Why do democrats hate poor black people and want them permanently on welfare?

Let's have a link to all these new gov't goodies. I submit no such thing has happened, only that the the slow ruin of the nonrich and the Boooshie depression added to the numbers eligible for welfare and food stamps.

Look up the Pork Bill and see it for yourself. Nearly a trillion dollars that did nothing, but the expansion of food stamps was in there. Commie Care is "a new government goodie" that cost us over a trillion dollars. The stupid internet site was a billion dollars alone.
WTF are you talking about? The stimulus and then ACA? Both worked just fine, dupe.

Yeah, it worked out fine for government workers, unions and lowlifes who's only talent was to ask if you want fries with your burger.
Averted a full blown GOP depression, shytteheads...

So full of it. If anything, he retarded the recovery.

DumBama was the most anti-business President in our lifetime. Business gets us out of recessions--not government. All government can do is make it easier or harder for businesses to accomplish that.
How, ridiculous dupe? Our economy is still in a perfect time and DESPERATE for an infrastructure bank, cheap training for 6 million tech jobs going begging, tax cuts for the middle class, and a living wage, all blocked by the GOP. What we're going to get is ANOTHER giant tax cut for the richest and giant corps. RW idiocy...
Look up the Pork Bill and see it for yourself. Nearly a trillion dollars that did nothing, but the expansion of food stamps was in there. Commie Care is "a new government goodie" that cost us over a trillion dollars. The stupid internet site was a billion dollars alone.
WTF are you talking about? The stimulus and then ACA? Both worked just fine, dupe.

Yeah, it worked out fine for government workers, unions and lowlifes who's only talent was to ask if you want fries with your burger.
Averted a full blown GOP depression, shytteheads...

So full of it. If anything, he retarded the recovery.

DumBama was the most anti-business President in our lifetime. Business gets us out of recessions--not government. All government can do is make it easier or harder for businesses to accomplish that.
How, ridiculous dupe? Our economy is still in a perfect time and DESPERATE for an infrastructure bank, cheap training for 6 million tech jobs going begging, tax cuts for the middle class, and a living wage, all blocked by the GOP. What we're going to get is ANOTHER giant tax cut for the richest and giant corps. RW idiocy...

You leftists give no credit to human beings. You think government should be in your bathroom so somebody can wipe you since you're incapable of doing it yourself.

People can get their own education with their own money. People can get a living wage job if they really want one. You don't need the federal government to do everything in your life for you.

And what kind of tax cuts are you looking for the middle-class? The middle-class barely pay any income tax now and some not at all. Most of our taxes are payroll which again, we get back after we retire. Since both federal programs are going to be out of money soon, you can't cut taxes on those programs.
Look up the Pork Bill and see it for yourself. Nearly a trillion dollars that did nothing, but the expansion of food stamps was in there. Commie Care is "a new government goodie" that cost us over a trillion dollars. The stupid internet site was a billion dollars alone.
WTF are you talking about? The stimulus and then ACA? Both worked just fine, dupe.

Yeah, it worked out fine for government workers, unions and lowlifes who's only talent was to ask if you want fries with your burger.
Averted a full blown GOP depression, shytteheads...

So full of it. If anything, he retarded the recovery.

DumBama was the most anti-business President in our lifetime. Business gets us out of recessions--not government. All government can do is make it easier or harder for businesses to accomplish that.
How, ridiculous dupe? Our economy is still in a perfect time and DESPERATE for an infrastructure bank, cheap training for 6 million tech jobs going begging, tax cuts for the middle class, and a living wage, all blocked by the GOP. What we're going to get is ANOTHER giant tax cut for the richest and giant corps. RW idiocy...
there is no unemployment, only underpayment for the bottom line, under Any form of Capitalism.
WTF are you talking about? The stimulus and then ACA? Both worked just fine, dupe.

Yeah, it worked out fine for government workers, unions and lowlifes who's only talent was to ask if you want fries with your burger.
Averted a full blown GOP depression, shytteheads...

So full of it. If anything, he retarded the recovery.

DumBama was the most anti-business President in our lifetime. Business gets us out of recessions--not government. All government can do is make it easier or harder for businesses to accomplish that.
How, ridiculous dupe? Our economy is still in a perfect time and DESPERATE for an infrastructure bank, cheap training for 6 million tech jobs going begging, tax cuts for the middle class, and a living wage, all blocked by the GOP. What we're going to get is ANOTHER giant tax cut for the richest and giant corps. RW idiocy...

You leftists give no credit to human beings. You think government should be in your bathroom so somebody can wipe you since you're incapable of doing it yourself.

People can get their own education with their own money. People can get a living wage job if they really want one. You don't need the federal government to do everything in your life for you.

