Why do "debunkers' devote so much time to defending the Official 9/11 Story?

Wyld Kard

Platinum Member
Sep 10, 2012
Planet Crazy
Some interesting questions are raised at those people who pretend to know more about 9/11 than investigators, scientists, researchers, doctors, even eyewitnesses. I'm talking about "debunkers".

Why do 'debunkers' devote so much time to defending the Official 9/11 story ??
BY: "thegameisup; a member of AboveTopSecret.com"

These are just a few curious questions asking why you 'debunkers' devote so many man hours to the OS cause.

If any members that disbelieve the OS have any similar questions for 'debunkers', then please join in and fire away.

It would be very interesting to see what each different 'debunker' has to say about why they are here, and why they spend so much time 'debunking' on 9/11 forums, and so much time defending the OS??.

This is not a thread asking why 'truthers' are here, anyone is welcome to make their own thread if they are not able to work that out themselves, it should be fairly obvious that 'truthers' disbelieve the OS.

Some questions for 'debunkers' :

What are 'debunker's' motives for being on 9/11 forums?

'Debunkers' what are your motives for devoting so much time to arguing with 'truthers'?

Some of you have spent many hours on 9/11 forums each day for years, constantly guarding the official reports, why would anyone bother to do that, if you believe the OS is correct?

If the OS is as sound and correct as you always claim, then why the need to keep telling people?

Why are you on a 9/11 'conspiracy theory' websites if you believe the OS?

Why would you care to 'debunk' anything if the OS stands up for itself?

Why would you care what a 9/11 'conspiracy theorist 'or 'truther' says if the OS is correct?

If the OS was so water tight then surely you would not be worried about what 9/11 'conspiracy theorists' think?

Why do you spend so much time on 9/11 forums if there is nothing for you to gain?

Feel free to pose your own questions to 'debunkers'

Stay on topic, have fun, and fire away.....

Why do 'debunkers' devote so much time to defending the Official 9/11 story??
These people are most likely PAID DISINFORMATION AGENTS to try and keep people CONFUSED AND AWAY FROM THE TRUTH!!!! (Really no other reason someone who disagrees would stay on a site where everyone didnt believe)
Some interesting questions are raised at those people who pretend to know more about 9/11 than investigators, scientists, researchers, doctors, even eyewitnesses. I'm talking about "debunkers".

Why do 'debunkers' devote so much time to defending the Official 9/11 story ??
BY: "thegameisup; a member of AboveTopSecret.com"

These are just a few curious questions asking why you 'debunkers' devote so many man hours to the OS cause.

If any members that disbelieve the OS have any similar questions for 'debunkers', then please join in and fire away.

It would be very interesting to see what each different 'debunker' has to say about why they are here, and why they spend so much time 'debunking' on 9/11 forums, and so much time defending the OS??.

This is not a thread asking why 'truthers' are here, anyone is welcome to make their own thread if they are not able to work that out themselves, it should be fairly obvious that 'truthers' disbelieve the OS.

Some questions for 'debunkers' :

What are 'debunker's' motives for being on 9/11 forums?

'Debunkers' what are your motives for devoting so much time to arguing with 'truthers'?

Some of you have spent many hours on 9/11 forums each day for years, constantly guarding the official reports, why would anyone bother to do that, if you believe the OS is correct?

If the OS is as sound and correct as you always claim, then why the need to keep telling people?

Why are you on a 9/11 'conspiracy theory' websites if you believe the OS?

Why would you care to 'debunk' anything if the OS stands up for itself?

Why would you care what a 9/11 'conspiracy theorist 'or 'truther' says if the OS is correct?

If the OS was so water tight then surely you would not be worried about what 9/11 'conspiracy theorists' think?

Why do you spend so much time on 9/11 forums if there is nothing for you to gain?

Feel free to pose your own questions to 'debunkers'

Stay on topic, have fun, and fire away.....

Why do 'debunkers' devote so much time to defending the Official 9/11 story??

I don't think I spend all that much time arguing with truthers. I don't know how much time anyone actually spends doing so on these boards. This post, for example, will probably take no more than 10 minutes between reading the OP and replying.

