Why do democrats hate poor black people and want them permanently on welfare?

Education IS the only way out, but Republicans refuse to provide the funding needed to give kids in inner city schools a chance. Charter schools are not a solution. Education for profit is just as bad as for-profit prisons, and for many of the same reasons.

The difference between American conservatives and the rest of the civilized world is that American conservatives want no government at all, and the rest of the world has been smart enough to realize that there are some things that government can and should do, because the greater public good is involved, and government can do it better.

Americans call this "freedom", we call it "folly". Your so-called "freedom" puts the US at #7 in the "world freedom index". Your free-market medical mess puts your health-care system at #34 in the world. While the rest of the first world has better, cheaper, government funded health care, Americans desperately cling to their expensive, bankrupting for-profit insurance scheme, and call it "freedom".

The US is one of only two first world countries that spends more money educating the children of the rich, on purpose. Using local property taxes to fund schools is archaic and will always favour the children of the wealthy. Charter schools are not doing well in New Orleans, and many children are disappearing from schools which are coverting to charter, with no idea of where these kids are going to. With no centralized school board tracking students, it is entirely possible that poor kids in New Orleans are just no longer going to school at all, there is no way to know.

As public schools have converted to charter schools, few former enrollees return to the re-opened schools. As few as 35% of the former students come back. In one school, only 17 former students re-enrolled in fall. If 65% of poor children are simply giving up, this is hardly going to help the poor work their way out of poverty.

Despite Charter School reform legislation to prevent the schools from culling poor students from their rolls ("creaming"), 10 years after Katrina wiped out the New Orleans public school system, standardized test scores for high school students show LOWER test scores than before Katrina, and fewer students qualify for post-secondary education. Charter Schools are still creaming out disabled, or low performing students in an effort to boost their test scores, and their profits, adding to the children who are disappearing from schools and going where?

what funding is needed that the repubs won't allow? explain.

Are you saying that higher teacher salaries make teachers better teachers?
You've GOT to be kidding lol, dupe. Change the channel.

No, you GET better people as teachers.
where are those better teachers at to recruit from? Why is it always like pulling teeth with you libs for you all to make a fking point?

Damn, we've doubled the number of teachers with Charter schools we've offered vouchers to go there, and now those teachers are no good. where are these genius teachers that don't exist that more money will find for us?
Becoming lawyers and MBAs etc to make more money than teachers. BTW, my nephew just started as chem teacher. Oberlin idealist/lib. I think?
??? That's where they are.

Oberlin College????
Just Reaganism rolling on, and the middle class losing jobs during the Booosh depression. He didn't PASS ANY POLICIES except the stimulus and ACA...there's your brainwashing kicking in again...

Bush and Reagan were geniuses! Look how butt hurt you are and Reagan has been out of office for 28 plus years and you still can't figure it out. You Dems are pretty stupid.

36 Reasons Why You Should Thank a Union

All Breaks at Work, including your Lunch Breaks
Paid Vacation
Sick Leave
Social Security
Minimum Wage
Civil Rights Act/Title VII (Prohibits Employer Discrimination)
8-Hour Work Day
Overtime Pay
Child Labor Laws
Occupational Safety & Health Act (OSHA)
40 Hour Work Week
Worker's Compensation (Worker's Comp)
Unemployment Insurance
Workplace Safety Standards and Regulations
Employer Health Care Insurance
Collective Bargaining Rights for Employees
Wrongful Termination Laws
Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967
Whistleblower Protection Laws
Employee Polygraph Protect Act (Prohibits Employer from using a lie detector test on an employee)
Veteran's Employment and Training Services (VETS)
Compensation increases and Evaluations (Raises)
Sexual Harassment Laws
Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA)
Holiday Pay
Employer Dental, Life, and Vision Insurance
Privacy Rights
Pregnancy and Parental Leave
Military Leave
The Right to Strike
Public Education for Children
Equal Pay Acts of 1963 & 2011 (Requires employers pay men and women equally for the same amount of work)
Laws Ending Sweatshops in the United States

So will conservatives give up all 36 of these union fought rights? Will they stand by their rhetoric that unions are thugs and refuse to take benefits from these "thugs" or will they hypocritically carry on the diatribe that unions are ruining this country while enjoying their weekends and paid vacations?