And what kind of tax cuts are you looking for the middle-class? The middle-class barely pay any income tax now and some not at all. Most of our taxes are payroll which again, we get back after we retire. Since both federal programs are going to be out of money soon, you can't cut taxes on those programs.
At the least they should raise the cap on payroll tax according to inflation and cut that rate on the nonrich. The GOP has been screwing the middle class for 35 years...They should raise taxes on the bloated rich and giant corps and get back to cheap public college and training like before Raygun, and raising fed aid to states and cutting state and local taxes and fees again. When you make everything for regular people as expensive and hard as possible, the whole class goes to hell. You dupes think being an exception means something....
Yeah, it worked out fine for government workers, unions and lowlifes who's only talent was to ask if you want fries with your burger.
Averted a full blown GOP depression, shytteheads...

So full of it. If anything, he retarded the recovery.

DumBama was the most anti-business President in our lifetime. Business gets us out of recessions--not government. All government can do is make it easier or harder for businesses to accomplish that.
How, ridiculous dupe? Our economy is still in a perfect time and DESPERATE for an infrastructure bank, cheap training for 6 million tech jobs going begging, tax cuts for the middle class, and a living wage, all blocked by the GOP. What we're going to get is ANOTHER giant tax cut for the richest and giant corps. RW idiocy...

You leftists give no credit to human beings. You think government should be in your bathroom so somebody can wipe you since you're incapable of doing it yourself.

People can get their own education with their own money. People can get a living wage job if they really want one. You don't need the federal government to do everything in your life for you.

And what kind of tax cuts are you looking for the middle-class? The middle-class barely pay any income tax now and some not at all. Most of our taxes are payroll which again, we get back after we retire. Since both federal programs are going to be out of money soon, you can't cut taxes on those programs.
At the least they should raise the cap on payroll tax according to inflation and cut that rate on the nonrich. The GOP has been screwing the middle class for 35 years...They should raise taxes on the bloated rich and giant corps and get back to cheap public college and training like before Raygun, and raising fed aid to states and cutting state and local taxes and fees again. When you make everything for regular people as expensive and hard as possible, the whole class goes to hell. You dupes think being an exception means something....

If they raise the cap on SS and FICA, shouldn't those who paid more get more back? Nahhh, that's not the liberal way. The liberal way is to use other peoples money to pay those that paid less or nothing at all.

Taxes on the rich have nothing to do with what colleges charge. If you want cheap public college, let the state or county make it cheap--not federal government. Why should I in Ohio be paying for public college in Iowa?

Every goodie that's questioned about funding is met with the typical liberal answer of "let the rich pay." Why should the rich pay for everything for everybody else?

"How much is YOUR fair share of what somebody else worked for?"
Thomas Sowell

John Stossel: Tax The Rich? The Rich Don't Have Enough. Really.
Averted a full blown GOP depression, shytteheads...

So full of it. If anything, he retarded the recovery.

DumBama was the most anti-business President in our lifetime. Business gets us out of recessions--not government. All government can do is make it easier or harder for businesses to accomplish that.
How, ridiculous dupe? Our economy is still in a perfect time and DESPERATE for an infrastructure bank, cheap training for 6 million tech jobs going begging, tax cuts for the middle class, and a living wage, all blocked by the GOP. What we're going to get is ANOTHER giant tax cut for the richest and giant corps. RW idiocy...

You leftists give no credit to human beings. You think government should be in your bathroom so somebody can wipe you since you're incapable of doing it yourself.

People can get their own education with their own money. People can get a living wage job if they really want one. You don't need the federal government to do everything in your life for you.

And what kind of tax cuts are you looking for the middle-class? The middle-class barely pay any income tax now and some not at all. Most of our taxes are payroll which again, we get back after we retire. Since both federal programs are going to be out of money soon, you can't cut taxes on those programs.
At the least they should raise the cap on payroll tax according to inflation and cut that rate on the nonrich. The GOP has been screwing the middle class for 35 years...They should raise taxes on the bloated rich and giant corps and get back to cheap public college and training like before Raygun, and raising fed aid to states and cutting state and local taxes and fees again. When you make everything for regular people as expensive and hard as possible, the whole class goes to hell. You dupes think being an exception means something....

If they raise the cap on SS and FICA, shouldn't those who paid more get more back? Nahhh, that's not the liberal way. The liberal way is to use other peoples money to pay those that paid less or nothing at all.

Taxes on the rich have nothing to do with what colleges charge. If you want cheap public college, let the state or county make it cheap--not federal government. Why should I in Ohio be paying for public college in Iowa?

Every goodie that's questioned about funding is met with the typical liberal answer of "let the rich pay." Why should the rich pay for everything for everybody else?

"How much is YOUR fair share of what somebody else worked for?"
Thomas Sowell

John Stossel: Tax The Rich? The Rich Don't Have Enough. Really.
Breaking: You're not the bloated rich so no Dem is talking about you paying more. Ohio can do what it wants with the extra money.

