Why do democrats hate poor black people and want them permanently on welfare?

Because he wanted to know all the facts? He's no communist,

right and all the liberals who spied for Stalin and gave him the bomb were not communists either!! Right super duper super super best dupe!!!

actually he says openly he's a socialist!!While attending the University of Chicago, Sanders joined the Young Peopleā€™s Socialist League, the youth wing of the Socialist Party USA. He also organized for a communist front, the United Packinghouse Workers Union, which at the time was under investigation by the House Committee on Un-American Activities.

After graduating with a political science degree, Sanders moved to Vermont, where he headed the American Peopleā€™s History Society, an organ for Marxist propaganda. There, he produced a glowing documentary on the life of socialist revolutionary Eugene Debs, who was jailed for espionage during the Red Scare and hailed by the Bolsheviks as ā€œAmericaā€™s greatest Marxist.ā€

n 1985, he traveled to Managua to celebrate the rise to power of the Marxist-Leninist Sandinista government. He called it a ā€œheroic revolution.ā€ Undermining anti-communist US policy, Sanders denounced the Reagan administrationā€™s backing of the Contra rebels in a letter to the Sandinistas.

Sanders: General Electric, good example. General Electric was created in this country by American workers and American consumers....

Huh? Thomas Edison had nothing to do with it? J.P. Morgan had nothing to do with it? This is Marxist magical thinking,

Read more: Blog: How much of a communist is Bernie Sanders? (part 2)
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hen, in 1989, as the West was on the verge of winning the Cold War, Sanders addressed the national conference of the US Peace Council ā€” a known front for the Communist Party USA, whose members swore an oath not only to the Soviet Union but to ā€œthe triumph of Soviet power in the US.ā€

Today, Sanders wants to bring what he admired in the USSR, Cuba, Nicaragua and other communist states to America.

For starters, he proposes completely nationalizing our health care system and putting private health insurance and drug companies ā€œout of business.ā€ He also wants to break up ā€œbig banksā€ and control the energy industry, while providing ā€œfreeā€ college tuition, a ā€œliving wageā€ and guaranteed homeownership and jobs through massive public works projects. Price tag: $18 trillion.

While a Senator only Obama voted to left of Sanders

Sanders, 73, has been preaching socialism for nearly half a century, and he cites Eugene Debs, the five-time presidential candidate of the Socialist Party of America, as his hero. But he hasnā€™t always embraced the label.

ā€œI myself donā€™t use the word socialism,ā€ he said in 1976 in the Vermont Cynic, a student publication at the University of Vermont,

Sanders: General Electric, good example. General Electric was created in this country by American workers and American consumers....

Huh? Thomas Edison had nothing to do with it? J.P. Morgan had nothing to do with it? This is Marxist magical thinking,

Read more: Blog: How much of a communist is Bernie Sanders? (part 2)
Follow us: @AmericanThinker on Twitter | AmericanThinker on Facebook

It began for him when he joined the Young Peopleā€™s Socialist League while a student at the University of Chicago, from which he graduated in 1964. What was the mission of the Young Peopleā€™s Socialist League?

It was spelled out in the preamble to its constitution: ā€œThe Young Peopleā€™s Socialist League of America calls upon all young people who are interested in the emancipation of the working class from the chains of wage slavery to join its rank and through it and its associated organizations of the International Socialist Movement, to work for the overthrow of the present capitalist system in all its social and economic ramiļ¬cations, and for the establishment in its stead of a worldwide socialistic cooperative commonwealth.

Read more at Is Bernie Sanders a communist?

Sanders called Sandinista leader Daniel Ortega ā€œan impressive guy,ā€ with ā€œdeep convictions.ā€ He then accused the Reagan administration of poisoning public perception of the tyrannical regime

Read more: Bernie Sanders is a Communist Sympathizer
Follow us: @TheLibRepublic on TwitterSanders called Sandinista leader Daniel Ortega ā€œan impressive guy,ā€ with ā€œdeep convictions.ā€ He then accused the Reagan administration of poisoning public perception of the tyrannical regime.

