Why do democrats hate poor black people and want them permanently on welfare?

Education is the only way out. my further evidence they wish hate on the blacks.

Great, I agree 100%, I'm so happy to see that you support Betsy DeVos as Secretary of Education along with school choice, vouchers and charter schools. Happy to see you come around!

Vouchers aren't helping Milwaukee.
how can you make that statement? I posted their results. you just lied.

And I posted that Milwaukee has a huge poverty problem. They have the longest running voucher program and still huge poverty. Not working.

Vouchers don't save the world, they save a small portion of children who really want to learn.
she don't care. she is happy they are where they are.
Bill ran on welfare reform. He really was a much better president than repubs will admit.

He ran on welfare reform but it was a lie. When the Republicans took over Congress and sent him the welfare bill, he vetoed it twice. The Republicans had to sit back and wait until he started to campaign for a second term. Then the Republicans put the bill in front of him again and said "Veto it now mother FR." That's when he reluctantly signed the bill.
Last edited:
I'm just intolerant of the lies and bs propaganda that are the base of all your misinformed "opinions", dupes... Most of my friends are dupes, but it's hard when many hate you for the facts. So I don't talk politics with them.

Facts! Lol! You wouldn't know a fact if it bit you on the behind.
I've talked to such brainwashed Republicans the last couple days. Unable to rationally discuss the facts.

When I tried to point out how Republicans told Obama no when he asked to bomb Syria I got two responses, no three

A. He's a Muslim
B. He was weak
C. I must be watching MSNBC.
I'm just intolerant of the lies and bs propaganda that are the base of all your misinformed "opinions", dupes... Most of my friends are dupes, but it's hard when many hate you for the facts. So I don't talk politics with them.

Facts! Lol! You wouldn't know a fact if it bit you on the behind.
I've talked to such brainwashed Republicans the last couple days. Unable to rationally discuss the facts.

When I tried to point out how Republicans told Obama no when he asked to bomb Syria I got two responses, no three

A. He's a Muslim
B. He was weak
C. I must be watching MSNBC.

No sure what this has to do with the Democratic Party's hate for poor black people.

Thank you Obama

U.S. Wages Rising At The Fastest Pace In Years Amid Solid Hiring

November 4, 2016

U.S. middle class shrank during 1970s and 1980s

The U.S. middle class shrank markedly between 1969 and 1989, as the number of Americans who were rich and poor increased.

In 1969, 71.2 percent of Americans were "middle class." Twenty years later, 63.2 percent were middle class, a new Census Bureau study found.

This was during the time companies like GE started breaking their social contract with American workers. Liberals and Unions

The unwritten but very real and clearly understood social contract under which the citizens and workers of the United States and Canada developed the countries has now been broken by the wealthy classes, the owners of major industries and businesses and the politicians, The contract is now invalid. A new social contract is needed.

The Broken Social Contract | Dissident Voice

We get it, the Democratic Party wants poor and needs them, even if they really hate the poor.
Seeing how we are the best party for the poor and middle class I can see how a Republican in independents clothing would spin it that way
Under Democratic Presidents, Minorities Make Economic Gains - And So Do Whites | Scholars Strategy Network

Under Democratic presidents, black families’ incomes grew on average $895 dollars annually, but grew only by $142 dollars under Republicans. The black unemployment rate fell by a net 7.9 percentage points across the 26 years of Democratic leadership, but went up by a net of 13.7 points during 28 years of Republican presidencies. Across the years of Democratic leadership, black poverty declined by a net of 23.6 percentage points, but grew by three points when Republicans held the White House.

Try again Brian...

Just Reaganism rolling on, and the middle class losing jobs during the Booosh depression. He didn't PASS ANY POLICIES except the stimulus and ACA...there's your brainwashing kicking in again...

Bush and Reagan were geniuses! Look how butt hurt you are and Reagan has been out of office for 28 plus years and you still can't figure it out. You Dems are pretty stupid.

Turns out Reagan sucked. We loved him at the time but didn't realize what a sellout he actually was. HW Bush didn't start NAFTA, Reagan's boys did.