Maybe they could just admit that while not perfect, like anything else, unions have done great things for working people that they use and benefit from everyday of their lives?

Maybe a conservative union-hating family got to have some of the best moments of their lives while on vacation from work, and they still got to come to a job still there waiting for them, because of unions?

Maybe a conservative can't wait for their lunch break at work so they can turn on the radio and listen to Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Back talk about how horrible unions are?

If you don't want to give up all your union fought rights and benefits at work, I understand. I don't want to either, that's why I'm pro-union and vote Democrat.

But maybe you could just admit that unions are not demons spawned from hell, and admit the FACT that they have improved your life in more ways than one?

Or am I asking too much?

The minimum wage was set up to be racist at the start, Henry Ford started the 40 hour a week movement, the social security was always a ponzi scheme... Can go on and on but earth to silly boo bio the year is not 1930

The formation of unions helped to strengthen the idea of working five days a week as well. In 1937, auto plant workers staged a sit-down strike in Flint, Michigan, to protest bleak conditions at General Motors that included no bathroom breaks, no benefits or sick pay and no safety standards.

The negotiations between GM and the United Auto Workers ultimately improved working conditions. The federal government would show its support when Congress passed the Fair Labor Standards Act in 1938, a key part of President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s New Deal.

Many historians credit Roosevelt’s labor secretary, Frances Perkins, for championing the cause. Perkins was in Manhattan’s Greenwich Village in 1911 on the day of the infamous Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire. Almost 150 garment workers, mostly women and immigrants, were trapped and killed when the building caught fire. The exits had been blocked — a common practice at the time.

“She saw the young girls jumping out of the window,” Santomauro said. “This, I’m sure, opened her heart about the plight of the workers. That really stayed with her.”

Aside from the 40-hour workweek, the Fair Labor Standards Act also included several reforms in place that Americans can appreciate to this day — establishing a minimum wage, overtime pay and putting an end to “oppressive” forms of child labor.

People in 28 states and counting (including yours) disagree with you

....and are brainwashed RW morons...
what funding is needed that the repubs won't allow? explain.

Are you saying that higher teacher salaries make teachers better teachers?
You've GOT to be kidding lol, dupe. Change the channel.

No, you GET better people as teachers.
where are those better teachers at to recruit from? Why is it always like pulling teeth with you libs for you all to make a fking point?

Damn, we've doubled the number of teachers with Charter schools we've offered vouchers to go there, and now those teachers are no good. where are these genius teachers that don't exist that more money will find for us?
Becoming lawyers and MBAs etc to make more money than teachers. BTW, my nephew just started as chem teacher. Oberlin idealist/lib. I think?
??? That's where they are.

Oberlin College????
so you think they'd go to a high school to teach? too funny. holy fk. that is why I said huh? dude are you a real person or are you a computer?
Bush and Reagan were geniuses! Look how butt hurt you are and Reagan has been out of office for 28 plus years and you still can't figure it out. You Dems are pretty stupid.

36 Reasons Why You Should Thank a Union

All Breaks at Work, including your Lunch Breaks
Paid Vacation
Sick Leave
Social Security
Minimum Wage
Civil Rights Act/Title VII (Prohibits Employer Discrimination)
8-Hour Work Day
Overtime Pay
Child Labor Laws
Occupational Safety & Health Act (OSHA)
40 Hour Work Week
Worker's Compensation (Worker's Comp)
Unemployment Insurance
Workplace Safety Standards and Regulations
Employer Health Care Insurance
Collective Bargaining Rights for Employees
Wrongful Termination Laws
Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967
Whistleblower Protection Laws
Employee Polygraph Protect Act (Prohibits Employer from using a lie detector test on an employee)
Veteran's Employment and Training Services (VETS)
Compensation increases and Evaluations (Raises)
Sexual Harassment Laws
Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA)
Holiday Pay
Employer Dental, Life, and Vision Insurance
Privacy Rights
Pregnancy and Parental Leave
Military Leave
The Right to Strike
Public Education for Children
Equal Pay Acts of 1963 & 2011 (Requires employers pay men and women equally for the same amount of work)
Laws Ending Sweatshops in the United States

