Why do liberals pick the worst version of arguments to respond to?


Corner Pocket
Oct 8, 2009
Has anybody ever noticed this?

If you want to really engage someone on the Left, all you have to do is speak in soundbites that convey only a passing acquaintance with a subject and they'll talk to you all day. Or whenever someone on the Left decides to dismantle a conservative argument, they pick the most simplistic, weak-tea version of the argument to address.

Remember how much discussion there was around the Obamacare debates? There were plenty of people on the right making "smart" arguments about why Obamacare was bad policy. But which argument and which version of the opposition did you mostly hear? Sarah Palin wrote on Facebook that she didn't want her baby to have to go before Obama's "death panel".

There have been plenty of studies debunking many of the alarmist claims regarding global warming. But many on the Left would rather wait for someone to mention the Bible or say it was hot last January and then act like that's the only thing anybody's said.

Cherry-picking strawman arguments is not a good indicator of intellect, but so many people on the left think they're smart because they wait until the silliest version of an argument comes through so they can dismiss the argument altogether.

I actually think this tendency backfired and it's what caused Trump to win. The media thought they were going to do to Trump what they did to Bush, Palin, Christine O'Donnell, Todd Akin, and many other Republicans, which is bang the gong over everything he says. But Trump was smart to stick to his guns and not apologize and people respected his plainspokenness, candor, and guts.
Has anybody ever noticed this?

If you want to really engage someone on the Left, all you have to do is speak in soundbites that convey only a passing acquaintance with a subject and they'll talk to you all day. Or whenever someone on the Left decides to dismantle a conservative argument, they pick the most simplistic, weak-tea version of the argument to address.

Remember how much discussion there was around the Obamacare debates? There were plenty of people on the right making "smart" arguments about why Obamacare was bad policy. But which argument and which version of the opposition did you mostly hear? Sarah Palin wrote on Facebook that she didn't want her baby to have to go before Obama's "death panel".

There have been plenty of studies debunking many of the alarmist claims regarding global warming. But many on the Left would rather wait for someone to mention the Bible or say it was hot last January and then act like that's the only thing anybody's said.

Cherry-picking strawman arguments is not a good indicator of intellect, but so many people on the left think they're smart because they wait until the silliest version of an argument comes through so they can dismiss the argument altogether.

I actually think this tendency backfired and it's what caused Trump to win. The media thought they were going to do to Trump what they did to Bush, Palin, Christine O'Donnell, Todd Akin, and many other Republicans, which is bang the gong over everything he says. But Trump was smart to stick to his guns and not apologize and people respected his plainspokenness, candor, and guts.

Trump lying his ass off is neither 'plainspokenness', nor 'candor', nor 'guts'. But deception and cowardice.
I'm not all that smart. More of a wise ass.

I like using Alinsky Rule #5 against the moonbats.

A piece of shit commie agitator said:
"Ridicule is man's most potent weapon."

Besides, arguing with a programmed moonbat is like arguing with a parrot. If you can persuade a young mind or inspire critical thinking in someone I applaud your efforts. I hope people feel ashamed to look as stupid as some of this forum's vacuous liberal NPC's.

Has anybody ever noticed this?

If you want to really engage someone on the Left, all you have to do is speak in soundbites that convey only a passing acquaintance with a subject and they'll talk to you all day. Or whenever someone on the Left decides to dismantle a conservative argument, they pick the most simplistic, weak-tea version of the argument to address.

Remember how much discussion there was around the Obamacare debates? There were plenty of people on the right making "smart" arguments about why Obamacare was bad policy. But which argument and which version of the opposition did you mostly hear? Sarah Palin wrote on Facebook that she didn't want her baby to have to go before Obama's "death panel".

There have been plenty of studies debunking many of the alarmist claims regarding global warming. But many on the Left would rather wait for someone to mention the Bible or say it was hot last January and then act like that's the only thing anybody's said.

Cherry-picking strawman arguments is not a good indicator of intellect, but so many people on the left think they're smart because they wait until the silliest version of an argument comes through so they can dismiss the argument altogether.

