Why do democrats hate Donald Trump (I'm still new to American politics)

You already started off by biasing yourself which leaves anything you say, suspicious. Many Americans, not just democrats, do not like trump. Moreover, why did you use the term HATE? The right uses that a lot when in fact, HATRED is used as a hyperbolic word to evoke an emotional response. Thanks for giving yourself away so easily.
I follow a lot of political pages on social media, and I noticed that all the democrat related pages are strongly anti-Trump.
Why do democrats hate him? Also, if democrats win, does that mean Trump is more likely to be impeached or resign or lose the next election?

Here is a typical anti-Trump post from a democrats page.
View attachment 225705
Clearly Trump isn’t new to criminal activity. Look at all his lawsuits.

LMAO guilty until proven innocent the mantra of Leftist Trolls.

In my over 50 years of observing American politics and extensive readings of American History, I can say without question that Donald Trump is the most poorly suited man to hold the office of President
I follow a lot of political pages on social media, and I noticed that all the democrat related pages are strongly anti-Trump.
Why do democrats hate him? Also, if democrats win, does that mean Trump is more likely to be impeached or resign or lose the next election?

Here is a typical anti-Trump post from a democrats page.
View attachment 225705
This fails as a hasty generalization fallacy.

Democrats don't "hate" Trump.

They appropriately oppose his failed, wrongheaded agenda, and they oppose Trump's bigotry, ignorance, hatred, and lies.

They hate him with a passion unseen since Confederates hated Lincoln.

Oh ... they were Democrats too. How about that.

In my over 50 years of observing American politics and extensive readings of American History, I can say without question that Donald Trump is the most poorly suited man to hold the office of President

You are poorly suited to make any such judgment. Your assessment is at best pedestrian.
Why do democrats hate Donald Trump






In my over 50 years of observing American politics and extensive readings of American History, I can say without question that Donald Trump is the most poorly suited man to hold the office of President

You are poorly suited to make any such judgment. Your assessment is at best pedestrian.

I can back it up with facts about Trump

His personality, professional and intellectual limitations that make him unsuited to be President
Many Americans, not just democrats, do not like trump.

Nice try at diversion, but the OP characterized most democrats as hating Trump. This level of vitriol is widely displayed on a daily basis.

Don't you hate Trump? If not, why not?

In my over 50 years of observing American politics and extensive readings of American History, I can say without question that Donald Trump is the most poorly suited man to hold the office of President

You are poorly suited to make any such judgment. Your assessment is at best pedestrian.

I can back it up with facts about Trump

His personality, professional and intellectual limitations that make him unsuited to be President

Well for a guy you think has professional and intellectual limitations he's doing a damned fine job.

Of course you don't want a booming economy.

UE the lowest its been since 69.

And you damned sure don't want people to have more money in their pay checks.

Guess you will just have to suck it up because the country has a great POTUS.

In my over 50 years of observing American politics and extensive readings of American History, I can say without question that Donald Trump is the most poorly suited man to hold the office of President

You are poorly suited to make any such judgment. Your assessment is at best pedestrian.

I can back it up with facts about Trump

His personality, professional and intellectual limitations that make him unsuited to be President

In your opinion.
His personality, professional and intellectual limitations that make him unsuited to be President
Personality? Maybe, but you will need to be more specific.

Professionally? Do you know what this guy has built? He is maybe more professionally qualified than the last 20 presidents.

Intellectually? https://www.usnews.com/best-graduate-schools/top-business-schools
#3 University of Pennsylvania (Wharton School of Business)

Just admit you don't like him and be done. Don't sit there and try to act like his first real job was in the White House (like Barry).
I follow a lot of political pages on social media, and I noticed that all the democrat related pages are strongly anti-Trump.
Why do democrats hate him? Also, if democrats win, does that mean Trump is more likely to be impeached or resign or lose the next election?

Here is a typical anti-Trump post from a democrats page.
View attachment 225705

Trump is showing America that pragmatism works--not social programs.

Trump lowered taxes on our businesses, freed them from Obama Care, rescinded job killing regulations that gave the federal government more control over our businesses. And what happened? We now have more jobs than people to work them.

He went head to head with Kim Jong about his nukes instead of pandering and pleading with North Korea. What happened? Jong is sitting at the table with Trump and discussing plans on denuclearization. He stopped threatening the US and halted missile testing.

He also went head to head with our trading partners, particularly Mexico and Canada. What happened? They formed a new agreement that gave the US more favor in trading.

