Why do democrats hate poor black people and want them permanently on welfare?

For huge money, of course. Gop cronyism run wild as usual. No worries, just cost 7-8 trillion here, and wrecked the world. Google Countrywide, AIG, Lehman Bros. There were no changes to welfare and UE rules.

Notice that the big concern was bailing out the rich corporations, Congress was all over that, the poor...Dems didn't really care.
The rich can hire subject matter specialists to advocate their policies. It takes a while for our representatives to "catch up" about the poor. Health care reform and a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage, helps more than, nothing but repeal.

Dems didn't help the poor during the bailout, they chose the rich. They didn't even try to repeal the tax cuts for the rich like Obama promised he'd do his first day in office. The rich lookout for the rich, political party doesn't matter.

and now the great Kenyan messiah Obama is getting paid $400K to give a speech to wall street bankers. any of our resident libs care to explain how that helps the poor?

Funny how all these libs claim to help the poor and want them out of poverty but all they do is cry that the government should do it and won't lift finger themselves to do it.
let's end the drug war, right wingers; y'all have the "walk the walk" majority, right here and right now.

Where is there a drug clause, in the Republican Doctrine?
What does that have to do with your obsession of taxpayers paying for everybody else's government goodies?
That's what the GOP has refused to do for 31 years to end illegal workers and immigration. There have been no changes to goodies rules, just a corrupt GOP DEPRESSION.

What are you talking about? We are trying to end illegal immigration now. But that's very difficult to do when the Democrats (Chuck Schumer) threaten to shut down the government. What they can't control, they leave it to their Commie activist judges to stop Trump and the Republicans.

The less Democrats in our federal government and courts, the faster we can get rid of the illegal immigrant problem.

Yes, there have been changes to our government goodies. That's why DumBama doubled the food stamp role. Commie Care created an additional 20 million government dependents. Between those two programs alone, the liberals created 40 million more government dependents. Don't tell me there has been no change.
The wall is useless, dupe. The only change in welfare was the Bush depression. 61% want ACA fixed, not repealed like hater dupes.

That's one of the problems with creating new entitlements: they are very difficult to get rid of. It's why we should never create one more.
some people consider the drug war to be an, "entitlement", it is very difficult to get rid of.

Nobody considers the drug war to be an entitlement accept foreigners that don't understand our English language.
That's what the GOP has refused to do for 31 years to end illegal workers and immigration. There have been no changes to goodies rules, just a corrupt GOP DEPRESSION.

What are you talking about? We are trying to end illegal immigration now. But that's very difficult to do when the Democrats (Chuck Schumer) threaten to shut down the government. What they can't control, they leave it to their Commie activist judges to stop Trump and the Republicans.

The less Democrats in our federal government and courts, the faster we can get rid of the illegal immigrant problem.

Yes, there have been changes to our government goodies. That's why DumBama doubled the food stamp role. Commie Care created an additional 20 million government dependents. Between those two programs alone, the liberals created 40 million more government dependents. Don't tell me there has been no change.
The wall is useless, dupe. The only change in welfare was the Bush depression. 61% want ACA fixed, not repealed like hater dupes.

That's one of the problems with creating new entitlements: they are very difficult to get rid of. It's why we should never create one more.
some people consider the drug war to be an, "entitlement", it is very difficult to get rid of.

Nobody considers the drug war to be an entitlement accept foreigners that don't understand our English language.
it is very difficult to get rid of.=entitlement. your right wing, "catechism".
The long standing policy of democrats is to create a permanent dependent underclass. Is being in power the only thing that matters to democrats?
We believe in social safety nets.

Why don't Republicans hire black people? That will get them off welfare.

If poor blacks voted Hillary would be president

What Republicans are not hiring blacks????

Correct, if all the welfare people voted, Hillary would be President. It tells you exactly what's wrong with our election process. IMO, people of working age who do not work should not be allowed to vote. Currently, they are allowed to vote money out of my pocket into theirs, and I see nothing fair about that.
The long standing policy of democrats is to create a permanent dependent underclass. Is being in power the only thing that matters to democrats?
We believe in social safety nets.

Why don't Republicans hire black people? That will get them off welfare.

