Why do liberals love the past??

My experience has been that liberals know little about the past. Their knowledge is usually superficial and PC based. They rarely read both sides on a historical issue. For example, nearly all liberals still believe that FDR's New Deal pulled us out of the Great Depression, when in fact the New Deal prolonged the depression.
My experience has been that liberals know little about the past. Their knowledge is usually superficial and PC based. They rarely read both sides on a historical issue. For example, nearly all liberals still believe that FDR's New Deal pulled us out of the Great Depression, when in fact the New Deal prolonged the depression.

Well, that's true, liberals don't literally love the past because they don't know much about the past. They love it only in the sense that their positions are similar to the dominant positions of the past that led to big concentrated liberal central governments. They seem to have no idea whatsoever that our Founders turned against those positions to create the greatest country in human history by far and that modern liberals are in effect reversing the great revolution of our Founders.
The FFs were liberals and added gov't to the typical system of the time, to protect citizens from the depridations of the conservatives of that time- RW monarchists and rich RW a-holes.
Conservatives love the present. They love the freedom from govt that our revolutionary Founders gave us while liberals love the past where huge central, bloody governments shaped human history for 1000's of years.
Liberals love learning from the past; unlike conservatives only love to claim they are not really like that afterwards, in the present.
Conservatives love the present. They love the freedom from govt that our revolutionary Founders gave us while liberals love the past where huge central, bloody governments shaped human history for 1000's of years.

The founders were suspicious of powerful military authority exerting its caprice upon the people, whether federal, state or local. Of course today's so-called "conservatives" tell us we should respect such authority, and trust them unquestioningly with our lives, as if they were some medieval warrior caste. Pathetic, boot-licking hypocrites.
My experience has been that liberals know little about the past. Their knowledge is usually superficial and PC based. They rarely read both sides on a historical issue. For example, nearly all liberals still believe that FDR's New Deal pulled us out of the Great Depression, when in fact the New Deal prolonged the depression.
BS- Only our greatest president who brought us back from the corrupt Pub abyss and certainly helped the economy. He helped people survive the depression and gave them hope. Whereas the GOP CAUSED the depression and wrecked the world as usual.
My experience has been that liberals know little about the past. Their knowledge is usually superficial and PC based. They rarely read both sides on a historical issue. For example, nearly all liberals still believe that FDR's New Deal pulled us out of the Great Depression, when in fact the New Deal prolonged the depression.
Well it is historians that rate the presidents, and the last group of 238 rated FDR as America's greatest president, and since historians began rating presidents in 1948, they have rated FDR, as one of America's three greatest presidents. The conservative answer to all those historians is that most historians are communists.
As to FDR pulling us out of the Great Depression it now seems evident that the New Deal did not spend enough money. It took the spending of WWII to make a dent.
My experience has been that liberals know little about the past. Their knowledge is usually superficial and PC based. They rarely read both sides on a historical issue. For example, nearly all liberals still believe that FDR's New Deal pulled us out of the Great Depression, when in fact the New Deal prolonged the depression.

Has there been studies that prove what you suspect about liberals having superficial knowledge of history? Here's a link showing some liberal vs conservative thought processes. Interesting read I think no matter what side you're on.

Differences in Conservative and Liberal Brains - 2012 Presidential Election - ProCon.org
We have Trapper Day's, Revolutionary War Re-Enactments, Civil War Re-Enactment,...liberals should have Civil Rights and Vietnam War protest re-enactments to cool the lunatics down. You live in 2015...WE ARE A SOCIALIST NATION...what are they still bitching about?

We're not quite a socialist America yet. Too many republican voters still waiting for that trickle down effect to work it's miracles. Hasn't yet, has it?
The conservative answer to all those historians is that most historians are communists.

well certainly a conservative historian would not rate the Great Depression or the man who prolonged it for 12 years including a world war in a positive way.
It took the spending of WWII to make a dent.

of course that's stupid and liberal since the Depression didn't end until FDR finally died and the depressing war spending stopped. A liberal is 100% stupid so gets everything backwards.
We have Trapper Day's, Revolutionary War Re-Enactments, Civil War Re-Enactment,...liberals should have Civil Rights and Vietnam War protest re-enactments to cool the lunatics down. You live in 2015...WE ARE A SOCIALIST NATION...what are they still bitching about?

We're not quite a socialist America yet. Too many republican voters still waiting for that trickle down effect to work it's miracles. Hasn't yet, has it?

hasn't yet?? America has more cars than drivers,spends $600 billion a year on pets and produces $18 trillion a year worth of stuff!! Maybe you think Cuba works?? See why we say liberalism is pure ignorance??
We have Trapper Day's, Revolutionary War Re-Enactments, Civil War Re-Enactment,...liberals should have Civil Rights and Vietnam War protest re-enactments to cool the lunatics down. You live in 2015...WE ARE A SOCIALIST NATION...what are they still bitching about?

We're not quite a socialist America yet. Too many republican voters still waiting for that trickle down effect to work it's miracles. Hasn't yet, has it?

You do realize that "trickle down economics" is a totally made-up liberal buzzword and doesn't even exist as an economic theory, right?
today's so-called "conservatives" tell us we should respect such authority, and trust them unquestioningly with our lives, as if they were some medieval warrior caste.

dear, can you give us your best example of this or admit to being stupid and liberal??
You do realize that "trickle down economics" is a totally made-up liberal buzzword and doesn't even exist as an economic theory, right?

but we known what they mean: they like trickle down welfare entitlements most of all.
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Conservatives love the present.

Is that why they wave around the Confederate Battle Jack?

They love the freedom from govt that our revolutionary Founders gave us while liberals love the past where huge central, bloody governments shaped human history for 1000's of years.

Most of the freedom in this country didn't come from the Founders. Unless you don't count women, blacks, or poor people as people.

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