I actually think this tendency backfired and it's what caused Trump to win. The media thought they were going to do to Trump what they did to Bush, Palin, Christine O'Donnell, Todd Akin, and many other Republicans, which is bang the gong over everything he says. But Trump was smart to stick to his guns and not apologize and people respected his plainspokenness, candor, and guts.
Hilarious. You complain about cherry picking strawmen and then we find out you’re a strawman who cherry picks.
Speaking of stupid... Deanturd right on que...
Has anybody ever noticed this?

If you want to really engage someone on the Left, all you have to do is speak in soundbites that convey only a passing acquaintance with a subject and they'll talk to you all day. Or whenever someone on the Left decides to dismantle a conservative argument, they pick the most simplistic, weak-tea version of the argument to address.

Remember how much discussion there was around the Obamacare debates? There were plenty of people on the right making "smart" arguments about why Obamacare was bad policy. But which argument and which version of the opposition did you mostly hear? Sarah Palin wrote on Facebook that she didn't want her baby to have to go before Obama's "death panel".

There have been plenty of studies debunking many of the alarmist claims regarding global warming. But many on the Left would rather wait for someone to mention the Bible or say it was hot last January and then act like that's the only thing anybody's said.

Cherry-picking strawman arguments is not a good indicator of intellect, but so many people on the left think they're smart because they wait until the silliest version of an argument comes through so they can dismiss the argument altogether.

I actually think this tendency backfired and it's what caused Trump to win. The media thought they were going to do to Trump what they did to Bush, Palin, Christine O'Donnell, Todd Akin, and many other Republicans, which is bang the gong over everything he says. But Trump was smart to stick to his guns and not apologize and people respected his plainspokenness, candor, and guts.
Conservatives spoke nothing but lies about Obamacare
Death Panels, Government takeover of healthcare, it will destroy the economy, you will lose your doctor
Has anybody ever noticed this?

If you want to really engage someone on the Left, all you have to do is speak in soundbites that convey only a passing acquaintance with a subject and they'll talk to you all day. Or whenever someone on the Left decides to dismantle a conservative argument, they pick the most simplistic, weak-tea version of the argument to address.

Remember how much discussion there was around the Obamacare debates? There were plenty of people on the right making "smart" arguments about why Obamacare was bad policy. But which argument and which version of the opposition did you mostly hear? Sarah Palin wrote on Facebook that she didn't want her baby to have to go before Obama's "death panel".

There have been plenty of studies debunking many of the alarmist claims regarding global warming. But many on the Left would rather wait for someone to mention the Bible or say it was hot last January and then act like that's the only thing anybody's said.

Cherry-picking strawman arguments is not a good indicator of intellect, but so many people on the left think they're smart because they wait until the silliest version of an argument comes through so they can dismiss the argument altogether.

I actually think this tendency backfired and it's what caused Trump to win. The media thought they were going to do to Trump what they did to Bush, Palin, Christine O'Donnell, Todd Akin, and many other Republicans, which is bang the gong over everything he says. But Trump was smart to stick to his guns and not apologize and people respected his plainspokenness, candor, and guts.
Funny, that's exactly what I see the conservatives doing here.
I'm not all that smart. More of a wise ass.

I like using Alinsky Rule #5 against the moonbats.

A piece of shit commie agitator said:
"Ridicule is man's most potent weapon."

Besides, arguing with a programmed moonbat is like arguing with a parrot. If you can persuade a young mind or inspire critical thinking in someone I applaud your efforts. I hope people feel ashamed to look as stupid as some of this forum's vacuous liberal NPC's.


The assorted conspiracy batshit that have become conservative dogma ("millions of illegal votes", "Deep State","Coup", "Witchhunt", just to name a few)......don't involve critical thinking skills. But the mindless parroting of predigested talking points that are overwhelmingly contradicted by evidence.

I mean, apply Occam's Razor.

What's more likely......A 'Deep State' and 'Obama's Shadow Army' working to take down Trump that has infiltrated Congress, the FBI, the FISA courts, the National Park Service, the Department of Justice, filled the CIA with 'Democrat Operatives', filled the white house, the EPA, and federal government with 'Trump enemies' working in conjuction Google, with essentially the entire Mainstream Media (except FOX NEWS for no particular reason), international leaders, Twitter, foreign media sources, Mark Zuckerberg, an elaborate plot involving "ring leaders", co-conspirators, James Comey, Facebook, faked affidavits, Lockheed Martin, false charges, James Mueller, planted evidence, George Soros, Seth Rich, 33 faked indictments, Rod Rosenstein, dozens of faked convictions, extortion, forced plea deals, and hell, even Mueller MURDERING people.


