Why Do Democrats Want the Poor to Starve Just to Make It Easy for Illegals to Enter?

When it comes to whether or not Republicans care for the poor I have one word. Appalachia.
If Republicans don’t even care about other Republicans, then why would they care about anyone? Except billionaires and millionaires. That goes without saying.
I live in democrat run Boston the only people that aren’t allowed to have the opportunity to live freely are the poor, democrats have put barriers up on housing with building codes and cost restrictions that keep the poor unable to be entrepreneurs. Unions have destroyed private jobs, and bad education has caused to poor not to protest the bad guy the democrat party
Prove it or shut the fuk up.

I get so tired of your guy lying.

Besides, what are Republicans doing about the millions of destitute Republicans living in Appalachia?

How come they won't talk about helping their own?

We already know why. If they aren't billionaires, white or not, the GOP says fuk'em.
Prove it? I live there every day! Not one business is opened by a black that graduated from a Boston public school its all rich democrats opening business.

Trump is helping the Appalachia’s by deregulation, republicans only ask for freedom and liberty that’s it
Freedom to screw over people like you and to brainwash you, super duper. Electing Trump over Hillary just means the people in Appalachia will not be trained for the new jobs that alternative energy would supply... Coal is dying and it has nothing to do with democratic policy...
Also society's problem, since nobody agrees with your let them die philosophy, angry old brainwashed functional moron...

It's not societies problem because their piece of shit family won't take care of them. It tells me that they aren't worth caring for if their own family won't invest in them.

Someone's refusal to do what they're supposed to do doesn't default the responsibility to the rest of us.

I'd let yours die before I'd give them a penny if that little would save their life.
Nobody gives a s*** what you think, brainwashed functional moron hater dupe LOL

Nobody gives a fuck about those who refuse to provide for themselves.

Apparently you do give a shit about what I think. You're on here whining about while the rest of us are being forced to feed the freeloaders for which you only claim to care but do absolutely nothing to help yourself. Maybe they can eat the claims you make about caring. Outside of that, unless YOU'RE giving them something, they should go without until they do for themselves or those actually responsible for them do it.
Jesus the Christ was willing to pay for your refusal to provide for the greater glory of Your immortal soul.

Only the right wing prefers selfishness to promoting the general welfare.

When it comes to helping others, I follow the words of Christ. I don't support forcing you to help others. All I ask for is the same in return.

Promoting the general welfare doesn't equate to handing some freeloader unwilling to do for him/herself someone else's money.
Those people used to be called more honestly the unfortunate... As Mario Cuomo said, Ronald Reagan made blaming the poor acceptable. What an a******, super duper. Everyone would like a good job,unfortunately there are very few thanks to the GOP scumbags and silly dupes like you.
How do you quantify "sustainability"?
Lasting, not even permanent, just lasting. As I mentioned in the post you replied to. The State naturally increases in size, evident by the Federal Register, and taxes naturally return less money the higher you raise them(The Law of Diminishing Returns), preventing the State from being able to pay for itself through said taxes, and this is accelerated through its inability to properly allocate resources due to the Economic Calculation problem. These problems have all been observed through the course of history.

We're well into our 3rd century. Its been quite sustainable. As have dozens of other governments.
Meanwhile the longest lasting Government is about 400 years, because it tends towards collapse, due to being unsustainable, for the reasons I've outlined, which you refused to address. Longest lasting Anarchy is recorded to have been a few thousand years, projected to be 9000 years, and that's not including the amount of time that people associated BEFORE the existence of the first government. Governments inevitably collapse, as they always have throughout history.

If that is how you quantify "sustainability"...few if any human endeavors are sustainable. The standard is unrealistic.
Unrealistic because the State naturally trends towards collapse and authoritarianism from the moment of its creation up to its collapse. I also gave you a comparison, which you ignored because you lack an answer to it.

No answer required. 400 years is sustainable given that it is over 4x longer than most lifetimes
Definitions often change especially with a term like socialism communism. I have no idea what you're talking about anymore LOL
Reasserting the same claim that you've already refuted in your own citations and which I've already refuted several times. If you're just going to keep restating this regardless of facts, then discussion is a pointless waste of time. I refuted your argument philosophically, logically, and historically. I think you're just trying to waste my time at this point.
So what what is the definition of socialism dipstick? You said ownership or regulation of business and industry. That could be anything. communism as people think of it not your ideological ideal. The Finnish prime minister knows what most people in the world do. The only people that argue as you do are GOP chumps. Cold War dinosaurs
I've already cited the dictionary definition multiple times, the definitions listed in the articles, and the definition in your own citations.

