Why do democrats hate poor black people and want them permanently on welfare?

The Dems need total control, filibuster proof, to do anything. The GOP has no clue about compromise for 30 years now. The "no-compromise, un-American TP GOP

Luckily, our country is so strong economically it can do better than anywhere else even under total GOP disfunction and pander to the rich policy, except of course when we have a GOP president and congress and the corruption and idiot cronyism gets out of hand, like the Real Estate bubble depression of 2008, the S+L bubble of the late 80's, or the 1920's Wall St madness. In fact the only time they've had 8 years and didn't wreck the country was under independent Ike.

So where did the real estate bubble start? Come on, let's see how informed you really are.

Not with CRA or Clinton, dupe. It started in 2003 when Fannie and Freddie lost 65% of the market and GOP crony private institutions like Countrywide started selling to anyone breathing scam mortgages under Boooshie "oversight". And AIG etc got them rated A+ and sold around the world. Great job. And the dupes think the gay guy and F+F did it lol arggghhhhhh...

Oh yes, it did start with Clinton. Care for me to post some stories about in from the late 90's? One of them a NYT article I believe.
No, no it doesn't. That keeps up with inflation, no one gets out of poverty at $15 an hour. Also that isn't a federal bill that was introduced. Nice try, you got anything else?
dear, it is about privatizing costs, not socializing costs. a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage, helps do that.

A $15 hour wage does not lift one out of poverty, no you are wanting to move the goal posts. I am asking for one bill that lifts the poor out of poverty by Congressional Democrats, that you can't find one is not surprising at all. Thanks for trying and thanks for proving my point.
Yes, it does; much better than a lesser minimum wage under Any form of Capitalism.

Any more Red Herrings, right wing, fishmonger?

That wasn't the question, the question is which bill did Congressional Democrats introduce to Congress that lifts the poor out of poverty.

I know you want to avoid discussing an issue and you throw out BS that has nothing to do with answering the question. That is why people don't take you seriously, because you are not serious.
The GOP blocked everything. $10.10 min wage in 2012 and infrastructure jobs bill, thru free community college last year. Dems should really propose them over and over like the GOP and start a real propaganda machine, with facts! Sorry you miss most of the news...

You make silly ASSumptions. Please get serious on the issue, I tire of your dishonesty.
. It started in 2003 when Fannie and Freddie lost 65% of the market...

by time of collapse Fanny/Freddie owned or guaranteed 75% of Alt A and Subprime mortgages as major part of liberal program to get people into homes the Republican free market said they could not afford!!

Barney Frank: "I hope by next year we'll have abolished Fanny Freddie... it was a great mistake to push lower income people into homes they couldn't afford and couldn't really handle once they had it"

"These two entities—Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac—are not facing any kind of financial crisis," said Representative Barney Frank of Massachusetts, the ranking Democrat on the Financial Services Committee. "The more people exaggerate these problems, the more pressure there is on these companies, the less we will see in terms of affordable housing."-Barney Frank
Blacks were happy with democrats until they realized they were being used for votes.
Unlike the poor on the right wing?
I'm trying to stay on topic.....
Why do democrats hate poor black people and want them permanently on welfare?
Love your Red Herrings, right wing fishmonger.

The answer is, they don't; it is just right wing projection due to their having nothing but repeal, instead of better solutions at lower cost.
Blacks were happy with democrats until they realized they were being used for votes.
Unlike the poor on the right wing?
I'm trying to stay on topic.....
Why do democrats hate poor black people and want them permanently on welfare?
Love your Red Herrings, right wing fishmonger.

The answer is, they don't; it is just right wing projection due to their having nothing but repeal, instead of better solutions at lower cost.
There's a reason why your party lost over 1,000 seats. Have you considered taking a step back to think you might be wrong?
Why do GOP dupes always talk about black poor?

because they are the most targeted by the crippling and deadly liberal programs. Liberals have controlled the inner cites for 50 years and turned them into depraved war zones more dangerous the Afghanistan! In the Republican era it was cool to work and black teen unemployement was lower then white teen unemployment. Now its cool and liberal not to work and not to do well in school. Its white and whites are the oppressor. Our Founders sought to make liberalism illegal and so should we!!
Our founders were liberals. BS. And end the war on drugs and blacks, racist GOP.
dear, it is about privatizing costs, not socializing costs. a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage, helps do that.

A $15 hour wage does not lift one out of poverty, no you are wanting to move the goal posts. I am asking for one bill that lifts the poor out of poverty by Congressional Democrats, that you can't find one is not surprising at all. Thanks for trying and thanks for proving my point.
Yes, it does; much better than a lesser minimum wage under Any form of Capitalism.