Trump is just a liar.

Not only is the conspiracy batshit that the right is huffing nonsensical, void of compelling evidence and fantastically complicated......its completely unnecessary.
I'm not all that smart. More of a wise ass.

I like using Alinsky Rule #5 against the moonbats.

A piece of shit commie agitator said:
"Ridicule is man's most potent weapon."

Besides, arguing with a programmed moonbat is like arguing with a parrot. If you can persuade a young mind or inspire critical thinking in someone I applaud your efforts. I hope people feel ashamed to look as stupid as some of this forum's vacuous liberal NPC's.


The assorted conspiracy batshit that have become conservative dogma ("millions of illegal votes", "Deep State","Coup", "Witchhunt", just to name a few)......don't involve critical thinking skills. But the mindless parroting of predigested talking points that are overwhelmingly contradicted by evidence.

I mean, apply Occam's Razor.

What's more likely......A 'Deep State' and 'Obama's Shadow Army' working to take down Trump that has infiltrated Congress, the FBI, the FISA courts, the National Park Service, the Department of Justice, filled the CIA with 'Democrat Operatives', filled the white house, the EPA, and federal government with 'Trump enemies' working in conjuction Google, with essentially the entire Mainstream Media (except FOX NEWS for no particular reason), international leaders, Twitter, foreign media sources, Mark Zuckerberg, an elaborate plot involving "ring leaders", co-conspirators, James Comey, Facebook, faked affidavits, Lockheed Martin, false charges, James Mueller, planted evidence, George Soros, Seth Rich, 33 faked indictments, Rod Rosenstein, dozens of faked convictions, extortion, forced plea deals, and hell, even Mueller MURDERING people.


Trump is just a liar.

Not only is the conspiracy batshit that the right is huffing nonsensical, void of compelling evidence and fantastically complicated......its completely unnecessary.
It's certainly the easy way out for Liberals to dismiss all of the corruption in our government with "Trump is a liar". That's what Liberals do, take the easy way out. Why engage in a debate? That's difficult. It's much easier to go with "You're a moron. Trump's a liar. You're a Racist." Those are the 3 Liberal goto responses for any difficult topic.
What's funny is a Trumper telling liberals WHICH of their never ending lies to disprove.

Too friggin funny
I'm not all that smart. More of a wise ass.

I like using Alinsky Rule #5 against the moonbats.

A piece of shit commie agitator said:
"Ridicule is man's most potent weapon."

Besides, arguing with a programmed moonbat is like arguing with a parrot. If you can persuade a young mind or inspire critical thinking in someone I applaud your efforts. I hope people feel ashamed to look as stupid as some of this forum's vacuous liberal NPC's.


The assorted conspiracy batshit that have become conservative dogma ("millions of illegal votes", "Deep State","Coup", "Witchhunt", just to name a few)......don't involve critical thinking skills. But the mindless parroting of predigested talking points that are overwhelmingly contradicted by evidence.

I mean, apply Occam's Razor.

What's more likely......A 'Deep State' and 'Obama's Shadow Army' working to take down Trump that has infiltrated Congress, the FBI, the FISA courts, the National Park Service, the Department of Justice, filled the CIA with 'Democrat Operatives', filled the white house, the EPA, and federal government with 'Trump enemies' working in conjuction Google, with essentially the entire Mainstream Media (except FOX NEWS for no particular reason), international leaders, Twitter, foreign media sources, Mark Zuckerberg, an elaborate plot involving "ring leaders", co-conspirators, James Comey, Facebook, faked affidavits, Lockheed Martin, false charges, James Mueller, planted evidence, George Soros, Seth Rich, 33 faked indictments, Rod Rosenstein, dozens of faked convictions, extortion, forced plea deals, and hell, even Mueller MURDERING people.


Trump is just a liar.

