Why do democrats hate poor black people and want them permanently on welfare?

Yes, they do, that was my point. It's also my point that the "wealthy" in this country currently pay much more than their fair share. They pay for all of us who don't pay anything at all.

By Ezra Klein September 19, 2012
At the heart of the debate over "the 47 percent" is an awful abuse of tax data.

This entire conversation is the result of a (largely successful) effort to redefine the debate over taxes from "how much in taxes do you pay" to "how much in federal income taxes do you pay?" This is good framing if you want to cut taxes on the rich. It's bad framing if you want to have even a basic understanding of who pays how much in taxes.

There's a reason some would prefer that more limited conversation. For most Americans, payroll and state and local taxes make up the majority of their tax bill. The federal income tax, by contrast, is our most progressive tax -- it's the tax we've designed to place the heaviest burden on the rich while bypassing the poor. And we've done that, again, because the working class is already paying a fairly high tax bill through payroll and state and local taxes.

But most people don't know very much about the tax code. And the federal income tax is still our most famous tax. So when they hear that half of Americans aren't paying federal income taxes, they're outraged -- even if they're among the folks who have a net negative tax burden! After all, they know they're paying taxes, and there's no reason for normal human beings to assume that the taxes getting taken out of their paycheck every week and some of the taxes they pay at the end of the year aren't classified as "federal income taxes."

Confining the discussion to the federal income tax plays another role, too: It makes the tax code look much more progressive than it actually is.

Take someone who makes $4 million dollars a year and someone who makes $40,000 a year. The person making $4 million dollars, assuming he's not doing some Romney-esque planning, is paying a 35 percent tax on most of that money. The person making $40,000 is probably paying no income tax at all. So that makes the system look really unfair to the rich guy.

That's the basic analysis of the 47 percent line. And it's a basic analysis that serves a purpose: It makes further tax cuts for the rich sound more reasonable.

But what if we did the same thing for the payroll tax? Remember, the payroll tax only applies to first $110,100 or so, our rich friends is only paying payroll taxes on 2.7 percent of his income. The guy making $40,000? He's paying payroll taxes on every dollar of his income. Now who's not getting a fair shake?

Which is why, if you want to understand who's paying what in taxes, you don't want to just look at federal income taxes, or federal payroll taxes, or state sales taxes -- you want to look at total taxes. And, luckily, the tax analysis group Citizens for Tax Justice keeps those numbers. So here is total taxes -- which includes corporate taxes, income taxes, payroll taxes, state sales taxes, and more -- paid by different income groups and broken into federal and state and local burdens:


Right, keep posting your crap about total tax bill to avoid talking about federal income tax.

Social Security deductions do not fund our military. Medicare does not fund welfare, food stamps or education. Sales taxes do not make the payroll of federal employees. Only federal income tax does that.
And not much else, as the rich are making out like bandits, and about to get ANOTHER big tax cut from Trump. Your tax graph is basically a flat tax already. A disgrace.

A flat tax? How do we have a flat tax when the bottom 45% pay no income tax and the top 1% pay 40%?
Because everyone who is over the poverty line pays the about the same in all taxes duhhh. We had a 70% tax on the highest income until Reagan, the only thing that kept executive pay from becoming obscene...GOP dupes can't get past all the propaganda about fed income taxes. Fed taxes have been going down, fed aid to states goes down, state and local taxes go up, and they are regressive taxes that kill the nonrich, along with cuts in services.

A 70% tax. And do tell, how many people do you think actually paid that 70%?
A fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage, helps the working poor out of poverty.

Not at all.

The minimum wage is a trigger in many contracts. Doubling the minimum wage would necessarily double the wage of someone already earning $15.00 per hour to $30.00.

The end result will be that the nine of the ten order takers at the fast food restaurant will be replaced by one technician earning $40.00 per hour to maintain the ten kiosks which now eliminate nine jobs and they would still have two janitors earning the minimum wage of $15.00

The end result, the two janitors are still living in poverty, there are simply fewer jobs available to young people getting their first jobs and gaining valuable work experience.

That's okay, we're heading in that direction today so might as well get them out of work early!
Yes, it will. A fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage competes favorably with the cost of social services. And, helps privatize costs instead of socialize costs.

Dear, nobody should take the right wing seriously about price inflation.

WTF is the cost of social services? What does that even mean?

What are privatized costs and social costs, and what does that have to do with $15.00 per hour?????
I think he means a living wage or 15/hr makes it worthwhile to get off social services, while 7 or 8 or even 9 doesn't...tho don't start- being on welfare is a full time pain in the ass. Certainly having ACA Medicaid or subsidies for poorer workers keeps many off welfare too...