So will conservatives give up all 36 of these union fought rights? Will they stand by their rhetoric that unions are thugs and refuse to take benefits from these "thugs" or will they hypocritically carry on the diatribe that unions are ruining this country while enjoying their weekends and paid vacations?

Maybe they could just admit that while not perfect, like anything else, unions have done great things for working people that they use and benefit from everyday of their lives?

Maybe a conservative union-hating family got to have some of the best moments of their lives while on vacation from work, and they still got to come to a job still there waiting for them, because of unions?

Maybe a conservative can't wait for their lunch break at work so they can turn on the radio and listen to Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Back talk about how horrible unions are?

If you don't want to give up all your union fought rights and benefits at work, I understand. I don't want to either, that's why I'm pro-union and vote Democrat.

But maybe you could just admit that unions are not demons spawned from hell, and admit the FACT that they have improved your life in more ways than one?

Or am I asking too much?

The minimum wage was set up to be racist at the start, Henry Ford started the 40 hour a week movement, the social security was always a ponzi scheme... Can go on and on but earth to silly boo bio the year is not 1930

The formation of unions helped to strengthen the idea of working five days a week as well. In 1937, auto plant workers staged a sit-down strike in Flint, Michigan, to protest bleak conditions at General Motors that included no bathroom breaks, no benefits or sick pay and no safety standards.

The negotiations between GM and the United Auto Workers ultimately improved working conditions. The federal government would show its support when Congress passed the Fair Labor Standards Act in 1938, a key part of President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s New Deal.

Many historians credit Roosevelt’s labor secretary, Frances Perkins, for championing the cause. Perkins was in Manhattan’s Greenwich Village in 1911 on the day of the infamous Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire. Almost 150 garment workers, mostly women and immigrants, were trapped and killed when the building caught fire. The exits had been blocked — a common practice at the time.

“She saw the young girls jumping out of the window,” Santomauro said. “This, I’m sure, opened her heart about the plight of the workers. That really stayed with her.”

Aside from the 40-hour workweek, the Fair Labor Standards Act also included several reforms in place that Americans can appreciate to this day — establishing a minimum wage, overtime pay and putting an end to “oppressive” forms of child labor.

People in 28 states and counting (including yours) disagree with you

....and are brainwashed RW morons...
and winning.
You've GOT to be kidding lol, dupe. Change the channel.

No, you GET better people as teachers.
where are those better teachers at to recruit from? Why is it always like pulling teeth with you libs for you all to make a fking point?

Damn, we've doubled the number of teachers with Charter schools we've offered vouchers to go there, and now those teachers are no good. where are these genius teachers that don't exist that more money will find for us?
Becoming lawyers and MBAs etc to make more money than teachers. BTW, my nephew just started as chem teacher. Oberlin idealist/lib. I think?
??? That's where they are.

Oberlin College????
so you think they'd go to a high school to teach? too funny. holy fk. that is why I said huh? dude are you a real person or are you a computer?
Yup. Why do you disrespect teachers, hater dupe?
where are those better teachers at to recruit from? Why is it always like pulling teeth with you libs for you all to make a fking point?

Damn, we've doubled the number of teachers with Charter schools we've offered vouchers to go there, and now those teachers are no good. where are these genius teachers that don't exist that more money will find for us?

4 years of university, 2 years of teachers college, and all of the debt that now entails, to make, on average $45,000 per year in a primary charter school in NOLA? You don't get quality teachers for those kinds of dollars. That's barely over the poverty line for a family of 4.