If poor blacks voted Hillary would be president
The right wing only has a "work or die" ethic and nothing but repeal, for the poor. I guess we can't afford better privileges and immunities under our form of Capitalism.
Pass a good SS ID card ferchrissake.

What does that have to do with your obsession of taxpayers paying for everybody else's government goodies?
That's what the GOP has refused to do for 31 years to end illegal workers and immigration. There have been no changes to goodies rules, just a corrupt GOP DEPRESSION.

What are you talking about? We are trying to end illegal immigration now. But that's very difficult to do when the Democrats (Chuck Schumer) threaten to shut down the government. What they can't control, they leave it to their Commie activist judges to stop Trump and the Republicans.

The less Democrats in our federal government and courts, the faster we can get rid of the illegal immigrant problem.

Yes, there have been changes to our government goodies. That's why DumBama doubled the food stamp role. Commie Care created an additional 20 million government dependents. Between those two programs alone, the liberals created 40 million more government dependents. Don't tell me there has been no change.
so what; there is no drug war clause in the Doctrine of the Republicans, and we still cannot convince the right wing to abolish it to lower our tax burden. I guess drug dealers are not poor enough, and get more "respect" than the poor.

Why don't Democrats help the poor? They have not introduced a bill into Congress to help the poor get out of poverty, they just supply more programs to keep them poor. Why?
Health care reform and a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage, is "walking the walking"; nothing but "all talk and nothing but repeal", right wingers.
Funny that the only way the Regressives can fight this issue is to say look at Republicans. That is it! They can't defend the Democrats stand of hating poor blacks and wanting them to stay on welfare, because that is true and they have nothing but diversion and blaming others.

Democrats, no personal responsibility, just blame.
Spoken while the right, has a working majority in Congress.

Repeal the drug war on Your right wing watch, right wingers! Be more than, all talk and no action.

Even free chics can be good at that, if no porn is involved.
What does that have to do with your obsession of taxpayers paying for everybody else's government goodies?
That's what the GOP has refused to do for 31 years to end illegal workers and immigration. There have been no changes to goodies rules, just a corrupt GOP DEPRESSION.

What are you talking about? We are trying to end illegal immigration now. But that's very difficult to do when the Democrats (Chuck Schumer) threaten to shut down the government. What they can't control, they leave it to their Commie activist judges to stop Trump and the Republicans.

The less Democrats in our federal government and courts, the faster we can get rid of the illegal immigrant problem.

Yes, there have been changes to our government goodies. That's why DumBama doubled the food stamp role. Commie Care created an additional 20 million government dependents. Between those two programs alone, the liberals created 40 million more government dependents. Don't tell me there has been no change.
so what; there is no drug war clause in the Doctrine of the Republicans, and we still cannot convince the right wing to abolish it to lower our tax burden. I guess drug dealers are not poor enough, and get more "respect" than the poor.

what?????????????? :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
guess you should have focused on your sight words, in first grade.

sight words? what language do you speak?
Read what I said again. FACT.

Given the entire thing started by government reducing loan regulations so that minorities and the less wealthy could buy homes, how is that the Republicans fault? Republicans know they can't ever get the lowlife or black vote; you said so yourself. So why would Republicans lower standards so that the lower income people could afford homes?
For huge money, of course. Gop cronyism run wild as usual. No worries, just cost 7-8 trillion here, and wrecked the world. Google Countrywide, AIG, Lehman Bros. There were no changes to welfare and UE rules.

Notice that the big concern was bailing out the rich corporations, Congress was all over that, the poor...Dems didn't really care.
TARP for the big corps that caused it was from Paulson and Booosh duh dupe, the stimulus from Obama saved GM and Chrysler, 200 billion for infrastructure jobs, big money for cops, teachers, and firemen and state and local gov'ts. As usual, you're clueless...

So you believe in giving banks hand outs, you believe in giving corporations handouts. The cops, the teachers and fireman saw no raises from tarp, silly little boy. You have been duped! Duh!
Socialism can be a Good thing, when well regulated.

Socialism can be a Bad thing, when used to "enforce socialism over capitalism well regulated."
Read what I said again. FACT.

