Why do conservatives complain about being called out as racists so much?

Considering this post is from a person who's sig includes "teabaggers" any complaints about name calling that come from you reek of hypocrisy.

The problem is progressive morality fully allows hypocrisy, lying and obstruction as long as it forwards progressive goals.
This isn't about me Sport :thup:
It is about your lying.

So does anyone know why blacks vote overwhelmingly democrat?
The libs trained them like monkeys to accept free stuff rather than their freedom away from the Democrat plantation. Jews moved up the ladder, Italians, Irish too. They had it bad, but blacks aren't moving up unless they adopt conservative ideology. Even having a black president hasn't helped the black man. They've run out of excuses.

You guys are ripe with racist insults and then wonder why blacks won't vote republican in any great numbers. Blacks have allowed liberals to train them like monkeys. The old monkey routine coupled with Blacks being easily duped by liberals. Wait, another alert from the right. Wonder if it's another one to prove my point.
republicans,not all of them,but enough, tell minorities to their face what they think of them.......democrats,once again,not all of them,but enough,especially the politicians...tell you what you want to hear and then proceed to fuck you when your back is turned...both parties have one thing in common....they like to screw you as often as they can....and wont do nothing for you unless something is in it for them....
Kind of like liberals are still waiting for right wingers to condemn their extremist mainstream.
you can say that about the left too....i was in a thread just yesterday were every lefty in the thread would not say anything to a fellow lefty who called a Down Syndrome kid a drooler and said kids like that should be put out of their misery....not one would say shit.....one even had the gall to say no righty in the thread cares about those kids.....he got pissed when i questioned him about that.....poor sap.....

Oh bring out the handicapped now, like right wingers give a damn about them. Notice how right wing governors are refusing Medicaid?
Kind of like liberals are still waiting for right wingers to condemn their extremist mainstream.
you can say that about the left too....i was in a thread just yesterday were every lefty in the thread would not say anything to a fellow lefty who called a Down Syndrome kid a drooler and said kids like that should be put out of their misery....not one would say shit.....one even had the gall to say no righty in the thread cares about those kids.....he got pissed when i questioned him about that.....poor sap.....

Oh bring out the handicapped now, like right wingers give a damn about them. Notice how right wing governors are refusing Medicaid?

What right wing Governor refuses Medicaid? And making it a racist issue must mean only Black folks get Medicaid. See how that race card works.
This isn't about me Sport :thup:
It is about your lying.

So does anyone know why blacks vote overwhelmingly democrat?
The libs trained them like monkeys to accept free stuff rather than their freedom away from the Democrat plantation. Jews moved up the ladder, Italians, Irish too. They had it bad, but blacks aren't moving up unless they adopt conservative ideology. Even having a black president hasn't helped the black man. They've run out of excuses.

You guys are ripe with racist insults and then wonder why blacks won't vote republican in any great numbers. Blacks have allowed liberals to train them like monkeys. The old monkey routine coupled with Blacks being easily duped by liberals. Wait, another alert from the right. Wonder if it's another one to prove my point.
republicans,not all of them,but enough, tell minorities to their face what they think of them.......democrats,once again,not all of them,but enough,especially the politicians...tell you what you want to hear and then proceed to fuck you when your back is turned...both parties have one thing in common....they like to screw you as often as they can....and wont do nothing for you unless something is in it for them....

That's right, both parties screw us, but if you're down, Democrats will lend a helping hand. A Republican can't do this because their only goal is tax breaks for the rich.
We get upset partly because it's a lie, but mostly because there are a whole lot of stupid people who believe it. Like the OP for a perfect example.
The party of the KKK calling republicans racists is laughable.
Republicans referring to Blacks as monkeys is laughable also. You guys don't get it, do you. Blacks aren't stupid. They know how to read.
Considering this post is from a person who's sig includes "teabaggers" any complaints about name calling that come from you reek of hypocrisy.

The problem is progressive morality fully allows hypocrisy, lying and obstruction as long as it forwards progressive goals.
This isn't about me Sport :thup:
It is about your lying.

