Why Do Evolutionists Attack "Creationsists"

Hiding behind ineptitude and inability to defend supernaturalism with "evolutionist" slogans is poor cricket, laddie.
Thanks for confirming what I just said...laddie.

You give yourself credit for nothing.

It's pretty clear that you're unable or unwilling to respond to salient points offered by others. If critique of your religious beliefs causes you such angst, you should reconsider your participation on discussion boards.

You seem to have missed the fact that by posting your opinions in a public forum such as this, you have given others with differing opinions opportunity to post those differing opinions. Whining like a teenage schoolgirl whose feeling have been hurt is poor cricket, laddie.
You're full of shit. I responded, you just couldn't handle the fact that you couldn't convince me of your bullshit theory. And I'm not whining, I'm pointing out the validity of the original post, and that is that those who push the theory of evolution attack those who don't. So piss on you, you haven't contributed a fucking thing to this discussion. I don't give a damn if you believe the same way I do or not, but it sure does bother you when somebody disagrees with YOUR beliefs, doesn't it?
Thanks for confirming what I just said...laddie.

You give yourself credit for nothing.

It's pretty clear that you're unable or unwilling to respond to salient points offered by others. If critique of your religious beliefs causes you such angst, you should reconsider your participation on discussion boards.

You seem to have missed the fact that by posting your opinions in a public forum such as this, you have given others with differing opinions opportunity to post those differing opinions. Whining like a teenage schoolgirl whose feeling have been hurt is poor cricket, laddie.
You're full of shit. I responded, you just couldn't handle the fact that you couldn't convince me of your bullshit theory. And I'm not whining, I'm pointing out the validity of the original post, and that is that those who push the theory of evolution attack those who don't. So piss on you, you haven't contributed a fucking thing to this discussion. I don't give a damn if you believe the same way I do or not, but it sure does bother you when somebody disagrees with YOUR beliefs, doesn't it?

There's no reason for your flaming hissy fit. This may come as a surprise to you but I'm not interested in convincing you of anything. Ultimately, science knowledge supplants creationist dogma. The religious claims either stand on their own merit or they do not. If you find that lashing out with juvenile insults better supports your religious beliefs, then I'm happy you.

However, I think you will find that limiting your education of the sciences and the natural world by attempting to vilify science will only deepen your inability to separate "faith" from the science of evolution and the natural world. I understand that you hope to denigrate the sciences by dragging them into the realm of supernaturalism, superstition and fables which are all inextricably linked to religious dogma but the consecrating success of evolutionary science undeniably separates it from your myths and legends. Not only is the supernaturalist deficient at supporting their claims but they are deficient at offering even the most basic of proofs for these silly claims.

For you edification, Origin of Species accomplished two very different things.

First:, it demonstrated through a comprehensive compilation of scientific detail the historical fact of evolution (keep in mind the difference between facts and the theories that explain them). Using fields as diverse as comparative anatomy, selective breeding, biogeography and animal behavior, Darwin laid out the factual case that descent with modification (evolution) had actually occurred.

His evidence was so overwhelming that almost every major biologist of his day became convinced within the decade that evolution (the fact) was true.

Secondly, it proposed a theory for explaining this fact; "Natural Selection." Contrary to your false characterization that evo "assume(s) a steady and slow change"," Natural Selection makes no such requirement and negates coincidence completely. Evolution instead proposes the objective criterion of "reproductive fitness" as the engine for driving biological change.

What many people (especially creationists) do not understand is that during Darwin's lifetime, the scientific community never accepted his theory, although they were convinced by his book that the fact of evolution was true. It was only long afterwards that his basic theory was combined with new discoveries in population genetics to convince biologists that Natural Selection does absolutely the best job of explaining the facts. The hallmark of the scientific process is that it then takes such theories, and tests them ruthlessly. Exceeding Darwin's own hopes, the intensive pressure testing that continues even now, a century and a half after the first publication, has only strengthened the support for Darwin's theory.
Do you really believe he is going to do that?
Jesus could come back and proclaim evolution as fact and they still would not believe it.
In Mark 10:6 Jesus states:
“But from the beginning of creation, God MADE THEM MALE AND FEMALE.”