Why? Because the rich have doubled their wealth the last 30 years while everyone else has gone to hell DUH dupe.
So full of it. If anything, he retarded the recovery.

DumBama was the most anti-business President in our lifetime. Business gets us out of recessions--not government. All government can do is make it easier or harder for businesses to accomplish that.
How, ridiculous dupe? Our economy is still in a perfect time and DESPERATE for an infrastructure bank, cheap training for 6 million tech jobs going begging, tax cuts for the middle class, and a living wage, all blocked by the GOP. What we're going to get is ANOTHER giant tax cut for the richest and giant corps. RW idiocy...

You leftists give no credit to human beings. You think government should be in your bathroom so somebody can wipe you since you're incapable of doing it yourself.

People can get their own education with their own money. People can get a living wage job if they really want one. You don't need the federal government to do everything in your life for you.

And what kind of tax cuts are you looking for the middle-class? The middle-class barely pay any income tax now and some not at all. Most of our taxes are payroll which again, we get back after we retire. Since both federal programs are going to be out of money soon, you can't cut taxes on those programs.
At the least they should raise the cap on payroll tax according to inflation and cut that rate on the nonrich. The GOP has been screwing the middle class for 35 years...They should raise taxes on the bloated rich and giant corps and get back to cheap public college and training like before Raygun, and raising fed aid to states and cutting state and local taxes and fees again. When you make everything for regular people as expensive and hard as possible, the whole class goes to hell. You dupes think being an exception means something....

If they raise the cap on SS and FICA, shouldn't those who paid more get more back? Nahhh, that's not the liberal way. The liberal way is to use other peoples money to pay those that paid less or nothing at all.

Taxes on the rich have nothing to do with what colleges charge. If you want cheap public college, let the state or county make it cheap--not federal government. Why should I in Ohio be paying for public college in Iowa?

Every goodie that's questioned about funding is met with the typical liberal answer of "let the rich pay." Why should the rich pay for everything for everybody else?

"How much is YOUR fair share of what somebody else worked for?"
Thomas Sowell

John Stossel: Tax The Rich? The Rich Don't Have Enough. Really.
Breaking: You're not the bloated rich so no Dem is talking about you paying more. Ohio can do what it wants with the extra money.

Why? Because the rich have doubled their wealth the last 30 years while everyone else has gone to hell DUH dupe.

Good point. THEY doubled their wealth, not society.

If you think taking more from people because they have it is a good thing, then why not extrapolate that to other things?

If you have a dozen beautiful bushes in front of your house, would it not be fair for government to take some of your bushes and give them to your neighbor that has none? If you own three cars, that's not fair because your neighbor only owns one. Would it not be justice for government to take one of your cars and give it to your neighbor? You like television and have four big screens in your home, but your neighbor has a 25" tube television. Would it not be fair for government taking two or your big screens and giving those to your neighbor?

You leftists are all for taking other people's property to give to others, but you would be outraged if government took from you to do the same.
How, ridiculous dupe? Our economy is still in a perfect time and DESPERATE for an infrastructure bank, cheap training for 6 million tech jobs going begging, tax cuts for the middle class, and a living wage, all blocked by the GOP. What we're going to get is ANOTHER giant tax cut for the richest and giant corps. RW idiocy...

You leftists give no credit to human beings. You think government should be in your bathroom so somebody can wipe you since you're incapable of doing it yourself.

People can get their own education with their own money. People can get a living wage job if they really want one. You don't need the federal government to do everything in your life for you.

And what kind of tax cuts are you looking for the middle-class? The middle-class barely pay any income tax now and some not at all. Most of our taxes are payroll which again, we get back after we retire. Since both federal programs are going to be out of money soon, you can't cut taxes on those programs.
At the least they should raise the cap on payroll tax according to inflation and cut that rate on the nonrich. The GOP has been screwing the middle class for 35 years...They should raise taxes on the bloated rich and giant corps and get back to cheap public college and training like before Raygun, and raising fed aid to states and cutting state and local taxes and fees again. When you make everything for regular people as expensive and hard as possible, the whole class goes to hell. You dupes think being an exception means something....
If they raise the cap on SS and FICA, shouldn't those who paid more get more back? Nahhh, that's not the liberal way. The liberal way is to use other peoples money to pay those that paid less or nothing at all.

Taxes on the rich have nothing to do with what colleges charge. If you want cheap public college, let the state or county make it cheap--not federal government. Why should I in Ohio be paying for public college in Iowa?

Every goodie that's questioned about funding is met with the typical liberal answer of "let the rich pay." Why should the rich pay for everything for everybody else?

