Why do libertarians aid, and abet Obama?

Time for you to be gobsmacked with the truth.

Libertarians, and conservatives are essentially one and the same.

For example...

Do you love freedom?

Do you love Liberty?

Do you love the free market?

The GoP routinely supports polices that restrict freedom and the free market. A good example would be the Republicans support for tax loopholes that are designed to favor specific companies over their competition. If you don't support closing tax loopholes, which Grover Norquist dismisses as a tax increase, you are anti free market.

Like TARP and bailouts of favored companies that was proposed by Bush?

I don't despise anything, I oppose abortion because I see it is taking a human life, but I see no reason to use the government to impose my views on others. After all, I might be wrong.

If the GOP wanted to decrease the size of the federal government they wouldn't keep putting up budget plans that expanded it every year, they would actually cut it.

I have no idea what the fuck reasonably equal opportunity is.

If you agree with any of these, you should vote for GoP!

It is precisely because I believe in those things that I will never vote for a party that has repeatedly demonstrated their contempt for them.

Remind me what effective opposition narco-libertarians have ever mounted to any of those things. Yeah, thought so. Oops.
The GOP has blocked some of the worst crap out of the Obama Administration. But the party is a big party. Saying "The GOP supported this or that" is a canard. Yes, some did. But others didnt. Jeff Flake consistently opposed Bush's bailouts under TARP and other gov't intrusions.
Of course if the narcos would work within the party to elect conservative candidates instead of running their mouths about free dope and unilateral disarmament the GOP would look a whole lot different.

You don't own my vote anymore than Obama does. The biggest problem with the parties in this country is their sense of entitlement. That is what is responsible for Obamacare, and is why I will never vote for either party.

By the way, the numbers clearly contradict your assesment of what happened in that election.
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How, exactly, do you feel the media has smeared Rand Paul for libertarianism?

I already gave an example of this and I chose that example because it was a perfect example of the strategy which has obviously been employed. In a nutshell, the argument the MSM is making about "Libertarianism" is that it actually results in people having fewer rights, less freedom, and endangers their lives because "libertarians" don't honor any social contract. Then they make sure that Paul is associated with "libertarianism" by referring to him as libertarian, libertarian-leaning, having libertarian ideals, etc. You don't go to those lengths to control someone else's image and message unless you fear them. This is pretty common so instead of posting a link and asking you to focus on that I'll just say that you can Google this on your own and pick one of the many examples which will pop up.

As for the Tea Party, it was never a non-partisan movement except in some elemental stage when it had no supporters and was a calling card for Ron Paul supporters and the like. By the time it actually hit the scene in early 2009, it was just a megaphone for typical Republican policies.

It's true that the non-partisan phase didn't last very long, one year maybe, but that doesn't change the fact that it started out as non-partisan and you just agreed with me that it did so you shouldn't have called me out on that earlier. The problem now is that the TP movement did decide to focus on running candidates for the GOP and ignored the Dems which resulted in a lot of people not wanting to be associated with the TP anymore. There are also others who don't want to be associated with the TP because they are afraid that they will be automatically considered to be a whack-job by people who believe what the MSM is saying about the TP.

I personally think the TP made a mistake by focusing on the GOP because I think the Dems are actually the Party most vulnerable to a grass-roots takeover movement but I'm not in charge so oh well.
How, exactly, do you feel the media has smeared Rand Paul for libertarianism?

I already gave an example of this and I chose that example because it was a perfect example of the strategy which has obviously been employed. In a nutshell, the argument the MSM is making about "Libertarianism" is that it actually results in people having fewer rights, less freedom, and endangers their lives because "libertarians" don't honor any social contract. Then they make sure that Paul is associated with "libertarianism" by referring to him as libertarian, libertarian-leaning, having libertarian ideals, etc. You don't go to those lengths to control someone else's image and message unless you fear them. This is pretty common so instead of posting a link and asking you to focus on that I'll just say that you can Google this on your own and pick one of the many examples which will pop up.

As for the Tea Party, it was never a non-partisan movement except in some elemental stage when it had no supporters and was a calling card for Ron Paul supporters and the like. By the time it actually hit the scene in early 2009, it was just a megaphone for typical Republican policies.

It's true that the non-partisan phase didn't last very long, one year maybe, but that doesn't change the fact that it started out as non-partisan and you just agreed with me that it did so you shouldn't have called me out on that earlier. The problem now is that the TP movement did decide to focus on running candidates for the GOP and ignored the Dems which resulted in a lot of people not wanting to be associated with the TP anymore. There are also others who don't want to be associated with the TP because they are afraid that they will be automatically considered to be a whack-job by people who believe what the MSM is saying about the TP.