The definition I used is from the Communist Manifesto, not my own ideals. It's defined in the Manifesto and in application when implemented since defined By that Manifesto as a Society with no classes, no state, no currency, and no private property, "but with personal property".

Bernie Sanders is a socialist ocasio-cortez every other successful country. Ownership or regulation of business and industry by the government can be any place LOL
Government is inherently unsustainable, so calling any Nation "successful" is misleading. Because of government's tendency towards rapid expansion, the law of diminishing returns, and the economic calculation problem, there's no such thing as a "successful government".

Also, if you're arguing that every Nation is Socialist, that just drastically increases the number of failures Socialism has. At that point, what would you believe makes a Nation Socialist?

"Government is inherently unsustainable,"

Oh look, no counter-argument. It's like you don't have one, or something, how... completely normal for you.
That's not me, that's just another person who thinks you are totally fos... People from every viewpoint agree..... You are stuck on Marxist theory, ignoring the USSR theory of socialism and the modern definition everywhere but GOP dupe world and silly people like you, faire capitalism with a good safety net always democratic...
There's no "Modern definition", and even if the true definition ceased to exist entirely, "Market Socialism" doesn't work, either, due to the law of diminishing returns, and Government's inherent unsustainability. I've explained this, and the reasoning behind it several times and nobody has bothered to refute it or even acknowledge it. The fact that BOTH of you keep ignoring it is proof enough that you can't counter it.

Repeating yourself AGAIN as a baseless assertion without any actual argument behind it is not a refutation, it's you being childish. If you can't come up with an argument, you've lost.
Lasting, not even permanent, just lasting. As I mentioned in the post you replied to. The State naturally increases in size, evident by the Federal Register, and taxes naturally return less money the higher you raise them(The Law of Diminishing Returns), preventing the State from being able to pay for itself through said taxes, and this is accelerated through its inability to properly allocate resources due to the Economic Calculation problem. These problems have all been observed through the course of history.

We're well into our 3rd century. Its been quite sustainable. As have dozens of other governments.
Meanwhile the longest lasting Government is about 400 years, because it tends towards collapse, due to being unsustainable, for the reasons I've outlined, which you refused to address. Longest lasting Anarchy is recorded to have been a few thousand years, projected to be 9000 years, and that's not including the amount of time that people associated BEFORE the existence of the first government. Governments inevitably collapse, as they always have throughout history.

If that is how you quantify "sustainability"...few if any human endeavors are sustainable. The standard is unrealistic.
Unrealistic because the State naturally trends towards collapse and authoritarianism from the moment of its creation up to its collapse. I also gave you a comparison, which you ignored because you lack an answer to it.

No answer required. 400 years is sustainable given that it is over 4x longer than most lifetimes
Pfffthahaha. So, you're just going to acknowledge that the state tends towards collapse and just say 'Yeh, good 'nuff'. That's probably the most honest thing you've ever said. However, as a matter of fact, 400 years isn't typically when a population dies out, and the process of a State collapsing is horrid, and easily avoidable if there are no rulers, and thus no territorial monopoly on arbitration and violence. The fact that without a ruling class, a civilization lasts longer, especially without violent governments attacking them, is argument enough that government is unneeded, and actually completely counterproductive to a healthy society.

It's typically a foreign concept to a Statist that people can survive without being thrown in a cage for doing something victimless that the government doesn't like, but it's a fact. In fact, roughly half of people in prison are there for doing things that don't hurt anyone, it's truly amazing.
We're well into our 3rd century. Its been quite sustainable. As have dozens of other governments.
Meanwhile the longest lasting Government is about 400 years, because it tends towards collapse, due to being unsustainable, for the reasons I've outlined, which you refused to address. Longest lasting Anarchy is recorded to have been a few thousand years, projected to be 9000 years, and that's not including the amount of time that people associated BEFORE the existence of the first government. Governments inevitably collapse, as they always have throughout history.

If that is how you quantify "sustainability"...few if any human endeavors are sustainable. The standard is unrealistic.
Unrealistic because the State naturally trends towards collapse and authoritarianism from the moment of its creation up to its collapse. I also gave you a comparison, which you ignored because you lack an answer to it.

