Why do men..... ?

interpersonal relations is inclusive.

Inclusive to what? No, I'm not a customer service representative. I am a person on a message board.
interpersonal relations is inclusive.

Unless a person is a prostitute, it has nothing to do with customer service. It has to do with personal preferences and what a person wants out of life. It's as simple as that. Just because you don't possess the characteristics that women find attractive, doesn't mean it is everyone else's problem. That is your own personal problem, and something that YOU need to work on.
dear; presentation and first impressions are everything in sales. interpersonal relations online or in person.

What does this have to do with anything you have been talking about? Interpersonal relationships are not "customer service" because there is no obligation that exists. What does this have to do with the fact that you can't get a woman?
Everything, dear. Were you born yesterday?
interpersonal relations is inclusive.

Inclusive to what? No, I'm not a customer service representative. I am a person on a message board.
interpersonal relations is inclusive.

Unless a person is a prostitute, it has nothing to do with customer service. It has to do with personal preferences and what a person wants out of life. It's as simple as that. Just because you don't possess the characteristics that women find attractive, doesn't mean it is everyone else's problem. That is your own personal problem, and something that YOU need to work on.
dear; presentation and first impressions are everything in sales. interpersonal relations online or in person.

Your impressions that you put forth are just horrid. Lol. I'm sorry, but you seem like a mentally disabled person. That is why women wouldn't want to have anything to do with you. Do you understand that? Besides, this is not a dating site. Perhaps you should try E Harmony or something? Maybe you'll find someone as messed up as you are?
you and those of your point of view claim that; but y'all have nothing but fallacy to back up your claims.
Inclusive to what? No, I'm not a customer service representative. I am a person on a message board.
interpersonal relations is inclusive.

Unless a person is a prostitute, it has nothing to do with customer service. It has to do with personal preferences and what a person wants out of life. It's as simple as that. Just because you don't possess the characteristics that women find attractive, doesn't mean it is everyone else's problem. That is your own personal problem, and something that YOU need to work on.
dear; presentation and first impressions are everything in sales. interpersonal relations online or in person.

Your impressions that you put forth are just horrid. Lol. I'm sorry, but you seem like a mentally disabled person. That is why women wouldn't want to have anything to do with you. Do you understand that? Besides, this is not a dating site. Perhaps you should try E Harmony or something? Maybe you'll find someone as messed up as you are?
you and those of your point of view claim that; but y'all have nothing but fallacy to back up your claims.

You still aren't saying anything that makes sense. What claims do I need to back up? That I think you are mentally disabled? Well, that is my "impression" of you.
Inclusive to what? No, I'm not a customer service representative. I am a person on a message board.
interpersonal relations is inclusive.

Unless a person is a prostitute, it has nothing to do with customer service. It has to do with personal preferences and what a person wants out of life. It's as simple as that. Just because you don't possess the characteristics that women find attractive, doesn't mean it is everyone else's problem. That is your own personal problem, and something that YOU need to work on.
dear; presentation and first impressions are everything in sales. interpersonal relations online or in person.

Your impressions that you put forth are just horrid. Lol. I'm sorry, but you seem like a mentally disabled person. That is why women wouldn't want to have anything to do with you. Do you understand that? Besides, this is not a dating site. Perhaps you should try E Harmony or something? Maybe you'll find someone as messed up as you are?
you and those of your point of view claim that; but y'all have nothing but fallacy to back up your claims.

You were talking about "impressions," correct? Do you know what is going on? Seriously dude, you are ALL fucked up. Lol. I'm being honest with you in telling you that, without knowing anything else about you, this is why you would never get a woman (or at least not one with standards).
for this argument; let's say it is the opposite of the bad boy women usually fall for, with their "vaunted" women's Intuition.

Ok...here is some customer service you are in badly need of; when it comes to knowing about women.

As to the "bad boy" and falling for them, that is usually left for the low IQ females..and the troubled women who actually find comfort in being abused.
But that aside, what do women want from a man?...woman that are intelligent, that is...I believe they want:

1) A friend.
2) A good conversation.
3) Someone who can make them laugh.
4) Someone who makes them feel beautiful..both inside and out.
5) Someone who has their shit together, personally and financially.
6) A man. A real man. Confident..but not full of shit. Calm but assertive. Looks out for her wants and needs, but non-assuming..in other words..he knows what she likes because he learned what she likes by listening to her.

Want more? Or have you stopped reading already.
interpersonal relations is inclusive.

Unless a person is a prostitute, it has nothing to do with customer service. It has to do with personal preferences and what a person wants out of life. It's as simple as that. Just because you don't possess the characteristics that women find attractive, doesn't mean it is everyone else's problem. That is your own personal problem, and something that YOU need to work on.
dear; presentation and first impressions are everything in sales. interpersonal relations online or in person.

