Why do conservatives complain about being called out as racists so much?

Considering this post is from a person who's sig includes "teabaggers" any complaints about name calling that come from you reek of hypocrisy.

The problem is progressive morality fully allows hypocrisy, lying and obstruction as long as it forwards progressive goals.
This isn't about me Sport :thup:
It is about your lying.

So does anyone know why blacks vote overwhelmingly democrat?
The libs trained them like monkeys to accept free stuff rather than their freedom away from the Democrat plantation. Jews moved up the ladder, Italians, Irish too. They had it bad, but blacks aren't moving up unless they adopt conservative ideology. Even having a black president hasn't helped the black man. They've run out of excuses.

You guys are ripe with racist insults and then wonder why blacks won't vote republican in any great numbers. Blacks have allowed liberals to train them like monkeys. The old monkey routine coupled with Blacks being easily duped by liberals. Wait, another alert from the right. Wonder if it's another one to prove my point.
You tell someone that a certain group is racist enough times and eventually you and they will believe it.
Wouldn't continually calling a group racist be racism in itself? Or just plain old bigotry?

"Racist" is a diminutive like niqqer. The intent of the user in either case is to dehumanize, just like Nazis dehumanized Jews by metaphorically representing them as thousands of rats pouring out of a sewer in the infamous propaganda film, 'The Eternal Jew'. Throughout history it's been an important first step to dehumanize one's target of hatred first, because this makes massacre, enslavement, democide (murder by government) or genocide more palatable to the aggressor, especially those who have to conduct the actual murders, since the victims aren't really human beings, are they?

We once did a poll at The Atlantic's old P&R web forum of posts and the political persuasion of the posters. Leftists, especially Marxists, especially queer Marxists, were 9 times more likely than conservatives to bloat their posts with hatred, with dehumanizing pejoratives, with race-baiting. Don't believe it? There's a pretty extensive archive right in front of your face, over 10 million posts. Pick a political thread, the first 200 posts. Do your own accounting. Who are the haters? Who are the race-baiters? Who are the..."racists"?
Ironically the GOP would prolly have a net-gain of supporters if they vocally ejected people, like the ones on this forum who refer to the First Lady as "Moochelle" (like you mentioned) among other child-like taunts bandied about by the racist mouth-breathers. I believe the GOP mistakenly believes they need that voting block.
The Party has not figured that out yet.

When is the apology coming from the democrat party for slavery? Jim Crow? Segregation? George Wallace? Berg? The racists I quoted in another post? The KKK? Showing "Birth of a Nation" in the WH? Poll taxes?

Yep, how about Republican throw out guys who spoke to a group 10 years ago and the democrats throw out the racists in their own party?

I can just imagine if the Republicans threw this guy out the flock of Democrats switching parties, yeah right.

I wonder why some Republicans think Democrats were the only ones in the KKK?

Study The KKK helped Republicans win the South - Yahoo News
TS post: 10485250 said:
There's one party that defends racial profiling. There's one party that's driven crazy by the fact that the current POTUS is a black man. There's one party that defends spying on Arab-Americans and insists that their religion and ethnicity makes them a threat to national security. There's one party that tries to prevent non-white people from voting. there's one party that tries to bar Hispanics from obtaining US citizenship. There's one party that actively tries to prevent immigration or a future for immigrants beyond industrial or agricultural wage slavery. There's one party that tried to shut down all air traffic to and from Africa because dirty black people carry diseases. There's one party that routinely tries to shut down government programs for the explicit reason that a large number of minority families rely on them. That party is the party of David Duke. The shoe fits. Why can't they just wear it?

Why do we repond when liberals are lying about us?

Why indeed....oh yeah...posts like the one below.

Guns Aren t The Threat Blacks w. or without Guns Are US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
"Racist" is a diminutive like niqqer. The intent of the user in either case is to dehumanize, just like Nazis dehumanized Jews by metaphorically representing them as thousands of rats pouring out of a sewer in the infamous propaganda film, 'The Eternal Jew'. Throughout history it's been an important first step to dehumanize one's target of hatred first, because this makes massacre, enslavement, democide (murder by government) or genocide more palatable to the aggressor, especially those who have to conduct the actual murders, since the victims aren't really human beings, are they?

