Why do gun-enthusiasts OBJECT to registering their weapons?

Think about it....We register our cars...we register to vote....we used to register for the draft, etc. AND, gun enthusiasts on here simply LOVE to flaunt their knowledge of their guns, calibers, magazines, eta l......
YET, mention to them that they should register their weapons to a centralized data base, and they go ballistic (pardon the expression.)

Let me ask the opposite

why do you want to register guns?

Let's assume Mateen had been required to register his assault weapon and pistol after purchase. Would that have discouraged him from killing 50 fucking people and wounding 50 more?

Now as to the answer to your question.

Duh, the government can't confiscate what they don't know about.

Do you know of anyone who's talking about confiscating cars? No? Me either.

Registration would help with the everyday gun violence . It'd hamper straw purchases for one .

As for the paranoid "confiscation " crowd . You are already licensed , there's your list.

Give me one good reason you or anyone else needs to k ow what I own whether it be a weapon, a TV or anything else

Because guns are extremely dangerous leading to the deaths of thousands a year .
More people die by getting struck by lightning, falling out of bed, die while smoking in bed...
Than die at the hands of someone with an Ar15...

2016 Real Time Death Statistics in America
You idiots are still "thinking" that the federal government wants to send you to concentration camps???
....and, nitwits, IF even that were a remote scenario, would your guns fend off the U.S. agencies?

Ruby Ridge and Athens, Tennessee
Think about it....We register our cars...we register to vote....we used to register for the draft, etc. AND, gun enthusiasts on here simply LOVE to flaunt their knowledge of their guns, calibers, magazines, eta l......
YET, mention to them that they should register their weapons to a centralized data base, and they go ballistic (pardon the expression.)

Let me ask the opposite

why do you want to register guns?

Let's assume Mateen had been required to register his assault weapon and pistol after purchase. Would that have discouraged him from killing 50 fucking people and wounding 50 more?

Now as to the answer to your question.

Duh, the government can't confiscate what they don't know about.

Do you know of anyone who's talking about confiscating cars? No? Me either.

Registration would help with the everyday gun violence . It'd hamper straw purchases for one .

As for the paranoid "confiscation " crowd . You are already licensed , there's your list.
You actually believe criminals don't get around registering guns by obtaining them illegally so they cannot be traced back to them? You're naive as Dora.

Right , because we've had suck lax laws in so many states .

Registration would make this harder for criminals . Which makes illegal guns more expensive , which keeps them out of the hands of young psycho gang bangers .

How does registration interfere wh your right to own arms ? You still get your gun .

Suicides don't count so adjust your numbers
The combining suicides and homicides is nothing but lying… Get your head out of your ass
Think about it....We register our cars...we register to vote....we used to register for the draft, etc. AND, gun enthusiasts on here simply LOVE to flaunt their knowledge of their guns, calibers, magazines, eta l......
YET, mention to them that they should register their weapons to a centralized data base, and they go ballistic (pardon the expression.)

Let me ask the opposite

why do you want to register guns?

Let's assume Mateen had been required to register his assault weapon and pistol after purchase. Would that have discouraged him from killing 50 fucking people and wounding 50 more?

Now as to the answer to your question.

Duh, the government can't confiscate what they don't know about.

Do you know of anyone who's talking about confiscating cars? No? Me either.

Registration would help with the everyday gun violence . It'd hamper straw purchases for one .

As for the paranoid "confiscation " crowd . You are already licensed , there's your list.

Give me one good reason you or anyone else needs to k ow what I own whether it be a weapon, a TV or anything else

Because guns are extremely dangerous leading to the deaths of thousands a year .
More people die by getting struck by lightning, falling out of bed, die while smoking in bed...
Than die at the hands of someone with an Ar15...

2016 Real Time Death Statistics in America

And ? More people are killed by ar15s. Than we have law abiding citizens having their guns confiscated.
Let me ask the opposite

why do you want to register guns?

Let's assume Mateen had been required to register his assault weapon and pistol after purchase. Would that have discouraged him from killing 50 fucking people and wounding 50 more?

Now as to the answer to your question.

Duh, the government can't confiscate what they don't know about.

Do you know of anyone who's talking about confiscating cars? No? Me either.

Well, three responses to the bolded sections (with the latter two combined).....

First, we register guns as we do cars to ensure that there's a trail of responsibility to the owner (hope you don't mind being a responsible owner...or do you?)

Second, when was the last time that federal government agencies "confiscated" anything of yours??
Heck, its morons like Trumps who want to send ICE agents to people's homes and round them up....

I don't agree with deporting 12M people.

BUT, why is Trump a moron for wanting to do that, but you're brilliant, enlightened , and looking out for America for wanting to make gun ownership a crime? Fundamentally they are the same thing except that in the case of immigration we are talking about removing that which is CURRENTLY illegal and in regards to guns you want to change the law to one that does not conform with the COTUS.