Given the entire thing started by government reducing loan regulations so that minorities and the less wealthy could buy homes, how is that the Republicans fault? Republicans know they can't ever get the lowlife or black vote; you said so yourself. So why would Republicans lower standards so that the lower income people could afford homes?
For huge money, of course. Gop cronyism run wild as usual. No worries, just cost 7-8 trillion here, and wrecked the world. Google Countrywide, AIG, Lehman Bros. There were no changes to welfare and UE rules.

Notice that the big concern was bailing out the rich corporations, Congress was all over that, the poor...Dems didn't really care.
The rich can hire subject matter specialists to advocate their policies. It takes a while for our representatives to "catch up" about the poor. Health care reform and a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage, helps more than, nothing but repeal.

obamacare is not reform, it was a government takeover of 1/6 of the economy, and it didn't work for anyone except those getting it free. For everyone else is sucked with higher premiums, higher deductibles and less coverage.

your $15 minimum wage rant has been defeated many times already in this thread.
A fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage will have a "trickle up effect".

Management is "overpaid" anyway, if their "real estate guy" says we are not getting a good deal with laissez-fair trade.
Given the entire thing started by government reducing loan regulations so that minorities and the less wealthy could buy homes, how is that the Republicans fault? Republicans know they can't ever get the lowlife or black vote; you said so yourself. So why would Republicans lower standards so that the lower income people could afford homes?
For huge money, of course. Gop cronyism run wild as usual. No worries, just cost 7-8 trillion here, and wrecked the world. Google Countrywide, AIG, Lehman Bros. There were no changes to welfare and UE rules.

Notice that the big concern was bailing out the rich corporations, Congress was all over that, the poor...Dems didn't really care.
The rich can hire subject matter specialists to advocate their policies. It takes a while for our representatives to "catch up" about the poor. Health care reform and a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage, helps more than, nothing but repeal.

obamacare is not reform, it was a government takeover of 1/6 of the economy, and it didn't work for anyone except those getting it free. For everyone else is sucked with higher premiums, higher deductibles and less coverage.

your $15 minimum wage rant has been defeated many times already in this thread.
A fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage will have a "trickle up effect".

Management is "overpaid" anyway, if their "real estate guy" says we are not getting a good deal with laissez-fair trade.

wrong, a $15 minimum wage will destroy jobs for teens and those with little or no education.

which management is overpaid, and by how much, and who makes that decision?

do you even know what laissez faire trade means?
Read what I said again. FACT.

Given the entire thing started by government reducing loan regulations so that minorities and the less wealthy could buy homes, how is that the Republicans fault? Republicans know they can't ever get the lowlife or black vote; you said so yourself. So why would Republicans lower standards so that the lower income people could afford homes?
For huge money, of course. Gop cronyism run wild as usual. No worries, just cost 7-8 trillion here, and wrecked the world. Google Countrywide, AIG, Lehman Bros. There were no changes to welfare and UE rules.

Notice that the big concern was bailing out the rich corporations, Congress was all over that, the poor...Dems didn't really care.
The rich can hire subject matter specialists to advocate their policies. It takes a while for our representatives to "catch up" about the poor. Health care reform and a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage, helps more than, nothing but repeal.

Dems didn't help the poor during the bailout, they chose the rich. They didn't even try to repeal the tax cuts for the rich like Obama promised he'd do his first day in office. The rich lookout for the rich, political party doesn't matter.
The right wing was never fully on-board with our previous president; y'all had nothing but the Obstruction, of Nothing but Repeal.
Given the entire thing started by government reducing loan regulations so that minorities and the less wealthy could buy homes, how is that the Republicans fault? Republicans know they can't ever get the lowlife or black vote; you said so yourself. So why would Republicans lower standards so that the lower income people could afford homes?
For huge money, of course. Gop cronyism run wild as usual. No worries, just cost 7-8 trillion here, and wrecked the world. Google Countrywide, AIG, Lehman Bros. There were no changes to welfare and UE rules.

Notice that the big concern was bailing out the rich corporations, Congress was all over that, the poor...Dems didn't really care.
The rich can hire subject matter specialists to advocate their policies. It takes a while for our representatives to "catch up" about the poor. Health care reform and a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage, helps more than, nothing but repeal.

