Why do liberals love the past??

Libs long for the good old days when they were relevant, the world changed and they became obsolete. That's why they lie through their teeth now fabricating faux rage about faux issues.
Q. What do you get when you cross a pig with a Liberal Democrat?
A. Nothing. There are some things a pig won't do.
And yet, there are things Republicans do just like pigs. Ironic that, wouldn't you say?


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We have Trapper Day's, Revolutionary War Re-Enactments, Civil War Re-Enactment,...liberals should have Civil Rights and Vietnam War protest re-enactments to cool the lunatics down. You live in 2015...WE ARE A SOCIALIST NATION...what are they still bitching about?
Liberals appreciate the past for a number of reasons, one being it shows us how America keeps changing becoming even more liberal with the passing years. Think of the liberal changes just since the Constitution was created and how liberalism will continue to change America. Thankfully the framers created a liberal document that allows those changes, too fast for some and not fast enough for others, but always changing.
Conservatives love the present.

Which is why you all spend so much time slobbering over Ronnie.

dear, in the scheme of things Reagan and our founders are the present, a brief interruption in human history that liberals want to take away.

Do you understand?

Good grief, he was elected in 1980. That's 35 years ago, and you consider that the present?

dear I said Reagan and our Founders were the present so I was considering 200 years ago as the present.

do you have the IQ to understand?
Thanks for the laugh today...conservatives love the present. WOW! Hysterically funny.

Conservatives love the present. They love the freedom from govt that our revolutionary Founders gave us while liberals love the past where huge central, bloody governments shaped human history for 1000's of years.

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