In other words, living off of other peoples money.
You can't live off those crap GOP min wage jobs or less than living wage jobs, especially with no health care in GOP states. The GOP and the dupes have no limit on screwing over the poor.
Not at all.

The minimum wage is a trigger in many contracts. Doubling the minimum wage would necessarily double the wage of someone already earning $15.00 per hour to $30.00.

The end result will be that the nine of the ten order takers at the fast food restaurant will be replaced by one technician earning $40.00 per hour to maintain the ten kiosks which now eliminate nine jobs and they would still have two janitors earning the minimum wage of $15.00

The end result, the two janitors are still living in poverty, there are simply fewer jobs available to young people getting their first jobs and gaining valuable work experience.

That's okay, we're heading in that direction today so might as well get them out of work early!
Yes, it will. A fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage competes favorably with the cost of social services. And, helps privatize costs instead of socialize costs.

Dear, nobody should take the right wing seriously about price inflation.

WTF is the cost of social services? What does that even mean?

What are privatized costs and social costs, and what does that have to do with $15.00 per hour?????
I think he means a living wage or 15/hr makes it worthwhile to get off social services, while 7 or 8 or even 9 doesn't...tho don't start- being on welfare is a full time pain in the ass. Certainly having ACA Medicaid or subsidies for poorer workers keeps many off welfare too...

In other words, living off of other peoples money.
You can't live off those crap GOP min wage jobs or less than living wage jobs, especially with no health care in GOP states. The GOP and the dupes have no limit on screwing over the poor.

So who created more low paying jobs than DumBama? Your precious unions are responsible for those good jobs leaving in the first place. Now you Dimocrats want to increase minimum wage even more because you never learned your lesson the first time.

By Ezra Klein September 19, 2012
At the heart of the debate over "the 47 percent" is an awful abuse of tax data.

This entire conversation is the result of a (largely successful) effort to redefine the debate over taxes from "how much in taxes do you pay" to "how much in federal income taxes do you pay?" This is good framing if you want to cut taxes on the rich. It's bad framing if you want to have even a basic understanding of who pays how much in taxes.

There's a reason some would prefer that more limited conversation. For most Americans, payroll and state and local taxes make up the majority of their tax bill. The federal income tax, by contrast, is our most progressive tax -- it's the tax we've designed to place the heaviest burden on the rich while bypassing the poor. And we've done that, again, because the working class is already paying a fairly high tax bill through payroll and state and local taxes.

But most people don't know very much about the tax code. And the federal income tax is still our most famous tax. So when they hear that half of Americans aren't paying federal income taxes, they're outraged -- even if they're among the folks who have a net negative tax burden! After all, they know they're paying taxes, and there's no reason for normal human beings to assume that the taxes getting taken out of their paycheck every week and some of the taxes they pay at the end of the year aren't classified as "federal income taxes."

Confining the discussion to the federal income tax plays another role, too: It makes the tax code look much more progressive than it actually is.

Take someone who makes $4 million dollars a year and someone who makes $40,000 a year. The person making $4 million dollars, assuming he's not doing some Romney-esque planning, is paying a 35 percent tax on most of that money. The person making $40,000 is probably paying no income tax at all. So that makes the system look really unfair to the rich guy.

That's the basic analysis of the 47 percent line. And it's a basic analysis that serves a purpose: It makes further tax cuts for the rich sound more reasonable.

But what if we did the same thing for the payroll tax? Remember, the payroll tax only applies to first $110,100 or so, our rich friends is only paying payroll taxes on 2.7 percent of his income. The guy making $40,000? He's paying payroll taxes on every dollar of his income. Now who's not getting a fair shake?

Which is why, if you want to understand who's paying what in taxes, you don't want to just look at federal income taxes, or federal payroll taxes, or state sales taxes -- you want to look at total taxes. And, luckily, the tax analysis group Citizens for Tax Justice keeps those numbers. So here is total taxes -- which includes corporate taxes, income taxes, payroll taxes, state sales taxes, and more -- paid by different income groups and broken into federal and state and local burdens:


Right, keep posting your crap about total tax bill to avoid talking about federal income tax.

Social Security deductions do not fund our military. Medicare does not fund welfare, food stamps or education. Sales taxes do not make the payroll of federal employees. Only federal income tax does that.
And not much else, as the rich are making out like bandits, and about to get ANOTHER big tax cut from Trump. Your tax graph is basically a flat tax already. A disgrace.

A flat tax? How do we have a flat tax when the bottom 45% pay no income tax and the top 1% pay 40%?
Because everyone who is over the poverty line pays the about the same in all taxes duhhh. We had a 70% tax on the highest income until Reagan, the only thing that kept executive pay from becoming obscene...GOP dupes can't get past all the propaganda about fed income taxes. Fed taxes have been going down, fed aid to states goes down, state and local taxes go up, and they are regressive taxes that kill the nonrich, along with cuts in services.