I don't have evidence that anyone on this site has spent hours each day arguing for the official 9/11 report. Do you?

Most people who argue against truthers here seem completely willing to admit that the NIST report may be flawed. The usual assertion is that it is closer to the truth, that it is more based on fact and reasoned conclusions, than the claims of various truthers.

This isn't a 9/11 conspiracy website, so the question isn't relevant.

Debunking 9/11 theories is probably similar to any debunking, such as that done on a show like Mythbusters; people often feel the need to try and correct what they see as wrong thinking by others. This includes truthers, who feel the need to continuously push their own ideas about 9/11 even when those they argue with are pretty clearly not going to believe them. It's just human nature.

Why would anyone care what anyone else has to say if they think their own opinions are correct? Ridiculous question. As I already said, human nature.

Again with the 'so much time' thing. Why does anyone spend so much time on a message board with nothing tangible to gain? We all find it enjoyable to one degree or another.

This OP doesn't really seem to fit this particular forum. It might be more accurate when applied to a website actually devoted to 9/11 theories rather than a small subforum of USMB.
to the twoofers anyone who spends any amount time debunking they're nonsense is paid troll ..just ask them..
their idea of a discussion or debate 9/11 or any other tale from the conspiracy realm is to agree that it is truth even when it's proven not to be
and if you don't ,you're in on it!
Some interesting questions are raised at those people who pretend to know more about 9/11 than investigators, scientists, researchers, doctors, even eyewitnesses. I'm talking about "debunkers".

Why do 'debunkers' devote so much time to defending the Official 9/11 story ??
BY: "thegameisup; a member of AboveTopSecret.com"

These are just a few curious questions asking why you 'debunkers' devote so many man hours to the OS cause.

If any members that disbelieve the OS have any similar questions for 'debunkers', then please join in and fire away.

It would be very interesting to see what each different 'debunker' has to say about why they are here, and why they spend so much time 'debunking' on 9/11 forums, and so much time defending the OS??.

This is not a thread asking why 'truthers' are here, anyone is welcome to make their own thread if they are not able to work that out themselves, it should be fairly obvious that 'truthers' disbelieve the OS.

Some questions for 'debunkers' :

What are 'debunker's' motives for being on 9/11 forums?

'Debunkers' what are your motives for devoting so much time to arguing with 'truthers'?

Some of you have spent many hours on 9/11 forums each day for years, constantly guarding the official reports, why would anyone bother to do that, if you believe the OS is correct?

If the OS is as sound and correct as you always claim, then why the need to keep telling people?

Why are you on a 9/11 'conspiracy theory' websites if you believe the OS?

Why would you care to 'debunk' anything if the OS stands up for itself?

Why would you care what a 9/11 'conspiracy theorist 'or 'truther' says if the OS is correct?

If the OS was so water tight then surely you would not be worried about what 9/11 'conspiracy theorists' think?

Why do you spend so much time on 9/11 forums if there is nothing for you to gain?

Feel free to pose your own questions to 'debunkers'

Stay on topic, have fun, and fire away.....

Why do 'debunkers' devote so much time to defending the Official 9/11 story??

Maybe you will actually propose a theory that not only makes sense but is credibly possible. NOT a single Conspiracy nut has proposed anything even remotely possible.
I'm going to assume you actually want an answer to your question.

The reason I defend the official 9-11 report is because it's the closest to the truth we'll ever get. Is it 100% correct? Of course not. The reason it hasn't dotted all the "i"s and crossed all the "t"s is because they had to piece it together from scratch after the fact.

It fits what we know to be true, but because it doesn't cover all the bases, and because a great deal of evidence has been lost or destroyed in the event, it has holes in the story. The people who don't believe the official report can list all of those holes in the story and make any kind of claim they want to but the one thing they cannot do is come up with any other story that in any way resembles the truth or fits what we know to be true.
Some questions for 'debunkers' :

What are 'debunker's' motives for being on 9/11 forums?