"How much is YOUR fair share of what somebody else worked for?"
Thomas Sowell

John Stossel: Tax The Rich? The Rich Don't Have Enough. Really.
Breaking: You're not the bloated rich so no Dem is talking about you paying more. Ohio can do what it wants with the extra money.

Why? Because the rich have doubled their wealth the last 30 years while everyone else has gone to hell DUH dupe.

Good point. THEY doubled their wealth, not society.

If you think taking more from people because they have it is a good thing, then why not extrapolate that to other things?

If you have a dozen beautiful bushes in front of your house, would it not be fair for government to take some of your bushes and give them to your neighbor that has none? If you own three cars, that's not fair because your neighbor only owns one. Would it not be justice for government to take one of your cars and give it to your neighbor? You like television and have four big screens in your home, but your neighbor has a 25" tube television. Would it not be fair for government taking two or your big screens and giving those to your neighbor?

You leftists are all for taking other people's property to give to others, but you would be outraged if government took from you to do the same.
They're richer for ONE REASON: the New BS GOP cut their taxes duh. And the rest get taxed more in state and local taxes and fees to make up for less federal aid...Will you snap out out of it ferchrissake...
You leftists give no credit to human beings. You think government should be in your bathroom so somebody can wipe you since you're incapable of doing it yourself.

People can get their own education with their own money. People can get a living wage job if they really want one. You don't need the federal government to do everything in your life for you.

And what kind of tax cuts are you looking for the middle-class? The middle-class barely pay any income tax now and some not at all. Most of our taxes are payroll which again, we get back after we retire. Since both federal programs are going to be out of money soon, you can't cut taxes on those programs.
At the least they should raise the cap on payroll tax according to inflation and cut that rate on the nonrich. The GOP has been screwing the middle class for 35 years...They should raise taxes on the bloated rich and giant corps and get back to cheap public college and training like before Raygun, and raising fed aid to states and cutting state and local taxes and fees again. When you make everything for regular people as expensive and hard as possible, the whole class goes to hell. You dupes think being an exception means something....
If they raise the cap on SS and FICA, shouldn't those who paid more get more back? Nahhh, that's not the liberal way. The liberal way is to use other peoples money to pay those that paid less or nothing at all.

Taxes on the rich have nothing to do with what colleges charge. If you want cheap public college, let the state or county make it cheap--not federal government. Why should I in Ohio be paying for public college in Iowa?

Every goodie that's questioned about funding is met with the typical liberal answer of "let the rich pay." Why should the rich pay for everything for everybody else?

"How much is YOUR fair share of what somebody else worked for?"
Thomas Sowell

John Stossel: Tax The Rich? The Rich Don't Have Enough. Really.
Breaking: You're not the bloated rich so no Dem is talking about you paying more. Ohio can do what it wants with the extra money.

Why? Because the rich have doubled their wealth the last 30 years while everyone else has gone to hell DUH dupe.

Good point. THEY doubled their wealth, not society.

If you think taking more from people because they have it is a good thing, then why not extrapolate that to other things?

If you have a dozen beautiful bushes in front of your house, would it not be fair for government to take some of your bushes and give them to your neighbor that has none? If you own three cars, that's not fair because your neighbor only owns one. Would it not be justice for government to take one of your cars and give it to your neighbor? You like television and have four big screens in your home, but your neighbor has a 25" tube television. Would it not be fair for government taking two or your big screens and giving those to your neighbor?

You leftists are all for taking other people's property to give to others, but you would be outraged if government took from you to do the same.
They're richer for ONE REASON: the New BS GOP cut their taxes duh. And the rest get taxed more in state and local taxes and fees to make up for less federal aid...Will you snap out out of it ferchrissake...
The top 1% pay 4o% up from 20 under Reagan. Thats a tax cut only to Stalinist!!
At the least they should raise the cap on payroll tax according to inflation and cut that rate on the nonrich. The GOP has been screwing the middle class for 35 years...They should raise taxes on the bloated rich and giant corps and get back to cheap public college and training like before Raygun, and raising fed aid to states and cutting state and local taxes and fees again. When you make everything for regular people as expensive and hard as possible, the whole class goes to hell. You dupes think being an exception means something....
If they raise the cap on SS and FICA, shouldn't those who paid more get more back? Nahhh, that's not the liberal way. The liberal way is to use other peoples money to pay those that paid less or nothing at all.

Taxes on the rich have nothing to do with what colleges charge. If you want cheap public college, let the state or county make it cheap--not federal government. Why should I in Ohio be paying for public college in Iowa?

Every goodie that's questioned about funding is met with the typical liberal answer of "let the rich pay." Why should the rich pay for everything for everybody else?

"How much is YOUR fair share of what somebody else worked for?"
Thomas Sowell

John Stossel: Tax The Rich? The Rich Don't Have Enough. Really.
Breaking: You're not the bloated rich so no Dem is talking about you paying more. Ohio can do what it wants with the extra money.