Historical Reasons to Show Liberals Love

  • The 8-hour workday, overtime pay, and the federal minimum wage
  • The Social Security Act,
  • Medicare,
  • The Clean Water Act,
  • The Rural Electrification Act
Yes, But ‘What Have You Done for Me Lately’ – 10 Reasons to Thank Obama
  • Student Loan Reform and Pell Grant Award Increases

  • American Reinvestment and Recovery Act
  • Repeal of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,”
  • The end of the Stem Cell Research Ban, for which Obama takes full credit. He used an executive order in March 2009 to end former President George W. Bush’s ban on federal funding for embryonic stem cell research.

So nothing to help the poor, got it!
The way to help the poor is to give them access to middle class jobs. We offer programs that encourage hiring and fair wages your party says fair pay is a job killer. Your party gives tax breaks and crosses their fingers.
Under Democratic Presidents, Minorities Make Economic Gains - And So Do Whites | Scholars Strategy Network

Under Democratic presidents, black families’ incomes grew on average $895 dollars annually, but grew only by $142 dollars under Republicans. The black unemployment rate fell by a net 7.9 percentage points across the 26 years of Democratic leadership, but went up by a net of 13.7 points during 28 years of Republican presidencies. Across the years of Democratic leadership, black poverty declined by a net of 23.6 percentage points, but grew by three points when Republicans held the White House.

Try again Brian...

Just Reaganism rolling on, and the middle class losing jobs during the Booosh depression. He didn't PASS ANY POLICIES except the stimulus and ACA...there's your brainwashing kicking in again...

Bush and Reagan were geniuses! Look how butt hurt you are and Reagan has been out of office for 28 plus years and you still can't figure it out. You Dems are pretty stupid.

36 Reasons Why You Should Thank a Union

All Breaks at Work, including your Lunch Breaks
Paid Vacation
Sick Leave
Social Security
Minimum Wage
Civil Rights Act/Title VII (Prohibits Employer Discrimination)
8-Hour Work Day
Overtime Pay
Child Labor Laws
Occupational Safety & Health Act (OSHA)
40 Hour Work Week
Worker's Compensation (Worker's Comp)
Unemployment Insurance
Workplace Safety Standards and Regulations
Employer Health Care Insurance
Collective Bargaining Rights for Employees
Wrongful Termination Laws
Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967
Whistleblower Protection Laws
Employee Polygraph Protect Act (Prohibits Employer from using a lie detector test on an employee)
Veteran's Employment and Training Services (VETS)
Compensation increases and Evaluations (Raises)
Sexual Harassment Laws
Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA)
Holiday Pay
Employer Dental, Life, and Vision Insurance
Privacy Rights
Pregnancy and Parental Leave
Military Leave
The Right to Strike
Public Education for Children
Equal Pay Acts of 1963 & 2011 (Requires employers pay men and women equally for the same amount of work)
Laws Ending Sweatshops in the United States

So will conservatives give up all 36 of these union fought rights? Will they stand by their rhetoric that unions are thugs and refuse to take benefits from these "thugs" or will they hypocritically carry on the diatribe that unions are ruining this country while enjoying their weekends and paid vacations?

Maybe they could just admit that while not perfect, like anything else, unions have done great things for working people that they use and benefit from everyday of their lives?

Maybe a conservative union-hating family got to have some of the best moments of their lives while on vacation from work, and they still got to come to a job still there waiting for them, because of unions?

Maybe a conservative can't wait for their lunch break at work so they can turn on the radio and listen to Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Back talk about how horrible unions are?

If you don't want to give up all your union fought rights and benefits at work, I understand. I don't want to either, that's why I'm pro-union and vote Democrat.

But maybe you could just admit that unions are not demons spawned from hell, and admit the FACT that they have improved your life in more ways than one?

Or am I asking too much?

not sure why you are bringing up unions, it seems that you nor any on the left at this site are part of a union. You don't help them, belong to one, you don't donate to any. Hell I do more for unions than you lying pieces of pig feces.
Yes you've said that before. So are you pro union?

