Why Do Evolutionists Attack "Creationsists"

YWC, be a doll, would you? Help out our idiot friend over here, SJ, and explain to him what a scientific theory is. You're a creationist biologist. He has to believe you.
Here is prime example of evolutionary theory in action: Evolutionist plays -- let's pretend
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nwew5gHoh3E]Richard Dawkins demonstrates the evolution of the eye - YouTube[/ame]

Note that this scientist has proof of nothing, but certainly offers his opinion as though it were fact. But when Creationists do likewise, foul is always the responce.... The thing this gentlemean does not offer is how an organism could survive not knowing what he was looking at -- food, tree, rock, enemy.........

He offers a predictive model of eye evolution that has evidentiary correlates in the animal kingdom. This makes it a highly plausible scenario, not just a guess as you claim.

Never mind, your response does not at all pertain to what I was asking YWC.
You are blind to the very same plausible scenarios models that Creationists have presented. Guess are guesses and not truth. A scientific model for one group is not unscientific for another. You have been shown the error of your ways and now it is up to you to reevaluate your opinion. Plausibility is not truth. Opinions are not scientific no matter if it comes from an evolutionist or a creationist. HOWEVER, if plauibility is permitted for one group, it is sufficient for another. THIS is what creationists detest. Governmental interference with education based on HUMANISTIC SECULARISM founded on atheistic notions and not a search for truth.
If anyone is interested in how this thread turned into a pissing contest, all they have to do is go back and read the comments from the beginning. Zombiehunter initiated the name-calling. Don't take my word for it, go look. Also, look at my posts and you'll see that I was trying to be civil, and ignored the first few digs. It's the evolutionists that got nasty first. Again, don't take my word for it, go back and read the comments. The atheists always do this, they start with the name-calling and personal insults until someone responds in kind, then they accuse that person of resorting to personal attacks. All you have to do is look.

...all they have to do is look at the title, and realize that it was a small group of theist and atheist reactionaries with their typical bones to pick.
Why Do Evolutionists Attack "Creationsists"

And there’s no such thing as an ‘evolutionist,’ as evolution is neither a religion nor a belief.

Of course there is. An evolutionist is someone who has decided that the data points to the opinion that man is the end product of billions of generations of "natural" mutation. There is no God. That is his belief and the thrust of his studies. He may not be trying to prove that there no God. But he is working without any consideration of God. And he labels all who consider God as unscientific.
I believe I was created by God. I respect all that also believe that.
I respect the teaching of creationism.
In religion and philosophy class.
Never in science class as beliefs are not science.
Many creationists have NO respect for science unless they can manipulate it into what their religious beliefs are.
Why Do Evolutionists Attack "Creationsists"

And there’s no such thing as an ‘evolutionist,’ as evolution is neither a religion nor a belief.

Of course there is. An evolutionist is someone who has decided that the data points to the opinion that man is the end product of billions of generations of "natural" mutation. There is no God. That is his belief and the thrust of his studies. He may not be trying to prove that there no God. But he is working without any consideration of God. And he labels all who consider God as unscientific.

Science is not opinion.
Religious beliefs are opinion only.
And there’s no such thing as an ‘evolutionist,’ as evolution is neither a religion nor a belief.
Well it sure as shit ain't fact.

Actually, yes it is. Evolution has been observed. I cannot provide a link at this point but you can type "Observed Speciation Events" into your Google search engine and find examples of observed evolution.

Do you really believe he is going to do that?
Jesus could come back and proclaim evolution as fact and they still would not believe it.
Well it sure as shit ain't fact.

Actually, yes it is. Evolution has been observed. I cannot provide a link at this point but you can type "Observed Speciation Events" into your Google search engine and find examples of observed evolution.

Do you really believe he is going to do that?
Jesus could come back and proclaim evolution as fact and they still would not believe it.

I don't know what he intends to do but, obviously, that's up to him. Any replies I make on this or any other thread will be read by many people and some of them will take the time to investigate the issue and, hopefully, learn something. Think of my reply as an appeal to everyone who sees it, not just the person I'm replying to.
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If anyone is interested in how this thread turned into a pissing contest, all they have to do is go back and read the comments from the beginning. Zombiehunter initiated the name-calling. Don't take my word for it, go look. Also, look at my posts and you'll see that I was trying to be civil, and ignored the first few digs. It's the evolutionists that got nasty first. Again, don't take my word for it, go back and read the comments. The atheists always do this, they start with the name-calling and personal insults until someone responds in kind, then they accuse that person of resorting to personal attacks. All you have to do is look.

Yeah, they can look at how you constantly ignored anyone who told you that you were wrong. Go back and read my first post to you. No name calling. Just a suggestion on how you can find out what you were looking for. I said it might be hard for people without science backgrounds to understand, and you took it as an insult. You may have been "trying to be civil" and so was everyone else(except maybe a few people), but when someone continues to ignore responses, it starts to get annoying and people take you for either a troll or an idiot, and will treat you like one.

