Why do men..... ?

it doesn't happen in a vacuum. why does she believe what she does? projecting much.

But whether the women resent having to be nice to men or not has no bearing on what she posted.
yes, it does because it seems like mere projection.

Are you ugly and poor too? Then what do you have to offer women for a full body massage with happy ending in these modern times? WHAT? You seem to think that you are some kind of "nice guy" but really you are just full of much douchebaggery. Too much for a modern woman to deal with in this capitalistic society.
Just lousy customer service for free, dear?

Lousy customer service? You get no customer service. Capitalism works when one offers the other something for something in return. You don't get the pleasure of a beautiful woman's body and have absolutely NOTHING to offer her in return. Maybe some very lonely woman would appreciate your affections. :)
Thank you for your input for free. I will take it for what it is worth. If I want your honest opinion, i will pay for it.
neither is the "quality of life" that can only be afforded with money.

I know it's hard to believe, but you can enjoy and love a person because of who they are.
Perhaps because you have never experienced this or you do not view relationships that way, you have no concept of it.

Based on your perception of relationships, it's best you motivate yourself to do what you think it takes to get women, the kind of women that want a man for money and finesse.

You just choose to ignore or reject the women out there that just want to be loved.
dear, it is about the lousy "customer service" for free when i don't have enough money.

Sorry to hear you are lousy at servicing women.
sorry to hear you have lousy reading comprehension; no wonder you have to resort to so many fallacies.

What fallacies do I resort to?
ad hominems for one; even if it was in jest.
I know it's hard to believe, but you can enjoy and love a person because of who they are.
Perhaps because you have never experienced this or you do not view relationships that way, you have no concept of it.

Based on your perception of relationships, it's best you motivate yourself to do what you think it takes to get women, the kind of women that want a man for money and finesse.

You just choose to ignore or reject the women out there that just want to be loved.
dear, it is about the lousy "customer service" for free when i don't have enough money.

Sorry to hear you are lousy at servicing women.
sorry to hear you have lousy reading comprehension; no wonder you have to resort to so many fallacies.

What fallacies do I resort to?
ad hominems for one; even if it was in jest.

Glad to know I have a sense of humor.
WHAT?? Where in the hell did you get that from what I posted? Jeez, no I am not implying any such thing.
that is what you wrote; terms, dear; If you find a woman

Thank you for playing.

Yes I did say that. And it still stands. As a reply to your complaints about customer service.

But that, in no way, implies that she cannot find you, especially for the sake of equality. If you game is about making ridiculous, nonsensical statements, then you certainly win.
are you implying women treat poor guys the same as rich guys?

Well, you have to have SOMETHING going for you. You can't be a complete loser and expect women to offer themselves up for free in our capitalistic society in these modern times. Lol. We actually do have a Clue and a Cause. ;) Put that in your crack pipe and smoke it, bot boy.
dear, women have a wealth of human sexuality at their disposal; why be such "scrooges" while claiming you have social morals for free and some women claim to desire equality?

Lousy social morals for free implies better morals and morality for a price under Any form of Capitalism.

Your entire equality argument has been a Strawman. You have exaggerated what was said and tried to put it into areas not remotely related.
that is what you wrote; terms, dear; If you find a woman

Thank you for playing.

Yes I did say that. And it still stands. As a reply to your complaints about customer service.

But that, in no way, implies that she cannot find you, especially for the sake of equality. If you game is about making ridiculous, nonsensical statements, then you certainly win.
are you implying women treat poor guys the same as rich guys?

Well, you have to have SOMETHING going for you. You can't be a complete loser and expect women to offer themselves up for free in our capitalistic society in these modern times. Lol. We actually do have a Clue and a Cause. ;) Put that in your crack pipe and smoke it, bot boy.
dear, women have a wealth of human sexuality at their disposal; why be such "scrooges" while claiming you have social morals for free and some women claim to desire equality?

Lousy social morals for free implies better morals and morality for a price under Any form of Capitalism.

Your entire equality argument has been a Strawman. You have exaggerated what was said and tried to put it into areas not remotely related.
only shills resort to diversion instead of coming up with a sound line of reasoning for a rebuttal. you claim that; but, it was you who was stuck on terms, dear.
You are really trying to read implications in where they don't exist. She said absolutely nothing about women resenting being nice to men. She was reacting to your continued comments about women.
it doesn't happen in a vacuum. why does she believe what she does? projecting much.

But whether the women resent having to be nice to men or not has no bearing on what she posted.
yes, it does because it seems like mere projection.

Are you ugly and poor too? Then what do you have to offer women for a full body massage with happy ending in these modern times? WHAT? You seem to think that you are some kind of "nice guy" but really you are just full of much douchebaggery. Too much for a modern woman to deal with in this capitalistic society.
dear, how many guys turn down free full body massage with happy ending? women would claim a guy is gay. so, women must be lesbos in the name of equality.