No answer required. 400 years is sustainable given that it is over 4x longer than most lifetimes
Pfffthahaha. So, you're just going to acknowledge that the state tends towards collapse and just say 'Yeh, good 'nuff'. That's probably the most honest thing you've ever said. However, as a matter of fact, 400 years isn't typically when a population dies out, and the process of a State collapsing is horrid, and easily avoidable if there are no rulers, and thus no territorial monopoly on arbitration and violence. The fact that without a ruling class, a civilization lasts longer, especially without violent governments attacking them, is argument enough that government is unneeded, and actually completely counterproductive to a healthy society.

It's typically a foreign concept to a Statist that people can survive without being thrown in a cage for doing something victimless that the government doesn't like, but it's a fact. In fact, roughly half of people in prison are there for doing things that don't hurt anyone, it's truly amazing.

Are you posting from a cage? Then shut the fuck up.
Definitions often change especially with a term like socialism communism. I have no idea what you're talking about anymore LOL
Reasserting the same claim that you've already refuted in your own citations and which I've already refuted several times. If you're just going to keep restating this regardless of facts, then discussion is a pointless waste of time. I refuted your argument philosophically, logically, and historically. I think you're just trying to waste my time at this point.
So what what is the definition of socialism dipstick? You said ownership or regulation of business and industry. That could be anything. communism as people think of it not your ideological ideal. The Finnish prime minister knows what most people in the world do. The only people that argue as you do are GOP chumps. Cold War dinosaurs
I've already cited the dictionary definition multiple times, the definitions listed in the articles, and the definition in your own citations.

The definition I used is from the Communist Manifesto, not my own ideals. It's defined in the Manifesto and in application when implemented since defined By that Manifesto as a Society with no classes, no state, no currency, and no private property, "but with personal property".

Bernie Sanders is a socialist ocasio-cortez every other successful country. Ownership or regulation of business and industry by the government can be any place LOL
Government is inherently unsustainable, so calling any Nation "successful" is misleading. Because of government's tendency towards rapid expansion, the law of diminishing returns, and the economic calculation problem, there's no such thing as a "successful government".

Also, if you're arguing that every Nation is Socialist, that just drastically increases the number of failures Socialism has. At that point, what would you believe makes a Nation Socialist?

"Government is inherently unsustainable,"

Oh look, no counter-argument. It's like you don't have one, or something, how... completely normal for you.
That's not me, that's just another person who thinks you are totally fos... People from every viewpoint agree..... You are stuck on Marxist theory, ignoring the USSR theory of socialism and the modern definition everywhere but GOP dupe world and silly people like you, faire capitalism with a good safety net always democratic...
There's no "Modern definition", and even if the true definition ceased to exist entirely, "Market Socialism" doesn't work, either, due to the law of diminishing returns, and Government's inherent unsustainability. I've explained this, and the reasoning behind it several times and nobody has bothered to refute it or even acknowledge it. The fact that BOTH of you keep ignoring it is proof enough that you can't counter it.

Repeating yourself AGAIN as a baseless assertion without any actual argument behind it is not a refutation, it's you being childish. If you can't come up with an argument, you've lost.
What governments are inherently less stable than boom and bust capitalism?

nothing but propaganda and rhetoric. why should we take the right wing seriously?

A 3.8% tax on profits that went up by at least 300% for those invested in the industry while those not invested, namely the middle class, are paying the toll. Wow!!! That really hurt the rich.



Well it is the GOP very capitalist plan, so it's not surprising. Those people invested in big health and big Pharma are now getting used to being regulated and having their profits limited, and there will be more regulation as time goes on. It will be tinkered with forever. Until single-payer...

Why can’t everyone pay for health care

Because we have to cover the people with pre
existing conditions and are sick and the more people we get paying for insurance the better. Catastrophic care plans have been the way things are going.... We really should get single-payer as part of income taxes like every other modern country basically.

Lol we have many years of not paying for other ore existing conditions lol and millions tried to get here..

Millions are trying to get here because the country they come from have free health care lol

people love coming here from shithole countries because all they want to do is work and the GOP gives them an open invitation by refusing a national ID card forever, like other modern countries with this problem have. The GOP loves the cheap labor easily bullied, and it is child's play 2 fool you dupes with stupid walls and unconstitutional harassment laws. Brainwashed functional moron.