Read more: Bernie Sanders is a Communist Sympathizer
Follow us: @TheLibRepublic on Twitter

began for him when he joined the Young Peopleā€™s Socialist League while a student at the University of Chicago,

That explains everything, I didn't even know that
So he knew what socialism was 43 years before you dupes, if you figured it out TODAY, lol. FAIR capitalism, always democratic. I knew in 1960. World Book.
the Democrats that did nothing. They didn't offer one bill to help the poor out of poverty.
this is true they have already passed all the bills they can think of. First there was free medical care for the poor, then for the old, then for children, and now single payer for everyone. Health care is where we have all the Democrat's communist ideas in one place and surprise it is where we have the most trouble!! Just like Stalin after the first 5 year plan failed. We need an even more robust libcommie plan!!
Except about a hundred bills the GOP filibustered, jackass dupes. Living wage, cheap training programs for 6 million tech jobs going begging, infrastructure jobs bank, tax hikes on the bloated rich, tax cuts for the ruined nonrich, higher subsidies for ACA, regulations to cut ACA prices, paid parental leave (Only we and NEW GUINEA don't have it!, shytteheads)- so much you dupes never hear about. It's like arguing with zombies...

Too bad for you communism is not on our agenda!! Do you know why Sanders honeymooned in the USSR and why Obama voted to left of Sanders??

Norman Thomas ( socialist presidential candidate)
The American people will never knowingly adopt Socialism. But under the name of 'liberalism' they will adopt every fragment of the Socialist program, until one day America will be a Socialist nation, without knowing how it happened.
It already is, superdupe, just a corrupt pander to the rich GOP socialism (as long as we have ACA). BTW, socialism is just fair, ALWAYS DEMOCRATIC, CAPIALISM, with a good safety net. You dupes think it's communism. Feqing brainwashed functional morons. Ask any Dems who know what they're talking about or any furriner. Call it Social Democrat, zombie dupe- you may get it in 10-20 years...

Already drunk I see.
Jeebus you dupes are idiots...
Let's have a link to all these new gov't goodies. I submit no such thing has happened, only that the the slow ruin of the nonrich and the Boooshie depression added to the numbers eligible for welfare and food stamps.

Look up the Pork Bill and see it for yourself. Nearly a trillion dollars that did nothing, but the expansion of food stamps was in there. Commie Care is "a new government goodie" that cost us over a trillion dollars. The stupid internet site was a billion dollars alone.
WTF are you talking about? The stimulus and then ACA? Both worked just fine, dupe.

Yeah, it worked out fine for government workers, unions and lowlifes who's only talent was to ask if you want fries with your burger.
Because he wanted to know all the facts? He's no communist,

right and all the liberals who spied for Stalin and gave him the bomb were not communists either!! Right super duper super super best dupe!!!

actually he says openly he's a socialist!!While attending the University of Chicago, Sanders joined the Young Peopleā€™s Socialist League, the youth wing of the Socialist Party USA. He also organized for a communist front, the United Packinghouse Workers Union, which at the time was under investigation by the House Committee on Un-American Activities.

After graduating with a political science degree, Sanders moved to Vermont, where he headed the American Peopleā€™s History Society, an organ for Marxist propaganda. There, he produced a glowing documentary on the life of socialist revolutionary Eugene Debs, who was jailed for espionage during the Red Scare and hailed by the Bolsheviks as ā€œAmericaā€™s greatest Marxist.ā€

n 1985, he traveled to Managua to celebrate the rise to power of the Marxist-Leninist Sandinista government. He called it a ā€œheroic revolution.ā€ Undermining anti-communist US policy, Sanders denounced the Reagan administrationā€™s backing of the Contra rebels in a letter to the Sandinistas.

Sanders: General Electric, good example. General Electric was created in this country by American workers and American consumers....