You're actually a bigger retard than Trump.
Think about it....We register our cars...we register to vote....we used to register for the draft, etc. AND, gun enthusiasts on here simply LOVE to flaunt their knowledge of their guns, calibers, magazines, eta l......
YET, mention to them that they should register their weapons to a centralized data base, and they go ballistic (pardon the expression.)

Let me ask the opposite

why do you want to register guns?

Let's assume Mateen had been required to register his assault weapon and pistol after purchase. Would that have discouraged him from killing 50 fucking people and wounding 50 more?

Now as to the answer to your question.

Duh, the government can't confiscate what they don't know about.

Do you know of anyone who's talking about confiscating cars? No? Me either.

Registration would help with the everyday gun violence . It'd hamper straw purchases for one .

As for the paranoid "confiscation " crowd . You are already licensed , there's your list.
You actually believe criminals don't get around registering guns by obtaining them illegally so they cannot be traced back to them? You're naive as Dora.

Right , because we've had suck lax laws in so many states .

Registration would make this harder for criminals . Which makes illegal guns more expensive , which keeps them out of the hands of young psycho gang bangers .

How does registration interfere wh your right to own arms ? You still get your gun .
It's interfering with a right, it could never be any of governments business who owns what. The federal government can never be trusted to do the right thing you fucking moron
Let me ask the opposite

why do you want to register guns?

Let's assume Mateen had been required to register his assault weapon and pistol after purchase. Would that have discouraged him from killing 50 fucking people and wounding 50 more?

Now as to the answer to your question.

Duh, the government can't confiscate what they don't know about.

Do you know of anyone who's talking about confiscating cars? No? Me either.

Registration would help with the everyday gun violence . It'd hamper straw purchases for one .

As for the paranoid "confiscation " crowd . You are already licensed , there's your list.

Give me one good reason you or anyone else needs to k ow what I own whether it be a weapon, a TV or anything else

Because guns are extremely dangerous leading to the deaths of thousands a year .
More people die by getting struck by lightning, falling out of bed, die while smoking in bed...
Than die at the hands of someone with an Ar15...

2016 Real Time Death Statistics in America

And ? More people are killed by ar15s. Than we have law abiding citizens having their guns confiscated.

More people are killed by Ar 15s than by what? Drowning yes. Cars Yes. Falls yes

If you tallied up everyone killed specifically by an AR15 in a civilians hand the number would be at the bottom of the list
Let me ask the opposite

why do you want to register guns?

Let's assume Mateen had been required to register his assault weapon and pistol after purchase. Would that have discouraged him from killing 50 fucking people and wounding 50 more?

Now as to the answer to your question.

Duh, the government can't confiscate what they don't know about.

Do you know of anyone who's talking about confiscating cars? No? Me either.

Registration would help with the everyday gun violence . It'd hamper straw purchases for one .

As for the paranoid "confiscation " crowd . You are already licensed , there's your list.

Give me one good reason you or anyone else needs to k ow what I own whether it be a weapon, a TV or anything else

Because guns are extremely dangerous leading to the deaths of thousands a year .
More people die by getting struck by lightning, falling out of bed, die while smoking in bed...
Than die at the hands of someone with an Ar15...

2016 Real Time Death Statistics in America

And ? More people are killed by ar15s. Than we have law abiding citizens having their guns confiscated.
How many people so far this year have killed other people using an ar15... Be specific where and when?
Let me ask the opposite

why do you want to register guns?

Let's assume Mateen had been required to register his assault weapon and pistol after purchase. Would that have discouraged him from killing 50 fucking people and wounding 50 more?

Now as to the answer to your question.

Duh, the government can't confiscate what they don't know about.

Do you know of anyone who's talking about confiscating cars? No? Me either.

Registration would help with the everyday gun violence . It'd hamper straw purchases for one .

As for the paranoid "confiscation " crowd . You are already licensed , there's your list.

Give me one good reason you or anyone else needs to k ow what I own whether it be a weapon, a TV or anything else

Because guns are extremely dangerous leading to the deaths of thousands a year .
More people die by getting struck by lightning, falling out of bed, die while smoking in bed...
Than die at the hands of someone with an Ar15...

2016 Real Time Death Statistics in America

And ? More people are killed by ar15s. Than we have law abiding citizens having their guns confiscated.

Are you factoring queers killed by ISIS? I know in Syria they toss them off buildings and in Iraq they hang them from cranes. Should we outlaw cranes and buildings? If I were a queer, like you, id be more worried about disarming ISIs than law abiding citizens

Give it a thought Shitstain

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
(Why) do women oppose their names being recorded in a federal registry every time they have an abortion?

Probably for the same reason why morons like you don't have to register as an "official moron"....

Are you REALLY comparing what a woman chooses to do with her own body, to owning a lethal firearm?
Sure, some fellow right wing nitwits will agree with you, but sane people will readily label you an idiot.
I am comparing national registries of things that aren't any of the government's business.
Frankly, I believe that some of you folks should take the time to actually research a topic BEFORE you start a thread.

1. You do NOT need a license to buy a gun. You must not be a felon, convicted of domestic violence, no record of mental health issues, dishonorably discharged from the military and you MUST pass a background check by the FBI.