The card has to be implemented after the wall, and we pick and choose who we want here
When it comes to whether or not Republicans care for the poor I have one word. Appalachia.
If Republicans don’t even care about other Republicans, then why would they care about anyone? Except billionaires and millionaires. That goes without saying.
I live in democrat run Boston the only people that aren’t allowed to have the opportunity to live freely are the poor, democrats have put barriers up on housing with building codes and cost restrictions that keep the poor unable to be entrepreneurs. Unions have destroyed private jobs, and bad education has caused to poor not to protest the bad guy the democrat party
Prove it or shut the fuk up.

I get so tired of your guy lying.

Besides, what are Republicans doing about the millions of destitute Republicans living in Appalachia?

How come they won't talk about helping their own?

We already know why. If they aren't billionaires, white or not, the GOP says fuk'em.
Prove it? I live there every day! Not one business is opened by a black that graduated from a Boston public school its all rich democrats opening business.

Trump is helping the Appalachia’s by deregulation, republicans only ask for freedom and liberty that’s it
Freedom to screw over people like you and to brainwash you, super duper. Electing Trump over Hillary just means the people in Appalachia will not be trained for the new jobs that alternative energy would supply... Coal is dying and it has nothing to do with democratic policy...
You are factually incorrect I have a small business and the barriers Democrats have in place are killing us.
When it comes to whether or not Republicans care for the poor I have one word. Appalachia.
If Republicans don’t even care about other Republicans, then why would they care about anyone? Except billionaires and millionaires. That goes without saying.
I live in democrat run Boston the only people that aren’t allowed to have the opportunity to live freely are the poor, democrats have put barriers up on housing with building codes and cost restrictions that keep the poor unable to be entrepreneurs. Unions have destroyed private jobs, and bad education has caused to poor not to protest the bad guy the democrat party
Prove it or shut the fuk up.

I get so tired of your guy lying.

Besides, what are Republicans doing about the millions of destitute Republicans living in Appalachia?

How come they won't talk about helping their own?

We already know why. If they aren't billionaires, white or not, the GOP says fuk'em.
Prove it? I live there every day! Not one business is opened by a black that graduated from a Boston public school its all rich democrats opening business.

Trump is helping the Appalachia’s by deregulation, republicans only ask for freedom and liberty that’s it
Freedom to screw over people like you and to brainwash you, super duper. Electing Trump over Hillary just means the people in Appalachia will not be trained for the new jobs that alternative energy would supply... Coal is dying and it has nothing to do with democratic policy...
You are factually incorrect I have a small business and the barriers Democrats have in place are killing us.
Life is tough. Such as?
Well it is the GOP very capitalist plan, so it's not surprising. Those people invested in big health and big Pharma are now getting used to being regulated and having their profits limited, and there will be more regulation as time goes on. It will be tinkered with forever. Until single-payer...
Why can’t everyone pay for health care
Because we have to cover the people with pre
existing conditions and are sick and the more people we get paying for insurance the better. Catastrophic care plans have been the way things are going.... We really should get single-payer as part of income taxes like every other modern country basically.
Lol we have many years of not paying for other ore existing conditions lol and millions tried to get here..

Millions are trying to get here because the country they come from have free health care lol
people love coming here from shithole countries because all they want to do is work and the GOP gives them an open invitation by refusing a national ID card forever, like other modern countries with this problem have. The GOP loves the cheap labor easily bullied, and it is child's play 2 fool you dupes with stupid walls and unconstitutional harassment laws. Brainwashed functional moron.
The card has to be implemented after the wall, and we pick and choose who we want here
The wall is stupid and won't do a damn thing. Pass the ID card and end this ridiculous GOP scam wedge issue.
Meanwhile the longest lasting Government is about 400 years, because it tends towards collapse, due to being unsustainable, for the reasons I've outlined, which you refused to address. Longest lasting Anarchy is recorded to have been a few thousand years, projected to be 9000 years, and that's not including the amount of time that people associated BEFORE the existence of the first government. Governments inevitably collapse, as they always have throughout history.

If that is how you quantify "sustainability"...few if any human endeavors are sustainable. The standard is unrealistic.
Unrealistic because the State naturally trends towards collapse and authoritarianism from the moment of its creation up to its collapse. I also gave you a comparison, which you ignored because you lack an answer to it.