A 70% tax. And do tell, how many people do you think actually paid that 70%?
You tell me, with a link. It made for a limit on how rich most people got, unlike today. With unlimited greedy and actual hate for the poor (read lazy blacks) in many minds...
Yes, it will. A fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage competes favorably with the cost of social services. And, helps privatize costs instead of socialize costs.

Dear, nobody should take the right wing seriously about price inflation.

WTF is the cost of social services? What does that even mean?

What are privatized costs and social costs, and what does that have to do with $15.00 per hour?????
I think he means a living wage or 15/hr makes it worthwhile to get off social services, while 7 or 8 or even 9 doesn't...tho don't start- being on welfare is a full time pain in the ass. Certainly having ACA Medicaid or subsidies for poorer workers keeps many off welfare too...

In other words, living off of other peoples money.
You can't live off those crap GOP min wage jobs or less than living wage jobs, especially with no health care in GOP states. The GOP and the dupes have no limit on screwing over the poor.

So who created more low paying jobs than DumBama? Your precious unions are responsible for those good jobs leaving in the first place. Now you Dimocrats want to increase minimum wage even more because you never learned your lesson the first time.
That's not Obama, that's Reaganism rolling along, plus the GOP obstruction blocking cheap training programs and college for techie jobs that ARE produced by new free trade markets- for TWENTY YEARS! Unions my ass, min wage my butt, dupe.
Right, keep posting your crap about total tax bill to avoid talking about federal income tax.

Social Security deductions do not fund our military. Medicare does not fund welfare, food stamps or education. Sales taxes do not make the payroll of federal employees. Only federal income tax does that.
And not much else, as the rich are making out like bandits, and about to get ANOTHER big tax cut from Trump. Your tax graph is basically a flat tax already. A disgrace.

A flat tax? How do we have a flat tax when the bottom 45% pay no income tax and the top 1% pay 40%?
Because everyone who is over the poverty line pays the about the same in all taxes duhhh. We had a 70% tax on the highest income until Reagan, the only thing that kept executive pay from becoming obscene...GOP dupes can't get past all the propaganda about fed income taxes. Fed taxes have been going down, fed aid to states goes down, state and local taxes go up, and they are regressive taxes that kill the nonrich, along with cuts in services.

A 70% tax. And do tell, how many people do you think actually paid that 70%?
You tell me, with a link. It made for a limit on how rich most people got, unlike today. With unlimited greedy and actual hate for the poor (read lazy blacks) in many minds...

Yes, the government took more money away from them. It made government richer and citizens less rich. How was that good for anybody but government?
A fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage, helps the working poor out of poverty.

Not at all.

The minimum wage is a trigger in many contracts. Doubling the minimum wage would necessarily double the wage of someone already earning $15.00 per hour to $30.00.

The end result will be that the nine of the ten order takers at the fast food restaurant will be replaced by one technician earning $40.00 per hour to maintain the ten kiosks which now eliminate nine jobs and they would still have two janitors earning the minimum wage of $15.00

The end result, the two janitors are still living in poverty, there are simply fewer jobs available to young people getting their first jobs and gaining valuable work experience.

That's okay, we're heading in that direction today so might as well get them out of work early!
Yes, it will. A fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage competes favorably with the cost of social services. And, helps privatize costs instead of socialize costs.

Dear, nobody should take the right wing seriously about price inflation.

WTF is the cost of social services? What does that even mean?

What are privatized costs and social costs, and what does that have to do with $15.00 per hour?????
I think he means a living wage or 15/hr makes it worthwhile to get off social services, while 7 or 8 or even 9 doesn't...tho don't start- being on welfare is a full time pain in the ass. Certainly having ACA Medicaid or subsidies for poorer workers keeps many off welfare too...

In other words, living off of other peoples money.
Don't blame the poor for being good at tax avoidance; it sounds like, "class envy".
The Dems need total control, filibuster proof, to do anything. The GOP has no clue about compromise for 30 years now. The "no-compromise, un-American TP GOP

Luckily, our country is so strong economically it can do better than anywhere else even under total GOP disfunction and pander to the rich policy, except of course when we have a GOP president and congress and the corruption and idiot cronyism gets out of hand, like the Real Estate bubble depression of 2008, the S+L bubble of the late 80's, or the 1920's Wall St madness. In fact the only time they've had 8 years and didn't wreck the country was under independent Ike.

So where did the real estate bubble start? Come on, let's see how informed you really are.