I personally think the TP made a mistake by focusing on the GOP because I think the Dems are actually the Party most vulnerable to a grass-roots takeover movement but I'm not in charge so oh well.

I totally agree. I don't think the libertarian movement will find real purchase until the Democrats get their Ron Paul.
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Show us the numbers stating that he took more from the Republican than the Democrat.

Cuccinelli lost by 2.5% of the vote. Sarvis got 6% of the vote. Had Sarvis not been in the race Cuccinelli would have won.
Had Obama and Clinton bundlers not sandbagged the race with a fake libertarian, Sarvis wouldn't have garnered 1%.

Other than existing, the LP had almost nothing to do with the result.

I see it as exactly the opposite.

Assuming you put the most weight on the economic questions (which I feel is generally true of libertarians; certainly true of the ones I know in real life), wouldn't his statement be true? Is it really reasonable to believe the Democrats are more likely to enact policies you prefer?

No it wouldn’t. Why don’t you point out what economic issues are the republicans aligned closer to the libertarians than the democrats? Actions btw, not slogans. Current politicians do NOT mirror their slogans anymore.

Cutting government spending and a preference for deflationary currency.
How, exactly, do you feel the media has smeared Rand Paul for libertarianism?

I already gave an example of this and I chose that example because it was a perfect example of the strategy which has obviously been employed. In a nutshell, the argument the MSM is making about "Libertarianism" is that it actually results in people having fewer rights, less freedom, and endangers their lives because "libertarians" don't honor any social contract. Then they make sure that Paul is associated with "libertarianism" by referring to him as libertarian, libertarian-leaning, having libertarian ideals, etc. You don't go to those lengths to control someone else's image and message unless you fear them. This is pretty common so instead of posting a link and asking you to focus on that I'll just say that you can Google this on your own and pick one of the many examples which will pop up.

You don't really see people in the media making that argument. It's true, but you don't hear people making it. If anything, Paul has been helped by his association with libertarianism, as it puts a stamp of freshness on the reactionary policies he supports.

As for the Tea Party, it was never a non-partisan movement except in some elemental stage when it had no supporters and was a calling card for Ron Paul supporters and the like. By the time it actually hit the scene in early 2009, it was just a megaphone for typical Republican policies.

It's true that the non-partisan phase didn't last very long, one year maybe, but that doesn't change the fact that it started out as non-partisan and you just agreed with me that it did so you shouldn't have called me out on that earlier. The problem now is that the TP movement did decide to focus on running candidates for the GOP and ignored the Dems which resulted in a lot of people not wanting to be associated with the TP anymore. There are also others who don't want to be associated with the TP because they are afraid that they will be automatically considered to be a whack-job by people who believe what the MSM is saying about the TP.

I personally think the TP made a mistake by focusing on the GOP because I think the Dems are actually the Party most vulnerable to a grass-roots takeover movement but I'm not in charge so oh well.

I called out the statement because what I said has been true the entire time the "Tea Party" has been in the public eye. It wasn't meant to be personally insulting to you.
Assuming you put the most weight on the economic questions (which I feel is generally true of libertarians; certainly true of the ones I know in real life), wouldn't his statement be true? Is it really reasonable to believe the Democrats are more likely to enact policies you prefer?

No it wouldn’t. Why don’t you point out what economic issues are the republicans aligned closer to the libertarians than the democrats? Actions btw, not slogans. Current politicians do NOT mirror their slogans anymore.

Cutting government spending and a preference for deflationary currency.

Since there maybe only a handful of Republicans who actually support that I think his point stands.
I called out the statement because what I said has been true the entire time the "Tea Party" has been in the public eye. It wasn't meant to be personally insulting to you.

I didn't feel insulted by it I was just pointing out that what you said isn't true and you ended up agreeing, kind of.

The TP had a lot of support in the beginning from all kinds people, most of whom were not what is considered to be right-wing republican/conservative and there was quite a bit of media attention on the TP back then. It's unfortunate that the larger TP groups decided to cast their lot with the GOP, they lost a lot of support. If you want to discount that and give credit to the right-wing tools who now infest that movement for growing it then by all means do so, it's a free country, but it ain't true.
Cuccinelli lost by 2.5% of the vote. Sarvis got 6% of the vote. Had Sarvis not been in the race Cuccinelli would have won.
Had Obama and Clinton bundlers not sandbagged the race with a fake libertarian, Sarvis wouldn't have garnered 1%.