So does anyone know why blacks vote overwhelmingly democrat?
Because dems created the welfare state and pay them to vote dem.
were there many blacks in your immediate command? How proud they would be of your statement :doubt:
Yep, woke a sleeping giant, and you guys still don't get it, do you? Too many posts from the clueless at least when it comes to racism. I only post a little each day, too busy, unlike Repubs here who are prolly on social security or government jobs judging the amount of posts you guys do.
There's one party that defends racial profiling. There's one party that's driven crazy by the fact that the current POTUS is a black man. There's one party that defends spying on Arab-Americans and insists that their religion and ethnicity makes them a threat to national security. There's one party that tries to prevent non-white people from voting. there's one party that tries to bar Hispanics from obtaining US citizenship. There's one party that actively tries to prevent immigration or a future for immigrants beyond industrial or agricultural wage slavery. There's one party that tried to shut down all air traffic to and from Africa because dirty black people carry diseases. There's one party that routinely tries to shut down government programs for the explicit reason that a large number of minority families rely on them. That party is the party of David Duke. The shoe fits. Why can't they just wear it?

- There is one party that ignores its roots as the defender of Slavery and the other party's creation to end Slavery
- There is one party that is driven crazy the current POTUS is a black man that grew up the son of an Irish woman in white privilege Hawaii
- There is one party that ignores its roots for fighting Civil Rights (SEE AL GORE SR)
- There is one party that fights a program (vouchers) that enables poor black kids to get out of violent, dirty schools
- There is one party that stands with the legacy of a woman (Margaret Sanger) who's mission was to limit Black population
- There is one party that enforced the government shut down by denying WW2 veterans from their memorial yet welcomed illegals on to the National Mall during the government shutdown.
- There is one party that ignores Africa as the continent that started Black Slavery and continues it to this day
- There is one party that believes enforcing US Immigration laws is racist yet Mexico enforcing immigration laws is autonomy.
There's one party that defends racial profiling. There's one party that's driven crazy by the fact that the current POTUS is a black man. There's one party that defends spying on Arab-Americans and insists that their religion and ethnicity makes them a threat to national security. There's one party that tries to prevent non-white people from voting. there's one party that tries to bar Hispanics from obtaining US citizenship. There's one party that actively tries to prevent immigration or a future for immigrants beyond industrial or agricultural wage slavery. There's one party that tried to shut down all air traffic to and from Africa because dirty black people carry diseases. There's one party that routinely tries to shut down government programs for the explicit reason that a large number of minority families rely on them. That party is the party of David Duke. The shoe fits. Why can't they just wear it?
making shit up and claiming it is republican traits is moronic and proves how stupid you are.

Yet we see those very traits displayed here on a daily basis.
Yep, woke a sleeping giant, and you guys still don't get it, do you? Too many posts from the clueless at least when it comes to racism. I only post a little each day, too busy, unlike Repubs here who are prolly on social security or government jobs judging the amount of posts you guys do.
To busy? Come one, at least admit you have a slow email service and you don't post as much because you can't get the talking points in a timely manner.

We all know you're not bright enough to come up with even these tired and worn out lies.
There's one party that defends racial profiling. There's one party that's driven crazy by the fact that the current POTUS is a black man. There's one party that defends spying on Arab-Americans and insists that their religion and ethnicity makes them a threat to national security. There's one party that tries to prevent non-white people from voting. there's one party that tries to bar Hispanics from obtaining US citizenship. There's one party that actively tries to prevent immigration or a future for immigrants beyond industrial or agricultural wage slavery. There's one party that tried to shut down all air traffic to and from Africa because dirty black people carry diseases. There's one party that routinely tries to shut down government programs for the explicit reason that a large number of minority families rely on them. That party is the party of David Duke. The shoe fits. Why can't they just wear it?
making shit up and claiming it is republican traits is moronic and proves how stupid you are.