Your impressions that you put forth are just horrid. Lol. I'm sorry, but you seem like a mentally disabled person. That is why women wouldn't want to have anything to do with you. Do you understand that? Besides, this is not a dating site. Perhaps you should try E Harmony or something? Maybe you'll find someone as messed up as you are?
you and those of your point of view claim that; but y'all have nothing but fallacy to back up your claims.

You still aren't saying anything that makes sense. What claims do I need to back up? That I think you are mentally disabled? Well, that is my "impression" of you.
yes; but, i already know you have lousy customer service, and are mostly all talk and mostly no action.
interpersonal relations is inclusive.

Unless a person is a prostitute, it has nothing to do with customer service. It has to do with personal preferences and what a person wants out of life. It's as simple as that. Just because you don't possess the characteristics that women find attractive, doesn't mean it is everyone else's problem. That is your own personal problem, and something that YOU need to work on.
dear; presentation and first impressions are everything in sales. interpersonal relations online or in person.

Your impressions that you put forth are just horrid. Lol. I'm sorry, but you seem like a mentally disabled person. That is why women wouldn't want to have anything to do with you. Do you understand that? Besides, this is not a dating site. Perhaps you should try E Harmony or something? Maybe you'll find someone as messed up as you are?
you and those of your point of view claim that; but y'all have nothing but fallacy to back up your claims.

You were talking about "impressions," correct? Do you know what is going on? Seriously dude, you are ALL fucked up. Lol. I'm being honest with you in telling you that, without knowing anything else about you, this is why you would never get a woman (or at least not one with standards).
you may believe you are being honest; but you probably lie to yourself alot.
for this argument; let's say it is the opposite of the bad boy women usually fall for, with their "vaunted" women's Intuition.

Ok...here is some customer service you are in badly need of; when it comes to knowing about women.

As to the "bad boy" and falling for them, that is usually left for the low IQ females..and the troubled women who actually find comfort in being abused.
But that aside, what do women want from a man?...woman that are intelligent, that is...I believe they want:

1) A friend.
2) A good conversation.
3) Someone who can make them laugh.
4) Someone who makes them feel beautiful..both inside and out.
5) Someone who has their shit together, personally and financially.
6) A man. A real man. Confident..but not full of shit. Calm but assertive. Looks out for her wants and needs, but non-assuming..in other words..he knows what she likes because he learned what she likes by listening to her.

Want more? Or have you stopped reading already.
good place to start. and, practice makes perfect (for males).
Unless a person is a prostitute, it has nothing to do with customer service. It has to do with personal preferences and what a person wants out of life. It's as simple as that. Just because you don't possess the characteristics that women find attractive, doesn't mean it is everyone else's problem. That is your own personal problem, and something that YOU need to work on.
dear; presentation and first impressions are everything in sales. interpersonal relations online or in person.

Your impressions that you put forth are just horrid. Lol. I'm sorry, but you seem like a mentally disabled person. That is why women wouldn't want to have anything to do with you. Do you understand that? Besides, this is not a dating site. Perhaps you should try E Harmony or something? Maybe you'll find someone as messed up as you are?
you and those of your point of view claim that; but y'all have nothing but fallacy to back up your claims.

You were talking about "impressions," correct? Do you know what is going on? Seriously dude, you are ALL fucked up. Lol. I'm being honest with you in telling you that, without knowing anything else about you, this is why you would never get a woman (or at least not one with standards).
you may believe you are being honest; but you probably lie to yourself alot.

I'm telling you what the impression most women have of you is. What would I gain by lying? You asked for help, right? You asked for honesty, right? I'm telling you that you seem like a really really fucked up individual.
Unless a person is a prostitute, it has nothing to do with customer service. It has to do with personal preferences and what a person wants out of life. It's as simple as that. Just because you don't possess the characteristics that women find attractive, doesn't mean it is everyone else's problem. That is your own personal problem, and something that YOU need to work on.
dear; presentation and first impressions are everything in sales. interpersonal relations online or in person.

Your impressions that you put forth are just horrid. Lol. I'm sorry, but you seem like a mentally disabled person. That is why women wouldn't want to have anything to do with you. Do you understand that? Besides, this is not a dating site. Perhaps you should try E Harmony or something? Maybe you'll find someone as messed up as you are?
you and those of your point of view claim that; but y'all have nothing but fallacy to back up your claims.

You still aren't saying anything that makes sense. What claims do I need to back up? That I think you are mentally disabled? Well, that is my "impression" of you.
yes; but, i already know you have lousy customer service, and are mostly all talk and mostly no action.

All talk about what? I haven't offered you anything, nor would I. Like I told you, most women do have standards.
just stereotyping; maybe, male intuition. we all know female intuition is basically worthless or they would be easily able to find nice guys.