Not only is the conspiracy batshit that the right is huffing nonsensical, void of compelling evidence and fantastically complicated......its completely unnecessary.
It's certainly the easy way out for Liberals to dismiss all of the corruption in our government with "Trump is a liar". That's what Liberals do, take the easy way out. Why engage in a debate? That's difficult. It's much easier to go with "You're a moron. Trump's a liar. You're a Racist." Those are the 3 Liberal goto responses for any difficult topic.
So you don't pay attention to any liberal reply.?
I'm not all that smart. More of a wise ass.

I like using Alinsky Rule #5 against the moonbats.

A piece of shit commie agitator said:
"Ridicule is man's most potent weapon."

Besides, arguing with a programmed moonbat is like arguing with a parrot. If you can persuade a young mind or inspire critical thinking in someone I applaud your efforts. I hope people feel ashamed to look as stupid as some of this forum's vacuous liberal NPC's.


The assorted conspiracy batshit that have become conservative dogma ("millions of illegal votes", "Deep State","Coup", "Witchhunt", just to name a few)......don't involve critical thinking skills. But the mindless parroting of predigested talking points that are overwhelmingly contradicted by evidence.

I mean, apply Occam's Razor.

What's more likely......A 'Deep State' and 'Obama's Shadow Army' working to take down Trump that has infiltrated Congress, the FBI, the FISA courts, the National Park Service, the Department of Justice, filled the CIA with 'Democrat Operatives', filled the white house, the EPA, and federal government with 'Trump enemies' working in conjuction Google, with essentially the entire Mainstream Media (except FOX NEWS for no particular reason), international leaders, Twitter, foreign media sources, Mark Zuckerberg, an elaborate plot involving "ring leaders", co-conspirators, James Comey, Facebook, faked affidavits, Lockheed Martin, false charges, James Mueller, planted evidence, George Soros, Seth Rich, 33 faked indictments, Rod Rosenstein, dozens of faked convictions, extortion, forced plea deals, and hell, even Mueller MURDERING people.


Trump is just a liar.

Not only is the conspiracy batshit that the right is huffing nonsensical, void of compelling evidence and fantastically complicated......its completely unnecessary.

Your proclivity to be a mindless subjugated lemming is duly noted and dismissed as irrelevant.

I'm not all that smart. More of a wise ass.

I like using Alinsky Rule #5 against the moonbats.

A piece of shit commie agitator said:
"Ridicule is man's most potent weapon."

Besides, arguing with a programmed moonbat is like arguing with a parrot. If you can persuade a young mind or inspire critical thinking in someone I applaud your efforts. I hope people feel ashamed to look as stupid as some of this forum's vacuous liberal NPC's.


The assorted conspiracy batshit that have become conservative dogma ("millions of illegal votes", "Deep State","Coup", "Witchhunt", just to name a few)......don't involve critical thinking skills. But the mindless parroting of predigested talking points that are overwhelmingly contradicted by evidence.

I mean, apply Occam's Razor.

What's more likely......A 'Deep State' and 'Obama's Shadow Army' working to take down Trump that has infiltrated Congress, the FBI, the FISA courts, the National Park Service, the Department of Justice, filled the CIA with 'Democrat Operatives', filled the white house, the EPA, and federal government with 'Trump enemies' working in conjuction Google, with essentially the entire Mainstream Media (except FOX NEWS for no particular reason), international leaders, Twitter, foreign media sources, Mark Zuckerberg, an elaborate plot involving "ring leaders", co-conspirators, James Comey, Facebook, faked affidavits, Lockheed Martin, false charges, James Mueller, planted evidence, George Soros, Seth Rich, 33 faked indictments, Rod Rosenstein, dozens of faked convictions, extortion, forced plea deals, and hell, even Mueller MURDERING people.


Trump is just a liar.

Not only is the conspiracy batshit that the right is huffing nonsensical, void of compelling evidence and fantastically complicated......its completely unnecessary.
It's certainly the easy way out for Liberals to dismiss all of the corruption in our government with "Trump is a liar". That's what Liberals do, take the easy way out. Why engage in a debate? That's difficult. It's much easier to go with "You're a moron. Trump's a liar. You're a Racist." Those are the 3 Liberal goto responses for any difficult topic.
So you don't pay attention to any liberal reply.?

You're not a liberal, you're a leftist Social Marxist shill piece of shit. I do respond kindly to liberals, too bad you're not one, commie faggot.
I'm not all that smart. More of a wise ass.

I like using Alinsky Rule #5 against the moonbats.

