Why do democrats hate poor black people and want them permanently on welfare?

All states have taxes- there you go again with income tax brainwashed obsession. These graphs includes refunds. Enjoy the state tax hikes that will immediately follow the Trump tax cuts and will KILL the nonrich AGAIN. Then MOST of the middle class will pay a higher % than the RICHEST. Great job!!
Tennessee, Florida, Texas and others do not have state taxes. sorry fella, you're coming up short.

from Wikipedia:

United States

"Payroll taxes were among the most regressive in 2010.
See also: Taxation in the United States and Federal Insurance Contributions Act tax
In the United States, payroll taxes are assessed by the federal government, some of the fifty states (Alaska, Florida, Nevada, South Dakota, Texas, Washington, and Wyoming do not have state income tax; New Hampshire and Tennessee only tax income from interest and dividends)"

Gd I wish you fking libturds would learn about your own country.
So they don't have property tax, sales tax etc etc etc? DUHHHH. YOU ARE BRAINWASHED to only think of income tax, dupe.
no, those aren't in withholding taxes from an employer. That, stupid ass, was the discussion. So, now, can you get back on topic and answer my original question? cat got your fingers?
No, the discussion was about how much people pay in taxes. The rich, nowhere near enough, the nonrich and YOU, TOO MUCH. Thanks , lying GOP (only income taxes count! LOL) and silly dupes.
no here from your post. it seems your goal posts fell over.
They pay 17-18% now in all taxes- count fees and they're getting close to 20% if they're working. More than many rich, who average 28% and less than the upper middle class. Great job, GOP and dupes...

Socialism is FAIR, democratic capitalism, dupe. See Scandinavia, original, EU, OZ, NZ and the
US- tho ours is a feqqed up pander to the rich GOP mess. See sig.
so since when is 17% greater than 28%? I'm sorry, can you be a little more coherent and understand values? can you try again?

BTW, dining and toy purchases alone, the rich pay more in taxes.
so what; don't blame the poor for being better at tax avoidance, than the rich.

LOL, the tax code exempts the poor from paying taxes. they are not better at tax avoidance, what a dumb statement.
Exempts them from FED INCOME TAXES ONLY, dupe. There you go again. Look up brainwashed. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=7&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwjbo4W8lsXTAhXh5oMKHfePBy8QFgg4MAY&url=https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2012/09/19/heres-why-the-47-percent-argument-is-an-abuse-of-tax-data/&usg=AFQjCNE_8LZl_VB-o4FAbNsJrxLxLCPy8g&sig2=S1pMazGUSOJIVx4ZUUlnYg
The one tax graph you really need to know

By Ezra Klein September 19, 2012

At the heart of the debate over "the 47 percent" is an awful abuse of tax data.

This entire conversation is the result of a (largely successful) effort to redefine the debate over taxes from "how much in taxes do you pay" to "how much in federal income taxes do you pay?" This is good framing if you want to cut taxes on the rich. It's bad framing if you want to have even a basic understanding of who pays how much in taxes.

There's a reason some would prefer that more limited conversation. For most Americans, payroll and state and local taxes make up the majority of their tax bill. The federal income tax, by contrast, is our most progressive tax -- it's the tax we've designed to place the heaviest burden on the rich while bypassing the poor. And we've done that, again, because the working class is already paying a fairly high tax bill through payroll and state and local taxes.

But most people don't know very much about the tax code. And the federal income tax is still our most famous tax. So when they hear that half of Americans aren't paying federal income taxes, they're outraged -- even if they're among the folks who have a net negative tax burden! After all, they know they're paying taxes, and there's no reason for normal human beings to assume that the taxes getting taken out of their paycheck every week and some of the taxes they pay at the end of the year aren't classified as "federal income taxes."

Confining the discussion to the federal income tax plays another role, too: It makes the tax code look much more progressive than it actually is.

Take someone who makes $4 million dollars a year and someone who makes $40,000 a year. The person making $4 million dollars, assuming he's not doing some Romney-esque planning, is paying a 35 percent tax on most of that money. The person making $40,000 is probably paying no income tax at all. So that makes the system look really unfair to the rich guy.

That's the basic analysis of the 47 percent line. And it's a basic analysis that serves a purpose: It makes further tax cuts for the rich sound more reasonable.