Huh? Thomas Edison had nothing to do with it? J.P. Morgan had nothing to do with it? This is Marxist magical thinking,

Read more: Blog: How much of a communist is Bernie Sanders? (part 2)
Follow us: @AmericanThinker on Twitter | AmericanThinker on Facebook

hen, in 1989, as the West was on the verge of winning the Cold War, Sanders addressed the national conference of the US Peace Council ā€” a known front for the Communist Party USA, whose members swore an oath not only to the Soviet Union but to ā€œthe triumph of Soviet power in the US.ā€

Today, Sanders wants to bring what he admired in the USSR, Cuba, Nicaragua and other communist states to America.

For starters, he proposes completely nationalizing our health care system and putting private health insurance and drug companies ā€œout of business.ā€ He also wants to break up ā€œbig banksā€ and control the energy industry, while providing ā€œfreeā€ college tuition, a ā€œliving wageā€ and guaranteed homeownership and jobs through massive public works projects. Price tag: $18 trillion.

While a Senator only Obama voted to left of Sanders

Sanders, 73, has been preaching socialism for nearly half a century, and he cites Eugene Debs, the five-time presidential candidate of the Socialist Party of America, as his hero. But he hasnā€™t always embraced the label.

ā€œI myself donā€™t use the word socialism,ā€ he said in 1976 in the Vermont Cynic, a student publication at the University of Vermont,

Sanders: General Electric, good example. General Electric was created in this country by American workers and American consumers....

Huh? Thomas Edison had nothing to do with it? J.P. Morgan had nothing to do with it? This is Marxist magical thinking,

Read more: Blog: How much of a communist is Bernie Sanders? (part 2)
Follow us: @AmericanThinker on Twitter | AmericanThinker on Facebook

It began for him when he joined the Young Peopleā€™s Socialist League while a student at the University of Chicago, from which he graduated in 1964. What was the mission of the Young Peopleā€™s Socialist League?

It was spelled out in the preamble to its constitution: ā€œThe Young Peopleā€™s Socialist League of America calls upon all young people who are interested in the emancipation of the working class from the chains of wage slavery to join its rank and through it and its associated organizations of the International Socialist Movement, to work for the overthrow of the present capitalist system in all its social and economic ramiļ¬cations, and for the establishment in its stead of a worldwide socialistic cooperative commonwealth.

Read more at Is Bernie Sanders a communist?

Sanders called Sandinista leader Daniel Ortega ā€œan impressive guy,ā€ with ā€œdeep convictions.ā€ He then accused the Reagan administration of poisoning public perception of the tyrannical regime

Read more: Bernie Sanders is a Communist Sympathizer
Follow us: @TheLibRepublic on TwitterSanders called Sandinista leader Daniel Ortega ā€œan impressive guy,ā€ with ā€œdeep convictions.ā€ He then accused the Reagan administration of poisoning public perception of the tyrannical regime.

Read more: Bernie Sanders is a Communist Sympathizer
Follow us: @TheLibRepublic on Twitter

began for him when he joined the Young Peopleā€™s Socialist League while a student at the University of Chicago,

That explains everything, I didn't even know that
So he knew what socialism was 43 years before you dupes, if you figured it out TODAY, lol. FAIR capitalism, always democratic. I knew in 1960. World Book.

Again I never knew berine was part of the Chicago Democrat machine..

And I thought I knew it all
this is true they have already passed all the bills they can think of. First there was free medical care for the poor, then for the old, then for children, and now single payer for everyone. Health care is where we have all the Democrat's communist ideas in one place and surprise it is where we have the most trouble!! Just like Stalin after the first 5 year plan failed. We need an even more robust libcommie plan!!
Except about a hundred bills the GOP filibustered, jackass dupes. Living wage, cheap training programs for 6 million tech jobs going begging, infrastructure jobs bank, tax hikes on the bloated rich, tax cuts for the ruined nonrich, higher subsidies for ACA, regulations to cut ACA prices, paid parental leave (Only we and NEW GUINEA don't have it!, shytteheads)- so much you dupes never hear about. It's like arguing with zombies...

Too bad for you communism is not on our agenda!! Do you know why Sanders honeymooned in the USSR and why Obama voted to left of Sanders??

