTUS is a black man. There's one party that defends spying on Arab-Americans and insists that their religion and ethnicity makes them a threat to national security. There's one party that tries to prevent non-white people from voting. there's one party that tries to bar Hispanics from obtaining US citizenship. There's one party that actively tries to prevent immigration or a future for immigrants beyond industrial or agricultural wage slavery. There's one party that tried to shut down all air traffic to and from Africa because dirty black people carry diseases. There's one party that routinely tries to shut down government programs for the explicit reason that a large number of minority families rely on them. That party is the party of David Duke. The shoe fits. Why can't they just wear it?

Because the truth hurts!
We get upset partly because it's a lie, but mostly because there are a whole lot of stupid people who believe it. Like the OP for a perfect example.

I wish that was true but when you defend racism, racist and racial profiling and people see you. They go by the old rule...if it quacks like a duck.

I mean the simple answer is that you know you dont have to defend racism right? Just dont do it

Yeah well we don't do any of that. That is all made up in your "mind".

You're right, its in everyones mind and no one knows how it got there :rolleyes:

I know exactly how it got there. The left lied about it, and continue to lie about it until it stuck.

The funny thing is, it was only the stupid Americans who believed it.
Considering this post is from a person who's sig includes "teabaggers" any complaints about name calling that come from you reek of hypocrisy.

The problem is progressive morality fully allows hypocrisy, lying and obstruction as long as it forwards progressive goals.
This isn't about me Sport :thup:
There's one party that defends racial profiling. There's one party that's driven crazy by the fact that the current POTUS is a black man. There's one party that defends spying on Arab-Americans and insists that their religion and ethnicity makes them a threat to national security. There's one party that tries to prevent non-white people from voting. there's one party that tries to bar Hispanics from obtaining US citizenship. There's one party that actively tries to prevent immigration or a future for immigrants beyond industrial or agricultural wage slavery. There's one party that tried to shut down all air traffic to and from Africa because dirty black people carry diseases. There's one party that routinely tries to shut down government programs for the explicit reason that a large number of minority families rely on them. That party is the party of David Duke. The shoe fits. Why can't they just wear it?
Unfortunately, the slime that covers my Republican party are not just racists, they are bigots in every way possible.

Gays, Mexicans, and Muslims are the favorite targets of their hate. And if there is a topic involving a black woman, they do not hesitate to find a way to spew posts about how ugly they feel Michelle Obama (who they choose to call "Moochelle") is and go from there, even if the topic has nothing to do with Michelle Obama.

Classy bunch.

The rest of the party does not have the guts to eject these pieces of shit in the mistaken belief they actually need them! You will very, very rarely see them kick the bigots in the balls.

A housecleaning is way past due.
Ironically the GOP would prolly have a net-gain of supporters if they vocally ejected people, like the ones on this forum who refer to the First Lady as "Moochelle" (like you mentioned) among other child-like taunts bandied about by the racist mouth-breathers. I believe the GOP mistakenly believes they need that voting block.

What is racist about calling the first lady "Moochelle?"
dottie calls Asians "Orientals"....so he has no right calling anyone out as being a racist......
Considering this post is from a person who's sig includes "teabaggers" any complaints about name calling that come from you reek of hypocrisy.

The problem is progressive morality fully allows hypocrisy, lying and obstruction as long as it forwards progressive goals.
This isn't about me Sport :thup:
It is about your lying.

So does anyone know why blacks vote overwhelmingly democrat?

When you rob Peter to pay Paul, you can always count on Paul's vote.
Considering this post is from a person who's sig includes "teabaggers" any complaints about name calling that come from you reek of hypocrisy.

The problem is progressive morality fully allows hypocrisy, lying and obstruction as long as it forwards progressive goals.
This isn't about me Sport :thup:
It is about your lying.

So does anyone know why blacks vote overwhelmingly democrat?
The libs trained them like monkeys to accept free stuff rather than their freedom away from the Democrat plantation. Jews moved up the ladder, Italians, Irish too. They had it bad, but blacks aren't moving up unless they adopt conservative ideology. Even having a black president hasn't helped the black man. They've run out of excuses.
You're right...I made this up too.

GOP leadership stands by Scalise after white supremacist speech - CNN.com

Or will you go with the obligatory "cant trust the liberal media" dodge?