Any more Red Herrings, right wing, fishmonger?

That wasn't the question, the question is which bill did Congressional Democrats introduce to Congress that lifts the poor out of poverty.

I know you want to avoid discussing an issue and you throw out BS that has nothing to do with answering the question. That is why people don't take you seriously, because you are not serious.
The GOP blocked everything. $10.10 min wage in 2012 and infrastructure jobs bill, thru free community college last year. Dems should really propose them over and over like the GOP and start a real propaganda machine, with facts! Sorry you miss most of the news...

View attachment 123823
Pass a good SS ID card ferchrissake.
Blacks were happy with democrats until they realized they were being used for votes.
Unlike the poor on the right wing?
I'm trying to stay on topic.....
Why do democrats hate poor black people and want them permanently on welfare?
Love your Red Herrings, right wing fishmonger.

The answer is, they don't; it is just right wing projection due to their having nothing but repeal, instead of better solutions at lower cost.
There's a reason why your party lost over 1,000 seats. Have you considered taking a step back to think you might be wrong?
Gerrymandering, pure obstruction, and a tidal wave of BS propaganda? Not to mention Putin and Comey stealing an election? Your party is a disgrace. Enjoy the giant tax cut for the rich and the corrupt bubbles, dupes.
The Dems need total control, filibuster proof, to do anything. The GOP has no clue about compromise for 30 years now. The "no-compromise, un-American TP GOP

Luckily, our country is so strong economically it can do better than anywhere else even under total GOP disfunction and pander to the rich policy, except of course when we have a GOP president and congress and the corruption and idiot cronyism gets out of hand, like the Real Estate bubble depression of 2008, the S+L bubble of the late 80's, or the 1920's Wall St madness. In fact the only time they've had 8 years and didn't wreck the country was under independent Ike.

So where did the real estate bubble start? Come on, let's see how informed you really are.

Not with CRA or Clinton, dupe. It started in 2003 when Fannie and Freddie lost 65% of the market and GOP crony private institutions like Countrywide started selling to anyone breathing scam mortgages under Boooshie "oversight". And AIG etc got them rated A+ and sold around the world. Great job. And the dupes think the gay guy and F+F did it lol arggghhhhhh...

Oh yes, it did start with Clinton. Care for me to post some stories about in from the late 90's? One of them a NYT article I believe.

Read what I said again. FACT.

Luckily, our country is so strong economically it can do better than anywhere else even under total GOP disfunction and pander to the rich policy, except of course when we have a GOP president and congress and the corruption and idiot cronyism gets out of hand, like the Real Estate bubble depression of 2008, the S+L bubble of the late 80's, or the 1920's Wall St madness. In fact the only time they've had 8 years and didn't wreck the country was under independent Ike.

So where did the real estate bubble start? Come on, let's see how informed you really are.

Not with CRA or Clinton, dupe. It started in 2003 when Fannie and Freddie lost 65% of the market and GOP crony private institutions like Countrywide started selling to anyone breathing scam mortgages under Boooshie "oversight". And AIG etc got them rated A+ and sold around the world. Great job. And the dupes think the gay guy and F+F did it lol arggghhhhhh...

Oh yes, it did start with Clinton. Care for me to post some stories about in from the late 90's? One of them a NYT article I believe.

Read what I said again. FACT.

Given the entire thing started by government reducing loan regulations so that minorities and the less wealthy could buy homes, how is that the Republicans fault? Republicans know they can't ever get the lowlife or black vote; you said so yourself. So why would Republicans lower standards so that the lower income people could afford homes?
A $15 hour wage does not lift one out of poverty, no you are wanting to move the goal posts. I am asking for one bill that lifts the poor out of poverty by Congressional Democrats, that you can't find one is not surprising at all. Thanks for trying and thanks for proving my point.
Yes, it does; much better than a lesser minimum wage under Any form of Capitalism.

Any more Red Herrings, right wing, fishmonger?

That wasn't the question, the question is which bill did Congressional Democrats introduce to Congress that lifts the poor out of poverty.

I know you want to avoid discussing an issue and you throw out BS that has nothing to do with answering the question. That is why people don't take you seriously, because you are not serious.
The GOP blocked everything. $10.10 min wage in 2012 and infrastructure jobs bill, thru free community college last year. Dems should really propose them over and over like the GOP and start a real propaganda machine, with facts! Sorry you miss most of the news...

View attachment 123823
Pass a good SS ID card ferchrissake.

What does that have to do with your obsession of taxpayers paying for everybody else's government goodies?
. It started in 2003 when Fannie and Freddie lost 65% of the market...

by time of collapse Fanny/Freddie owned or guaranteed 75% of Alt A and Subprime mortgages as major part of liberal program to get people into homes the Republican free market said they could not afford!!