Other than existing, the LP had almost nothing to do with the result.

Well, presumably, the LP had a hand in nominating him. It's just another example of why the Libertarian Party really has nothing to do with libertarianism in general.
Yes, they had a hand in it by existing.

Though I don't know the ballot access laws in Virginia, in a lot of states you need to have X% of LP candidates on the ballot last election, to prevent having to petition to get a candidate on the ballot for the next election, which costs a lot of money. This has led to the LP running numerous cranks and democrat ringers.
Assuming you put the most weight on the economic questions (which I feel is generally true of libertarians; certainly true of the ones I know in real life), wouldn't his statement be true? Is it really reasonable to believe the Democrats are more likely to enact policies you prefer?

No it wouldn’t. Why don’t you point out what economic issues are the republicans aligned closer to the libertarians than the democrats? Actions btw, not slogans. Current politicians do NOT mirror their slogans anymore.

Cutting government spending and a preference for deflationary currency.

The Republicans do not want to cut spending, they want to slow down the increase.

When did libertarians suddenly adopt the principle that economics is a zero sum game? Did I miss the memo? Or did you get confused about terms again?
Fuck Republicans and Democrats. I'll never vote for either party ever again. I'm forever done with all the party douche bags.
Fuck Republicans and Democrats. I'll never vote for either party ever again. I'm forever done with all the party douche bags.

What's the matter? obama hurt your feelings :)

Douchebags like that are the reason the GOP has trouble winning elections. "Oh, this guy doesn't represent 100% of my views. He only represents 80%. I'm never voting again. Wahhh."
Screw that. You want to change something? Get out there and vote.
He said he was done with party douche bags (R) and (D), he didnt say he wasn't voting. I suppose though, this means he voted for Obama since the GOP lost.
Libertarians, and conservatives are essentially one and the same.

For example...

Do you love freedom?

Do you love Liberty?

Do you love the free market?

Do you hate Obama's tax and spend failonomics?

Do you despise abortion as the aberration it is?

Do you love capitalism?

Do you want to decrease the size of the federal government?

Do you believe in reasonably equal opportunity, instead of equal outcome?

If you agree with any of these, you should vote for GoP!
Maybe I should not speak on behalf of Libertarians, but as a person who cares and loves freedom, free market, capitalism, liberty, justice and equal rights, I must say that GOP does not represent me at all, it represents international bankers, and before you try to argue my point, first see if you can even answer a simple question that no one else could:

Before you answer this question, there is one catch: you can not mention the word Jews, anti Semite, or racist. these words are not allowed in this thread. please stay on topic and answer the question if you can.

Libertarians, and conservatives are essentially one and the same.

For example...

Do you love freedom?

Do you love Liberty?

Do you love the free market?

Do you hate Obama's tax and spend failonomics?

Do you despise abortion as the aberration it is?

Do you love capitalism?

Do you want to decrease the size of the federal government?

Do you believe in reasonably equal opportunity, instead of equal outcome?

If you agree with any of these, you should vote for GoP!
Maybe I should not speak on behalf of Libertarians, but as a person who cares and loves freedom, free market, capitalism, liberty, justice and equal rights, I must say that GOP does not represent me at all, it represents international bankers, and before you try to argue my point, first see if you can even answer a simple question that no one else could:

Before you answer this question, there is one catch: you can not mention the word Jews, anti Semite, or racist. these words are not allowed in this thread. please stay on topic and answer the question if you can.


Who says Israel has better Health Care than the US?
No it wouldn’t. Why don’t you point out what economic issues are the republicans aligned closer to the libertarians than the democrats? Actions btw, not slogans. Current politicians do NOT mirror their slogans anymore.

Cutting government spending and a preference for deflationary currency.

Since there maybe only a handful of Republicans who actually support that I think his point stands.

A handful? There are enough Republican votes in the House to pass the Ryan budget and over three-fourths of the House Republican caucus are members of the Republican Study Committee, which has called for even more draconian cuts.
No it wouldn’t. Why don’t you point out what economic issues are the republicans aligned closer to the libertarians than the democrats? Actions btw, not slogans. Current politicians do NOT mirror their slogans anymore.

Cutting government spending and a preference for deflationary currency.

The Republicans do not want to cut spending, they want to slow down the increase.

When did libertarians suddenly adopt the principle that economics is a zero sum game? Did I miss the memo? Or did you get confused about terms again?

"Slow[ing] the rate of increase" to below inflation is a cut in real terms.

And why do you think libertarian bloviate about the gold standard all the time? It's an active preference for deflation.

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