Tacoma Washington has a median teacher salary of $59,000 for public school teachers and and just under $70,000 for high school teachers. Do you not think this might have something to do with Tacoma having better schools?

I have teacher friends in the US who are buying classroom supplies from their own pockets, whose kids have to share textbooks because there aren't enough funds for everyone to have one. For poor kids, who are less likely to have access to computers and WIFI at home, without computer skills and skills in using technology and information systems, they will be sentenced to working in low skill jobs for the rest of their lives.

The Republican answer to this is to cut the school lunch program in poor schools because it's "soul destroying" for poor kids to be given free food. Show me the Democratic Party policy here that is keeping these kids in poverty, because for the life of me I can't see it. But I see the slimey hands of Republicans, who want that large supply of cheap labour to keep their labour costs down, all over these strategies.

Charter schools is just one more way that Republicans are engineering the complete domination and subjugation of the poor. The first step was to imprison all of the young poor men and destroy poor families with the War on Drugs and minimum sentencing. Now, the children of the poor are losing access to a decent public school education. They will be kept ignorant and poor, and given occasional handouts, but no jobs, no education and no opportunity.
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where are those better teachers at to recruit from? Why is it always like pulling teeth with you libs for you all to make a fking point?

Damn, we've doubled the number of teachers with Charter schools we've offered vouchers to go there, and now those teachers are no good. where are these genius teachers that don't exist that more money will find for us?

4 years of university, 2 years of teachers college, and all of the debt that now entails, to make, on average $45,000 per year in a primary charter school in NOLA? You don't get quality teachers for those kinds of dollars. That's barely over the poverty line for a family of 4.

Tacoma Washington has a median teacher salary of $59,000 for public school teachers and and just under $70,000 for high school teachers. Do you not think this might have something to do with Tacoma having better schools?

I have teacher friends in the US who are buying classroom supplies from their own pockets, whose kids have to share textbooks because there aren't enough funds for everyone to have one. For poor kids, who are less likely to have access to computers and WIFI at home, without computer skills and skills in using technology and information systems, they will be sentenced to working in low skill jobs for the rest of their lives.

The Republican answer to this is to cut the school lunch program in poor schools because it's "soul destroying" for poor kids to be given free food. Show me the Democratic Party policy here that is keeping these kids in poverty, because for the life of me I can't see it. But I see the slimey hands of Republicans, who want that large supply of cheap labour to keep their labour costs down, all over these strategies.

Charter schools is just one more way that Republicans are engineering the complete domination and subjugation of the poor. The first step was to imprison all of the young poor men and destroy poor families with the War on Drugs and minimum sentencing. Now, the children of the poor are losing access to a decent public school education. They will be kept ignorant and poor, and given occasional handouts, but no jobs, no education and no opportunity.
if you want to have a serious discussion, I'm game. The answer to the difference in pay could merely be location and the cost of living between locations.

If you think that there are teachers out there who are not working waiting for schools to pay them more, I highly doubt it.

Teachers get paid what the market calls for. Period. The price per student has gone up every year. Fk, dude, I pay property tax on two homes. So don't tell me it's about money because it isn't. If you wish to cut back on administrative personnel, I'm game for that as well.

I'm tired of the throw money to make it better act by the left. It ain't so. It is to make the teachers accountable for the students grades. That means losing the unions. How sincere are you to really improve the education of the students in poor neighborhoods is the question.
The long standing policy of democrats is to create a permanent dependent underclass. Is being in power the only thing that matters to democrats?
"Why do democrats hate poor black people and want them permanently on welfare?"

Straw man fallacy.

Loaded question fallacy.

Ridiculous rightwing lie.

which party continuously pushes for more welfare and govt giveaway programs? Which party needs a permanent underclass?
And you can't think of ways republicans have helped them either.

The 1996 Welfare Reform Act put forth by former House Speaker Newt Gingrich and the Republicans took millions of people off the welfare rolls and put them on the payrolls. That helped them to restore their dignity and their very souls. Self-pride and personal responsibility.