No answer required. 400 years is sustainable given that it is over 4x longer than most lifetimes
Pfffthahaha. So, you're just going to acknowledge that the state tends towards collapse and just say 'Yeh, good 'nuff'. That's probably the most honest thing you've ever said. However, as a matter of fact, 400 years isn't typically when a population dies out, and the process of a State collapsing is horrid, and easily avoidable if there are no rulers, and thus no territorial monopoly on arbitration and violence. The fact that without a ruling class, a civilization lasts longer, especially without violent governments attacking them, is argument enough that government is unneeded, and actually completely counterproductive to a healthy society.

It's typically a foreign concept to a Statist that people can survive without being thrown in a cage for doing something victimless that the government doesn't like, but it's a fact. In fact, roughly half of people in prison are there for doing things that don't hurt anyone, it's truly amazing.

Are you posting from a cage? Then shut the fuck up.
Pretty sure something doesn't have to effect me directly for me to recognize that it's unethical, like roughly 47% of prisoners being in jail for non-violent crimes. It's like the Government cages you if they don't agree with your actions.

Also much like Franco before you, you're failing to address most of my arguments. I take that to mean that you don't HAVE a counter-argument... also quite normal for you.
Simple answers, good for business, and they need the plantation culture to thrive.
They are so stupid they don’t even know how effective the current immigration system is.
I live in democrat run Boston the only people that aren’t allowed to have the opportunity to live freely are the poor, democrats have put barriers up on housing with building codes and cost restrictions that keep the poor unable to be entrepreneurs. Unions have destroyed private jobs, and bad education has caused to poor not to protest the bad guy the democrat party
Prove it or shut the fuk up.

I get so tired of your guy lying.

Besides, what are Republicans doing about the millions of destitute Republicans living in Appalachia?

How come they won't talk about helping their own?

We already know why. If they aren't billionaires, white or not, the GOP says fuk'em.
Prove it? I live there every day! Not one business is opened by a black that graduated from a Boston public school its all rich democrats opening business.

Trump is helping the Appalachia’s by deregulation, republicans only ask for freedom and liberty that’s it
Freedom to screw over people like you and to brainwash you, super duper. Electing Trump over Hillary just means the people in Appalachia will not be trained for the new jobs that alternative energy would supply... Coal is dying and it has nothing to do with democratic policy...
You are factually incorrect I have a small business and the barriers Democrats have in place are killing us.
Life is tough. Such as?
Life is tough for the poor because of barriers in place by democrats
Why can’t everyone pay for health care
Because we have to cover the people with pre
existing conditions and are sick and the more people we get paying for insurance the better. Catastrophic care plans have been the way things are going.... We really should get single-payer as part of income taxes like every other modern country basically.
Lol we have many years of not paying for other ore existing conditions lol and millions tried to get here..

Millions are trying to get here because the country they come from have free health care lol
people love coming here from shithole countries because all they want to do is work and the GOP gives them an open invitation by refusing a national ID card forever, like other modern countries with this problem have. The GOP loves the cheap labor easily bullied, and it is child's play 2 fool you dupes with stupid walls and unconstitutional harassment laws. Brainwashed functional moron.
The card has to be implemented after the wall, and we pick and choose who we want here
The wall is stupid and won't do a damn thing. Pass the ID card and end this ridiculous GOP scam wedge issue.
So prisions should lose the wall? Lol
When it comes to whether or not Republicans care for the poor I have one word. Appalachia.
If Republicans don’t even care about other Republicans, then why would they care about anyone? Except billionaires and millionaires. That goes without saying.
I live in democrat run Boston the only people that aren’t allowed to have the opportunity to live freely are the poor, democrats have put barriers up on housing with building codes and cost restrictions that keep the poor unable to be entrepreneurs. Unions have destroyed private jobs, and bad education has caused to poor not to protest the bad guy the democrat party
Prove it or shut the fuk up.

I get so tired of your guy lying.

Besides, what are Republicans doing about the millions of destitute Republicans living in Appalachia?

How come they won't talk about helping their own?

We already know why. If they aren't billionaires, white or not, the GOP says fuk'em.
Prove it? I live there every day! Not one business is opened by a black that graduated from a Boston public school its all rich democrats opening business.