Barney Frank: "I hope by next year we'll have abolished Fanny Freddie... it was a great mistake to push lower income people into homes they couldn't afford and couldn't really handle once they had it"

"These two entities—Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac—are not facing any kind of financial crisis," said Representative Barney Frank of Massachusetts, the ranking Democrat on the Financial Services Committee. "The more people exaggerate these problems, the more pressure there is on these companies, the less we will see in terms of affordable housing."-Barney Frank
Link? BS!. By the end they were back when Countryside etc were on the run...under GOP pressure.
Luckily, our country is so strong economically it can do better than anywhere else even under total GOP disfunction and pander to the rich policy, except of course when we have a GOP president and congress and the corruption and idiot cronyism gets out of hand, like the Real Estate bubble depression of 2008, the S+L bubble of the late 80's, or the 1920's Wall St madness. In fact the only time they've had 8 years and didn't wreck the country was under independent Ike.

So where did the real estate bubble start? Come on, let's see how informed you really are.
Not with CRA or Clinton, dupe. It started in 2003 when Fannie and Freddie lost 65% of the market and GOP crony private institutions like Countrywide started selling to anyone breathing scam mortgages under Boooshie "oversight". And AIG etc got them rated A+ and sold around the world. Great job. And the dupes think the gay guy and F+F did it lol arggghhhhhh...

Oh yes, it did start with Clinton. Care for me to post some stories about in from the late 90's? One of them a NYT article I believe.
Read what I said again. FACT.

Given the entire thing started by government reducing loan regulations so that minorities and the less wealthy could buy homes, how is that the Republicans fault? Republicans know they can't ever get the lowlife or black vote; you said so yourself. So why would Republicans lower standards so that the lower income people could afford homes?
For huge money, of course. Gop cronyism run wild as usual. No worries, just cost 7-8 trillion here, and wrecked the world. Google Countrywide, AIG, Lehman Bros. There were no changes to welfare and UE rules.
So where did the real estate bubble start? Come on, let's see how informed you really are.
Not with CRA or Clinton, dupe. It started in 2003 when Fannie and Freddie lost 65% of the market and GOP crony private institutions like Countrywide started selling to anyone breathing scam mortgages under Boooshie "oversight". And AIG etc got them rated A+ and sold around the world. Great job. And the dupes think the gay guy and F+F did it lol arggghhhhhh...

Oh yes, it did start with Clinton. Care for me to post some stories about in from the late 90's? One of them a NYT article I believe.
Read what I said again. FACT.

Given the entire thing started by government reducing loan regulations so that minorities and the less wealthy could buy homes, how is that the Republicans fault? Republicans know they can't ever get the lowlife or black vote; you said so yourself. So why would Republicans lower standards so that the lower income people could afford homes?
For huge money, of course. Gop cronyism run wild as usual. No worries, just cost 7-8 trillion here, and wrecked the world. Google Countrywide, AIG, Lehman Bros. There were no changes to welfare and UE rules.
Clinton signed a GOP bill. Too often.
So where did the real estate bubble start? Come on, let's see how informed you really are.
Not with CRA or Clinton, dupe. It started in 2003 when Fannie and Freddie lost 65% of the market and GOP crony private institutions like Countrywide started selling to anyone breathing scam mortgages under Boooshie "oversight". And AIG etc got them rated A+ and sold around the world. Great job. And the dupes think the gay guy and F+F did it lol arggghhhhhh...

Oh yes, it did start with Clinton. Care for me to post some stories about in from the late 90's? One of them a NYT article I believe.
Read what I said again. FACT.

Given the entire thing started by government reducing loan regulations so that minorities and the less wealthy could buy homes, how is that the Republicans fault? Republicans know they can't ever get the lowlife or black vote; you said so yourself. So why would Republicans lower standards so that the lower income people could afford homes?
For huge money, of course. Gop cronyism run wild as usual. No worries, just cost 7-8 trillion here, and wrecked the world. Google Countrywide, AIG, Lehman Bros. There were no changes to welfare and UE rules.

You're talking the end game and I'm talking about the beginning. This all started because Democrats wanted to buy votes of minorities by changing (and getting F&F to) regulations to give un-credit worthy minorities homes.
Yes, it does; much better than a lesser minimum wage under Any form of Capitalism.

Any more Red Herrings, right wing, fishmonger?

That wasn't the question, the question is which bill did Congressional Democrats introduce to Congress that lifts the poor out of poverty.

