Why do conservatives pretend to believe things they don't even really believe?

They make this huge show of fake outrage about "abortion is murder" or some shit just because they want everyone to think they consider a "fetus" (Latin for "potential child" btw) a human life.

If it is not human life, then what is it?
Raw materials?

That's what the Nazis thought about the Jews. They made lampshades and stuff.

Human + alive = human life. There is no other logical conclusion.
You're a cultural liberal just like everyone else here.

I am INDEED liberal across the board, but in the classic definition, not the current AKA Neo-Communist sense.

This is why deep down you know this is insulting and unfair. You think you're a conservative, though, which is why you say it anyway. The corrupting rot in your heart has dimmed your inner enlightened glow.

See above. That some of my viewpoints are erroneously deemed "conservative" by the Left in the current political morass no concern of mine.

Don't compare us to Nazis.

Name something that presents a more apropos comparison.

Only life can be killed. Jews are alive. Nazis killed Jews. Ergo, Nazis killed people. Fetuses are not alive. Ergo, we do not kill fetuses.

"Fetuses are not alive." Utter nonsense.
Conservatives drive on our roads, use our police and enjoy our clean food, water and air, but hey they don't want to pay taxes. They're idiots that think weird shit up that they don't practice.

If they were serious they'd move to a country without taxes or government.


When the fuck have Republicans ever opposed taxes and government? W proposed spending increases higher than inflation and GDP growth BEFORE negotiating with you socialists. You seriously think Republicans are anarchists? Democrats just call you bitch and lead you by a nose ring. I'm a libertarian and I support roads and police. Republicans want a huge welfare state and social safety net which only grows a hair slower than your wet dreams do. Your "clean food" one is begging the question though that government gives us that
How on earth can the killing of babies in the womb out of convenience by self absorbed liberal sluts

Everyone stops reading after sluts.

It just shows the level of far-right hate typical of the American Taliban.
They make this huge show of fake outrage about "abortion is murder" or some shit just because they want everyone to think they consider a "fetus" (Latin for "potential child" btw) a human life. If they really opposed abortion then they would also oppose war with ISIS and support the Iran deal.

This leads me to my next point. They act like they have this whole different understanding of foreign policy than America while claiming to be more American than actual Americans. This is stupid. They just think what they think because oil hungry Faux Noise and their terrorist preacher at their Southern Pentecostal Church tells them to.

They claim to want to "protect" the border when immigrants are the only people they even hire anyway. They don't want to protect shit. They just want to score brownie points with white people for hating brown people. That's the same reason they invaded Afghanistan and started killing babies (despite being "pro-baby") and stealing all their oil.

There are so many examples of their fake worldview I could provide. There isn't enough room in this forum. Everyone knows they're liberals just like you and me. They just let the evil and greed and hate in their hearts turn them to lying to themselves and everyone else and pretending to be something they're not. They know what they're saying is bullshit. They know they don't believe it themselves. They just don't care because that's where all the money is.
Too bad there IS enough room in this forum for your stupid trolling posts.
If they really opposed abortion then they would also oppose war with ISIS and support the Iran deal.

idiocy to the Nth degree. :up:

hum, so that must why Hillary voted for the Iraq war. because she supports the killing of ones offspring. I never looked at that. way.

Liberalism is for sure a mental disorder. and Conservatives should be glad they aren't associated with it. their thinking is La la land stuff
For the parents if they want to conceive.
If they wanted to conceive then they wouldn't have induced a miscarriage, which was their right as real living people.

A spirm is a living thing. Under a microscope you can see them moving. Not precious. I killed a million last nite.
Exactly. Life isn't precious. It has no value on its own. What value it does have is subjective and defined/assigned by the local culture and state. The whole idea of life mattering - especially of life trumping individual rights - is just godbotherer nonsense in the first place. You know it. I know it. Now when are these conservatives going to accept that?

The word fetus is from the Latin fētus meaning “the bearing or hatching of young, a bringing forth." Furthermore, in Latin, fetus sometimes was transferred, figuratively, to the newborn itself...

Online Etymology Dictionary
Well, this isn't Latin. This is English, and in English "fetus" is the term for a potential life.

You're doing the standard dishonest dance of so many of the pro-choicers.

Is a fetus human life? Two words, no diversion, no other words.

Human life.
Yes or no?
A fetus is human life like a sperm cell is human life. I guess you don't beat off then, murderer.

Name something that presents a more apropos comparison.
Nazis killed Jews. Jews are people. Ergo, Nazis killed people. Fetuses aren't people nor alive. Ergo, you cannot kill a fetus.

"Fetuses are not alive." Utter nonsense.
They are potentially alive. That is, they have the potential to become living people at some point in the future.[/QUOTE]
The word fetus is from the Latin fētus meaning “the bearing or hatching of young, a bringing forth." Furthermore, in Latin, fetus sometimes was transferred, figuratively, to the newborn itself...

Online Etymology Dictionary
Well, this isn't Latin. This is English, and in English "fetus" is the term for a potential life.

You are the one who invoked the Latin definition of the word, dumbass, remember?

They make this huge show of fake outrage about "abortion is murder" or some shit just because they want everyone to think they consider a "fetus" (Latin for "potential child" btw) a human life.

Don't you hate it when you attempt to seem smarter than you really are and then someone calls you on your bullshit? I'm sure you're tired of it at the very least...
They make this huge show of fake outrage about "abortion is murder" or some shit just because they want everyone to think they consider a "fetus" (Latin for "potential child" btw) a human life.

If it is not human life, then what is it?
Do you remember what it was like at 1 month after you were conceived? You could have been aborted because life isn't that precious to everyone. Glad you will never abort but some people should.
Exactly. Life isn't "precious". It's just a random collection of chemical reactions. That's it. It's no more "precious" than dog piss. Conservatives only pretend that it is so they can fuck over women.
I believe that to be true.

Of course, you are both wrong. But, what else is new.
"fetus" (Latin for "potential child" btw)

actually you are incorrect

from latin base fe -to generate also to suckle

historically fetus was used for a newborn itself

stop being led by the nose by these tyrannical monsters

and start thinking for yourself

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