Your offers of full body massages get turned down quite often, according to you. And there are plenty of men who would turn down a full body massage with a happy ending, if it was offered by the female version of you.
Yes I did say that. And it still stands. As a reply to your complaints about customer service.

But that, in no way, implies that she cannot find you, especially for the sake of equality. If you game is about making ridiculous, nonsensical statements, then you certainly win.
are you implying women treat poor guys the same as rich guys?

Well, you have to have SOMETHING going for you. You can't be a complete loser and expect women to offer themselves up for free in our capitalistic society in these modern times. Lol. We actually do have a Clue and a Cause. ;) Put that in your crack pipe and smoke it, bot boy.
dear, women have a wealth of human sexuality at their disposal; why be such "scrooges" while claiming you have social morals for free and some women claim to desire equality?

Lousy social morals for free implies better morals and morality for a price under Any form of Capitalism.

Your entire equality argument has been a Strawman. You have exaggerated what was said and tried to put it into areas not remotely related.
only shills resort to diversion instead of coming up with a sound line of reasoning for a rebuttal. you claim that; but, it was you who was stuck on terms, dear.

My holding you accountable for what you say does not change anything.

Look up the definition for strawman argument. It fit what you have said about equality. You have exaggerated at every turn, require things of women that are not required of men, and try to blur the differences between employment and personal relationships.
A full body massage IS a happy ending for me :)
Actually, I'd be happy with just a foot massage....

oh and by the way, there is nothing more of a turn off then feeling like you "owe" someone something after getting pampered.....
that is what you wrote; terms, dear; If you find a woman

Thank you for playing.

Yes I did say that. And it still stands. As a reply to your complaints about customer service.

But that, in no way, implies that she cannot find you, especially for the sake of equality. If you game is about making ridiculous, nonsensical statements, then you certainly win.
are you implying women treat poor guys the same as rich guys?

Well, you have to have SOMETHING going for you. You can't be a complete loser and expect women to offer themselves up for free in our capitalistic society in these modern times. Lol. We actually do have a Clue and a Cause. ;) Put that in your crack pipe and smoke it, bot boy.
dear, women have a wealth of human sexuality at their disposal; why be such "scrooges" while claiming you have social morals for free and some women claim to desire equality?

Lousy social morals for free implies better morals and morality for a price under Any form of Capitalism.

Your entire equality argument has been a Strawman. You have exaggerated what was said and tried to put it into areas not remotely related.
it doesn't happen in a vacuum. why does she believe what she does? projecting much.

But whether the women resent having to be nice to men or not has no bearing on what she posted.
yes, it does because it seems like mere projection.

Are you ugly and poor too? Then what do you have to offer women for a full body massage with happy ending in these modern times? WHAT? You seem to think that you are some kind of "nice guy" but really you are just full of much douchebaggery. Too much for a modern woman to deal with in this capitalistic society.
dear, how many guys turn down free full body massage with happy ending? women would claim a guy is gay. so, women must be lesbos in the name of equality.

Your offers of full body massages get turned down quite often, according to you. And there are plenty of men who would turn down a full body massage with a happy ending, if it was offered by the female version of you.
not if that was what they were looking for; it Only and merely requires money if it is not available for free.

why do free guys, like yourself, have so many problems with women?
are you implying women treat poor guys the same as rich guys?

Well, you have to have SOMETHING going for you. You can't be a complete loser and expect women to offer themselves up for free in our capitalistic society in these modern times. Lol. We actually do have a Clue and a Cause. ;) Put that in your crack pipe and smoke it, bot boy.
dear, women have a wealth of human sexuality at their disposal; why be such "scrooges" while claiming you have social morals for free and some women claim to desire equality?

Lousy social morals for free implies better morals and morality for a price under Any form of Capitalism.

Your entire equality argument has been a Strawman. You have exaggerated what was said and tried to put it into areas not remotely related.
only shills resort to diversion instead of coming up with a sound line of reasoning for a rebuttal. you claim that; but, it was you who was stuck on terms, dear.

My holding you accountable for what you say does not change anything.

Look up the definition for strawman argument. It fit what you have said about equality. You have exaggerated at every turn, require things of women that are not required of men, and try to blur the differences between employment and personal relationships.
you are not holding me accountable to anything, but your fallacy of false Cause; that is why i don't take you seriously.
A full body massage IS a happy ending for me :)
Actually, I'd be happy with just a foot massage....

oh and by the way, there is nothing more of a turn off then feeling like you "owe" someone something after getting pampered.....
Yes, most women claim what you do; it is very stereotypical, and sometimes, incredible.
A full body massage IS a happy ending for me :)
Actually, I'd be happy with just a foot massage....

oh and by the way, there is nothing more of a turn off then feeling like you "owe" someone something after getting pampered.....