Trump is helping the Appalachia’s by deregulation, republicans only ask for freedom and liberty that’s it
Freedom to screw over people like you and to brainwash you, super duper. Electing Trump over Hillary just means the people in Appalachia will not be trained for the new jobs that alternative energy would supply... Coal is dying and it has nothing to do with democratic policy...
You are factually incorrect I have a small business and the barriers Democrats have in place are killing us.
for example? the right wing usually has nothing but fallacy, every time we actually examine their anecdotes.
Prove it or shut the fuk up.

I get so tired of your guy lying.

Besides, what are Republicans doing about the millions of destitute Republicans living in Appalachia?

How come they won't talk about helping their own?

We already know why. If they aren't billionaires, white or not, the GOP says fuk'em.
Prove it? I live there every day! Not one business is opened by a black that graduated from a Boston public school its all rich democrats opening business.

Trump is helping the Appalachia’s by deregulation, republicans only ask for freedom and liberty that’s it
Freedom to screw over people like you and to brainwash you, super duper. Electing Trump over Hillary just means the people in Appalachia will not be trained for the new jobs that alternative energy would supply... Coal is dying and it has nothing to do with democratic policy...
You are factually incorrect I have a small business and the barriers Democrats have in place are killing us.
Life is tough. Such as?
Life is tough for the poor because of barriers in place by democrats
the right wing is for, "work or die".
I live in democrat run Boston the only people that aren’t allowed to have the opportunity to live freely are the poor, democrats have put barriers up on housing with building codes and cost restrictions that keep the poor unable to be entrepreneurs. Unions have destroyed private jobs, and bad education has caused to poor not to protest the bad guy the democrat party
Prove it or shut the fuk up.

I get so tired of your guy lying.

Besides, what are Republicans doing about the millions of destitute Republicans living in Appalachia?

How come they won't talk about helping their own?

We already know why. If they aren't billionaires, white or not, the GOP says fuk'em.
Prove it? I live there every day! Not one business is opened by a black that graduated from a Boston public school its all rich democrats opening business.

Trump is helping the Appalachia’s by deregulation, republicans only ask for freedom and liberty that’s it
Freedom to screw over people like you and to brainwash you, super duper. Electing Trump over Hillary just means the people in Appalachia will not be trained for the new jobs that alternative energy would supply... Coal is dying and it has nothing to do with democratic policy...
You are factually incorrect I have a small business and the barriers Democrats have in place are killing us.
for example? the right wing usually has nothing but fallacy, every time we actually examine their anecdotes.
My biz requires information to be passed in high tourist areas, they want to charge 250 an hour to pass information. So I did research on all the business. Not one black not one Bostonian, all out side rich liberals. Democrats only cater to the rich. Only businesses in Boston are rich and it’s been run by democrats:) enjoy facts
Prove it? I live there every day! Not one business is opened by a black that graduated from a Boston public school its all rich democrats opening business.

Trump is helping the Appalachia’s by deregulation, republicans only ask for freedom and liberty that’s it
Freedom to screw over people like you and to brainwash you, super duper. Electing Trump over Hillary just means the people in Appalachia will not be trained for the new jobs that alternative energy would supply... Coal is dying and it has nothing to do with democratic policy...
You are factually incorrect I have a small business and the barriers Democrats have in place are killing us.
Life is tough. Such as?
Life is tough for the poor because of barriers in place by democrats
the right wing is for, "work or die".
Nonthe right wing is do what you want if you can’t survive don’t live here
Prove it or shut the fuk up.

I get so tired of your guy lying.

Besides, what are Republicans doing about the millions of destitute Republicans living in Appalachia?

How come they won't talk about helping their own?

We already know why. If they aren't billionaires, white or not, the GOP says fuk'em.
Prove it? I live there every day! Not one business is opened by a black that graduated from a Boston public school its all rich democrats opening business.

Trump is helping the Appalachia’s by deregulation, republicans only ask for freedom and liberty that’s it
Freedom to screw over people like you and to brainwash you, super duper. Electing Trump over Hillary just means the people in Appalachia will not be trained for the new jobs that alternative energy would supply... Coal is dying and it has nothing to do with democratic policy...
You are factually incorrect I have a small business and the barriers Democrats have in place are killing us.
for example? the right wing usually has nothing but fallacy, every time we actually examine their anecdotes.
My biz requires information to be passed in high tourist areas, they want to charge 250 an hour to pass information. So I did research on all the business. Not one black not one Bostonian, all out side rich liberals. Democrats only cater to the rich. Only businesses in Boston are rich and it’s been run by democrats:) enjoy facts
are you a story teller?

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