In Luke chapter 17
Jesus indicated to the disciples that He would return one day to manifest His kingdom in a way that was not currently being manifested. But before He did come back some other things were going to happen. In Luke 17:25-27 Jesus said, “But first must he suffer many things, and be rejected of this generation. And as it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man. They did eat, they drank, they married wives, they were given in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the ark, and the flood came and destroyed them all.”
Jesus said in Luke 17:28-31, “Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot; they did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they builded; But the same day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven, and destroyed them all. Even thus shall it be in the day when the Son of man is revealed.” The people of Sodom went about their daily activities without giving heed to the warnings of a judgment to come and without repenting of their sins.

Who cares?

Obviously all classy, learned, intellectual, sophisticated people care And you seem concerned or you would have remained quiet.:eusa_whistle:
Do you really believe he is going to do that?
Jesus could come back and proclaim evolution as fact and they still would not believe it.
In Mark 10:6 Jesus states:
“But from the beginning of creation, God MADE THEM MALE AND FEMALE.”

In Luke chapter 17
Jesus indicated to the disciples that He would return one day to manifest His kingdom in a way that was not currently being manifested. But before He did come back some other things were going to happen. In Luke 17:25-27 Jesus said, “But first must he suffer many things, and be rejected of this generation. And as it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man. They did eat, they drank, they married wives, they were given in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the ark, and the flood came and destroyed them all.”
Jesus said in Luke 17:28-31, “Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot; they did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they builded; But the same day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven, and destroyed them all. Even thus shall it be in the day when the Son of man is revealed.” The people of Sodom went about their daily activities without giving heed to the warnings of a judgment to come and without repenting of their sins.

We have no reason to believe that the men who wrote the bibles had any indication of what jesus said.

Considering the obvious errors, omissions, contradictions, falsehoods, ect., that litter the bibles, using the bibles as emphatic evidence that the bibles are true or accurate is foolish.
Please list one error or omission. The writers were disciples and friends of Jesus and most of them met violent deaths for not rejecting their faith. People do not give up their lives for things they made up and do not believe.
Because creationism isn't science, and proponents are trying to pass it off as such.

Evolutionary thought is not science and creationists are attempting to even the playing field, so truth and not secular opinion might be discovered.
Thanks for confirming what I just said...laddie.

You give yourself credit for nothing.

It's pretty clear that you're unable or unwilling to respond to salient points offered by others. If critique of your religious beliefs causes you such angst, you should reconsider your participation on discussion boards.

You seem to have missed the fact that by posting your opinions in a public forum such as this, you have given others with differing opinions opportunity to post those differing opinions. Whining like a teenage schoolgirl whose feeling have been hurt is poor cricket, laddie.
You're full of shit. I responded, you just couldn't handle the fact that you couldn't convince me of your bullshit theory. And I'm not whining, I'm pointing out the validity of the original post, and that is that those who push the theory of evolution attack those who don't. So piss on you, you haven't contributed a fucking thing to this discussion. I don't give a damn if you believe the same way I do or not, but it sure does bother you when somebody disagrees with YOUR beliefs, doesn't it?

What was that you were saying about the nastiness of OTHER people?
In Mark 10:6 Jesus states:
“But from the beginning of creation, God MADE THEM MALE AND FEMALE.”

In Luke chapter 17
Jesus indicated to the disciples that He would return one day to manifest His kingdom in a way that was not currently being manifested. But before He did come back some other things were going to happen. In Luke 17:25-27 Jesus said, “But first must he suffer many things, and be rejected of this generation. And as it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man. They did eat, they drank, they married wives, they were given in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the ark, and the flood came and destroyed them all.”
Jesus said in Luke 17:28-31, “Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot; they did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they builded; But the same day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven, and destroyed them all. Even thus shall it be in the day when the Son of man is revealed.” The people of Sodom went about their daily activities without giving heed to the warnings of a judgment to come and without repenting of their sins.