That reminds me of a King of Queens episode, where Doug was trying to build points.
Yes I did say that. And it still stands. As a reply to your complaints about customer service.

But that, in no way, implies that she cannot find you, especially for the sake of equality. If you game is about making ridiculous, nonsensical statements, then you certainly win.
are you implying women treat poor guys the same as rich guys?

Well, you have to have SOMETHING going for you. You can't be a complete loser and expect women to offer themselves up for free in our capitalistic society in these modern times. Lol. We actually do have a Clue and a Cause. ;) Put that in your crack pipe and smoke it, bot boy.
dear, women have a wealth of human sexuality at their disposal; why be such "scrooges" while claiming you have social morals for free and some women claim to desire equality?

Lousy social morals for free implies better morals and morality for a price under Any form of Capitalism.

Your entire equality argument has been a Strawman. You have exaggerated what was said and tried to put it into areas not remotely related.
But whether the women resent having to be nice to men or not has no bearing on what she posted.
yes, it does because it seems like mere projection.

Are you ugly and poor too? Then what do you have to offer women for a full body massage with happy ending in these modern times? WHAT? You seem to think that you are some kind of "nice guy" but really you are just full of much douchebaggery. Too much for a modern woman to deal with in this capitalistic society.
dear, how many guys turn down free full body massage with happy ending? women would claim a guy is gay. so, women must be lesbos in the name of equality.

Your offers of full body massages get turned down quite often, according to you. And there are plenty of men who would turn down a full body massage with a happy ending, if it was offered by the female version of you.
not if that was what they were looking for; it Only and merely requires money if it is not available for free.

why do free guys, like yourself, have so many problems with women?

Why do you claim I have problems with women? Nothing I have posted would indicate I do. In fact, quite the opposite.
Well, you have to have SOMETHING going for you. You can't be a complete loser and expect women to offer themselves up for free in our capitalistic society in these modern times. Lol. We actually do have a Clue and a Cause. ;) Put that in your crack pipe and smoke it, bot boy.
dear, women have a wealth of human sexuality at their disposal; why be such "scrooges" while claiming you have social morals for free and some women claim to desire equality?

Lousy social morals for free implies better morals and morality for a price under Any form of Capitalism.

Your entire equality argument has been a Strawman. You have exaggerated what was said and tried to put it into areas not remotely related.
only shills resort to diversion instead of coming up with a sound line of reasoning for a rebuttal. you claim that; but, it was you who was stuck on terms, dear.

My holding you accountable for what you say does not change anything.

Look up the definition for strawman argument. It fit what you have said about equality. You have exaggerated at every turn, require things of women that are not required of men, and try to blur the differences between employment and personal relationships.
you are not holding me accountable to anything, but your fallacy of false Cause; that is why i don't take you seriously.

What in the hell is WRONG with you? Seriously, I think the only person who can help you is a shrink!
are you implying women treat poor guys the same as rich guys?

Well, you have to have SOMETHING going for you. You can't be a complete loser and expect women to offer themselves up for free in our capitalistic society in these modern times. Lol. We actually do have a Clue and a Cause. ;) Put that in your crack pipe and smoke it, bot boy.
dear, women have a wealth of human sexuality at their disposal; why be such "scrooges" while claiming you have social morals for free and some women claim to desire equality?

Lousy social morals for free implies better morals and morality for a price under Any form of Capitalism.

Your entire equality argument has been a Strawman. You have exaggerated what was said and tried to put it into areas not remotely related.
yes, it does because it seems like mere projection.

Are you ugly and poor too? Then what do you have to offer women for a full body massage with happy ending in these modern times? WHAT? You seem to think that you are some kind of "nice guy" but really you are just full of much douchebaggery. Too much for a modern woman to deal with in this capitalistic society.
dear, how many guys turn down free full body massage with happy ending? women would claim a guy is gay. so, women must be lesbos in the name of equality.

Your offers of full body massages get turned down quite often, according to you. And there are plenty of men who would turn down a full body massage with a happy ending, if it was offered by the female version of you.
not if that was what they were looking for; it Only and merely requires money if it is not available for free.

why do free guys, like yourself, have so many problems with women?

Why do you claim I have problems with women? Nothing I have posted would indicate I do. In fact, quite the opposite.

Isn't it obvious that the poster is bonkers? :dunno: Remember when I told you that you can't argue with insanity? :D
Well, you have to have SOMETHING going for you. You can't be a complete loser and expect women to offer themselves up for free in our capitalistic society in these modern times. Lol. We actually do have a Clue and a Cause. ;) Put that in your crack pipe and smoke it, bot boy.
dear, women have a wealth of human sexuality at their disposal; why be such "scrooges" while claiming you have social morals for free and some women claim to desire equality?

Lousy social morals for free implies better morals and morality for a price under Any form of Capitalism.