Dems didn't help the poor during the bailout, they chose the rich. They didn't even try to repeal the tax cuts for the rich like Obama promised he'd do his first day in office. The rich lookout for the rich, political party doesn't matter.
The right wing was never fully on-board with our previous president; y'all had nothing but the Obstruction, of Nothing but Repeal.

Did Obama try to work with republicans? or did he tell them to move to the back of the bus?

Obama's goal was to bring this country to its knees, and the bastard almost succeeded.
For huge money, of course. Gop cronyism run wild as usual. No worries, just cost 7-8 trillion here, and wrecked the world. Google Countrywide, AIG, Lehman Bros. There were no changes to welfare and UE rules.

Notice that the big concern was bailing out the rich corporations, Congress was all over that, the poor...Dems didn't really care.
The rich can hire subject matter specialists to advocate their policies. It takes a while for our representatives to "catch up" about the poor. Health care reform and a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage, helps more than, nothing but repeal.

obamacare is not reform, it was a government takeover of 1/6 of the economy, and it didn't work for anyone except those getting it free. For everyone else is sucked with higher premiums, higher deductibles and less coverage.

your $15 minimum wage rant has been defeated many times already in this thread.
A fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage will have a "trickle up effect".

Management is "overpaid" anyway, if their "real estate guy" says we are not getting a good deal with laissez-fair trade.

wrong, a $15 minimum wage will destroy jobs for teens and those with little or no education.

which management is overpaid, and by how much, and who makes that decision?

do you even know what laissez faire trade means?
not enough corporate raiding that destroys livelihoods, for adults with children? Capitalism has a Natural rate of unemployment. And, demand will grow, in the long run.

Hostess management; it Only works well in the Porn sector.
Given the entire thing started by government reducing loan regulations so that minorities and the less wealthy could buy homes, how is that the Republicans fault? Republicans know they can't ever get the lowlife or black vote; you said so yourself. So why would Republicans lower standards so that the lower income people could afford homes?
For huge money, of course. Gop cronyism run wild as usual. No worries, just cost 7-8 trillion here, and wrecked the world. Google Countrywide, AIG, Lehman Bros. There were no changes to welfare and UE rules.

Notice that the big concern was bailing out the rich corporations, Congress was all over that, the poor...Dems didn't really care.
The rich can hire subject matter specialists to advocate their policies. It takes a while for our representatives to "catch up" about the poor. Health care reform and a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage, helps more than, nothing but repeal.

obamacare is not reform, it was a government takeover of 1/6 of the economy, and it didn't work for anyone except those getting it free. For everyone else is sucked with higher premiums, higher deductibles and less coverage.

your $15 minimum wage rant has been defeated many times already in this thread.
A fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage will have a "trickle up effect".

Management is "overpaid" anyway, if their "real estate guy" says we are not getting a good deal with laissez-fair trade.

There is no trickle up effect. If you believe that, then take a pail of piss, throw it up in the air over your head, and see how much of it goes up.
For huge money, of course. Gop cronyism run wild as usual. No worries, just cost 7-8 trillion here, and wrecked the world. Google Countrywide, AIG, Lehman Bros. There were no changes to welfare and UE rules.

Notice that the big concern was bailing out the rich corporations, Congress was all over that, the poor...Dems didn't really care.
The rich can hire subject matter specialists to advocate their policies. It takes a while for our representatives to "catch up" about the poor. Health care reform and a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage, helps more than, nothing but repeal.

Dems didn't help the poor during the bailout, they chose the rich. They didn't even try to repeal the tax cuts for the rich like Obama promised he'd do his first day in office. The rich lookout for the rich, political party doesn't matter.
The right wing was never fully on-board with our previous president; y'all had nothing but the Obstruction, of Nothing but Repeal.

Did Obama try to work with republicans? or did he tell them to move to the back of the bus?

Obama's goal was to bring this country to its knees, and the bastard almost succeeded.
The Rich had to get their bailout; the poor, not so much.

Where was the right wing, with nothing but repeal instead of competing with better solutions at lower cost.
For huge money, of course. Gop cronyism run wild as usual. No worries, just cost 7-8 trillion here, and wrecked the world. Google Countrywide, AIG, Lehman Bros. There were no changes to welfare and UE rules.

