Why do liberals love the past??

Thanks for the laugh today...conservatives love the present. WOW! Hysterically funny.

dear, if you think its mistaken you have to have a reason or admit to us by your silence that you laugh only because you are too stupid and liberal to have a reason. Do you understand?
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Again, typical ad hominem reply from the conservative group. When caught in a lie.Lie more and insult


Thanks for the laugh today...conservatives love the present. WOW! Hysterically funny.

dear, if you thinks its mistaken you have to have a reason or admit to us by your silence that you laugh only because you are too stupid and liberal to have a reason. Do you understand?
Conservatives love the present.

Which is why you all spend so much time slobbering over Ronnie.

dear, in the scheme of things Reagan and our founders are the present, a brief interruption in human history that liberals want to take away.

Do you understand?

Good grief, he was elected in 1980. That's 35 years ago, and you consider that the present?

dear I said Reagan and our Founders were the present so I was considering 200 years ago as the present.

do you have the IQ to understand?

Lol, so according to you, 1776 with the Founding Fathers is the "present" and then Mao, Stalin, and Hitler are the "past"

This just keeps getting better.
That was the last time the Republicans didn't suck
dear, Republicans could all be like Reagan if people would elect them.

Do you understand?

I understand fine, but I have no idea what your point is

you said Republicans suck as if that does not mean the people who elected them don't suck too.

Fair enough, I was referring to the politicians. As for the people who elected them, only the majority of them suck. I mean they did elect the ones who sucked
Conservatives love the present.

Which is why you all spend so much time slobbering over Ronnie.

dear, in the scheme of things Reagan and our founders are the present, a brief interruption in human history that liberals want to take away.

Do you understand?

Good grief, he was elected in 1980. That's 35 years ago, and you consider that the present?

dear I said Reagan and our Founders were the present so I was considering 200 years ago as the present.

do you have the IQ to understand?

Lol, so according to you, 1776 with the Founding Fathers is the "present" and then Mao, Stalin, and Hitler are the "past"

This just keeps getting better.

dear, the further back you go in history the more liberal central govt you had, generally speaking. The American Revolution was a huge demarcation point in human history toward freedom from govt that only recently has spread to Europe Russia and Asia.

Do you understand now ?
Which is why you all spend so much time slobbering over Ronnie.

dear, in the scheme of things Reagan and our founders are the present, a brief interruption in human history that liberals want to take away.

Do you understand?

Good grief, he was elected in 1980. That's 35 years ago, and you consider that the present?

dear I said Reagan and our Founders were the present so I was considering 200 years ago as the present.

do you have the IQ to understand?

Lol, so according to you, 1776 with the Founding Fathers is the "present" and then Mao, Stalin, and Hitler are the "past"

This just keeps getting better.

dear, the further back you go in history the more liberal central govt you had, generally speaking. The American Revolution was a huge demarcation point in human history toward freedom from govt that only recently has spread to Europe Russia and Asia.

Do you understand now ?

Yeah okay...you're trying to call kings, emperors, and tyrants "liberals" which is just fricking hilarious because by the definition of "liberal" it means to break free from authority and promote equality....you know? To "liberate"??

Here...here's some definitions for you....let's see how Kings, emperors, and other monarchs of the past fit into being "Liberal" HA!

adjective: liberal
open to new behavior or opinions and willing to discard traditional values.

Oh yes, I'm sure kings were always happy to discard traditional values....hmm, wait, no they weren't.

Liberal: believing that government should be active in supporting social and political change :

Liberal Definition of liberal by Merriam-Webster

You see...I'm having a hard time believing Kings and Queens in the past would be supporting social and political change, I mean, they have it pretty good, don't they? Why would they want change? Why would they want to liberate anything?

Liberal: a. Favoring reform, open to new ideas, and tolerant of the ideas and behavior of others; not bound by traditional thinking; broad-minded.

liberal - definition of liberal by The Free Dictionary

Hmmm.....favoring reform....open to new ideas....again, change, liberating. Not really something Kings would be interested in doing, ya think? I mean, why would a big Central Government Monarchy want to reform anything?

Can you see how idiotic your entire premise is???

I've already shut down your argument about liberals always wanting big government, just stop already.
Yeah okay...you're trying to call kings, emperors, and tyrants "liberals" which is just fricking hilarious .

why hilarious???
1) Stalin and George III are both illegal here and for the same reason: they embodied powerful central govt.