But what if we did the same thing for the payroll tax? Remember, the payroll tax only applies to first $110,100 or so, our rich friends is only paying payroll taxes on 2.7 percent of his income. The guy making $40,000? He's paying payroll taxes on every dollar of his income. Now who's not getting a fair shake?

Which is why, if you want to understand who's paying what in taxes, you don't want to just look at federal income taxes, or federal payroll taxes, or state sales taxes -- you want to look at total taxes. And, luckily, the tax analysis group Citizens for Tax Justice keeps those numbers. So here is total taxes -- which includes corporate taxes, income taxes, payroll taxes, state sales taxes, and more -- paid by different income groups and broken into federal and state and local burdens:


That's really what the American tax system looks like: Not 47 percent paying nothing, but everybody paying something, and most Americans paying between 25 percent and 30 percent of their income -- which is, by the way, a lot more the 13.9 percent Mitt Romney paid in 2011*.

B) True

"But what if we did the same thing for the payroll tax? Remember, the payroll tax only applies to first $110,100 or so, our rich friends is only paying payroll taxes on 2.7 percent of his income. The guy making $40,000? He's paying payroll taxes on every dollar of his income. Now who's not getting a fair shake?"

Your fking quote bubba. Now pick up your goal posts and put em back in the ground. and answer my question.

So, how is it the 40K a year guy is affected more than the rich dude again?

the so-called payroll tax, which is actually social security and medicare, should be collected on all forms of income with no limitation. And stop calling it a payroll tax, it is contributions into the SS and medicare funds that you will get back if you live long enough.
Oh yes, it did start with Clinton. Care for me to post some stories about in from the late 90's? One of them a NYT article I believe.
Read what I said again. FACT.

Given the entire thing started by government reducing loan regulations so that minorities and the less wealthy could buy homes, how is that the Republicans fault? Republicans know they can't ever get the lowlife or black vote; you said so yourself. So why would Republicans lower standards so that the lower income people could afford homes?
For huge money, of course. Gop cronyism run wild as usual. No worries, just cost 7-8 trillion here, and wrecked the world. Google Countrywide, AIG, Lehman Bros. There were no changes to welfare and UE rules.

You're talking the end game and I'm talking about the beginning. This all started because Democrats wanted to buy votes of minorities by changing (and getting F&F to) regulations to give un-credit worthy minorities homes.
Funny how all the bad mortgages etc were all sold under Boooshies by crony GOP private institutions starting in 2002......

No, not surprising at all. Bush inherited a recession, and then of course 911. It took a lot of work to get the economy going again, so house sales were low.

When the economy started to grow, people once again felt secure enough to buy houses. Between the low interest rates and much lower qualifications to buy a home, the bubble started to grow. But the lower qualifications were designed under Clinton for the minorities.
That wasn't the question, the question is which bill did Congressional Democrats introduce to Congress that lifts the poor out of poverty.

I know you want to avoid discussing an issue and you throw out BS that has nothing to do with answering the question. That is why people don't take you seriously, because you are not serious.
The GOP blocked everything. $10.10 min wage in 2012 and infrastructure jobs bill, thru free community college last year. Dems should really propose them over and over like the GOP and start a real propaganda machine, with facts! Sorry you miss most of the news...

View attachment 123823
Pass a good SS ID card ferchrissake.

What does that have to do with your obsession of taxpayers paying for everybody else's government goodies?
That's what the GOP has refused to do for 31 years to end illegal workers and immigration. There have been no changes to goodies rules, just a corrupt GOP DEPRESSION.

What are you talking about? We are trying to end illegal immigration now. But that's very difficult to do when the Democrats (Chuck Schumer) threaten to shut down the government. What they can't control, they leave it to their Commie activist judges to stop Trump and the Republicans.

The less Democrats in our federal government and courts, the faster we can get rid of the illegal immigrant problem.

Yes, there have been changes to our government goodies. That's why DumBama doubled the food stamp role. Commie Care created an additional 20 million government dependents. Between those two programs alone, the liberals created 40 million more government dependents. Don't tell me there has been no change.
Not with CRA or Clinton, dupe. It started in 2003 when Fannie and Freddie lost 65% of the market and GOP crony private institutions like Countrywide started selling to anyone breathing scam mortgages under Boooshie "oversight". And AIG etc got them rated A+ and sold around the world. Great job. And the dupes think the gay guy and F+F did it lol arggghhhhhh...