Norman Thomas ( socialist presidential candidate)
The American people will never knowingly adopt Socialism. But under the name of 'liberalism' they will adopt every fragment of the Socialist program, until one day America will be a Socialist nation, without knowing how it happened.
It already is, superdupe, just a corrupt pander to the rich GOP socialism (as long as we have ACA). BTW, socialism is just fair, ALWAYS DEMOCRATIC, CAPIALISM, with a good safety net. You dupes think it's communism. Feqing brainwashed functional morons. Ask any Dems who know what they're talking about or any furriner. Call it Social Democrat, zombie dupe- you may get it in 10-20 years...

Already drunk I see.
Jeebus you dupes are idiots...

No, we just realize the rantings of an old drunk.
Let's have a link to all these new gov't goodies. I submit no such thing has happened, only that the the slow ruin of the nonrich and the Boooshie depression added to the numbers eligible for welfare and food stamps.

Look up the Pork Bill and see it for yourself. Nearly a trillion dollars that did nothing, but the expansion of food stamps was in there. Commie Care is "a new government goodie" that cost us over a trillion dollars. The stupid internet site was a billion dollars alone.
WTF are you talking about? The stimulus and then ACA? Both worked just fine, dupe.

Yeah, it worked out fine for government workers, unions and lowlifes who's only talent was to ask if you want fries with your burger.
Averted a full blown GOP depression, shytteheads...
FAIR capitalism, always democratic..

thats the HS drop outs Super duper super supreme duper idea of an argument. He is for fair capitalism, i.e. communism, and we are for unfair capitalism. !
Masters in History, Rochester '89, MORON. Yup, that's pander to the greedy rich GOP. Doubled the wealth of the 1% in 30 years. All you have is bs propaganda, stupid stuff.
FAIR capitalism, always democratic..

thats the HS drop outs Super duper super supreme duper idea of an argument. He is for fair capitalism, i.e. communism, and we are for unfair capitalism. !
Masters in History, Rochester '89, MORON. Yup, that's pander to the greedy rich GOP. Doubled the wealth of the 1% in 30 years. All you have is bs propaganda, stupid stuff.
The year is 2017

Let's have a link to all these new gov't goodies. I submit no such thing has happened, only that the the slow ruin of the nonrich and the Boooshie depression added to the numbers eligible for welfare and food stamps.

Look up the Pork Bill and see it for yourself. Nearly a trillion dollars that did nothing, but the expansion of food stamps was in there. Commie Care is "a new government goodie" that cost us over a trillion dollars. The stupid internet site was a billion dollars alone.
WTF are you talking about? The stimulus and then ACA? Both worked just fine, dupe.

Yeah, it worked out fine for government workers, unions and lowlifes who's only talent was to ask if you want fries with your burger.
Averted a full blown GOP depression, shytteheads...

So full of it. If anything, he retarded the recovery.

DumBama was the most anti-business President in our lifetime. Business gets us out of recessions--not government. All government can do is make it easier or harder for businesses to accomplish that.
The rich can hire subject matter specialists to advocate their policies. It takes a while for our representatives to "catch up" about the poor. Health care reform and a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage, helps more than, nothing but repeal.

Dems didn't help the poor during the bailout, they chose the rich. They didn't even try to repeal the tax cuts for the rich like Obama promised he'd do his first day in office. The rich lookout for the rich, political party doesn't matter.
The right wing was never fully on-board with our previous president; y'all had nothing but the Obstruction, of Nothing but Repeal.

Did Obama try to work with republicans? or did he tell them to move to the back of the bus?

Obama's goal was to bring this country to its knees, and the bastard almost succeeded.
The Rich had to get their bailout; the poor, not so much.

Where was the right wing, with nothing but repeal instead of competing with better solutions at lower cost.

yes, Obama gave the rich wall street bankers a bailout. He also saved the UAW with his auto company bailout.

What exactly has been repealed? WTF are you talking about?

