Why do conservatives pretend to believe things they don't even really believe?

Pedro de San Patricio

Gold Member
Feb 14, 2015
They make this huge show of fake outrage about "abortion is murder" or some shit just because they want everyone to think they consider a "fetus" (Latin for "potential child" btw) a human life. If they really opposed abortion then they would also oppose war with ISIS and support the Iran deal.

This leads me to my next point. They act like they have this whole different understanding of foreign policy than America while claiming to be more American than actual Americans. This is stupid. They just think what they think because oil hungry Faux Noise and their terrorist preacher at their Southern Pentecostal Church tells them to.

They claim to want to "protect" the border when immigrants are the only people they even hire anyway. They don't want to protect shit. They just want to score brownie points with white people for hating brown people. That's the same reason they invaded Afghanistan and started killing babies (despite being "pro-baby") and stealing all their oil.

There are so many examples of their fake worldview I could provide. There isn't enough room in this forum. Everyone knows they're liberals just like you and me. They just let the evil and greed and hate in their hearts turn them to lying to themselves and everyone else and pretending to be something they're not. They know what they're saying is bullshit. They know they don't believe it themselves. They just don't care because that's where all the money is.
They make this huge show of fake outrage about "abortion is murder" or some shit just because they want everyone to think they consider a "fetus" (Latin for "potential child" btw) a human life. If they really opposed abortion then they would also oppose war with ISIS and support the Iran deal.

This leads me to my next point. They act like they have this whole different understanding of foreign policy than America while claiming to be more American than actual Americans. This is stupid. They just think what they think because oil hungry Faux Noise and their terrorist preacher at their Southern Pentecostal Church tells them to.

They claim to want to "protect" the border when immigrants are the only people they even hire anyway. They don't want to protect shit. They just want to score brownie points with white people for hating brown people. That's the same reason they invaded Afghanistan and started killing babies (despite being "pro-baby") and stealing all their oil.

There are so many examples of their fake worldview I could provide. There isn't enough room in this forum. Everyone knows they're liberals just like you and me. They just let the evil and greed and hate in their hearts turn them to lying to themselves and everyone else and pretending to be something they're not. They know what they're saying is bullshit. They know they don't believe it themselves. They just don't care because that's where all the money is.
Hardcore partisan ideologues can talk themselves into damn near anything.

And that goes for both ends of the political spectrum.

Of course, each side just points at the other.
They make this huge show of fake outrage about "abortion is murder" or some shit just because they want everyone to think they consider a "fetus" (Latin for "potential child" btw) a human life. If they really opposed abortion then they would also oppose war with ISIS and support the Iran deal.

This is a "no true Scotsman" fallacy.

"No true conservative can be against abortion while supporting war or interventionist foreign policy."

My outrage isn't fake. I vehemently defend the unborn on these forums.

ISIS, on the other hand, is a scourge which is eliminating the Christian faith from the Middle East, and as a consequence must be eliminated itself. My valuance of life means I care for all the lives being taken at their hands. Like I said a few weeks back, life equals life. Sometimes you must take lives to save lives.

The Iran deal is trash. It endangers Israel, and then guess what? It allows Iran to inspect its own reactors! My valuance of life does not mean I have to support this deal, and I don't. It was sloppily done and is a powder keg waiting to go off.
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They make this huge show of fake outrage about "abortion is murder" or some shit just because they want everyone to think they consider a "fetus" (Latin for "potential child" btw) a human life. If they really opposed abortion then they would also oppose war with ISIS and support the Iran deal.

How on earth can the killing of babies in the womb out of convenience by self absorbed liberal sluts be compared to the killing of bearded sociopaths that behead pregnant women, their toddlers, their children, their husbands, their parents, and their grandparents? How can you be stupid enough to compare the unborn with the unholy?

This leads me to my next point. They act like they have this whole different understanding of foreign policy than America while claiming to be more American than actual Americans. This is stupid. They just think what they think because oil hungry Faux Noise and their terrorist preacher at their Southern Pentecostal Church tells them to.

You haven't made a point yet.This half assed statement isn't even intelligible. Drown yourself.