A piece of shit commie agitator said:
"Ridicule is man's most potent weapon."

Besides, arguing with a programmed moonbat is like arguing with a parrot. If you can persuade a young mind or inspire critical thinking in someone I applaud your efforts. I hope people feel ashamed to look as stupid as some of this forum's vacuous liberal NPC's.


The assorted conspiracy batshit that have become conservative dogma ("millions of illegal votes", "Deep State","Coup", "Witchhunt", just to name a few)......don't involve critical thinking skills. But the mindless parroting of predigested talking points that are overwhelmingly contradicted by evidence.

I mean, apply Occam's Razor.

What's more likely......A 'Deep State' and 'Obama's Shadow Army' working to take down Trump that has infiltrated Congress, the FBI, the FISA courts, the National Park Service, the Department of Justice, filled the CIA with 'Democrat Operatives', filled the white house, the EPA, and federal government with 'Trump enemies' working in conjuction Google, with essentially the entire Mainstream Media (except FOX NEWS for no particular reason), international leaders, Twitter, foreign media sources, Mark Zuckerberg, an elaborate plot involving "ring leaders", co-conspirators, James Comey, Facebook, faked affidavits, Lockheed Martin, false charges, James Mueller, planted evidence, George Soros, Seth Rich, 33 faked indictments, Rod Rosenstein, dozens of faked convictions, extortion, forced plea deals, and hell, even Mueller MURDERING people.


Trump is just a liar.

Not only is the conspiracy batshit that the right is huffing nonsensical, void of compelling evidence and fantastically complicated......its completely unnecessary.

Your proclivity to be a mindless subjugated lemming is duly noted and dismissed as irrelevant.

Sounds just like you Dumbass!
I'm not all that smart. More of a wise ass.

I like using Alinsky Rule #5 against the moonbats.

A piece of shit commie agitator said:
"Ridicule is man's most potent weapon."

Besides, arguing with a programmed moonbat is like arguing with a parrot. If you can persuade a young mind or inspire critical thinking in someone I applaud your efforts. I hope people feel ashamed to look as stupid as some of this forum's vacuous liberal NPC's.


The assorted conspiracy batshit that have become conservative dogma ("millions of illegal votes", "Deep State","Coup", "Witchhunt", just to name a few)......don't involve critical thinking skills. But the mindless parroting of predigested talking points that are overwhelmingly contradicted by evidence.

I mean, apply Occam's Razor.

What's more likely......A 'Deep State' and 'Obama's Shadow Army' working to take down Trump that has infiltrated Congress, the FBI, the FISA courts, the National Park Service, the Department of Justice, filled the CIA with 'Democrat Operatives', filled the white house, the EPA, and federal government with 'Trump enemies' working in conjuction Google, with essentially the entire Mainstream Media (except FOX NEWS for no particular reason), international leaders, Twitter, foreign media sources, Mark Zuckerberg, an elaborate plot involving "ring leaders", co-conspirators, James Comey, Facebook, faked affidavits, Lockheed Martin, false charges, James Mueller, planted evidence, George Soros, Seth Rich, 33 faked indictments, Rod Rosenstein, dozens of faked convictions, extortion, forced plea deals, and hell, even Mueller MURDERING people.


Trump is just a liar.

Not only is the conspiracy batshit that the right is huffing nonsensical, void of compelling evidence and fantastically complicated......its completely unnecessary.
It's certainly the easy way out for Liberals to dismiss all of the corruption in our government with "Trump is a liar". That's what Liberals do, take the easy way out. Why engage in a debate? That's difficult. It's much easier to go with "You're a moron. Trump's a liar. You're a Racist." Those are the 3 Liberal goto responses for any difficult topic.
These Liberal threads are really uplifting and funny to the point of no return. They were not any Death Panels They were call Medical Need committees and they would limit Medical care to old people over the age of 70...
I find the left boring, I heard everything they say today 30 years ago.
Back in the day, Liberals used to have game and would actually discuss things without getting hysterical or shutting down. Not sure what happened to them but it certainly is not good for America.
You're not a liberal, you're a leftist Social Marxist shill piece of shit. I do respond kindly to liberals, too bad you're not one, commie faggot.

Might as well call him a Doodie Head too for all the sense any of that tripe makes

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