2. There WAS a national database of weapons but was destroyed in 1981 (I think). Now, 90 days AFTER the FBI background check, your name is deleted (supposedly) - as it should be.

....and, Frankly, you should use a bit of logic when posting......

To check if you're NOT a mental health nut, a wife beater, felon, etc. Are you NOT giving vital recorded information and de facto "licensing"?

Wife beaters can't have guns?

You just eliminated married Muslims from gun ownership rolls. That WOULD reduce the amount of terror attacks, I'll give you that.

yes it would, if the law was followed. Unfortunately, we have been brainwashed to believe that if we, as American citizens, turn these assholes in, the we are guilty of "Islamaphobia" and racial profiling. Thank to the communist left, most, if not all, won't open their mouths.

For example - San Bernadino. Neighbors KNEW that something bad was going on there, but kept quiet, out of fear of persecution.
well then , look at he current muslims that are fighting another super power and exporting its soldiers thoughout the Western world to cause mayhem murder

Yes, lets look at that "bright" scenario you offer above.....I am positive that ISIS or Al-Qaeda is telling their "soldiers", "Don't worry about securing a weapon in the US....those right wing idiots will ASSURE that you can buy virtually ANY weapon you'll need......LEGALLY.."

"...and if you can't buy any at a gun shop legally you can buy some illegally from out of a car trunk - the ones Obama handed over to Mexican Drug cartels..."
Registration would help with the everyday gun violence . It'd hamper straw purchases for one .

As for the paranoid "confiscation " crowd . You are already licensed , there's your list.

Give me one good reason you or anyone else needs to k ow what I own whether it be a weapon, a TV or anything else

Because guns are extremely dangerous leading to the deaths of thousands a year .
More people die by getting struck by lightning, falling out of bed, die while smoking in bed...
Than die at the hands of someone with an Ar15...

2016 Real Time Death Statistics in America

And ? More people are killed by ar15s. Than we have law abiding citizens having their guns confiscated.

Are you factoring queers killed by ISIS? I know in Syria they toss them off buildings and in Iraq they hang them from cranes. Should we outlaw cranes and buildings? If I were a queer, like you, id be more worried about disarming ISIs than law abiding citizens

Give it a thought Shitstain

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Well, using HIS logic, we should probably outlaw tall buildings.
Think about it....We register our cars...we register to vote....we used to register for the draft, etc. AND, gun enthusiasts on here simply LOVE to flaunt their knowledge of their guns, calibers, magazines, eta l......
YET, mention to them that they should register their weapons to a centralized data base, and they go ballistic (pardon the expression.)

Let me ask the opposite

why do you want to register guns?

Let's assume Mateen had been required to register his assault weapon and pistol after purchase. Would that have discouraged him from killing 50 fucking people and wounding 50 more?

Now as to the answer to your question.

Duh, the government can't confiscate what they don't know about.

Do you know of anyone who's talking about confiscating cars? No? Me either.

Registration would help with the everyday gun violence . It'd hamper straw purchases for one .

As for the paranoid "confiscation " crowd . You are already licensed , there's your list.
You actually believe criminals don't get around registering guns by obtaining them illegally so they cannot be traced back to them? You're naive as Dora.

Right , because we've had suck lax laws in so many states .

Registration would make this harder for criminals . Which makes illegal guns more expensive , which keeps them out of the hands of young psycho gang bangers .

How does registration interfere wh your right to own arms ? You still get your gun .
You're just rambling now and not making any sense, this happens when you attempt to drag out a point but you lose your train of thinking. Brain fart!

Drawing hypothetical conclusions is just tin foil hat warped theories. STOP!
For example - San Bernadino. Neighbors KNEW that something bad was going on there, but kept quiet, out of fear of persecution.

That's a cop out for people that AFTER the fact try to "excuse" their inaction.
and looking out for America for wanting to make gun ownership a crime?

Just for "fun" tell me how you got from "registering" your guns....to......"wanting to make gun ownership a crime"??

Easy, i read the posts of morons on this board who want to confiscate guns and make them all illegal, and listened to the words of moron politicians who said same.
Frankly, I believe that some of you folks should take the time to actually research a topic BEFORE you start a thread.

1. You do NOT need a license to buy a gun. You must not be a felon, convicted of domestic violence, no record of mental health issues, dishonorably discharged from the military and you MUST pass a background check by the FBI.

2. There WAS a national database of weapons but was destroyed in 1981 (I think). Now, 90 days AFTER the FBI background check, your name is deleted (supposedly) - as it should be.

....and, Frankly, you should use a bit of logic when posting......

To check if you're NOT a mental health nut, a wife beater, felon, etc. Are you NOT giving vital recorded information and de facto "licensing"?

Nope. Mental health professionals are SUPPOSED to report their nut job patients to the State Mental Health Boards where they maintain a database which can be checked by the FBI. Do they? Sometimes....maybe... Shrinks are concerned with litigation if they "label" someone (see: ACLU).

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