Oh yes, it did start with Clinton. Care for me to post some stories about in from the late 90's? One of them a NYT article I believe.
Read what I said again. FACT.

Given the entire thing started by government reducing loan regulations so that minorities and the less wealthy could buy homes, how is that the Republicans fault? Republicans know they can't ever get the lowlife or black vote; you said so yourself. So why would Republicans lower standards so that the lower income people could afford homes?
For huge money, of course. Gop cronyism run wild as usual. No worries, just cost 7-8 trillion here, and wrecked the world. Google Countrywide, AIG, Lehman Bros. There were no changes to welfare and UE rules.

Notice that the big concern was bailing out the rich corporations, Congress was all over that, the poor...Dems didn't really care.
TARP for the big corps that caused it was from Paulson and Booosh duh dupe, the stimulus from Obama saved GM and Chrysler, 200 billion for infrastructure jobs, big money for cops, teachers, and firemen and state and local gov'ts. As usual, you're clueless...
The GOP blocked everything. $10.10 min wage in 2012 and infrastructure jobs bill, thru free community college last year. Dems should really propose them over and over like the GOP and start a real propaganda machine, with facts! Sorry you miss most of the news...

View attachment 123823
Pass a good SS ID card ferchrissake.

What does that have to do with your obsession of taxpayers paying for everybody else's government goodies?
That's what the GOP has refused to do for 31 years to end illegal workers and immigration. There have been no changes to goodies rules, just a corrupt GOP DEPRESSION.

What are you talking about? We are trying to end illegal immigration now. But that's very difficult to do when the Democrats (Chuck Schumer) threaten to shut down the government. What they can't control, they leave it to their Commie activist judges to stop Trump and the Republicans.

The less Democrats in our federal government and courts, the faster we can get rid of the illegal immigrant problem.

Yes, there have been changes to our government goodies. That's why DumBama doubled the food stamp role. Commie Care created an additional 20 million government dependents. Between those two programs alone, the liberals created 40 million more government dependents. Don't tell me there has been no change.
The wall is useless, dupe. The only change in welfare was the Bush depression. 61% want ACA fixed, not repealed like hater dupes.

What does that have to do with your obsession of taxpayers paying for everybody else's government goodies?
That's what the GOP has refused to do for 31 years to end illegal workers and immigration. There have been no changes to goodies rules, just a corrupt GOP DEPRESSION.

What are you talking about? We are trying to end illegal immigration now. But that's very difficult to do when the Democrats (Chuck Schumer) threaten to shut down the government. What they can't control, they leave it to their Commie activist judges to stop Trump and the Republicans.

The less Democrats in our federal government and courts, the faster we can get rid of the illegal immigrant problem.

Yes, there have been changes to our government goodies. That's why DumBama doubled the food stamp role. Commie Care created an additional 20 million government dependents. Between those two programs alone, the liberals created 40 million more government dependents. Don't tell me there has been no change.
The wall is useless, dupe. The only change in welfare was the Bush depression. 61% want ACA fixed, not repealed like hater dupes.

That's one of the problems with creating new entitlements: they are very difficult to get rid of. It's why we should never create one more.
Not with CRA or Clinton, dupe. It started in 2003 when Fannie and Freddie lost 65% of the market and GOP crony private institutions like Countrywide started selling to anyone breathing scam mortgages under Boooshie "oversight". And AIG etc got them rated A+ and sold around the world. Great job. And the dupes think the gay guy and F+F did it lol arggghhhhhh...

Oh yes, it did start with Clinton. Care for me to post some stories about in from the late 90's? One of them a NYT article I believe.
Read what I said again. FACT.

Given the entire thing started by government reducing loan regulations so that minorities and the less wealthy could buy homes, how is that the Republicans fault? Republicans know they can't ever get the lowlife or black vote; you said so yourself. So why would Republicans lower standards so that the lower income people could afford homes?
For huge money, of course. Gop cronyism run wild as usual. No worries, just cost 7-8 trillion here, and wrecked the world. Google Countrywide, AIG, Lehman Bros. There were no changes to welfare and UE rules.