They claim to want to "protect" the border when immigrants are the only people they even hire anyway. They don't want to protect shit. They just want to score brownie points with white people for hating brown people. That's the same reason they invaded Afghanistan and started killing babies (despite being "pro-baby") and stealing all their oil.

Wow.... You're certifiably Weapons Grade Stupid. If "they" (that is whomever you're bitching about) are demanding border security while hiring wetbacks then they're as stupid as you are. I suppose you're a better person for hating "them" aren't you? BTW MORON, there is no oil if Afghanistan.

There are so many examples of their fake worldview I could provide. There isn't enough room in this forum. Everyone knows they're liberals just like you and me. They just let the evil and greed and hate in their hearts turn them to lying to themselves and everyone else and pretending to be something they're not. They know what they're saying is bullshit. They know they don't believe it themselves. They just don't care because that's where all the money is.

There is more stupidity in this OP than I've seen since I read an rdean rant. Everyone knows now that you're a blithering idiot and the world would be better off if you had been sucked down a drain at a planned murderhood clinic. You just let the stupid and hate and bullshit flow from your keyboard pretending to be intelligent. You don't know you're invested in bullshit, you don't know bullshit is the foundation of your beliefs. You pretend to care because it's trendy.

Conservatives drive on our roads, use our police and enjoy our clean food, water and air, but hey they don't want to pay taxes. They're idiots that think weird shit up that they don't practice.

If they were serious they'd move to a country without taxes or government.
This leads me to my next point. They act like they have this whole different understanding of foreign policy than America while claiming to be more American than actual Americans. This is stupid. They just think what they think because oil hungry Faux Noise and their terrorist preacher at their Southern Pentecostal Church tells them to.

1. This is a hasty generalization, not to mention a broadbrush of biblical proportions. Yes there is one segment of conservatives who do think this way, but that by no means represents all of them.

2. I attend church as much as I can, and my pastor is not a terrorist, nor does he beseech us to wage a crusade on our local neighborhood. Way to pull a Hillary here, Pedro. You disappoint me.

3. I am also not compelled to act based on what Fox News says. I don't really like them, but they are the lesser of two evils. I thought you were above this kind of behavior.
Conservatives drive on our roads, use our police and enjoy our clean food, water and air, but hey they don't want to pay taxes. They're idiots that think weird shit up that they don't practice.

If they were serious they'd move to a country without taxes or government.

I'd be willing to compare tax returns with you. We pay taxes like everyone else
They make this huge show of fake outrage about "abortion is murder" or some shit just because they want everyone to think they consider a "fetus" (Latin for "potential child" btw) a human life. If they really opposed abortion then they would also oppose war with ISIS and support the Iran deal.

This leads me to my next point. They act like they have this whole different understanding of foreign policy than America while claiming to be more American than actual Americans. This is stupid. They just think what they think because oil hungry Faux Noise and their terrorist preacher at their Southern Pentecostal Church tells them to.

They claim to want to "protect" the border when immigrants are the only people they even hire anyway. They don't want to protect shit. They just want to score brownie points with white people for hating brown people. That's the same reason they invaded Afghanistan and started killing babies (despite being "pro-baby") and stealing all their oil.

There are so many examples of their fake worldview I could provide. There isn't enough room in this forum. Everyone knows they're liberals just like you and me. They just let the evil and greed and hate in their hearts turn them to lying to themselves and everyone else and pretending to be something they're not. They know what they're saying is bullshit. They know they don't believe it themselves. They just don't care because that's where all the money is.
Hardcore partisan ideologues can talk themselves into damn near anything.

And that goes for both ends of the political spectrum.

Of course, each side just points at the other.
No. I say save the babies & kill the killers. No partisanship in sight.

PS. Fuck Pedro
Conservatives drive on our roads, use our police and enjoy our clean food, water and air, but hey they don't want to pay taxes. They're idiots that think weird shit up that they don't practice.

If they were serious they'd move to a country without taxes or government.