In other words, everything Trump does is the exact opposite of how Democrats would handle things, and it's working. That's why they hate Trump.

Oh and just think.

The lefty loons say he only works three hours a day so I'd say he's done an outstanding job.

Oh they also say he's having a hard time being POTUS.

Talk about lefty no nothing loons.

If Trump is accomplishing all this using only three hours of the day, then that means DumBama worked three hours a month.

You bet. He spent more time on the golf course than he did in the oval office.
Yet he accomplished more in 20 months than the last 4 presidents combined, in 3hours a day. Incredible.
Democrats don't "hate" Trump.
They appropriately oppose his failed, wrongheaded agenda, and they oppose Trump's bigotry, ignorance, hatred, and lies.

First of all, calling the Left to harass Trumps cabinet members in their private lives IS NOT "appropriate". (so you are a liar right off the bat)
Now with that clarified....

Yet, when reasonably pressed for clear and factual evidence, that's when they resort to mud slinging and name calling instead.
I follow a lot of political pages on social media, and I noticed that all the democrat related pages are strongly anti-Trump.
Why do democrats hate him? Also, if democrats win, does that mean Trump is more likely to be impeached or resign or lose the next election?

Here is a typical anti-Trump post from a democrats page.
View attachment 225705

Trump is showing America that pragmatism works--not social programs.

Trump lowered taxes on our businesses, freed them from Obama Care, rescinded job killing regulations that gave the federal government more control over our businesses. And what happened? We now have more jobs than people to work them.

He went head to head with Kim Jong about his nukes instead of pandering and pleading with North Korea. What happened? Jong is sitting at the table with Trump and discussing plans on denuclearization. He stopped threatening the US and halted missile testing.

He also went head to head with our trading partners, particularly Mexico and Canada. What happened? They formed a new agreement that gave the US more favor in trading.

In other words, everything Trump does is the exact opposite of how Democrats would handle things, and it's working. That's why they hate Trump.

Oh and just think.

The lefty loons say he only works three hours a day so I'd say he's done an outstanding job.

Oh they also say he's having a hard time being POTUS.

Talk about lefty no nothing loons.

If Trump is accomplishing all this using only three hours of the day, then that means DumBama worked three hours a month.

You bet. He spent more time on the golf course than he did in the oval office.
Yet he accomplished more in 20 months than the last 4 presidents combined, in 3hours a day. Incredible.

Yup and just think Winger says he has professional and intellectual problems.

Well for being challenged in that regard, so Winger says, he's done an outstanding job.

It sure pays to be professionally and intellectually challenged when you name Trump.

In my over 50 years of observing American politics and extensive readings of American History, I can say without question that Donald Trump is the most poorly suited man to hold the office of President

Let us guess...Hillary would have been the best pants suited man for the job in your opinion

So....in 50 years, all you've learned is that you hate America......anyone surprised?

In my over 50 years of observing American politics and extensive readings of American History, I can say without question that Donald Trump is the most poorly suited man to hold the office of President

Let us guess...Hillary would have been the best Pants suited man for the job in your opinon

Of course. Winger still calls that POS Madame President.

Could you just imagine if Hitlery were POTUS??


In my over 50 years of observing American politics and extensive readings of American History, I can say without question that Donald Trump is the most poorly suited man to hold the office of President

You are poorly suited to make any such judgment. Your assessment is at best pedestrian.

I can back it up with facts about Trump

His personality, professional and intellectual limitations that make him unsuited to be President

Well for a guy you think has professional and intellectual limitations he's doing a damned fine job.

Of course you don't want a booming economy.

UE the lowest its been since 69.

And you damned sure don't want people to have more money in their pay checks.

Guess you will just have to suck it up because the country has a great POTUS.
Actually, he is very childish, impulsive and reactionary

His staff covers for him and must degrade themselves to cover for his constant lies

In my over 50 years of observing American politics and extensive readings of American History, I can say without question that Donald Trump is the most poorly suited man to hold the office of President
Yet he accomplished more than any president than Any President in decades. Maybe we need more of what the left calls poorly suited politicians.

In my over 50 years of observing American politics and extensive readings of American History, I can say without question that Donald Trump is the most poorly suited man to hold the office of President

Let us guess...Hillary would have been the best pants suited man for the job in your opinion

So....in 50 years, all you've learned is that you hate America......anyone surprised?

HIllary was the best suited candidate in 2016
Unlike Trump, she was respected around the world and had extensive experience

More important, she was not as impulsive and thin skinned as Trump

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