Why? Because the rich have doubled their wealth the last 30 years while everyone else has gone to hell DUH dupe.

Good point. THEY doubled their wealth, not society.

If you think taking more from people because they have it is a good thing, then why not extrapolate that to other things?

If you have a dozen beautiful bushes in front of your house, would it not be fair for government to take some of your bushes and give them to your neighbor that has none? If you own three cars, that's not fair because your neighbor only owns one. Would it not be justice for government to take one of your cars and give it to your neighbor? You like television and have four big screens in your home, but your neighbor has a 25" tube television. Would it not be fair for government taking two or your big screens and giving those to your neighbor?

You leftists are all for taking other people's property to give to others, but you would be outraged if government took from you to do the same.
They're richer for ONE REASON: the New BS GOP cut their taxes duh. And the rest get taxed more in state and local taxes and fees to make up for less federal aid...Will you snap out out of it ferchrissake...
The top 1% pay 4o% up from 20 under Reagan. Thats a tax cut only to Stalinist!!
It was 50% under Reagan when things were going WELL LOL. HUGE cut!! Then he changed it to 28% his last
year....and good night Irene...
So full of it. If anything, he retarded the recovery.

DumBama was the most anti-business President in our lifetime. Business gets us out of recessions--not government. All government can do is make it easier or harder for businesses to accomplish that.
How, ridiculous dupe? Our economy is still in a perfect time and DESPERATE for an infrastructure bank, cheap training for 6 million tech jobs going begging, tax cuts for the middle class, and a living wage, all blocked by the GOP. What we're going to get is ANOTHER giant tax cut for the richest and giant corps. RW idiocy...

You leftists give no credit to human beings. You think government should be in your bathroom so somebody can wipe you since you're incapable of doing it yourself.

People can get their own education with their own money. People can get a living wage job if they really want one. You don't need the federal government to do everything in your life for you.

And what kind of tax cuts are you looking for the middle-class? The middle-class barely pay any income tax now and some not at all. Most of our taxes are payroll which again, we get back after we retire. Since both federal programs are going to be out of money soon, you can't cut taxes on those programs.
At the least they should raise the cap on payroll tax according to inflation and cut that rate on the nonrich. The GOP has been screwing the middle class for 35 years...They should raise taxes on the bloated rich and giant corps and get back to cheap public college and training like before Raygun, and raising fed aid to states and cutting state and local taxes and fees again. When you make everything for regular people as expensive and hard as possible, the whole class goes to hell. You dupes think being an exception means something....

If they raise the cap on SS and FICA, shouldn't those who paid more get more back? Nahhh, that's not the liberal way. The liberal way is to use other peoples money to pay those that paid less or nothing at all.

Taxes on the rich have nothing to do with what colleges charge. If you want cheap public college, let the state or county make it cheap--not federal government. Why should I in Ohio be paying for public college in Iowa?

Every goodie that's questioned about funding is met with the typical liberal answer of "let the rich pay." Why should the rich pay for everything for everybody else?

"How much is YOUR fair share of what somebody else worked for?"
Thomas Sowell

John Stossel: Tax The Rich? The Rich Don't Have Enough. Really.
Breaking: You're not the bloated rich so no Dem is talking about you paying more. Ohio can do what it wants with the extra money.

Why? Because the rich have doubled their wealth the last 30 years while everyone else has gone to hell DUH dupe.
still pretending the rich took it from the poor when in reality liberals took it from the poor with their taxes unions regulations illegals and their war on our families schools and religion.
If they raise the cap on SS and FICA, shouldn't those who paid more get more back? Nahhh, that's not the liberal way. The liberal way is to use other peoples money to pay those that paid less or nothing at all.

Taxes on the rich have nothing to do with what colleges charge. If you want cheap public college, let the state or county make it cheap--not federal government. Why should I in Ohio be paying for public college in Iowa?

Every goodie that's questioned about funding is met with the typical liberal answer of "let the rich pay." Why should the rich pay for everything for everybody else?

"How much is YOUR fair share of what somebody else worked for?"
Thomas Sowell

John Stossel: Tax The Rich? The Rich Don't Have Enough. Really.
Breaking: You're not the bloated rich so no Dem is talking about you paying more. Ohio can do what it wants with the extra money.

Why? Because the rich have doubled their wealth the last 30 years while everyone else has gone to hell DUH dupe.

Good point. THEY doubled their wealth, not society.

If you think taking more from people because they have it is a good thing, then why not extrapolate that to other things?

If you have a dozen beautiful bushes in front of your house, would it not be fair for government to take some of your bushes and give them to your neighbor that has none? If you own three cars, that's not fair because your neighbor only owns one. Would it not be justice for government to take one of your cars and give it to your neighbor? You like television and have four big screens in your home, but your neighbor has a 25" tube television. Would it not be fair for government taking two or your big screens and giving those to your neighbor?