I'll assume that you are talking about the 9/11 forums on USMB. I went there originally to make the case for the OS. Now that I have, I've not been back. Occasionally I go there again when I'm bored and the thread looks interesting.

'Debunkers' what are your motives for devoting so much time to arguing with 'truthers'?

See above.

Some of you have spent many hours on 9/11 forums each day for years, constantly guarding the official reports, why would anyone bother to do that, if you believe the OS is correct?

I would guess they do it for the debate.

If the OS is as sound and correct as you always claim, then why the need to keep telling people?

Actually you have it backward. It isn't the debunkers that start threads, it's the truthers that attack the OS. It's the truthers that need to keep telling people.

Why are you on a 9/11 'conspiracy theory' websites if you believe the OS?

Why do you keep asking the same question over and over?

Why would you care to 'debunk' anything if the OS stands up for itself?

Why do you keep asking the same questions?

Why would you care what a 9/11 'conspiracy theorist 'or 'truther' says if the OS is correct?

Hello? Deja vu much?
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Why do "debunkers' devote so much time to defending the Official 9/11 Story?

Probably because they're nowhere near as gullible as truthers.

wrong way around charlie.the Bush dupes like yourself, are extremely gullible.the Bush dupes that are in denial like montrovent and predfan,they ignore witness testimonys,many of them experts of hearing explosions in the basements of the towers,along with many other facts they dont have answers for.they also blatanly ignore bld 7.the crux of the 9/11 coverup nobody here will ever try and explain and cant.:cuckoo: plus,you guys prove you all ditched junior high school science classes and no nothing at all about the laws of physics.:cuckoo:
Why do "debunkers' devote so much time to defending the Official 9/11 Story?

Probably because they're nowhere near as gullible as truthers.

wrong way around charlie.the Bush dupes like yourself, are extremely gullible.the Bush dupes that are in denial like montrovent and predfan,they ignore witness testimonys,many of them experts of hearing explosions in the basements of the towers,along with many other facts they dont have answers for.they also blatanly ignore bld 7.the crux of the 9/11 coverup nobody here will ever try and explain and cant.:cuckoo: plus,you guys prove you all ditched junior high school science classes and no nothing at all about the laws of physics.:cuckoo:
Why do "debunkers' devote so much time to defending the Official 9/11 Story?

Probably because they're nowhere near as gullible as truthers.

wrong way around charlie.the Bush dupes like yourself, are extremely gullible.the Bush dupes that are in denial like montrovent and predfan,they ignore witness testimonys,many of them experts of hearing explosions in the basements of the towers,along with many other facts they dont have answers for.they also blatanly ignore bld 7.the crux of the 9/11 coverup nobody here will ever try and explain and cant.:cuckoo: plus,you guys prove you all ditched junior high school science classes and no nothing at all about the laws of physics.:cuckoo:

We no nothing, all right! :rofl:

Want to call someone else a Bush dupe? We haven't heard that one before.
Maybe talk about farting and shit a little bit?

There's a big difference between ignoring something because of an inability to face it and ignoring something because it isn't credible or is contradictory or other such reasons. You, of course, seem to believe anything at all so long as it is attached to some sort of anti-government, one world order conspiracy.
Obama can't keep a secret for 2 years. Bush couldn't keep a secret for 6 months. But we are to believe some nefarious story about unseen, unheard construction in the twin Towers and Building 7. We are to believe that somehow intricate explosives and plans to bring down 3 high rises required only a couple guys No construction no pre laying and it all survived fire and destruction to go off on time.

We are to believe a drone or a small air craft hit the pentagon and no one knows what happened to the jet airliner, the crew and passengers or how their DNA got in the wreckage.

We are to believe that hundreds if not thousands of Investigators from County State and federal Government in 3 separate Locations and States all conspired to hide the evidence and that after 11 years not one of them has talked.

We are to believe that the Government secretly got a bunch of men to commit suicide for the plan by hijacking 4 aircraft and flying them into buildings.