We once did a poll at The Atlantic's old P&R web forum of posts and the political persuasion of the posters. Leftists, especially Marxists, especially queer Marxists, were 9 times more likely than conservatives to bloat their posts with hatred, with dehumanizing pejoratives, with race-baiting. Don't believe it? There's a pretty extensive archive right in front of your face, over 10 million posts. Pick a political thread, the first 200 posts. Do your own accounting. Who are the haters? Who are the race-baiters? Who are the..."racists"?

No doubt your poll was conducted in an entirely scientific manner designed to obtain only the most accurate unbiased results.
TS post: 10485250 said:
There's one party that defends racial profiling. There's one party that's driven crazy by the fact that the current POTUS is a black man. There's one party that defends spying on Arab-Americans and insists that their religion and ethnicity makes them a threat to national security. There's one party that tries to prevent non-white people from voting. there's one party that tries to bar Hispanics from obtaining US citizenship. There's one party that actively tries to prevent immigration or a future for immigrants beyond industrial or agricultural wage slavery. There's one party that tried to shut down all air traffic to and from Africa because dirty black people carry diseases. There's one party that routinely tries to shut down government programs for the explicit reason that a large number of minority families rely on them. That party is the party of David Duke. The shoe fits. Why can't they just wear it?

Why do we repond when liberals are lying about us?

Why indeed....oh yeah...posts like the one below.

Guns Aren t The Threat Blacks w. or without Guns Are US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
How is it racist to state the facts that the number one cause of death among YBMs are other YBMs?
"Racist" is a diminutive like niqqer. The intent of the user in either case is to dehumanize, just like Nazis dehumanized Jews by metaphorically representing them as thousands of rats pouring out of a sewer in the infamous propaganda film, 'The Eternal Jew'. Throughout history it's been an important first step to dehumanize one's target of hatred first, because this makes massacre, enslavement, democide (murder by government) or genocide more palatable to the aggressor, especially those who have to conduct the actual murders, since the victims aren't really human beings, are they?

We once did a poll at The Atlantic's old P&R web forum of posts and the political persuasion of the posters. Leftists, especially Marxists, especially queer Marxists, were 9 times more likely than conservatives to bloat their posts with hatred, with dehumanizing pejoratives, with race-baiting. Don't believe it? There's a pretty extensive archive right in front of your face, over 10 million posts. Pick a political thread, the first 200 posts. Do your own accounting. Who are the haters? Who are the race-baiters? Who are the..."racists"?

No doubt your poll was conducted in an entirely scientific manner designed to obtain only the most accurate unbiased results.

Don't be ridiculous. There's never been a "scientific poll." It's an oxymoron in fact. In the human zoo, every poll ever conducted has been necessarily arbitrary, with built in + or - margins for error, but some are a great deal more empirical than others. These past elections proved the worthlessness and the gigantic lie that characterizes American left-wing polls. One was off by 15% - 20% in favor of the left. That's absurd. My own predictions were based on web sites of British bookies. 7 of 8 were dead on the money. My statement stands. There are 10 million posts here. Do some homework.
"Racist" is a diminutive like niqqer. The intent of the user in either case is to dehumanize, just like Nazis dehumanized Jews by metaphorically representing them as thousands of rats pouring out of a sewer in the infamous propaganda film, 'The Eternal Jew'. Throughout history it's been an important first step to dehumanize one's target of hatred first, because this makes massacre, enslavement, democide (murder by government) or genocide more palatable to the aggressor, especially those who have to conduct the actual murders, since the victims aren't really human beings, are they?

We once did a poll at The Atlantic's old P&R web forum of posts and the political persuasion of the posters. Leftists, especially Marxists, especially queer Marxists, were 9 times more likely than conservatives to bloat their posts with hatred, with dehumanizing pejoratives, with race-baiting. Don't believe it? There's a pretty extensive archive right in front of your face, over 10 million posts. Pick a political thread, the first 200 posts. Do your own accounting. Who are the haters? Who are the race-baiters? Who are the..."racists"?

No doubt your poll was conducted in an entirely scientific manner designed to obtain only the most accurate unbiased results.