You leftists are all for taking other people's property to give to others, but you would be outraged if government took from you to do the same.
They're richer for ONE REASON: the New BS GOP cut their taxes duh. And the rest get taxed more in state and local taxes and fees to make up for less federal aid...Will you snap out out of it ferchrissake...
The top 1% pay 4o% up from 20 under Reagan. Thats a tax cut only to Stalinist!!
It was 50% under Reagan when things were going WELL LOL. HUGE cut!! Then he changed it to 28% his last
year....and good night Irene...
The top 1% pay 4o% now up from 20% under Reagan. Thats a tax cut only to Stalinist.
How, ridiculous dupe? Our economy is still in a perfect time and DESPERATE for an infrastructure bank, cheap training for 6 million tech jobs going begging, tax cuts for the middle class, and a living wage, all blocked by the GOP. What we're going to get is ANOTHER giant tax cut for the richest and giant corps. RW idiocy...

You leftists give no credit to human beings. You think government should be in your bathroom so somebody can wipe you since you're incapable of doing it yourself.

People can get their own education with their own money. People can get a living wage job if they really want one. You don't need the federal government to do everything in your life for you.

And what kind of tax cuts are you looking for the middle-class? The middle-class barely pay any income tax now and some not at all. Most of our taxes are payroll which again, we get back after we retire. Since both federal programs are going to be out of money soon, you can't cut taxes on those programs.
At the least they should raise the cap on payroll tax according to inflation and cut that rate on the nonrich. The GOP has been screwing the middle class for 35 years...They should raise taxes on the bloated rich and giant corps and get back to cheap public college and training like before Raygun, and raising fed aid to states and cutting state and local taxes and fees again. When you make everything for regular people as expensive and hard as possible, the whole class goes to hell. You dupes think being an exception means something....
If they raise the cap on SS and FICA, shouldn't those who paid more get more back? Nahhh, that's not the liberal way. The liberal way is to use other peoples money to pay those that paid less or nothing at all.

Taxes on the rich have nothing to do with what colleges charge. If you want cheap public college, let the state or county make it cheap--not federal government. Why should I in Ohio be paying for public college in Iowa?

Every goodie that's questioned about funding is met with the typical liberal answer of "let the rich pay." Why should the rich pay for everything for everybody else?

"How much is YOUR fair share of what somebody else worked for?"
Thomas Sowell

John Stossel: Tax The Rich? The Rich Don't Have Enough. Really.
Breaking: You're not the bloated rich so no Dem is talking about you paying more. Ohio can do what it wants with the extra money.

Why? Because the rich have doubled their wealth the last 30 years while everyone else has gone to hell DUH dupe.
still pretending the rich took it from the poor when in reality liberals took it from the poor with their taxes unions regulations illegals and their war on our families schools and religion.
Not the poor, the nonrich. The middle class and working class.
Breaking: You're not the bloated rich so no Dem is talking about you paying more. Ohio can do what it wants with the extra money.

Why? Because the rich have doubled their wealth the last 30 years while everyone else has gone to hell DUH dupe.

Good point. THEY doubled their wealth, not society.

If you think taking more from people because they have it is a good thing, then why not extrapolate that to other things?

If you have a dozen beautiful bushes in front of your house, would it not be fair for government to take some of your bushes and give them to your neighbor that has none? If you own three cars, that's not fair because your neighbor only owns one. Would it not be justice for government to take one of your cars and give it to your neighbor? You like television and have four big screens in your home, but your neighbor has a 25" tube television. Would it not be fair for government taking two or your big screens and giving those to your neighbor?

You leftists are all for taking other people's property to give to others, but you would be outraged if government took from you to do the same.
They're richer for ONE REASON: the New BS GOP cut their taxes duh. And the rest get taxed more in state and local taxes and fees to make up for less federal aid...Will you snap out out of it ferchrissake...
The top 1% pay 4o% up from 20 under Reagan. Thats a tax cut only to Stalinist!!
It was 50% under Reagan when things were going WELL LOL. HUGE cut!! Then he changed it to 28% his last
year....and good night Irene...
The top 1% pay 4o% now up from 20% under Reagan. Thats a tax cut only to Stalinist.
It was 50% under Reagan when things were going WELL LOL. HUGE cut!! Then he changed it to 28% his last
year....and good night Irene...
You leftists give no credit to human beings. You think government should be in your bathroom so somebody can wipe you since you're incapable of doing it yourself.

People can get their own education with their own money. People can get a living wage job if they really want one. You don't need the federal government to do everything in your life for you.