I'd be willing to compare tax returns with you. We pay taxes like everyone else
Not a fair fight. Matthew most likely struggles just grasping the short form.
Conservatives drive on our roads, use our police and enjoy our clean food, water and air, but hey they don't want to pay taxes. They're idiots that think weird shit up that they don't practice.

If they were serious they'd move to a country without taxes or government.

I'd be willing to compare tax returns with you. We pay taxes like everyone else
Not a fair fight. Matthew most likely struggles just grasping the short form.

LOL I know it wouldn't be a fair fight, I swing trade and just the capital gain taxes crucify us. But that was funny :)
They claim to want to "protect" the border when immigrants are the only people they even hire anyway. They don't want to protect shit. They just want to score brownie points with white people for hating brown people. That's the same reason they invaded Afghanistan and started killing babies (despite being "pro-baby") and stealing all their oil.

You're really frothing at the mouth here. With each paragraph the inanity builds.

1. People fail to make the distinction between legal and illegal immigrants. So, let's review:

a) Illegal immigrants are illegal, thus not legal; they have violated the sovereign law of another country in order to reside there.

b) Legal immigrants are legal, thus not illegal; they have complied with the law of a sovereign country to become a legal citizen there.

Therefore, the moral of this story is: We support legal immigration. We have nothing against immigrants, just illegal ones. That doesn't make us racist. We actually do care about our sovereignty as a country.

2. The links you make between pro abortion and other views amounts to a non sequitur.
"Why do conservatives pretend to believe things they don't even really believe?"

Conservatives truly believe the nonsense they believe in.

The left believes in rainbow stew, Bubble-Up, Kumbaya and the fallacy of everyone can be equal in all aspects of life. It's a fantasy world
Want to see them flip flop quick. Ask them about their rhetoric towards hispanics. Then bring up Marco Rubio...They'll change that tune instantly.

Ask them about Obama and they'll go into how he ruined it for blacks, not really black or defend some racist joke about Obama. Then bring up how Ben Carson wouldn't be a good politician...see repub cry racism.

It's fun
Want to see them flip flop quick. Ask them about their rhetoric towards hispanics. Then bring up Marco Rubio...They'll change that tune instantly.

Ask them about Obama and they'll go into how he ruined it for blacks, not really black or defend some racist joke about Obama. Then bring up how Ben Carson wouldn't be a good politician...see repub cry racism.

It's fun

I have nothing against Hispanics...as long as they are not border jumpers (aka ILLEGALS)
They make this huge show of fake outrage about "abortion is murder" or some shit just because they want everyone to think they consider a "fetus" (Latin for "potential child" btw) a human life.

If it is not human life, then what is it?
Raw materials?

That's what the Nazis thought about the Jews. They made lampshades and stuff.

Human + alive = human life. There is no other logical conclusion.
They make this huge show of fake outrage about "abortion is murder" or some shit just because they want everyone to think they consider a "fetus" (Latin for "potential child" btw) a human life.

If it is not human life, then what is it?
Raw materials?

That's what the Nazis thought about the Jews. They made lampshades and stuff.

Human + alive = human life. There is no other logical conclusion.
You're a cultural liberal just like everyone else here. This is why deep down you know this is insulting and unfair. You think you're a conservative, though, which is why you say it anyway. The corrupting rot in your heart has dimmed your inner enlightened glow. Don't compare us to Nazis.

Only life can be killed. Jews are alive. Nazis killed Jews. Ergo, Nazis killed people. Fetuses are not alive. Ergo, we do not kill fetuses.
Want to see them flip flop quick. Ask them about their rhetoric towards hispanics. Then bring up Marco Rubio...They'll change that tune instantly.

Ask them about Obama and they'll go into how he ruined it for blacks, not really black or defend some racist joke about Obama. Then bring up how Ben Carson wouldn't be a good politician...see repub cry racism.

It's fun
I like how you AVOID the thread with the grandmother who had her granddaughter murdered while doing homework and tells off the BLM movement. In fact there are 3 or 4 threads dedicated to her cry for blacks to wake up and you have avoided them all like they have herpes.
In short Obama didn't ruin it for blacks, you dumb jackasses are accomplishing that all on your own.

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