For the record i was in a union once. It was a scam the owner kept the dues and the union was a joke. If you're gonna have a union it has to have power.

Only 12% of us are still in unions. Thank god for them or bye bye all the shit they faught and earned for us.

I argue for unions. I understand their importance. Do you? Really?
Education is the only way out. my further evidence they wish hate on the blacks.

Great, I agree 100%, I'm so happy to see that you support Betsy DeVos as Secretary of Education along with school choice, vouchers and charter schools. Happy to see you come around!

Vouchers aren't helping Milwaukee.
how can you make that statement? I posted their results. you just lied.

And I posted that Milwaukee has a huge poverty problem. They have the longest running voucher program and still huge poverty. Not working.

Vouchers don't save the world, they save a small portion of children who really want to learn.

Yes they take money and better students from public schools.
Why do you think that is the answer? I've seen no evidence. Many voucher schools here are a disaster. Pretty sure it's an attack on teacher unions.

Please share with us the reliable source and link showing your claim that many voucher schools are a disaster.

Crushing the teacher unions will be an added bonus. Government schools are being forced to see that competition is good, EVEN for the government.

National Education Association General Counsel Bob Chanin stated in July 2009.

Chanin: "It is not because we care about children. And it is not because we have a vision of a great public school for every child. NEA and its affiliates are effective advocates because we have power. And we have power because there are more than 3.2 million people who are willing to pay us hundreds of millions of dollars in dues...."

Says it all does it not?
And you can't think of ways republicans have helped them either.

The 1996 Welfare Reform Act put forth by former House Speaker Newt Gingrich and the Republicans took millions of people off the welfare rolls and put them on the payrolls. That helped them to restore their dignity and their very souls. Self-pride and personal responsibility.

As you know, that went out the window with the Obama stimulus failure.

And it was supported by Clinton.
and it worked. Now there you have evidence the right was working in the best interest of the poor. and now do you still say they do nothing?

I think you scored a point.

It makes me think government works better when parties can work together also...

If that's possible:

And you can't think of ways republicans have helped them either.

The 1996 Welfare Reform Act put forth by former House Speaker Newt Gingrich and the Republicans took millions of people off the welfare rolls and put them on the payrolls. That helped them to restore their dignity and their very souls. Self-pride and personal responsibility.

As you know, that went out the window with the Obama stimulus failure.

And it was supported by Clinton.
and it worked. Now there you have evidence the right was working in the best interest of the poor. and now do you still say they do nothing?

No it didn't work. That's false. It was an abject fai
Milwaukee has had vouchers a long time. That your symbol of success?

I wasn't familiar with their specific system but it seems to be extremely successful.

Study finds charter and voucher schools do better than public schools
By James Wigderson / March 1, 2017 / News /

WAUKESHA, Wis. – A new study by a Milwaukee-based research organization promises the most comprehensive look at statewide student test scores for voucher, charter and public schools.

The study, Apples to Apples, released on Wednesday, shows charter schools and private school voucher programs doing better at educating students than public schools in Wisconsin.

Will Flanders, education research director for the Wisconsin Institute for Law & Liberty said students in Milwaukee’s private school voucher program performed significantly better than their public school peers when controlling for socioeconomic status.

APPLES TO APPLES; A new study shows students in voucher, charter schools do better than public school peers, according to Will Flanders of the Wisconsin Institute for Law & Liberty.

“We looked at both math and English, two of the most important subjects in school, in predicting success later in life,” Flanders said. “We see significantly higher rates of proficiency in both subjects.”


Study finds charter and voucher schools do better than public schools - Watchdog.org

Is this NOT what we want?

Watchdog.org is not a creditable website.

Charter and voucher schools do better because of "creaming". They don't take special needs kids, and they get rid of kids who bring down their test scores, fobbing these children off on public schools.