I am not female...so not sure why you would throw that in.
What is a nice guy anyway? Your interpretation that is.
doesn't really matter unless you want to quibble; i just threw it out there for propaganda and rhetoric purposes due to our "gender war".

We have a gender war? Did not know that. I get along with the other gender well.
for this argument; let's say it is the opposite of the bad boy women usually fall for, with their "vaunted" women's Intuition.

Ok...here is some customer service you are in badly need of; when it comes to knowing about women.

As to the "bad boy" and falling for them, that is usually left for the low IQ females..and the troubled women who actually find comfort in being abused.
But that aside, what do women want from a man?...woman that are intelligent, that is...I believe they want:

1) A friend.
2) A good conversation.
3) Someone who can make them laugh.
4) Someone who makes them feel beautiful..both inside and out.
5) Someone who has their shit together, personally and financially.
6) A man. A real man. Confident..but not full of shit. Calm but assertive. Looks out for her wants and needs, but non-assuming..in other words..he knows what she likes because he learned what she likes by listening to her.

Want more? Or have you stopped reading already.
good place to start. and, practice makes perfect (for males).

Yes, HE is someone who knows about women. You should listen to him and take his advice.
good place to start. and, practice makes perfect (for males).

mmm...not practice...more like not being a selfish prick.
Women are not inferior. Not sure you are intentionally doing so, but you are clearly coming across as a sexual bigot. You have a low opinion of women, therfore they have a low opinion of you.
More customer service for you.
just stereotyping; maybe, male intuition. we all know female intuition is basically worthless or they would be easily able to find nice guys.

I am not female...so not sure why you would throw that in.
What is a nice guy anyway? Your interpretation that is.
doesn't really matter unless you want to quibble; i just threw it out there for propaganda and rhetoric purposes due to our "gender war".

We have a gender war? Did not know that. I get along with the other gender well.

Honestly, I really don't think he knows what is going on. I wonder why this person isn't under some kind of adult supervision.
Isn't it obvious that the poster is bonkers? :dunno: Remember when I told you that you can't argue with insanity? :D

Danny is an idiot, he has proved it over and over again. The best part is he thinks he is the smartest guy on the board and post after post he proves otherwise. He is a fallacy without a CAUSE. :lmao:

Or at least he tries to convince others that he has some semblance of intelligence by stringing words together to make nonsensical phrases. Lol.
i was blessed with a large vocabulary instead of a large penis; now you know my dilemma.

Looks like you shorted on both. Now you know your dilemma.
yup; i am not the one who has to resort to fallacy for being too dumb.

The only fallacy is the fallacy of the mind, the mind with need and cause will fall to the fallacy.
dear; presentation and first impressions are everything in sales. interpersonal relations online or in person.

Your impressions that you put forth are just horrid. Lol. I'm sorry, but you seem like a mentally disabled person. That is why women wouldn't want to have anything to do with you. Do you understand that? Besides, this is not a dating site. Perhaps you should try E Harmony or something? Maybe you'll find someone as messed up as you are?
you and those of your point of view claim that; but y'all have nothing but fallacy to back up your claims.

You were talking about "impressions," correct? Do you know what is going on? Seriously dude, you are ALL fucked up. Lol. I'm being honest with you in telling you that, without knowing anything else about you, this is why you would never get a woman (or at least not one with standards).
you may believe you are being honest; but you probably lie to yourself alot.

I'm telling you what the impression most women have of you is. What would I gain by lying? You asked for help, right? You asked for honesty, right? I'm telling you that you seem like a really really fucked up individual.
dear, hearsay and soothsay is not admissible as evidence. why not grow a pair or grow up.
dear; presentation and first impressions are everything in sales. interpersonal relations online or in person.

Your impressions that you put forth are just horrid. Lol. I'm sorry, but you seem like a mentally disabled person. That is why women wouldn't want to have anything to do with you. Do you understand that? Besides, this is not a dating site. Perhaps you should try E Harmony or something? Maybe you'll find someone as messed up as you are?
you and those of your point of view claim that; but y'all have nothing but fallacy to back up your claims.

You still aren't saying anything that makes sense. What claims do I need to back up? That I think you are mentally disabled? Well, that is my "impression" of you.
yes; but, i already know you have lousy customer service, and are mostly all talk and mostly no action.

All talk about what? I haven't offered you anything, nor would I. Like I told you, most women do have standards.
no, they don't.
good place to start. and, practice makes perfect (for males).

mmm...not practice...more like not being a selfish prick.
Women are not inferior. Not sure you are intentionally doing so, but you are clearly coming across as a sexual bigot. You have a low opinion of women, therfore they have a low opinion of you.
More customer service for you.
you may be missing the point or merely jumping on the band wagon. why not re-read what i wrote.

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