Don't be ridiculous. There's never been a "scientific poll." It's an oxymoron in fact. In the human zoo, every poll ever conducted has been necessarily arbitrary, with built in + or - margins for error, but some are a great deal more empirical than others. These past elections proved the worthlessness and the gigantic lie that characterizes American left-wing polls. One was off by 15% - 20% in favor of the left. That's absurd. My own predictions were based on web sites of British bookies. 7 of 8 were dead on the money. My statement stands. There are 10 million posts here. Do some homework.

In other words: Numbers you pulled from the same place all your best ideas come from.
I have this incredible resource right at the end of my fingertips. Those who don't use it are lazy or stupid or both.
There's one party that defends racial profiling. There's one party that's driven crazy by the fact that the current POTUS is a black man. There's one party that defends spying on Arab-Americans and insists that their religion and ethnicity makes them a threat to national security. There's one party that tries to prevent non-white people from voting. there's one party that tries to bar Hispanics from obtaining US citizenship. There's one party that actively tries to prevent immigration or a future for immigrants beyond industrial or agricultural wage slavery. There's one party that tried to shut down all air traffic to and from Africa because dirty black people carry diseases. There's one party that routinely tries to shut down government programs for the explicit reason that a large number of minority families rely on them. That party is the party of David Duke. The shoe fits. Why can't they just wear it?

You are so full of shit.

You certainly learned your liberal talking points well. Do they reward their parrots?
Ironically the GOP would prolly have a net-gain of supporters if they vocally ejected people, like the ones on this forum who refer to the First Lady as "Moochelle" (like you mentioned) among other child-like taunts bandied about by the racist mouth-breathers. I believe the GOP mistakenly believes they need that voting block.
The Party has not figured that out yet.

When is the apology coming from the democrat party for slavery? Jim Crow? Segregation? George Wallace? Berg? The racists I quoted in another post? The KKK? Showing "Birth of a Nation" in the WH? Poll taxes?

Yep, how about Republican throw out guys who spoke to a group 10 years ago and the democrats throw out the racists in their own party?

I can just imagine if the Republicans threw this guy out the flock of Democrats switching parties, yeah right.

I wonder why some Republicans think Democrats were the only ones in the KKK?

Study The KKK helped Republicans win the South - Yahoo News

Liberal formula.

1. Start with a premise, true or not.
2. Make the facts meet that premise, no matter how tortured.
3. Repeat results over and over until believed.
Probably because there are more than a few liberals out there who are willing to slander people as being racists* when chances are what they've said isn't racist to begin with. It could also be true that some on the Left aren't above manipulating events or outright lying in order to stir people up to make them angry. It isn't hard to rile stupid people, either. Consider how, iirc, MSNBC edited a clip about a man carrying a gun whom they lied about, saying he was white, when he wasn't. Or maybe that one instance where MSNBC completely edited the George Zimmerman 911 call. Or maybe it's because people make a wealthy living doing everything they can to dump gasoline onto racial issues, like Al Sharpton and every single one of his cronies do.

Maybe if some on the Left used more critical thinking skills before horrendously rushing to judgment, maybe there'd be more cause to listen to some on the Left. Take out the race-baiters, dude. Stop listening to those who want a race war. Try questioning the motives each and every time someone lobs a can of gasoline when it comes to racial politics.

Maybe if some on the Left used more critical thinking skills...