Is obozocare a "better solution"? Are higher premiums and higher deductibles better for working americans?

you are totally out of touch with reality.
Health care reform and a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage is some solution. The right wing, literally has, no solution.
The rich can hire subject matter specialists to advocate their policies. It takes a while for our representatives to "catch up" about the poor. Health care reform and a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage, helps more than, nothing but repeal.

obamacare is not reform, it was a government takeover of 1/6 of the economy, and it didn't work for anyone except those getting it free. For everyone else is sucked with higher premiums, higher deductibles and less coverage.

your $15 minimum wage rant has been defeated many times already in this thread.
A fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage will have a "trickle up effect".

Management is "overpaid" anyway, if their "real estate guy" says we are not getting a good deal with laissez-fair trade.

There is no trickle up effect. If you believe that, then take a pail of piss, throw it up in the air over your head, and see how much of it goes up.
Yes, there is. Ask anyone else on the right wing, who may complain about wage inflation as the minimum wage goes up.

Wage inflation is not the same as trickle up. Nothing trickles anywhere, it's just that new standards are put in place and there is a reaction to that.
Yes, it is a form of, "trickle up".
For huge money, of course. Gop cronyism run wild as usual. No worries, just cost 7-8 trillion here, and wrecked the world. Google Countrywide, AIG, Lehman Bros. There were no changes to welfare and UE rules.

Notice that the big concern was bailing out the rich corporations, Congress was all over that, the poor...Dems didn't really care.
The rich can hire subject matter specialists to advocate their policies. It takes a while for our representatives to "catch up" about the poor. Health care reform and a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage, helps more than, nothing but repeal.

Dems didn't help the poor during the bailout, they chose the rich. They didn't even try to repeal the tax cuts for the rich like Obama promised he'd do his first day in office. The rich lookout for the rich, political party doesn't matter.
The right wing was never fully on-board with our previous president; y'all had nothing but the Obstruction, of Nothing but Repeal.

All the Democrats have is excuses and blame, no responsibility.

The rich took care of the rich, that is what the Democrats did, they took care of the rich.

Maybe one day the Democrats will just introduce one bill that will help the poor out of poverty.
The democrats introduced health care reform and a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage. The right wing, still has nothing but repeal.
Notice that the big concern was bailing out the rich corporations, Congress was all over that, the poor...Dems didn't really care.
The rich can hire subject matter specialists to advocate their policies. It takes a while for our representatives to "catch up" about the poor. Health care reform and a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage, helps more than, nothing but repeal.

Dems didn't help the poor during the bailout, they chose the rich. They didn't even try to repeal the tax cuts for the rich like Obama promised he'd do his first day in office. The rich lookout for the rich, political party doesn't matter.
The right wing was never fully on-board with our previous president; y'all had nothing but the Obstruction, of Nothing but Repeal.

All the Democrats have is excuses and blame, no responsibility.

The rich took care of the rich, that is what the Democrats did, they took care of the rich.

Maybe one day the Democrats will just introduce one bill that will help the poor out of poverty.
The democrats introduced health care reform and a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage. The right wing, still has nothing but repeal.

Neither program takes the poor off poverty. Care to try again or you just going to blame others?
The rich can hire subject matter specialists to advocate their policies. It takes a while for our representatives to "catch up" about the poor. Health care reform and a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage, helps more than, nothing but repeal.

Dems didn't help the poor during the bailout, they chose the rich. They didn't even try to repeal the tax cuts for the rich like Obama promised he'd do his first day in office. The rich lookout for the rich, political party doesn't matter.
The right wing was never fully on-board with our previous president; y'all had nothing but the Obstruction, of Nothing but Repeal.

All the Democrats have is excuses and blame, no responsibility.

The rich took care of the rich, that is what the Democrats did, they took care of the rich.

Maybe one day the Democrats will just introduce one bill that will help the poor out of poverty.
The democrats introduced health care reform and a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage. The right wing, still has nothing but repeal.

Neither program takes the poor off poverty. Care to try again or you just going to blame others?
Both of those programs, promote the general welfare. The right wing, still, after one hundred days and a majority in Congress, have nothing but repeal or Red Herrings.
Some on the alt-left are still waiting for the right wing to at least start to "sell us" on vaporware that they can "tweek in the middle of the night until it works".

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