And what kind of tax cuts are you looking for the middle-class? The middle-class barely pay any income tax now and some not at all. Most of our taxes are payroll which again, we get back after we retire. Since both federal programs are going to be out of money soon, you can't cut taxes on those programs.
At the least they should raise the cap on payroll tax according to inflation and cut that rate on the nonrich. The GOP has been screwing the middle class for 35 years...They should raise taxes on the bloated rich and giant corps and get back to cheap public college and training like before Raygun, and raising fed aid to states and cutting state and local taxes and fees again. When you make everything for regular people as expensive and hard as possible, the whole class goes to hell. You dupes think being an exception means something....
If they raise the cap on SS and FICA, shouldn't those who paid more get more back? Nahhh, that's not the liberal way. The liberal way is to use other peoples money to pay those that paid less or nothing at all.

Taxes on the rich have nothing to do with what colleges charge. If you want cheap public college, let the state or county make it cheap--not federal government. Why should I in Ohio be paying for public college in Iowa?

Every goodie that's questioned about funding is met with the typical liberal answer of "let the rich pay." Why should the rich pay for everything for everybody else?

"How much is YOUR fair share of what somebody else worked for?"
Thomas Sowell

John Stossel: Tax The Rich? The Rich Don't Have Enough. Really.
Breaking: You're not the bloated rich so no Dem is talking about you paying more. Ohio can do what it wants with the extra money.

Why? Because the rich have doubled their wealth the last 30 years while everyone else has gone to hell DUH dupe.

Good point. THEY doubled their wealth, not society.

If you think taking more from people because they have it is a good thing, then why not extrapolate that to other things?

If you have a dozen beautiful bushes in front of your house, would it not be fair for government to take some of your bushes and give them to your neighbor that has none? If you own three cars, that's not fair because your neighbor only owns one. Would it not be justice for government to take one of your cars and give it to your neighbor? You like television and have four big screens in your home, but your neighbor has a 25" tube television. Would it not be fair for government taking two or your big screens and giving those to your neighbor?

You leftists are all for taking other people's property to give to others, but you would be outraged if government took from you to do the same.
They're richer for ONE REASON: the New BS GOP cut their taxes duh. And the rest get taxed more in state and local taxes and fees to make up for less federal aid...Will you snap out out of it ferchrissake...

Good. States and local taxes should be higher and let those people use THEIR money as they see fit instead of depending on the feds to give them money based on political favors.

If it were up to me, Social Security and Medicare would be state collected and run. The more you depend on the federal government, the more power they have over you.
At the least they should raise the cap on payroll tax according to inflation and cut that rate on the nonrich. The GOP has been screwing the middle class for 35 years...They should raise taxes on the bloated rich and giant corps and get back to cheap public college and training like before Raygun, and raising fed aid to states and cutting state and local taxes and fees again. When you make everything for regular people as expensive and hard as possible, the whole class goes to hell. You dupes think being an exception means something....
If they raise the cap on SS and FICA, shouldn't those who paid more get more back? Nahhh, that's not the liberal way. The liberal way is to use other peoples money to pay those that paid less or nothing at all.

Taxes on the rich have nothing to do with what colleges charge. If you want cheap public college, let the state or county make it cheap--not federal government. Why should I in Ohio be paying for public college in Iowa?

Every goodie that's questioned about funding is met with the typical liberal answer of "let the rich pay." Why should the rich pay for everything for everybody else?

"How much is YOUR fair share of what somebody else worked for?"
Thomas Sowell

John Stossel: Tax The Rich? The Rich Don't Have Enough. Really.
Breaking: You're not the bloated rich so no Dem is talking about you paying more. Ohio can do what it wants with the extra money.

Why? Because the rich have doubled their wealth the last 30 years while everyone else has gone to hell DUH dupe.

Good point. THEY doubled their wealth, not society.

If you think taking more from people because they have it is a good thing, then why not extrapolate that to other things?

If you have a dozen beautiful bushes in front of your house, would it not be fair for government to take some of your bushes and give them to your neighbor that has none? If you own three cars, that's not fair because your neighbor only owns one. Would it not be justice for government to take one of your cars and give it to your neighbor? You like television and have four big screens in your home, but your neighbor has a 25" tube television. Would it not be fair for government taking two or your big screens and giving those to your neighbor?

You leftists are all for taking other people's property to give to others, but you would be outraged if government took from you to do the same.
They're richer for ONE REASON: the New BS GOP cut their taxes duh. And the rest get taxed more in state and local taxes and fees to make up for less federal aid...Will you snap out out of it ferchrissake...

Good. States and local taxes should be higher and let those people use THEIR money as they see fit instead of depending on the feds to give them money based on political favors.