We have no reason to believe that the men who wrote the bibles had any indication of what jesus said.

Considering the obvious errors, omissions, contradictions, falsehoods, ect., that litter the bibles, using the bibles as emphatic evidence that the bibles are true or accurate is foolish.
Please list one error or omission. The writers were disciples and friends of Jesus and most of them met violent deaths for not rejecting their faith. People do not give up their lives for things they made up and do not believe.

And tens of thousands of Japanese gave up their lives because they believed it was right. And 21 hijackers murdered thousands of Americans and other people on 9/11 because of their beliefs (NOT 'Islam' - the religious fascism of their interpretation of the Koran).

Does that verify either set of beliefs for you? I don't think that's a useful point .....
You give yourself credit for nothing.

It's pretty clear that you're unable or unwilling to respond to salient points offered by others. If critique of your religious beliefs causes you such angst, you should reconsider your participation on discussion boards.

You seem to have missed the fact that by posting your opinions in a public forum such as this, you have given others with differing opinions opportunity to post those differing opinions. Whining like a teenage schoolgirl whose feeling have been hurt is poor cricket, laddie.
You're full of shit. I responded, you just couldn't handle the fact that you couldn't convince me of your bullshit theory. And I'm not whining, I'm pointing out the validity of the original post, and that is that those who push the theory of evolution attack those who don't. So piss on you, you haven't contributed a fucking thing to this discussion. I don't give a damn if you believe the same way I do or not, but it sure does bother you when somebody disagrees with YOUR beliefs, doesn't it?

What was that you were saying about the nastiness of OTHER people?
Well, if you think I'm gonna just sit here and be Mr. Nice Guy while every one of the evolutionists takes a shot at me, think again. I have the right to defend myself and I don't give two shits if you approve or not.
In Mark 10:6 Jesus states:
“But from the beginning of creation, God MADE THEM MALE AND FEMALE.”

In Luke chapter 17
Jesus indicated to the disciples that He would return one day to manifest His kingdom in a way that was not currently being manifested. But before He did come back some other things were going to happen. In Luke 17:25-27 Jesus said, “But first must he suffer many things, and be rejected of this generation. And as it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man. They did eat, they drank, they married wives, they were given in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the ark, and the flood came and destroyed them all.”
Jesus said in Luke 17:28-31, “Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot; they did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they builded; But the same day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven, and destroyed them all. Even thus shall it be in the day when the Son of man is revealed.” The people of Sodom went about their daily activities without giving heed to the warnings of a judgment to come and without repenting of their sins.

We have no reason to believe that the men who wrote the bibles had any indication of what jesus said.

Considering the obvious errors, omissions, contradictions, falsehoods, ect., that litter the bibles, using the bibles as emphatic evidence that the bibles are true or accurate is foolish.
Please list one error or omission. The writers were disciples and friends of Jesus and most of them met violent deaths for not rejecting their faith. People do not give up their lives for things they made up and do not believe.
There are likely too many to count.

If you do a search, you will find extensive lists. Why don't you actually do that search, post some of the errors and then provide your own refutation.
You're full of shit. I responded, you just couldn't handle the fact that you couldn't convince me of your bullshit theory. And I'm not whining, I'm pointing out the validity of the original post, and that is that those who push the theory of evolution attack those who don't. So piss on you, you haven't contributed a fucking thing to this discussion. I don't give a damn if you believe the same way I do or not, but it sure does bother you when somebody disagrees with YOUR beliefs, doesn't it?

What was that you were saying about the nastiness of OTHER people?
Well, if you think I'm gonna just sit here and be Mr. Nice Guy while every one of the evolutionists takes a shot at me, think again. I have the right to defend myself and I don't give two shits if you approve or not.

You don't necessarily have to "sit there and take it". As you're ill equipped, unable and too addled by ineptitude to address the comments posted in the thread, you can just continue to hurl your vile, profanity laced tirades via PM.