Notice that the big concern was bailing out the rich corporations, Congress was all over that, the poor...Dems didn't really care.
The rich can hire subject matter specialists to advocate their policies. It takes a while for our representatives to "catch up" about the poor. Health care reform and a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage, helps more than, nothing but repeal.
Oh yes, it did start with Clinton. Care for me to post some stories about in from the late 90's? One of them a NYT article I believe.
Read what I said again. FACT.

Given the entire thing started by government reducing loan regulations so that minorities and the less wealthy could buy homes, how is that the Republicans fault? Republicans know they can't ever get the lowlife or black vote; you said so yourself. So why would Republicans lower standards so that the lower income people could afford homes?
For huge money, of course. Gop cronyism run wild as usual. No worries, just cost 7-8 trillion here, and wrecked the world. Google Countrywide, AIG, Lehman Bros. There were no changes to welfare and UE rules.

Notice that the big concern was bailing out the rich corporations, Congress was all over that, the poor...Dems didn't really care.
TARP for the big corps that caused it was from Paulson and Booosh duh dupe, the stimulus from Obama saved GM and Chrysler, 200 billion for infrastructure jobs, big money for cops, teachers, and firemen and state and local gov'ts. As usual, you're clueless...

So you believe in giving banks hand outs, you believe in giving corporations handouts. The cops, the teachers and fireman saw no raises from tarp, silly little boy. You have been duped! Duh!
Oh yes, it did start with Clinton. Care for me to post some stories about in from the late 90's? One of them a NYT article I believe.
Read what I said again. FACT.

Given the entire thing started by government reducing loan regulations so that minorities and the less wealthy could buy homes, how is that the Republicans fault? Republicans know they can't ever get the lowlife or black vote; you said so yourself. So why would Republicans lower standards so that the lower income people could afford homes?
For huge money, of course. Gop cronyism run wild as usual. No worries, just cost 7-8 trillion here, and wrecked the world. Google Countrywide, AIG, Lehman Bros. There were no changes to welfare and UE rules.

Notice that the big concern was bailing out the rich corporations, Congress was all over that, the poor...Dems didn't really care.
The rich can hire subject matter specialists to advocate their policies. It takes a while for our representatives to "catch up" about the poor. Health care reform and a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage, helps more than, nothing but repeal.

obamacare is not reform, it was a government takeover of 1/6 of the economy, and it didn't work for anyone except those getting it free. For everyone else is sucked with higher premiums, higher deductibles and less coverage.

your $15 minimum wage rant has been defeated many times already in this thread.
Oh yes, it did start with Clinton. Care for me to post some stories about in from the late 90's? One of them a NYT article I believe.
Read what I said again. FACT.

Given the entire thing started by government reducing loan regulations so that minorities and the less wealthy could buy homes, how is that the Republicans fault? Republicans know they can't ever get the lowlife or black vote; you said so yourself. So why would Republicans lower standards so that the lower income people could afford homes?
For huge money, of course. Gop cronyism run wild as usual. No worries, just cost 7-8 trillion here, and wrecked the world. Google Countrywide, AIG, Lehman Bros. There were no changes to welfare and UE rules.

Notice that the big concern was bailing out the rich corporations, Congress was all over that, the poor...Dems didn't really care.
The rich can hire subject matter specialists to advocate their policies. It takes a while for our representatives to "catch up" about the poor. Health care reform and a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage, helps more than, nothing but repeal.

Dems didn't help the poor during the bailout, they chose the rich. They didn't even try to repeal the tax cuts for the rich like Obama promised he'd do his first day in office. The rich lookout for the rich, political party doesn't matter.
Read what I said again. FACT.

Given the entire thing started by government reducing loan regulations so that minorities and the less wealthy could buy homes, how is that the Republicans fault? Republicans know they can't ever get the lowlife or black vote; you said so yourself. So why would Republicans lower standards so that the lower income people could afford homes?
For huge money, of course. Gop cronyism run wild as usual. No worries, just cost 7-8 trillion here, and wrecked the world. Google Countrywide, AIG, Lehman Bros. There were no changes to welfare and UE rules.

Notice that the big concern was bailing out the rich corporations, Congress was all over that, the poor...Dems didn't really care.
The rich can hire subject matter specialists to advocate their policies. It takes a while for our representatives to "catch up" about the poor. Health care reform and a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage, helps more than, nothing but repeal.

obamacare is not reform, it was a government takeover of 1/6 of the economy, and it didn't work for anyone except those getting it free. For everyone else is sucked with higher premiums, higher deductibles and less coverage.

your $15 minimum wage rant has been defeated many times already in this thread.