Yet we see those very traits displayed here on a daily basis.
yes, and by progressives as well as Republicans.
- There is one party that ignores its roots as the defender of Slavery and the other party's creation to end Slavery
- There is one party that is driven crazy the current POTUS is a black man that grew up the son of an Irish woman in white privilege Hawaii
- There is one party that ignores its roots for fighting Civil Rights (SEE AL GORE SR)
- There is one party that fights a program (vouchers) that enables poor black kids to get out of violent, dirty schools
- There is one party that stands with the legacy of a woman (Margaret Sanger) who's mission was to limit Black population
- There is one party that enforced the government shut down by denying WW2 veterans from their memorial yet welcomed illegals on to the National Mall during the government shutdown.
- There is one party that ignores Africa as the continent that started Black Slavery and continues it to this day
- There is one party that believes enforcing US Immigration laws is racist yet Mexico enforcing immigration laws is autonomy.
1. I think everyone here is fully aware that the GOP was formed to end slavery and that the Democratic party was the conservative one before the Southern Strategy caused the memberships of both to switch based on ideology. The racist conservatives left the Democrats for the GOP. The decent people in the GOP joined the Democrats.
2. It's still racist to bring up his race as a factor at all.
3. See point 1.
4. It's a good idea on the surface. It's just not a fair use of the money when you think about it. Democrats did think about it.
5. Margaret Sanger's personal views on abortion means nothing to the modern Planned Parenthood organization or abortion in general.
6. Shut the fuck up. I'm going to say this once. Democrats do not support lawbreakers. We support refugees from fucking drug wars where vicious gangs are murdering totally random fucking people and putting their heads on stakes. You think ISIS is bad? Just look at Sinaloa. They've been around for far longer and are slightly more vicious but people (conservatives) just don't talk about them because they don't care what happens to brown people. Iraqis are only on the radar because of their oil.
7. The origins of black slavery do not excuse black slavery.
8. You honestly believe that we should be using Mexico as the basis of our laws? You honestly think that, if Mexico does something, then we should have the right to do it too? Holy shit. Just... holy fucking shit...
Kind of like liberals are still waiting for right wingers to condemn their extremist mainstream.
you can say that about the left too....i was in a thread just yesterday were every lefty in the thread would not say anything to a fellow lefty who called a Down Syndrome kid a drooler and said kids like that should be put out of their misery....not one would say shit.....one even had the gall to say no righty in the thread cares about those kids.....he got pissed when i questioned him about that.....poor sap.....

Oh bring out the handicapped now, like right wingers give a damn about them. Notice how right wing governors are refusing Medicaid?
so you did not read what i said.....i wonder why?....could it be you fuckers aint no different?....
It is about your lying.

So does anyone know why blacks vote overwhelmingly democrat?
The libs trained them like monkeys to accept free stuff rather than their freedom away from the Democrat plantation. Jews moved up the ladder, Italians, Irish too. They had it bad, but blacks aren't moving up unless they adopt conservative ideology. Even having a black president hasn't helped the black man. They've run out of excuses.

You guys are ripe with racist insults and then wonder why blacks won't vote republican in any great numbers. Blacks have allowed liberals to train them like monkeys. The old monkey routine coupled with Blacks being easily duped by liberals. Wait, another alert from the right. Wonder if it's another one to prove my point.
republicans,not all of them,but enough, tell minorities to their face what they think of them.......democrats,once again,not all of them,but enough,especially the politicians...tell you what you want to hear and then proceed to fuck you when your back is turned...both parties have one thing in common....they like to screw you as often as they can....and wont do nothing for you unless something is in it for them....

That's right, both parties screw us, but if you're down, Democrats will lend a helping hand. A Republican can't do this because their only goal is tax breaks for the rich.
i live in a Republican County....many places for the down and out to go for help....but im glad you at least agree they both fuck you....
Who's complaining? When a retard tries to taunt you , you just smile and tell his mom what a cute kid she has.
Yep, woke a sleeping giant, and you guys still don't get it, do you? Too many posts from the clueless at least when it comes to racism. I only post a little each day, too busy, unlike Repubs here who are prolly on social security or government jobs judging the amount of posts you guys do.
have you looked at the top posters?.....about 50/50.....and what about Govt jobs?....are you one of those assholes who have this anti-govt worker mentality that we dont work?...you sound just like many of the righties i have encountered here....
Last edited:
if anyone is in doubt, do an internet search for "southern strategy"

Certainly can be done, here is the co-architect telling you EXACTLY what happened, why and what Nixon did for the black man afterwards. If the racist left the Democrat party they certainly didn't get what YOU imply.

The Neocons and Nixon 8217 s southern strategy

Since I doubt you will even bother looking here is some of what Nixon did for the black man. Compare this to what Obama has done to the black man.