i keep telling people, the left/libercrats do not have the ability to "think", they FEEEEEL, so you will have to appeal to their "emotional side", add a little whine to your voice, you can always bait them in with promises of tubs full of Tofu. :lmao: .... :up:
There's one party that defends racial profiling. There's one party that's driven crazy by the fact that the current POTUS is a black man. There's one party that defends spying on Arab-Americans and insists that their religion and ethnicity makes them a threat to national security. There's one party that tries to prevent non-white people from voting. there's one party that tries to bar Hispanics from obtaining US citizenship. There's one party that actively tries to prevent immigration or a future for immigrants beyond industrial or agricultural wage slavery. There's one party that tried to shut down all air traffic to and from Africa because dirty black people carry diseases. There's one party that routinely tries to shut down government programs for the explicit reason that a large number of minority families rely on them. That party is the party of David Duke. The shoe fits. Why can't they just wear it?
Because its made up by democrat operative bullshit.
And it is the only arrow left in the liberal quiver.....
You people are out of gas.
There's one party that defends racial profiling. There's one party that's driven crazy by the fact that the current POTUS is a black man. There's one party that defends spying on Arab-Americans and insists that their religion and ethnicity makes them a threat to national security. There's one party that tries to prevent non-white people from voting. there's one party that tries to bar Hispanics from obtaining US citizenship. There's one party that actively tries to prevent immigration or a future for immigrants beyond industrial or agricultural wage slavery. There's one party that tried to shut down all air traffic to and from Africa because dirty black people carry diseases. There's one party that routinely tries to shut down government programs for the explicit reason that a large number of minority families rely on them. That party is the party of David Duke. The shoe fits. Why can't they just wear it?

You say "conservatives" in your subject but I don't know that conservatives are the problem. Its the radical, anti-American RWs who the racists. OTOH, there aren't many true Conservatives left. Or maybe the nutters just drown them out.

But yes, the GOP has become the de facto face of racism.
"Its not a lie, if you believe it" George Costanza
But you've never had a "compelling argument".

You wouldn't know one, if you saw one... just like you wouldn't know what to do with a nude woman!
Come on. The only experience you've had with any woman involves 5 crumpled singles.

Ironically the GOP would prolly have a net-gain of supporters if they vocally ejected people, like the ones on this forum who refer to the First Lady as "Moochelle" (like you mentioned) among other child-like taunts bandied about by the racist mouth-breathers. I believe the GOP mistakenly believes they need that voting block.
The Party has not figured that out yet.

When is the apology coming from the democrat party for slavery? Jim Crow? Segregation? George Wallace? Berg? The racists I quoted in another post? The KKK? Showing "Birth of a Nation" in the WH? Poll taxes?

Yep, how about Republican throw out guys who spoke to a group 10 years ago and the democrats throw out the racists in their own party?

I can just imagine if the Republicans threw this guy out the flock of Democrats switching parties, yeah right.

I wonder why some Republicans think Democrats were the only ones in the KKK?

Study The KKK helped Republicans win the South - Yahoo News
Because the KKK Is liberal
Ironically the GOP would prolly have a net-gain of supporters if they vocally ejected people, like the ones on this forum who refer to the First Lady as "Moochelle" (like you mentioned) among other child-like taunts bandied about by the racist mouth-breathers. I believe the GOP mistakenly believes they need that voting block.
The Party has not figured that out yet.

When is the apology coming from the democrat party for slavery? Jim Crow? Segregation? George Wallace? Berg? The racists I quoted in another post? The KKK? Showing "Birth of a Nation" in the WH? Poll taxes?

Yep, how about Republican throw out guys who spoke to a group 10 years ago and the democrats throw out the racists in their own party?

I can just imagine if the Republicans threw this guy out the flock of Democrats switching parties, yeah right.

I wonder why some Republicans think Democrats were the only ones in the KKK?

Study The KKK helped Republicans win the South - Yahoo News
I wonder why Democrats feel their party doesn't have a history that isn't filled with racism, and is currently trying to use racism as a political tool ... just like they always have in the past?
Ironically the GOP would prolly have a net-gain of supporters if they vocally ejected people, like the ones on this forum who refer to the First Lady as "Moochelle" (like you mentioned) among other child-like taunts bandied about by the racist mouth-breathers. I believe the GOP mistakenly believes they need that voting block.
The Party has not figured that out yet.

When is the apology coming from the democrat party for slavery? Jim Crow? Segregation? George Wallace? Berg? The racists I quoted in another post? The KKK? Showing "Birth of a Nation" in the WH? Poll taxes?

Yep, how about Republican throw out guys who spoke to a group 10 years ago and the democrats throw out the racists in their own party?

I can just imagine if the Republicans threw this guy out the flock of Democrats switching parties, yeah right.

I wonder why some Republicans think Democrats were the only ones in the KKK?

Study The KKK helped Republicans win the South - Yahoo News

Well another thing is that the KKK targeted Republicans, especially black Republicans.

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