Obamacare is the only law that charges Americans to pay to be legal citizens.
Read what I said again. FACT.

Given the entire thing started by government reducing loan regulations so that minorities and the less wealthy could buy homes, how is that the Republicans fault? Republicans know they can't ever get the lowlife or black vote; you said so yourself. So why would Republicans lower standards so that the lower income people could afford homes?
For huge money, of course. Gop cronyism run wild as usual. No worries, just cost 7-8 trillion here, and wrecked the world. Google Countrywide, AIG, Lehman Bros. There were no changes to welfare and UE rules.

Notice that the big concern was bailing out the rich corporations, Congress was all over that, the poor...Dems didn't really care.
The rich can hire subject matter specialists to advocate their policies. It takes a while for our representatives to "catch up" about the poor. Health care reform and a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage, helps more than, nothing but repeal.

Dems didn't help the poor during the bailout, they chose the rich. They didn't even try to repeal the tax cuts for the rich like Obama promised he'd do his first day in office. The rich lookout for the rich, political party doesn't matter.

and now the great Kenyan messiah Obama is getting paid $400K to give a speech to wall street bankers. any of our resident libs care to explain how that helps the poor?
The GOP blocked everything. $10.10 min wage in 2012 and infrastructure jobs bill, thru free community college last year. Dems should really propose them over and over like the GOP and start a real propaganda machine, with facts! Sorry you miss most of the news...

View attachment 123823
Pass a good SS ID card ferchrissake.

What does that have to do with your obsession of taxpayers paying for everybody else's government goodies?
That's what the GOP has refused to do for 31 years to end illegal workers and immigration. There have been no changes to goodies rules, just a corrupt GOP DEPRESSION.

What are you talking about? We are trying to end illegal immigration now. But that's very difficult to do when the Democrats (Chuck Schumer) threaten to shut down the government. What they can't control, they leave it to their Commie activist judges to stop Trump and the Republicans.

The less Democrats in our federal government and courts, the faster we can get rid of the illegal immigrant problem.

Yes, there have been changes to our government goodies. That's why DumBama doubled the food stamp role. Commie Care created an additional 20 million government dependents. Between those two programs alone, the liberals created 40 million more government dependents. Don't tell me there has been no change.
so what; there is no drug war clause in the Doctrine of the Republicans, and we still cannot convince the right wing to abolish it to lower our tax burden. I guess drug dealers are not poor enough, and get more "respect" than the poor.

What does that have to do with your obsession of taxpayers paying for everybody else's government goodies?
That's what the GOP has refused to do for 31 years to end illegal workers and immigration. There have been no changes to goodies rules, just a corrupt GOP DEPRESSION.

What are you talking about? We are trying to end illegal immigration now. But that's very difficult to do when the Democrats (Chuck Schumer) threaten to shut down the government. What they can't control, they leave it to their Commie activist judges to stop Trump and the Republicans.

The less Democrats in our federal government and courts, the faster we can get rid of the illegal immigrant problem.

Yes, there have been changes to our government goodies. That's why DumBama doubled the food stamp role. Commie Care created an additional 20 million government dependents. Between those two programs alone, the liberals created 40 million more government dependents. Don't tell me there has been no change.
so what; there is no drug war clause in the Doctrine of the Republicans, and we still cannot convince the right wing to abolish it to lower our tax burden. I guess drug dealers are not poor enough, and get more "respect" than the poor.

what?????????????? :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
Given the entire thing started by government reducing loan regulations so that minorities and the less wealthy could buy homes, how is that the Republicans fault? Republicans know they can't ever get the lowlife or black vote; you said so yourself. So why would Republicans lower standards so that the lower income people could afford homes?
For huge money, of course. Gop cronyism run wild as usual. No worries, just cost 7-8 trillion here, and wrecked the world. Google Countrywide, AIG, Lehman Bros. There were no changes to welfare and UE rules.

Notice that the big concern was bailing out the rich corporations, Congress was all over that, the poor...Dems didn't really care.
The rich can hire subject matter specialists to advocate their policies. It takes a while for our representatives to "catch up" about the poor. Health care reform and a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage, helps more than, nothing but repeal.