There's a good Christian.
What was that you were saying about the nastiness of OTHER people?
Well, if you think I'm gonna just sit here and be Mr. Nice Guy while every one of the evolutionists takes a shot at me, think again. I have the right to defend myself and I don't give two shits if you approve or not.

You don't necessarily have to "sit there and take it". As you're ill equipped, unable and too addled by ineptitude to address the comments posted in the thread, you can just continue to hurl your vile, profanity laced tirades via PM.

There's a good Christian.
So just exactly what have you contributed to the discussion, besides personal attacks?
Well, if you think I'm gonna just sit here and be Mr. Nice Guy while every one of the evolutionists takes a shot at me, think again. I have the right to defend myself and I don't give two shits if you approve or not.

You don't necessarily have to "sit there and take it". As you're ill equipped, unable and too addled by ineptitude to address the comments posted in the thread, you can just continue to hurl your vile, profanity laced tirades via PM.

There's a good Christian.
So just exactly what have you contributed to the discussion, besides personal attacks?

I would ask yourself the same question, as this attempt at accusatory rhetoric applies every bit as much to yourself. You have contributed nothing to this conversation except blind cynicism.
Well, if you think I'm gonna just sit here and be Mr. Nice Guy while every one of the evolutionists takes a shot at me, think again. I have the right to defend myself and I don't give two shits if you approve or not.

You don't necessarily have to "sit there and take it". As you're ill equipped, unable and too addled by ineptitude to address the comments posted in the thread, you can just continue to hurl your vile, profanity laced tirades via PM.

There's a good Christian.
So just exactly what have you contributed to the discussion, besides personal attacks?

Hi SJ: May I ask why you feel so required to either prove or disprove your beliefs?
I assume your reasons for believing as you do, are unique to you, and no one else has that.
No one on the planet.

Does it really make sense to expect anyone else to fully understand, reason or believe as you do? You are a unique soul, so your relationship and understanding of God is unique to you also. It is already valid, and you don't need to justify it to anyone else.
Only if you start jumping on or judging others, will they do that to you, so let both stop it.

If someone wants to hear how you came to your understanding, so they can learn, that's great to share and vice versa. But if they don't get it, just leave each other as you are.

These people who may attack you or others, that is their own issue, that is not your responsibility to think like they do or make them think like you do. I don't see that happening.

You cannot make a flute play like a violin, so let each instrument play music designed and written for that instrument.

Let the secular minded study the truth of the universe through scientific or social studies.
Let the spiritually minded study and share in other ways.

Please do not let mutual frustrationsn cause you to jump on and judge each other
and lose the relationships. God's truth encompasses all things, and each of us has a different part or perspective. These do not compete with each other, let's just try to be as consistent and clear as we can with our own system of seeing and saying things. Let the other person be in charge of fixing their own system if it seems contradictory. Do you agree?

Take care and don't give up trying to communicate and understand
despite these differences in approach. it is very challenging
and gets frustrating because the secular mind sees thing differently,
but a lot can be learned by filtering things past people who don't assume things
that you and I might take on faith. Always interesting, and meant to teach us not hurt us!

Yours truly,
There are likely too many to count.

If you do a search, you will find extensive lists. Why don't you actually do that search, post some of the errors and then provide your own refutation.

Hollie may I ask if you are consistent in how you judge both church and state law?
Right now people I know are complaining from both the left and right
that government is far off base, not following laws it should, and corrupted and abused.

Does this mean we throw out the state, the Constitution and all the laws because of the mess?
Or do we strive to correct the mess by APPLYING and enforcing those core laws we
feel are being subverted and bypassed that we need to go back and restore?

There are huge messes with secular laws that contradict each other.
Does that mean all govt authority is void?

If we pursue or require correction by state laws to clean up the state,
why not also pursue and require correction by church laws to clean up the church.

That is what Christians are supposed to be doing.
Not throwing the whole thing out!