As you know, that went out the window with the Obama stimulus failure.
Wouldn't it be nice if one party was able to do more to help them?

And you can't think of ways republicans have helped them either.

The 1996 Welfare Reform Act put forth by former House Speaker Newt Gingrich and the Republicans took millions of people off the welfare rolls and put them on the payrolls. That helped them to restore their dignity and their very souls. Self-pride and personal responsibility.

As you know, that went out the window with the Obama stimulus failure.

And it was supported by Clinton.
And you can't think of ways republicans have helped them either.

The 1996 Welfare Reform Act put forth by former House Speaker Newt Gingrich and the Republicans took millions of people off the welfare rolls and put them on the payrolls. That helped them to restore their dignity and their very souls. Self-pride and personal responsibility.

As you know, that went out the window with the Obama stimulus failure.

And it was supported by Clinton.
and it worked. Now there you have evidence the right was working in the best interest of the poor. and now do you still say they do nothing?
Under Democratic Presidents, Minorities Make Economic Gains - And So Do Whites | Scholars Strategy Network

Under Democratic presidents, black families’ incomes grew on average $895 dollars annually, but grew only by $142 dollars under Republicans. The black unemployment rate fell by a net 7.9 percentage points across the 26 years of Democratic leadership, but went up by a net of 13.7 points during 28 years of Republican presidencies. Across the years of Democratic leadership, black poverty declined by a net of 23.6 percentage points, but grew by three points when Republicans held the White House.

Great, please provide us with your reliable source along with the link so we may all enjoy the fruits of your labor.

What does your site say about the most important decade, the past ten years?
And you can't think of ways republicans have helped them either.

The 1996 Welfare Reform Act put forth by former House Speaker Newt Gingrich and the Republicans took millions of people off the welfare rolls and put them on the payrolls. That helped them to restore their dignity and their very souls. Self-pride and personal responsibility.

As you know, that went out the window with the Obama stimulus failure.

And it was supported by Clinton.
and it worked. Now there you have evidence the right was working in the best interest of the poor. and now do you still say they do nothing?

I think you scored a point.

It makes me think government works better when parties can work together also...
And you can't think of ways republicans have helped them either.

The 1996 Welfare Reform Act put forth by former House Speaker Newt Gingrich and the Republicans took millions of people off the welfare rolls and put them on the payrolls. That helped them to restore their dignity and their very souls. Self-pride and personal responsibility.

As you know, that went out the window with the Obama stimulus failure.

And it was supported by Clinton.
and it worked. Now there you have evidence the right was working in the best interest of the poor. and now do you still say they do nothing?

I think you scored a point.

It makes me think government works better when parties can work together also...
they have to want to. That doesn't exist since bush.
Ever hear of white flight? Those are black cities. Don't deny your history

I'm sorry, but in case you did not notice, you failed to answer my question.

Are you identifying cities as black or white cities? Are there brown cities too?
Like what policies of Obama's made the rich richer?

The intensive Quantitative Easing which desperately tried to hold up the economy by pouring trillions of worthless dollars into the economy. Money which, predictably, found a circuitous route to the stock market making the rich, richer.

Massive over-regulation discouraging existing businesses from expanding and hiring more people and new business from being opened or making it virtually impossible.

Crippling new taxes from Obamacare punishing people for trying to expand their business to over fifty employees.

And the list goes on, and on, and on.
I think you scored a point.

It makes me think government works better when parties can work together also...

Of course, they do. Proven by the relationship between President Ronald Reagan, and the sharply partisan Tip O'Neil as well as President Bill Clinton and Newt Gingrich.

Former President Bill Clinton vetoed the 1996 Welfare Reform Act twice. The third time it was put before him, he knew that Congress had the votes to override his veto so he signed it into law.

Contrary to those working relationships, petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama took the opposite tact once even saying that Republicans can come along if they wish but they're going to have to ride in the back of the bus.
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