Not with CRA or Clinton, dupe. It started in 2003 when Fannie and Freddie lost 65% of the market and GOP crony private institutions like Countrywide started selling to anyone breathing scam mortgages under Boooshie "oversight". And AIG etc got them rated A+ and sold around the world. Great job. And the dupes think the gay guy and F+F did it lol arggghhhhhh...
A fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage, helps the working poor out of poverty.

No, no it doesn't. That keeps up with inflation, no one gets out of poverty at $15 an hour. Also that isn't a federal bill that was introduced. Nice try, you got anything else?
dear, it is about privatizing costs, not socializing costs. a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage, helps do that.

A $15 hour wage does not lift one out of poverty, no you are wanting to move the goal posts. I am asking for one bill that lifts the poor out of poverty by Congressional Democrats, that you can't find one is not surprising at all. Thanks for trying and thanks for proving my point.
Yes, it does; much better than a lesser minimum wage under Any form of Capitalism.

Any more Red Herrings, right wing, fishmonger?

That wasn't the question, the question is which bill did Congressional Democrats introduce to Congress that lifts the poor out of poverty.

I know you want to avoid discussing an issue and you throw out BS that has nothing to do with answering the question. That is why people don't take you seriously, because you are not serious.
The GOP blocked everything. $10.10 min wage in 2012 and infrastructure jobs bill, thru free community college last year. Dems should really propose them over and over like the GOP and start a real propaganda machine, with facts! Sorry you miss most of the news...
Blacks were happy with democrats until they realized they were being used for votes.
Unlike the poor on the right wing?
I'm trying to stay on topic.....
Why do democrats hate poor black people and want them permanently on welfare?
They don't. That's black is white bs propaganda, for hater dupes only. Every policy to get the poor out of poverty has been proposed or passed by the Dems. All the GOP ever does is cut taxes on the rich...dupes.
Blacks were happy with democrats until they realized they were being used for votes.
Unlike the poor on the right wing?
I'm trying to stay on topic.....
Why do democrats hate poor black people and want them permanently on welfare?
They don't. That's black is white bs propaganda, for hater dupes only. Every policy to get the poor out of poverty has been proposed or passed by the Dems. All the GOP ever does is cut taxes on the rich...dupes.

Ah, ah, ah, that's not staying on topic.
Blacks were happy with democrats until they realized they were being used for votes.
Unlike the poor on the right wing?
I'm trying to stay on topic.....
Why do democrats hate poor black people and want them permanently on welfare?
They don't. That's black is white bs propaganda, for hater dupes only. Every policy to get the poor out of poverty has been proposed or passed by the Dems. All the GOP ever does is cut taxes on the rich...dupes.
Really? How do you explain the black voters for Trump?

I'll wait.
Blacks were happy with democrats until they realized they were being used for votes.
Unlike the poor on the right wing?
I'm trying to stay on topic.....
Why do democrats hate poor black people and want them permanently on welfare?
They don't. That's black is white bs propaganda, for hater dupes only. Every policy to get the poor out of poverty has been proposed or passed by the Dems. All the GOP ever does is cut taxes on the rich...dupes.

Ah, ah, ah, that's not staying on topic.
Sure it is. Substitute black for poor. Why do GOP dupes always talk about black poor? Because they need an excuse for voting against themselves?
Why do GOP dupes always talk about black poor?

because they are the most targeted by the crippling and deadly liberal programs. Liberals have controlled the inner cites for 50 years and turned them into depraved war zones more dangerous the Afghanistan! In the Republican era it was cool to work and black teen unemployement was lower then white teen unemployment. Now its cool and liberal not to work and not to do well in school. Its white and whites are the oppressor. Our Founders sought to make liberalism illegal and so should we!!
No, no it doesn't. That keeps up with inflation, no one gets out of poverty at $15 an hour. Also that isn't a federal bill that was introduced. Nice try, you got anything else?
dear, it is about privatizing costs, not socializing costs. a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage, helps do that.

A $15 hour wage does not lift one out of poverty, no you are wanting to move the goal posts. I am asking for one bill that lifts the poor out of poverty by Congressional Democrats, that you can't find one is not surprising at all. Thanks for trying and thanks for proving my point.
Yes, it does; much better than a lesser minimum wage under Any form of Capitalism.

Any more Red Herrings, right wing, fishmonger?

That wasn't the question, the question is which bill did Congressional Democrats introduce to Congress that lifts the poor out of poverty.

I know you want to avoid discussing an issue and you throw out BS that has nothing to do with answering the question. That is why people don't take you seriously, because you are not serious.
The GOP blocked everything. $10.10 min wage in 2012 and infrastructure jobs bill, thru free community college last year. Dems should really propose them over and over like the GOP and start a real propaganda machine, with facts! Sorry you miss most of the news...


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