I know you want to avoid discussing an issue and you throw out BS that has nothing to do with answering the question. That is why people don't take you seriously, because you are not serious.
The GOP blocked everything. $10.10 min wage in 2012 and infrastructure jobs bill, thru free community college last year. Dems should really propose them over and over like the GOP and start a real propaganda machine, with facts! Sorry you miss most of the news...

View attachment 123823
Pass a good SS ID card ferchrissake.

What does that have to do with your obsession of taxpayers paying for everybody else's government goodies?
That's what the GOP has refused to do for 31 years to end illegal workers and immigration. There have been no changes to goodies rules, just a corrupt GOP DEPRESSION.
Not with CRA or Clinton, dupe. It started in 2003 when Fannie and Freddie lost 65% of the market and GOP crony private institutions like Countrywide started selling to anyone breathing scam mortgages under Boooshie "oversight". And AIG etc got them rated A+ and sold around the world. Great job. And the dupes think the gay guy and F+F did it lol arggghhhhhh...

Oh yes, it did start with Clinton. Care for me to post some stories about in from the late 90's? One of them a NYT article I believe.
Read what I said again. FACT.

Given the entire thing started by government reducing loan regulations so that minorities and the less wealthy could buy homes, how is that the Republicans fault? Republicans know they can't ever get the lowlife or black vote; you said so yourself. So why would Republicans lower standards so that the lower income people could afford homes?
For huge money, of course. Gop cronyism run wild as usual. No worries, just cost 7-8 trillion here, and wrecked the world. Google Countrywide, AIG, Lehman Bros. There were no changes to welfare and UE rules.

You're talking the end game and I'm talking about the beginning. This all started because Democrats wanted to buy votes of minorities by changing (and getting F&F to) regulations to give un-credit worthy minorities homes.
BS, Clinton signed a GOP bill. Only GOP crony "oversight" made the corrupt bubble possible.
Blacks were happy with democrats until they realized they were being used for votes.
Unlike the poor on the right wing?
I'm trying to stay on topic.....
Why do democrats hate poor black people and want them permanently on welfare?
Love your Red Herrings, right wing fishmonger.

The answer is, they don't; it is just right wing projection due to their having nothing but repeal, instead of better solutions at lower cost.
There's a reason why your party lost over 1,000 seats. Have you considered taking a step back to think you might be wrong?
Right wing pander from a rich guy under our form of capitalism?
Not with CRA or Clinton, dupe. It started in 2003 when Fannie and Freddie lost 65% of the market and GOP crony private institutions like Countrywide started selling to anyone breathing scam mortgages under Boooshie "oversight". And AIG etc got them rated A+ and sold around the world. Great job. And the dupes think the gay guy and F+F did it lol arggghhhhhh...

Oh yes, it did start with Clinton. Care for me to post some stories about in from the late 90's? One of them a NYT article I believe.
Read what I said again. FACT.

Given the entire thing started by government reducing loan regulations so that minorities and the less wealthy could buy homes, how is that the Republicans fault? Republicans know they can't ever get the lowlife or black vote; you said so yourself. So why would Republicans lower standards so that the lower income people could afford homes?
For huge money, of course. Gop cronyism run wild as usual. No worries, just cost 7-8 trillion here, and wrecked the world. Google Countrywide, AIG, Lehman Bros. There were no changes to welfare and UE rules.

You're talking the end game and I'm talking about the beginning. This all started because Democrats wanted to buy votes of minorities by changing (and getting F&F to) regulations to give un-credit worthy minorities homes.
Funny how all the bad mortgages etc were all sold under Boooshies by crony GOP private institutions starting in 2002......
So where did the real estate bubble start? Come on, let's see how informed you really are.
Not with CRA or Clinton, dupe. It started in 2003 when Fannie and Freddie lost 65% of the market and GOP crony private institutions like Countrywide started selling to anyone breathing scam mortgages under Boooshie "oversight". And AIG etc got them rated A+ and sold around the world. Great job. And the dupes think the gay guy and F+F did it lol arggghhhhhh...

Oh yes, it did start with Clinton. Care for me to post some stories about in from the late 90's? One of them a NYT article I believe.
Read what I said again. FACT.

Given the entire thing started by government reducing loan regulations so that minorities and the less wealthy could buy homes, how is that the Republicans fault? Republicans know they can't ever get the lowlife or black vote; you said so yourself. So why would Republicans lower standards so that the lower income people could afford homes?
For huge money, of course. Gop cronyism run wild as usual. No worries, just cost 7-8 trillion here, and wrecked the world. Google Countrywide, AIG, Lehman Bros. There were no changes to welfare and UE rules.

Notice that the big concern was bailing out the rich corporations, Congress was all over that, the poor...Dems didn't really care.

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