Except Scalise didn't give a "White Supremacist Speech".... typical CNN... I guess that's why they have what, 1,000 viewers left?

Great because they didnt say that. But there is a link as proof that I didnt make up shit.

You on the other hand have to play the dumb role or your reading comprehension is retard level. Either way, there are republicans defending someone who gave a speech at a outfit ran by David Duke.

Are you going to know pretend you dont know who Duke is? Or will you continue to defend it while asking for proof that someone is defending it?
Actually David Duke spoke in and too Congress for at least two years, does that mean everyone in that Congress was a racist?

Heres a challenge. Be dumber
Your the one that claimed if you spoke to or were spoken to by a racist that meant you are a racist.

What??? are you talking about.
Considering this post is from a person who's sig includes "teabaggers" any complaints about name calling that come from you reek of hypocrisy.

The problem is progressive morality fully allows hypocrisy, lying and obstruction as long as it forwards progressive goals.
This isn't about me Sport :thup:
It is about your lying.

So does anyone know why blacks vote overwhelmingly democrat?
Because dems created the welfare state and pay them to vote dem.
Kind of like liberals are still waiting for right wingers to condemn their extremist mainstream.
you can say that about the left too....i was in a thread just yesterday were every lefty in the thread would not say anything to a fellow lefty who called a Down Syndrome kid a drooler and said kids like that should be put out of their misery....not one would say shit.....one even had the gall to say no righty in the thread cares about those kids.....he got pissed when i questioned him about that.....poor sap.....
Considering this post is from a person who's sig includes "teabaggers" any complaints about name calling that come from you reek of hypocrisy.

The problem is progressive morality fully allows hypocrisy, lying and obstruction as long as it forwards progressive goals.
This isn't about me Sport :thup:
It is about your lying.

So does anyone know why blacks vote overwhelmingly democrat?
The libs trained them like monkeys to accept free stuff rather than their freedom away from the Democrat plantation. Jews moved up the ladder, Italians, Irish too. They had it bad, but blacks aren't moving up unless they adopt conservative ideology. Even having a black president hasn't helped the black man. They've run out of excuses.

You guys are ripe with racist insults and then wonder why blacks won't vote republican in any great numbers. Blacks have allowed liberals to train them like monkeys. The old monkey routine coupled with Blacks being easily duped by liberals. Wait, another alert from the right. Wonder if it's another one to prove my point.
Considering this post is from a person who's sig includes "teabaggers" any complaints about name calling that come from you reek of hypocrisy.

The problem is progressive morality fully allows hypocrisy, lying and obstruction as long as it forwards progressive goals.
This isn't about me Sport :thup:
It is about your lying.

So does anyone know why blacks vote overwhelmingly democrat?
Because dems created the welfare state and pay them to vote dem.

What an insult. Blacks voting for welfare. They must be really lazy. Keep it up guys, I'm getting my answer.
if anyone is in doubt, do an internet search for "southern strategy"
Cite us some examples of Republican legislation that comes anywhere close to the misery inflicted on blacks by the Democrat's Jim Crowe laws.
Considering this post is from a person who's sig includes "teabaggers" any complaints about name calling that come from you reek of hypocrisy.

The problem is progressive morality fully allows hypocrisy, lying and obstruction as long as it forwards progressive goals.
This isn't about me Sport :thup:
It is about your lying.

So does anyone know why blacks vote overwhelmingly democrat?
The libs trained them like monkeys to accept free stuff rather than their freedom away from the Democrat plantation. Jews moved up the ladder, Italians, Irish too. They had it bad, but blacks aren't moving up unless they adopt conservative ideology. Even having a black president hasn't helped the black man. They've run out of excuses.

And after posts like yours it's no wonder Blacks vote Democrat. Always mentioning the monkeys. Oh oh, another alert. Guess I've woken a sleeping giant.
if anyone is in doubt, do an internet search for "southern strategy"
Cite us some examples of Republican legislation that comes anywhere close to the misery inflicted on blacks by the Democrat's Jim Crowe laws.

You are aware that Jim Crow laws were way back in history. Things change, parties flip flop. You capitalize Jim Crowe but lower case for blacks. All these Freudian slips from the right.

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