If it were up to me, Social Security and Medicare would be state collected and run. The more you depend on the federal government, the more power they have over you.
You're a great friend of the corrupt, greedy idiot GOP rich who have brainwashed the hell out of you...I guess you won't be happy until we go back to feudal states and serfs and slavery lol...So do away with the filibuster and have your way. Then one day we'll have OUR way and you'll see you're a total dupe.
If they raise the cap on SS and FICA, shouldn't those who paid more get more back? Nahhh, that's not the liberal way. The liberal way is to use other peoples money to pay those that paid less or nothing at all.

Taxes on the rich have nothing to do with what colleges charge. If you want cheap public college, let the state or county make it cheap--not federal government. Why should I in Ohio be paying for public college in Iowa?

Every goodie that's questioned about funding is met with the typical liberal answer of "let the rich pay." Why should the rich pay for everything for everybody else?

"How much is YOUR fair share of what somebody else worked for?"
Thomas Sowell

John Stossel: Tax The Rich? The Rich Don't Have Enough. Really.
Breaking: You're not the bloated rich so no Dem is talking about you paying more. Ohio can do what it wants with the extra money.

Why? Because the rich have doubled their wealth the last 30 years while everyone else has gone to hell DUH dupe.

Good point. THEY doubled their wealth, not society.

If you think taking more from people because they have it is a good thing, then why not extrapolate that to other things?

If you have a dozen beautiful bushes in front of your house, would it not be fair for government to take some of your bushes and give them to your neighbor that has none? If you own three cars, that's not fair because your neighbor only owns one. Would it not be justice for government to take one of your cars and give it to your neighbor? You like television and have four big screens in your home, but your neighbor has a 25" tube television. Would it not be fair for government taking two or your big screens and giving those to your neighbor?

You leftists are all for taking other people's property to give to others, but you would be outraged if government took from you to do the same.
They're richer for ONE REASON: the New BS GOP cut their taxes duh. And the rest get taxed more in state and local taxes and fees to make up for less federal aid...Will you snap out out of it ferchrissake...

Good. States and local taxes should be higher and let those people use THEIR money as they see fit instead of depending on the feds to give them money based on political favors.

If it were up to me, Social Security and Medicare would be state collected and run. The more you depend on the federal government, the more power they have over you.
You're a great friend of the corrupt, greedy idiot GOP rich who have brainwashed the hell out of you...I guess you won't be happy until we go back to feudal states and serfs and slavery lol...So do away with the filibuster and have your way. Then one day we'll have OUR way and you'll see you're a total dupe.

You did have your way in 2008. That's why the country has been turning more conservative every year.
Dems didn't help the poor during the bailout, they chose the rich. They didn't even try to repeal the tax cuts for the rich like Obama promised he'd do his first day in office. The rich lookout for the rich, political party doesn't matter.
The right wing was never fully on-board with our previous president; y'all had nothing but the Obstruction, of Nothing but Repeal.

All the Democrats have is excuses and blame, no responsibility.

The rich took care of the rich, that is what the Democrats did, they took care of the rich.

Maybe one day the Democrats will just introduce one bill that will help the poor out of poverty.
The democrats introduced health care reform and a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage. The right wing, still has nothing but repeal.

Neither program takes the poor off poverty. Care to try again or you just going to blame others?
Both of those programs, promote the general welfare. The right wing, still, after one hundred days and a majority in Congress, have nothing but repeal or Red Herrings.

Gee nutter, I didn't argue that, I am saying the Democrats who pretend to champion the poor have not introduced one bill to get people out of poverty. Why is that? Why don't the democrats help the poor move up the financial ladder instead of keeping them poor? 60 out of the last 84 years the Democrats have held the House, the Senate and the Presidency and at times all three at once, yet they have no bill introduced that would raise the poor from poverty. All you offer is excuses and no responsibility.
The right wing was never fully on-board with our previous president; y'all had nothing but the Obstruction, of Nothing but Repeal.

All the Democrats have is excuses and blame, no responsibility.

The rich took care of the rich, that is what the Democrats did, they took care of the rich.

Maybe one day the Democrats will just introduce one bill that will help the poor out of poverty.
The democrats introduced health care reform and a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage. The right wing, still has nothing but repeal.

Neither program takes the poor off poverty. Care to try again or you just going to blame others?
Both of those programs, promote the general welfare. The right wing, still, after one hundred days and a majority in Congress, have nothing but repeal or Red Herrings.

Gee nutter, I didn't argue that, I am saying the Democrats who pretend to champion the poor have not introduced one bill to get people out of poverty. Why is that? Why don't the democrats help the poor move up the financial ladder instead of keeping them poor? 60 out of the last 84 years the Democrats have held the House, the Senate and the Presidency and at times all three at once, yet they have no bill introduced that would raise the poor from poverty. All you offer is excuses and no responsibility.
Both of those programs, promote the general welfare.

The right wing, still, after one hundred days and a majority in Congress, have nothing but repeal or Red Herrings.

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