Between 1969 and 1974, Nixon – who believed that blacks had gotten a raw deal in America and wanted to extend a helping hand:
  • raised the civil rights enforcement budget 800 percent;

  • doubled the budget for black colleges;

  • appointed more blacks to federal posts and high positions than any president, including LBJ;

  • adopted the Philadelphia Plan mandating quotas for blacks in unions, and for black scholars in colleges and universities;

  • invented “Black Capitalism” (the Office of Minority Business Enterprise), raised U.S. purchases from black businesses from $9 million to $153 million, increased small business loans to minorities 1,000 percent, increased U.S. deposits in minority-owned banks 4,000 percent;

  • raised the share of Southern schools that were desegregated from 10 percent to 70 percent. Wrote the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights in 1975, “It has only been since 1968 that substantial reduction of racial segregation has taken place in the South.”
Well played! :beer:
- There is one party that ignores its roots as the defender of Slavery and the other party's creation to end Slavery
- There is one party that is driven crazy the current POTUS is a black man that grew up the son of an Irish woman in white privilege Hawaii
- There is one party that ignores its roots for fighting Civil Rights (SEE AL GORE SR)
- There is one party that fights a program (vouchers) that enables poor black kids to get out of violent, dirty schools
- There is one party that stands with the legacy of a woman (Margaret Sanger) who's mission was to limit Black population
- There is one party that enforced the government shut down by denying WW2 veterans from their memorial yet welcomed illegals on to the National Mall during the government shutdown.
- There is one party that ignores Africa as the continent that started Black Slavery and continues it to this day
- There is one party that believes enforcing US Immigration laws is racist yet Mexico enforcing immigration laws is autonomy.
1. I think everyone here is fully aware that the GOP was formed to end slavery and that the Democratic party was the conservative one before the Southern Strategy caused the memberships of both to switch based on ideology. The racist conservatives left the Democrats for the GOP. The decent people in the GOP joined the Democrats.
2. It's still racist to bring up his race as a factor at all.
3. See point 1.
4. It's a good idea on the surface. It's just not a fair use of the money when you think about it. Democrats did think about it.
5. Margaret Sanger's personal views on abortion means nothing to the modern Planned Parenthood organization or abortion in general.
6. Shut the fuck up. I'm going to say this once. Democrats do not support lawbreakers. We support refugees from fucking drug wars where vicious gangs are murdering totally random fucking people and putting their heads on stakes. You think ISIS is bad? Just look at Sinaloa. They've been around for far longer and are slightly more vicious but people (conservatives) just don't talk about them because they don't care what happens to brown people. Iraqis are only on the radar because of their oil.
7. The origins of black slavery do not excuse black slavery.
8. You honestly believe that we should be using Mexico as the basis of our laws? You honestly think that, if Mexico does something, then we should have the right to do it too? Holy shit. Just... holy fucking shit...

I thought this drivel was so out there, so much a bleating of democrat talking points you must be just being sarcastic. But now I am not sure.

Let me address number 1 only. Do you realize how idiotic that sounds? If a person from another country were to listen to that drivel they would say, WTF are you talking about? First you correctly point out why the Republican party was formed, to stop the Democrat lead slavery. Everyone knows that to be fact. Of course you, and others, try and label democrat slave owners as conservatives but you have no reason to do that other then to hide the FACT that the democrat party was and IS the party of slavery. So then you somehow think that all the racist all of a sudden left the party of slavery and became Republicans. Republicans that supported overwhelmingly every civil rights act since the reconstruction. Republicans who have done nothing to harm but to help the black communities. Are you starting to catch on yet? You've been lied to, that is not your fault. But believing a lie certainly is your fault.

You have absolutely nothing to show what the racists got for their money. They definitely didn't effect the Republican platforms so why in the hell would they leave? Here I will answer that for you. They left the democrat party because they were sick of the democrat party. State's rights or whatever was their reasoning, they didn't exactly love the Republican party but that really is the only alternative.
Ironically the GOP would prolly have a net-gain of supporters if they vocally ejected people, like the ones on this forum who refer to the First Lady as "Moochelle" (like you mentioned) among other child-like taunts bandied about by the racist mouth-breathers. I believe the GOP mistakenly believes they need that voting block.
The Party has not figured that out yet.

When is the apology coming from the democrat party for slavery? Jim Crow? Segregation? George Wallace? Berg? The racists I quoted in another post? The KKK? Showing "Birth of a Nation" in the WH? Poll taxes?

Yep, how about Republican throw out guys who spoke to a group 10 years ago and the democrats throw out the racists in their own party?

I can just imagine if the Republicans threw this guy out the flock of Democrats switching parties, yeah right.

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