Here is the reality: It is difficult to get a handle on Wiscounsin's charter school program as there seem to be no definite US school rankings. One ranking site rated the state as 11th overall with a C- grade, which is slightly below the average grade of C, nationwide. Another ranked the state as 5th in the US overall, although Wiscounsin didn't make the top 5 in ANY of the categories which were supposedly weighted in the rankings. Admittedly, I didn't delve too deeply into the methodology, which also took student/teacher ratios into consideration, and some 20+ criteria, each with different weightings, in their ranking. This was a rating by Wallethub.com. No idea who they are. Weighting the value of certain scores over others is one way of getting the result you want.

The Wiscounsin experiment has been limited to a relatively small number of private school voucher credits are issued in a school year. This most definite makes the situation ripe for creaming. If spots are limited, there are more people trying to get in - week out the more challenging students and push your rankings up.

My concern is the wholesale move to a voucher program which Republicans keep championing. As we see from New Orleans, a STRONG public school system is needed, not a system which sees poor, disadvantaged children as a drag on their test scores.
Like what policies of Obama's made the rich richer?

Our wages haven't gone up since the late 70s. That's when Reagan hit the scene

It's called Quantitive Easing. In case you don't feel like looking it up, it's when the feds pumped trillions of dollars into the stock market artificially causing it to be much stronger than the actual economy. Many people knew the game was rigged--mostly large investors. It made the rich even richer.
Isn't that also how he got us out of the great bush recession? This is probably another damned if he did damned if he didnt

If it makes you feel better, that's fine with me. But don't pretend that only Republicans help the rich. But if you really believe that the market is what got us out of the recession, then I guess you also believe that when the rich make more money, it's good for the economy.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

Well it doesn't help if they are doing badly no. My brother is a VP in HR and his specialty, or one of them, is executive compensation. Rule number one in business is Feed the Generals First. Rule number 2 is never forget rule #1.

The truth is, we are out of the recession. When did the rich realize we were out of the recession? A lot sooner than the poor did. The poor (blue collar) are still feeling the hurt of the Bush recession. Ok, so how are you going to fix things for them? I understand you are going to kick illegals out. I like that. That's one good thing. If the market isn't flooded with workers pay will go up. I don't want to force fair pay. I would love nothing more than for it to happen naturally. This is why I blame the GOP for the recession. They sent all our best jobs overseas while turning a blind eye to 10 million illegals taking construction jobs. The people who lost their manufacturing jobs could have probably found different work if it weren't for illegals.

If wages go up naturally I'll admit that the free market works. But I'm waiting to see.

First of all, Republicans didn't send our jobs out of the country; they didn't have that kind of power. Unions sent our jobs overseas. How do I know? Because I was there when we lost customer after customer because businesses had to move to get rid of the unions. I don't recall delivering one crate to a business that moved because of Republicans.
And you can't think of ways republicans have helped them either.

The 1996 Welfare Reform Act put forth by former House Speaker Newt Gingrich and the Republicans took millions of people off the welfare rolls and put them on the payrolls. That helped them to restore their dignity and their very souls. Self-pride and personal responsibility.

As you know, that went out the window with the Obama stimulus failure.

And it was supported by Clinton.
and it worked. Now there you have evidence the right was working in the best interest of the poor. and now do you still say they do nothing?

No it didn't work. That's false. It was an abject fai
Milwaukee has had vouchers a long time. That your symbol of success?

I wasn't familiar with their specific system but it seems to be extremely successful.

Study finds charter and voucher schools do better than public schools
By James Wigderson / March 1, 2017 / News /

WAUKESHA, Wis. – A new study by a Milwaukee-based research organization promises the most comprehensive look at statewide student test scores for voucher, charter and public schools.

The study, Apples to Apples, released on Wednesday, shows charter schools and private school voucher programs doing better at educating students than public schools in Wisconsin.

Will Flanders, education research director for the Wisconsin Institute for Law & Liberty said students in Milwaukee’s private school voucher program performed significantly better than their public school peers when controlling for socioeconomic status.

APPLES TO APPLES; A new study shows students in voucher, charter schools do better than public school peers, according to Will Flanders of the Wisconsin Institute for Law & Liberty.

“We looked at both math and English, two of the most important subjects in school, in predicting success later in life,” Flanders said. “We see significantly higher rates of proficiency in both subjects.”