And are you going to explain how your entire point is that theories are never proven when you repeatedly demanded that the ToE be proven, all the while people were explaining that's a nonsensical demand? Or are you gonna ignore this too so you can try to save face?
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I don't know what he intends to do but, obviously, that's up to him. Any replies I make on this or any other thread will be read by many people and some of them will take the time to investigate the issue and, hopefully, learn something. Think of my reply as an appeal to everyone who sees it, not just the person I'm replying to.

That's how pretty much everyone should think of it. It's obvious many of these creationists willfully ignore any evidence that they're wrong, but some lurkers might not.
Creationists want their theory taught in secular schools.

That's like asking Secular science be preached in Churches.

That's a good point but there is a distinction that is ignored: We have separation of Chruch and state and rightly so. We DON'T have separation of school and state although I think it's time to consider it.

How about separation of party politics from public government?
Then people could fund whatever programs or policy agenda they believe in
and not bother or impose on anyone else too busy funding their own things through their own parties. This would encourage equal participation and investment in govt, and equal responsibility; where only the most effective and sustainable solutions would get funded or poeple would go invest in a better solution.

The Greens are closest to this because they will support other candidates that have good platforms, and they teach independent currency which would also help more communities organize their labor and resources around their own districts, schools and business networks instead of dependence and oppression from outside economic/political forces.
If anyone is interested in how this thread turned into a pissing contest, all they have to do is go back and read the comments from the beginning. Zombiehunter initiated the name-calling. Don't take my word for it, go look. Also, look at my posts and you'll see that I was trying to be civil, and ignored the first few digs. It's the evolutionists that got nasty first. Again, don't take my word for it, go back and read the comments. The atheists always do this, they start with the name-calling and personal insults until someone responds in kind, then they accuse that person of resorting to personal attacks. All you have to do is look.

Yeah, they can look at how you constantly ignored anyone who told you that you were wrong. Go back and read my first post to you. No name calling. Just a suggestion on how you can find out what you were looking for. I said it might be hard for people without science backgrounds to understand, and you took it as an insult. You may have been "trying to be civil" and so was everyone else(except maybe a few people), but when someone continues to ignore responses, it starts to get annoying and people take you for either a troll or an idiot, and will treat you like one.

And are you going to explain how your entire point is that theories are never proven when you repeatedly demanded that the ToE be proven, all the while people were explaining that's a nonsensical demand? Or are you gonna ignore this too so you can try to save face?
Like I said, YOU were the one who started with the name-calling. You have no room to criticize anyone for doing what you started.
Really? We're getting into "you started it" mode? Like I said earlier in the thread, I see more mature behavior from my two boys playing in their sandbox. The are ages 5 and 2.
You have that backwards. It is the Creationists who have been attacking the Evolutionists. The Creationists are tyhe ones who have no proof, no evidence, to back up their claim and all they can do is attack evolution. They've been doing that since the time of Darwin.

Pay attention to the self-righteous tone in this post... there's your answer.
Like I said, YOU were the one who started with the name-calling. You have no room to criticize anyone for doing what you started.

More ignoring everything anyone who disagrees with you says. You gonna answer my question?
If you had a question pertaining to the subject, I would answer it, but the only questions and comments you have posted are personal. I'm not biting.
If you had a question pertaining to the subject, I would answer it, but the only questions and comments you have posted are personal. I'm not biting.

I'll take that as a "no".

Let me refresh your memory in case you decide to answer:

Are you going to explain how your entire point is that theories are never proven when you repeatedly demanded that the ToE be proven, all the while people were explaining that's a nonsensical demand? Or are you gonna ignore this too so you can try to save face?

You demanded people prove the ToE to be true. People tell you that it's nonsensical to demand that and explain why. You repeat it over and over. Now you say that the fact theories can't be proven was your entire point. Can you explain that?
Here's how it works.

Atheist: There is no God, we weren't created, we evolved from primates.

Non-atheist: Where's the proof?

Atheist: Here's a link. (Provides a link that talks about fossils but fails to put it all together).

Non-atheist: That's not really proof, it's speculation.

Atheist: I don't need to provide proof. You have to prove me wrong.

Non-atheist: Sorry, but that's not good enough. I want to see real proof.

Atheist: You're not smart enough to understand how evolution works, moron.

That's pretty much how the conversations always go.
Here's how it works.

Atheist: There is no God, we weren't created, we evolved from primates.

Non-atheist: Where's the proof?

Atheist: Here's a link. (Provides a link that talks about fossils but fails to put it all together).

Non-atheist: That's not really proof, it's speculation.

Atheist: I don't need to provide proof. You have to prove me wrong.

Non-atheist: Sorry, but that's not good enough. I want to see real proof.

Atheist: You're not smart enough to understand how evolution works, moron.

That's pretty much how the conversations always go.

More misunderstanding how science works. Why am I not surprised?

You gonna answer my question or keep trying to dodge and save face?

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