Do you see what I mean?
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I would ask yourself the same question, as this attempt at accusatory rhetoric applies every bit as much to yourself. You have contributed nothing to this conversation except blind cynicism.
You seem to think this is the first time an evolutionist has tried to sell this theory to me. Trust me, I've heard it all before, many times. Your frustration stems from not being able to convince me of what you believe to be fact. I have found it next to impossible to challenge your theory without it turning into exactly what it turned into this time, because the minute you are confronted with a question you're not able to answer, you start with the "You're not smart enough to understand" rhetoric. I'll give you this much, you lasted longer than most before the insults started but your friends on this thread were more interested in winning a pissing contest than they were in having a civil debate (or even a discussion). You should have stepped in and told them to shut up, but instead you joined them and ended any chance of a substantive discussion. I'm sure you'll dismiss what I'm saying, but you know it's true.
I would ask yourself the same question, as this attempt at accusatory rhetoric applies every bit as much to yourself. You have contributed nothing to this conversation except blind cynicism.
You seem to think this is the first time an evolutionist has tried to sell this theory to me. Trust me, I've heard it all before, many times. Your frustration stems from not being able to convince me of what you believe to be fact. I have found it next to impossible to challenge your theory without it turning into exactly what it turned into this time, because the minute you are confronted with a question you're not able to answer, you start with the "You're not smart enough to understand" rhetoric. I'll give you this much, you lasted longer than most before the insults started but your friends on this thread were more interested in winning a pissing contest than they were in having a civil debate (or even a discussion). You should have stepped in and told them to shut up, but instead you joined them and ended any chance of a substantive discussion. I'm sure you'll dismiss what I'm saying, but you know it's true.

I don't care what you believe. Your arrogance is what offends.
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We have no reason to believe that the men who wrote the bibles had any indication of what jesus said.

Considering the obvious errors, omissions, contradictions, falsehoods, ect., that litter the bibles, using the bibles as emphatic evidence that the bibles are true or accurate is foolish.
Please list one error or omission. The writers were disciples and friends of Jesus and most of them met violent deaths for not rejecting their faith. People do not give up their lives for things they made up and do not believe.

And tens of thousands of Japanese gave up their lives because they believed it was right. And 21 hijackers murdered thousands of Americans and other people on 9/11 because of their beliefs (NOT 'Islam' - the religious fascism of their interpretation of the Koran).

Does that verify either set of beliefs for you? I don't think that's a useful point .....

If you notice, the Japs and hijackers did murder others and threw their lives away... The disciples only were spreading the Good News and not looking for trouble.
We have no reason to believe that the men who wrote the bibles had any indication of what jesus said.

Considering the obvious errors, omissions, contradictions, falsehoods, ect., that litter the bibles, using the bibles as emphatic evidence that the bibles are true or accurate is foolish.
Please list one error or omission. The writers were disciples and friends of Jesus and most of them met violent deaths for not rejecting their faith. People do not give up their lives for things they made up and do not believe.
There are likely too many to count.

If you do a search, you will find extensive lists. Why don't you actually do that search, post some of the errors and then provide your own refutation.
Why don't you just pick one? I've already examined the Bible and find that what others see as errors, as simply misunderstanding --- even misrepresentation on their part. So, you find one and we will examine it together...
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Please list one error or omission. The writers were disciples and friends of Jesus and most of them met violent deaths for not rejecting their faith. People do not give up their lives for things they made up and do not believe.
There are likely too many to count.

If you do a search, you will find extensive lists. Why don't you actually do that search, post some of the errors and then provide your own refutation.
Why don't you just pick one? I've already examined the Bible and find that what others see as errors, as simply misunderstanding --- even misrepresentation on their part. So, you find one and we will examine it together...
I'd prefer that you pick one.

You noted elsewhere that interpretation of verses is subject to context. That's fine such that if you're choosing not to define literal expressions as the word of the gawds, interpretation will be required. As discrepancies in interpretation are bound to arise, who will wear the black and white referee shirt to decide allegory vs. literal meaning vs. the expected, "but.... but.... but.... but the verse really means...."

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