Study finds charter and voucher schools do better than public schools - Watchdog.org

Is this NOT what we want?

Watchdog.org is not a creditable website.

Charter and voucher schools do better because of "creaming". They don't take special needs kids, and they get rid of kids who bring down their test scores, fobbing these children off on public schools.

Here is the reality: It is difficult to get a handle on Wiscounsin's charter school program as there seem to be no definite US school rankings. One ranking site rated the state as 11th overall with a C- grade, which is slightly below the average grade of C, nationwide. Another ranked the state as 5th in the US overall, although Wiscounsin didn't make the top 5 in ANY of the categories which were supposedly weighted in the rankings. Admittedly, I didn't delve too deeply into the methodology, which also took student/teacher ratios into consideration, and some 20+ criteria, each with different weightings, in their ranking. This was a rating by Wallethub.com. No idea who they are. Weighting the value of certain scores over others is one way of getting the result you want.

The Wiscounsin experiment has been limited to a relatively small number of private school voucher credits are issued in a school year. This most definite makes the situation ripe for creaming. If spots are limited, there are more people trying to get in - week out the more challenging students and push your rankings up.

My concern is the wholesale move to a voucher program which Republicans keep championing. As we see from New Orleans, a STRONG public school system is needed, not a system which sees poor, disadvantaged children as a drag on their test scores.

My sister sent her kids to a private Catholic school. It cost them a lot of money, but in the end it was worth it.

One time the school notified my sister that my niece was falling behind badly. She was missing days and her test scores were going down. My sister sat with that kid ever night not only until my niece got those test results back up, but surpassed where they were before the problem started.

When you are coughing up big bucks to send your kid to school, you make sure they are going to pass and do well. Public school? Outside of property tax, it's free. Throw the kid on the bus and education is the schools problem--not the parents.

Maybe if parents who have kids in public school had to start paying for them instead of the taxpayers, they would be as concerned as my sister was and actually do something about it when there are signs the kid is having problems.
Education is the only way out. my further evidence they wish hate on the blacks.

Great, I agree 100%, I'm so happy to see that you support Betsy DeVos as Secretary of Education along with school choice, vouchers and charter schools. Happy to see you come around!

Vouchers aren't helping Milwaukee.
how can you make that statement? I posted their results. you just lied.

And I posted that Milwaukee has a huge poverty problem. They have the longest running voucher program and still huge poverty. Not working.

How do you know that the kids graduated and left that shit hole of Milwaukee behind?

Great, I agree 100%, I'm so happy to see that you support Betsy DeVos as Secretary of Education along with school choice, vouchers and charter schools. Happy to see you come around!

Vouchers aren't helping Milwaukee.
how can you make that statement? I posted their results. you just lied.

And I posted that Milwaukee has a huge poverty problem. They have the longest running voucher program and still huge poverty. Not working.

Vouchers don't save the world, they save a small portion of children who really want to learn.

Yes they take money and better students from public schools.

Only if you mean "better students" by those who don't disrupt the class and cause problems. Yes.
I'm just intolerant of the lies and bs propaganda that are the base of all your misinformed "opinions", dupes... Most of my friends are dupes, but it's hard when many hate you for the facts. So I don't talk politics with them.

Facts! Lol! You wouldn't know a fact if it bit you on the behind.
I've talked to such brainwashed Republicans the last couple days. Unable to rationally discuss the facts.

When I tried to point out how Republicans told Obama no when he asked to bomb Syria I got two responses, no three

A. He's a Muslim
B. He was weak
C. I must be watching MSNBC.
I'm just intolerant of the lies and bs propaganda that are the base of all your misinformed "opinions", dupes... Most of my friends are dupes, but it's hard when many hate you for the facts. So I don't talk politics with them.

Facts! Lol! You wouldn't know a fact if it bit you on the behind.
I've talked to such brainwashed Republicans the last couple days. Unable to rationally discuss the facts.

When I tried to point out how Republicans told Obama no when he asked to bomb Syria I got two responses, no three

A. He's a Muslim
B. He was weak
C. I must be watching MSNBC.

No sure what this has to do with the Democratic Party's hate for poor black people.