2) Our liberals spied for Hitler and Stalin and even gave Stalin the bomb because they liked his powerful liberal central govt even when it was killing 60 million human beings.

See why we say the liberal will be slow, so very very slow?
Yeah okay...you're trying to call kings, emperors, and tyrants "liberals" which is just fricking hilarious .

why hilarious???
1) Stalin and George III are both illegal here and for the same reason: they embodied powerful central govt.

2) Our liberals spied for Hitler and Stalin and even gave Stalin the bomb because they liked his powerful liberal central govt even when it was killing 60 million human beings.

See why we say the liberal will be slow, so very very slow?

Nice just completely ignoring the ACTUAL DEFINITION OF THE WORD LIBERAL...but anyway, let's see about this new strawman of yours

"Our Liberals" is a pretty broad statement, even some crackheads did support communism and did some stupid treason crap that doesn't broadly apply to everyone supporting liberal theory everywhere. There is something that does though, the DEFINITION of the word LIBERAL would apply to everyone supporting liberal theories. This is a class A strawman argument. Person X did something bad, so everyone associated with Person X must be bad as well.

Once again, I already shut down your argument about liberals always wanting big central government, that's a failed argument, get over it.
"Our Liberals" is a pretty broad statement, .

why? When they were asked by McCarthy they all took the 5th rather than tell the truth? Then they elected Obama who had 3 communist parents, was advised by Frank Davis (communist party no. 346778) and voted to left of Bernie Sanders.

Norman Thomas quotes:

(socialist candidate for President)
The American people will never knowingly adopt Socialism. But under the name of 'liberalism' they will adopt every fragment of the Socialist program, until one day America will be a Socialist nation, without knowing how it happened.

If you want more about liberal spies and dupes read "Useful Idiots"
Nice just completely ignoring the ACTUAL DEFINITION OF THE WORD LIBERAL.

dear, we don't really use dictionary definitions to study philosophy. A child would know that, so why don't you??

Okay, so your entire thread is based on what? Your crackpot definition of a liberal that is "someone like Mao or Stalin that supports big central governments of the past (200-1000+ years ago)?

That's how this is working huh? You just broadly define "liberal" in your own terms and then just shut everyone down saying "that's not what a liberal is, MY definition is what a liberal is..."

I'm supposed to argue your own self-made definition? Do you understand how idiotic that is? You could say Liberals are people that make unicorns in factories, if your not willing to accept some kind of standard of definition of what a "liberal" is how the hell is someone supposed to tell you you're wrong??
You just broadly define "liberal" in your own terms?

dear not my terms but our Founders terms. They opposed big govt regardless of the rationale.

Do you have the IQ to understand?

Well, according to my text book definitions I would say the Founders were quite liberal....
open to new behavior or opinions and willing to discard traditional values.

They discarded the traditional values of monarchy and even state religion. They were most certainly open to new behavior.

Here's a direct quote from George Washington if you want:

“As Mankind becomes more liberal, they will be more apt to allow that all those who conduct themselves as worthy members of the community are equally entitled to the protections of civil government. I hope ever to see America among the foremost nations of justice and liberality.” — George Washington

Quote by George Washington As Mankind becomes more liberal they will be m...
Well, according to my text book definitions I would say the Founders were quite liberal....

open to new behavior or opinions and willing to discard traditional values.

They discarded the traditional values of monarchy and even state religion. They were most certainly open to new behavior.

so then by that definition Hitler Stalin and Mao were really great liberals.

isn't thinking fun??
Well, according to my text book definitions I would say the Founders were quite liberal....

open to new behavior or opinions and willing to discard traditional values.

They discarded the traditional values of monarchy and even state religion. They were most certainly open to new behavior.

so then by that definition Hitler Stalin and Mao were really great liberals.

isn't thinking fun??

No, they were all authoritarian dictators who all shut down any chance of change or equality in their countries altogether. They're pretty much the exact opposite.
Well, according to my text book definitions I would say the Founders were quite liberal....

open to new behavior or opinions and willing to discard traditional values.

They discarded the traditional values of monarchy and even state religion. They were most certainly open to new behavior.

so then by that definition Hitler Stalin and Mao were really great liberals.

isn't thinking fun??

No, they were all authoritarian dictators who all shut down any chance of change or equality in their countries altogether. They're pretty much the exact opposite.

dear you said discard traditional values, open to change? Hitler Stalin and Mao were perfect liberals by your own stupid definition.

Do you have any idea what our founders really stood for???? Any idea at all??

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