Dems didn't help the poor during the bailout, they chose the rich. They didn't even try to repeal the tax cuts for the rich like Obama promised he'd do his first day in office. The rich lookout for the rich, political party doesn't matter.

and now the great Kenyan messiah Obama is getting paid $400K to give a speech to wall street bankers. any of our resident libs care to explain how that helps the poor?

Funny how all these libs claim to help the poor and want them out of poverty but all they do is cry that the government should do it and won't lift finger themselves to do it.
The long standing policy of democrats is to create a permanent dependent underclass. Is being in power the only thing that matters to democrats?
We believe in social safety nets.

Why don't Republicans hire black people? That will get them off welfare.

If poor blacks voted Hillary would be president

What does that have to do with your obsession of taxpayers paying for everybody else's government goodies?
That's what the GOP has refused to do for 31 years to end illegal workers and immigration. There have been no changes to goodies rules, just a corrupt GOP DEPRESSION.

What are you talking about? We are trying to end illegal immigration now. But that's very difficult to do when the Democrats (Chuck Schumer) threaten to shut down the government. What they can't control, they leave it to their Commie activist judges to stop Trump and the Republicans.

The less Democrats in our federal government and courts, the faster we can get rid of the illegal immigrant problem.

Yes, there have been changes to our government goodies. That's why DumBama doubled the food stamp role. Commie Care created an additional 20 million government dependents. Between those two programs alone, the liberals created 40 million more government dependents. Don't tell me there has been no change.
so what; there is no drug war clause in the Doctrine of the Republicans, and we still cannot convince the right wing to abolish it to lower our tax burden. I guess drug dealers are not poor enough, and get more "respect" than the poor.

Why don't Democrats help the poor? They have not introduced a bill into Congress to help the poor get out of poverty, they just supply more programs to keep them poor. Why?
Pass a good SS ID card ferchrissake.

What does that have to do with your obsession of taxpayers paying for everybody else's government goodies?
That's what the GOP has refused to do for 31 years to end illegal workers and immigration. There have been no changes to goodies rules, just a corrupt GOP DEPRESSION.

What are you talking about? We are trying to end illegal immigration now. But that's very difficult to do when the Democrats (Chuck Schumer) threaten to shut down the government. What they can't control, they leave it to their Commie activist judges to stop Trump and the Republicans.

The less Democrats in our federal government and courts, the faster we can get rid of the illegal immigrant problem.

Yes, there have been changes to our government goodies. That's why DumBama doubled the food stamp role. Commie Care created an additional 20 million government dependents. Between those two programs alone, the liberals created 40 million more government dependents. Don't tell me there has been no change.
The wall is useless, dupe. The only change in welfare was the Bush depression. 61% want ACA fixed, not repealed like hater dupes.

That's one of the problems with creating new entitlements: they are very difficult to get rid of. It's why we should never create one more.
some people consider the drug war to be an, "entitlement", it is very difficult to get rid of.
Funny that the only way the Regressives can fight this issue is to say look at Republicans. That is it! They can't defend the Democrats stand of hating poor blacks and wanting them to stay on welfare, because that is true and they have nothing but diversion and blaming others.

Democrats, no personal responsibility, just blame.
Pass a good SS ID card ferchrissake.

What does that have to do with your obsession of taxpayers paying for everybody else's government goodies?
That's what the GOP has refused to do for 31 years to end illegal workers and immigration. There have been no changes to goodies rules, just a corrupt GOP DEPRESSION.

What are you talking about? We are trying to end illegal immigration now. But that's very difficult to do when the Democrats (Chuck Schumer) threaten to shut down the government. What they can't control, they leave it to their Commie activist judges to stop Trump and the Republicans.

The less Democrats in our federal government and courts, the faster we can get rid of the illegal immigrant problem.

Yes, there have been changes to our government goodies. That's why DumBama doubled the food stamp role. Commie Care created an additional 20 million government dependents. Between those two programs alone, the liberals created 40 million more government dependents. Don't tell me there has been no change.
so what; there is no drug war clause in the Doctrine of the Republicans, and we still cannot convince the right wing to abolish it to lower our tax burden. I guess drug dealers are not poor enough, and get more "respect" than the poor.

what?????????????? :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
guess you should have focused on your sight words, in first grade.

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