Your entire equality argument has been a Strawman. You have exaggerated what was said and tried to put it into areas not remotely related.
Are you ugly and poor too? Then what do you have to offer women for a full body massage with happy ending in these modern times? WHAT? You seem to think that you are some kind of "nice guy" but really you are just full of much douchebaggery. Too much for a modern woman to deal with in this capitalistic society.
dear, how many guys turn down free full body massage with happy ending? women would claim a guy is gay. so, women must be lesbos in the name of equality.

Your offers of full body massages get turned down quite often, according to you. And there are plenty of men who would turn down a full body massage with a happy ending, if it was offered by the female version of you.
not if that was what they were looking for; it Only and merely requires money if it is not available for free.

why do free guys, like yourself, have so many problems with women?

Why do you claim I have problems with women? Nothing I have posted would indicate I do. In fact, quite the opposite.

Isn't it obvious that the poster is bonkers? :dunno: Remember when I told you that you can't argue with insanity? :D

Danny is an idiot, he has proved it over and over again. The best part is he thinks he is the smartest guy on the board and post after post he proves otherwise. He is a fallacy without a CAUSE. :lmao:
dear, women have a wealth of human sexuality at their disposal; why be such "scrooges" while claiming you have social morals for free and some women claim to desire equality?

Lousy social morals for free implies better morals and morality for a price under Any form of Capitalism.

Your entire equality argument has been a Strawman. You have exaggerated what was said and tried to put it into areas not remotely related.
dear, how many guys turn down free full body massage with happy ending? women would claim a guy is gay. so, women must be lesbos in the name of equality.

Your offers of full body massages get turned down quite often, according to you. And there are plenty of men who would turn down a full body massage with a happy ending, if it was offered by the female version of you.
not if that was what they were looking for; it Only and merely requires money if it is not available for free.

why do free guys, like yourself, have so many problems with women?

Why do you claim I have problems with women? Nothing I have posted would indicate I do. In fact, quite the opposite.

Isn't it obvious that the poster is bonkers? :dunno: Remember when I told you that you can't argue with insanity? :D

Danny is an idiot, he has proved it over and over again. The best part is he thinks he is the smartest guy on the board and post after post he proves otherwise. He is a fallacy without a CAUSE. :lmao:

Or at least he tries to convince others that he has some semblance of intelligence by stringing words together to make nonsensical phrases. Lol.
are you implying women treat poor guys the same as rich guys?

Well, you have to have SOMETHING going for you. You can't be a complete loser and expect women to offer themselves up for free in our capitalistic society in these modern times. Lol. We actually do have a Clue and a Cause. ;) Put that in your crack pipe and smoke it, bot boy.
dear, women have a wealth of human sexuality at their disposal; why be such "scrooges" while claiming you have social morals for free and some women claim to desire equality?

Lousy social morals for free implies better morals and morality for a price under Any form of Capitalism.

Your entire equality argument has been a Strawman. You have exaggerated what was said and tried to put it into areas not remotely related.
yes, it does because it seems like mere projection.

Are you ugly and poor too? Then what do you have to offer women for a full body massage with happy ending in these modern times? WHAT? You seem to think that you are some kind of "nice guy" but really you are just full of much douchebaggery. Too much for a modern woman to deal with in this capitalistic society.
dear, how many guys turn down free full body massage with happy ending? women would claim a guy is gay. so, women must be lesbos in the name of equality.

Your offers of full body massages get turned down quite often, according to you. And there are plenty of men who would turn down a full body massage with a happy ending, if it was offered by the female version of you.
not if that was what they were looking for; it Only and merely requires money if it is not available for free.

why do free guys, like yourself, have so many problems with women?

Why do you claim I have problems with women? Nothing I have posted would indicate I do. In fact, quite the opposite.
most free guys do; i usually Only don't have problems when money is involved. stop being such a shill. how many free guys are in jail for being free guys.
dear, women have a wealth of human sexuality at their disposal; why be such "scrooges" while claiming you have social morals for free and some women claim to desire equality?

Lousy social morals for free implies better morals and morality for a price under Any form of Capitalism.

Your entire equality argument has been a Strawman. You have exaggerated what was said and tried to put it into areas not remotely related.
only shills resort to diversion instead of coming up with a sound line of reasoning for a rebuttal. you claim that; but, it was you who was stuck on terms, dear.

My holding you accountable for what you say does not change anything.

Look up the definition for strawman argument. It fit what you have said about equality. You have exaggerated at every turn, require things of women that are not required of men, and try to blur the differences between employment and personal relationships.
you are not holding me accountable to anything, but your fallacy of false Cause; that is why i don't take you seriously.

What in the hell is WRONG with you? Seriously, I think the only person who can help you is a shrink!
so what; why should i care what you think, dear. you are not doing me. :p

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