Like I said, come up with a plausible conspiracy that actually might have worked and I will re read it. The crap you retards spew is beyond crazy.
Some questions for 'debunkers' :

What are 'debunker's' motives for being on 9/11 forums?

I'll assume that you are talking about the 9/11 forums on USMB. I went there originally to make the case for the OS. Now that I have, I've not been back. Occasionally I go there again when I'm bored and the thread looks interesting.

'Debunkers' what are your motives for devoting so much time to arguing with 'truthers'?

See above.

I would guess they do it for the debate.

Actually you have it backward. It isn't the debunkers that start threads, it's the truthers that attack the OS. It's the truthers that need to keep telling people.

Why do you keep asking the same question over and over?

Why would you care to 'debunk' anything if the OS stands up for itself?

Why do you keep asking the same questions?

Why would you care what a 9/11 'conspiracy theorist 'or 'truther' says if the OS is correct?

Hello? Deja vu much?

First off there is no debating when it comes to a so-called 'debunker' about 9/11.

Secondly, according to you, it's the "truthers that need to keep telling people". That's because the Official 9/11 Story is an Official Lie, and the American people have been lied to, and if someone posted something that contradicts the OS, than you and the other so-called 'debunkers' feel compelled to attack to other person, and for what? Because that other person has a difference of belief that yours and government.

It's ironic that you referr to yourself as a "Truth Czar", yet you help to promote the lies of 9/11.

If you really believe that you "made the case for the OS", than you are really dilusional. You and the other so-called 'debunkers' are wrong, have been wrong, and will continue to be wrong about anything with regards to 9/11. Deal with it.
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These people are most likely PAID DISINFORMATION AGENTS to try and keep people CONFUSED AND AWAY FROM THE TRUTH!!!! (Really no other reason someone who disagrees would stay on a site where everyone didnt believe)

Hey man, times are tough, and we make a good wage as disinformation agents. I made $113,260.87 last year as a disinformation agent.
If there are any paying organizations reading this, I'll happily post on whatever boards you like, either for or against various 9/11 theories, for a decent wage. It sounds like a fairly good job. Please PM me if you are hiring!
Some questions for 'debunkers' :

What are 'debunker's' motives for being on 9/11 forums?

I'll assume that you are talking about the 9/11 forums on USMB. I went there originally to make the case for the OS. Now that I have, I've not been back. Occasionally I go there again when I'm bored and the thread looks interesting.

See above.

I would guess they do it for the debate.

Actually you have it backward. It isn't the debunkers that start threads, it's the truthers that attack the OS. It's the truthers that need to keep telling people.

Why do you keep asking the same question over and over?

Why do you keep asking the same questions?

Why would you care what a 9/11 'conspiracy theorist 'or 'truther' says if the OS is correct?

Hello? Deja vu much?

First off there is no debating when it comes to a so-called 'debunker' about 9/11.

Secondly, according to you, it's the "truthers that need to keep telling people". That's because the Official 9/11 Story is an Official Lie, and the American people have been lied to, and if someone posted something that contradicts the OS, than you and the other so-called 'debunkers' feel compelled to attack to other person, and for what? Because that other person has a difference of belief that yours and government.

It's ironic that you referr to yourself as a "Truth Czar", yet you help to promote the lies of 9/11.

If you really believe that you "made the case for the OS", than you are really dilusional. You and the other so-called 'debunkers' are wrong, have been wrong, and will continue to be wrong about anything with regards to 9/11. Deal with it.

And yet you can not explain simple questions about your multitude or ignorant theories. Who Hijacked the aircraft? Why did hundreds of investigators in 3 separate States not only agree to lie about what they found but somehow keep quiet now for 11 years? If a drone was used in DC where did the plane go? What happened to the Passengers and crew? If building 7 was a controlled demolition how did intricate explosives get placed with out being seen and survive 8 hours of raging fires? If the twin towers were wired not only would there be explosives in the basement ( never seen no one heard construction) But in order to bring the building straight down more would have to be placed in locations through out the height of the building. No one saw anything, No one heard Construction, How did the explosives survive the raging FIRES WHERE THE PLANES HIT?


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