Thank you Obama

U.S. Wages Rising At The Fastest Pace In Years Amid Solid Hiring

November 4, 2016

U.S. middle class shrank during 1970s and 1980s

The U.S. middle class shrank markedly between 1969 and 1989, as the number of Americans who were rich and poor increased.

In 1969, 71.2 percent of Americans were "middle class." Twenty years later, 63.2 percent were middle class, a new Census Bureau study found.

This was during the time companies like GE started breaking their social contract with American workers. Liberals and Unions

The unwritten but very real and clearly understood social contract under which the citizens and workers of the United States and Canada developed the countries has now been broken by the wealthy classes, the owners of major industries and businesses and the politicians, The contract is now invalid. A new social contract is needed.

The Broken Social Contract | Dissident Voice

We get it, the Democratic Party wants poor and needs them, even if they really hate the poor.
Irrationality is the hallmark of brainwashing. Dems are the source of all efforts to help the poor and help them to get out of poverty, dupe. Except the Reaganphone...
You mean affordable healthcare?

Everything else we wanted to try you Republicans said no. No let's see the wealth gap shrink under GOP rule. It won't but you won't care because you're a fucking republican

Well the wealth gap didn't seem to bother Democrats over the last eight years where it has continued to widen. Funny how it is now important when the Democrats aren't in power and ignored while the Dems are out of power.

To be fair, Obama had a recession, 2 wars, housing bubble, and high unemployment to deal with.

To be fair he promised to close the gap, and he did not. To be fair he let all those bankers and other rich 1%ers off the hook for 2008. To be fair, Obama didn't do much of anything for the poor. to be fair, you lean left.
To be fair when your dumb ass gave the GOP back the house in 2010 you killed any hope of Obama doing anything for your dumb ass.

Remember how the gop blamed Obama for the bp oilspill? You bought it

This is true. Last time DumBama had a Democrat Congress, they spent trillions and trillions and trillions of dollars.
Had nothing to do with Dems except for the stimulus which saved Main St- you dupes blame him for the millions of went on UE and welfare because of the corrupt Booosh economic meltdown, 800 billion dollars in 2009, still 300 billion last year...Great job, liars and dupes...
And you can't think of ways republicans have helped them either.

The 1996 Welfare Reform Act put forth by former House Speaker Newt Gingrich and the Republicans took millions of people off the welfare rolls and put them on the payrolls. That helped them to restore their dignity and their very souls. Self-pride and personal responsibility.

As you know, that went out the window with the Obama stimulus failure.

And it was supported by Clinton.
and it worked. Now there you have evidence the right was working in the best interest of the poor. and now do you still say they do nothing?

I think you scored a point.

It makes me think government works better when parties can work together also...

If that's possible:

Out of context bs. Why are the dupes' clips always 15 seconds long? Their attention span?
Poverty keeps tight grip on Milwaukee, census figures show

I see they too have Democrat leadership, have for some time have they not? Obviously, Democrats keep a tight reign on Milwaukee too.
Education is the only way out. my further evidence they wish hate on the blacks.

Great, I agree 100%, I'm so happy to see that you support Betsy DeVos as Secretary of Education along with school choice, vouchers and charter schools. Happy to see you come around!

Vouchers aren't helping Milwaukee.
how can you make that statement? I posted their results. you just lied.

And I posted that Milwaukee has a huge poverty problem. They have the longest running voucher program and still huge poverty. Not working.

How do you know that the kids graduated and left that shit hole of Milwaukee behind?


There is no chance everyone would leave. If vouchers worked we would see it in Milwaukee, they do not.
Vouchers aren't helping Milwaukee.
how can you make that statement? I posted their results. you just lied.

And I posted that Milwaukee has a huge poverty problem. They have the longest running voucher program and still huge poverty. Not working.

Vouchers don't save the world, they save a small portion of children who really want to learn.

Yes they take money and better students from public schools.

Only if you mean "better students" by those who don't disrupt the class and cause problems. Yes.

Those with parents who care that will keep them on track.

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