Notice that the big concern was bailing out the rich corporations, Congress was all over that, the poor...Dems didn't really care.
The rich can hire subject matter specialists to advocate their policies. It takes a while for our representatives to "catch up" about the poor. Health care reform and a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage, helps more than, nothing but repeal.

obamacare is not reform, it was a government takeover of 1/6 of the economy, and it didn't work for anyone except those getting it free. For everyone else is sucked with higher premiums, higher deductibles and less coverage.

your $15 minimum wage rant has been defeated many times already in this thread.
A fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage will have a "trickle up effect".

Management is "overpaid" anyway, if their "real estate guy" says we are not getting a good deal with laissez-fair trade.

There is no trickle up effect. If you believe that, then take a pail of piss, throw it up in the air over your head, and see how much of it goes up.
Yes, there is. Ask anyone else on the right wing, who may complain about wage inflation as the minimum wage goes up.
Notice that the big concern was bailing out the rich corporations, Congress was all over that, the poor...Dems didn't really care.
The rich can hire subject matter specialists to advocate their policies. It takes a while for our representatives to "catch up" about the poor. Health care reform and a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage, helps more than, nothing but repeal.

Dems didn't help the poor during the bailout, they chose the rich. They didn't even try to repeal the tax cuts for the rich like Obama promised he'd do his first day in office. The rich lookout for the rich, political party doesn't matter.
The right wing was never fully on-board with our previous president; y'all had nothing but the Obstruction, of Nothing but Repeal.

Did Obama try to work with republicans? or did he tell them to move to the back of the bus?

Obama's goal was to bring this country to its knees, and the bastard almost succeeded.
The Rich had to get their bailout; the poor, not so much.

Where was the right wing, with nothing but repeal instead of competing with better solutions at lower cost.

yes, Obama gave the rich wall street bankers a bailout. He also saved the UAW with his auto company bailout.

What exactly has been repealed? WTF are you talking about?

Is obozocare a "better solution"? Are higher premiums and higher deductibles better for working americans?

you are totally out of touch with reality.
Notice that the big concern was bailing out the rich corporations, Congress was all over that, the poor...Dems didn't really care.
The rich can hire subject matter specialists to advocate their policies. It takes a while for our representatives to "catch up" about the poor. Health care reform and a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage, helps more than, nothing but repeal.

obamacare is not reform, it was a government takeover of 1/6 of the economy, and it didn't work for anyone except those getting it free. For everyone else is sucked with higher premiums, higher deductibles and less coverage.

your $15 minimum wage rant has been defeated many times already in this thread.
A fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage will have a "trickle up effect".

Management is "overpaid" anyway, if their "real estate guy" says we are not getting a good deal with laissez-fair trade.

There is no trickle up effect. If you believe that, then take a pail of piss, throw it up in the air over your head, and see how much of it goes up.
Yes, there is. Ask anyone else on the right wing, who may complain about wage inflation as the minimum wage goes up.

Wage inflation is not the same as trickle up. Nothing trickles anywhere, it's just that new standards are put in place and there is a reaction to that.
Given the entire thing started by government reducing loan regulations so that minorities and the less wealthy could buy homes, how is that the Republicans fault? Republicans know they can't ever get the lowlife or black vote; you said so yourself. So why would Republicans lower standards so that the lower income people could afford homes?
For huge money, of course. Gop cronyism run wild as usual. No worries, just cost 7-8 trillion here, and wrecked the world. Google Countrywide, AIG, Lehman Bros. There were no changes to welfare and UE rules.

Notice that the big concern was bailing out the rich corporations, Congress was all over that, the poor...Dems didn't really care.
The rich can hire subject matter specialists to advocate their policies. It takes a while for our representatives to "catch up" about the poor. Health care reform and a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage, helps more than, nothing but repeal.

Dems didn't help the poor during the bailout, they chose the rich. They didn't even try to repeal the tax cuts for the rich like Obama promised he'd do his first day in office. The rich lookout for the rich, political party doesn't matter.
The right wing was never fully on-board with our previous president; y'all had nothing but the Obstruction, of Nothing but Repeal.

All the Democrats have is excuses and blame, no responsibility.

The rich took care of the rich, that is what the Democrats did, they took care of the rich.

Maybe one day the Democrats will just introduce one bill that will help the poor out of poverty.

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