Why do men..... ?

doesn't really matter unless you want to quibble; i just threw it out there for propaganda and rhetoric purposes due to our "gender war".

You mean rhetorical purposes...anyway...gender war?
If you mean how our educational system, entertainment industry are trying to eviscerate masculinity - then yes I would certainly agree with this...and the results are telling.
Quietly there has been a huge rise in young females seeking/dating older men. And the age gap is increasing.
There are few real men below the age of 30...for certain.
You didn't answer what you think a "nice guy" is.

Can he actually think that he is a "nice guy?" :lol: After being a member of several of these kinds of forums, nothing really surprises me at this point. Lol. :doubt:
nope; it should never have been criminalized in the first place; only Bad capitalists and lousy socialists, do that.

I do not disagree that it should not be illegal. But it IS, in fact, illegal.
bearing false witness is immoral. i already know y'all don't really care.

And exactly how did I bear false witness?
it is about the concept; how many guys lie for sex?

What does that have to do with anything? If you have to lie to get sex, then it is obvious that you don't really have anything going for you? Otherwise, there would be no reason to lie . . . right?
it has to do with morals, silly.
dear; she has been demonstrating them on this board; are you that dense?

No, she has not. Not even close. She has been arguing (which is what we do here, remember?). That she does not offer the same "service" to everyone is not a question. That you claim to know what her customer service skills are like is simply a lie.
her response to me is a form of "customer service". have you no moral understanding for free?

Winterborn is right. I think you are a fucking weirdo with serious mental issues.
so what; you have lousy customer service for free.

I've told you, I don't work in the customer service department, so I don't know what you're talking about. What do you mean by "customer service?"
interpersonal relations is inclusive.
Your entire equality argument has been a Strawman. You have exaggerated what was said and tried to put it into areas not remotely related.
Your offers of full body massages get turned down quite often, according to you. And there are plenty of men who would turn down a full body massage with a happy ending, if it was offered by the female version of you.
not if that was what they were looking for; it Only and merely requires money if it is not available for free.

why do free guys, like yourself, have so many problems with women?

Why do you claim I have problems with women? Nothing I have posted would indicate I do. In fact, quite the opposite.

Isn't it obvious that the poster is bonkers? :dunno: Remember when I told you that you can't argue with insanity? :D

Danny is an idiot, he has proved it over and over again. The best part is he thinks he is the smartest guy on the board and post after post he proves otherwise. He is a fallacy without a CAUSE. :lmao:
says the guys who have nothing but fallacy for their Cause. :p

Fallacy IS your CAUSE.
No, she has not. Not even close. She has been arguing (which is what we do here, remember?). That she does not offer the same "service" to everyone is not a question. That you claim to know what her customer service skills are like is simply a lie.
her response to me is a form of "customer service". have you no moral understanding for free?

Winterborn is right. I think you are a fucking weirdo with serious mental issues.
so what; you have lousy customer service for free.

I've told you, I don't work in the customer service department, so I don't know what you're talking about. What do you mean by "customer service?"
interpersonal relations is inclusive.

Inclusive to what? No, I'm not a customer service representative. I am a person on a message board.
doesn't really matter unless you want to quibble; i just threw it out there for propaganda and rhetoric purposes due to our "gender war".

You mean rhetorical purposes...anyway...gender war?
If you mean how our educational system, entertainment industry are trying to eviscerate masculinity - then yes I would certainly agree with this...and the results are telling.
Quietly there has been a huge rise in young females seeking/dating older men. And the age gap is increasing.
There are few real men below the age of 30...for certain.
You didn't answer what you think a "nice guy" is.
for this argument; let's say it is the opposite of the bad boy women usually fall for, with their "vaunted" women's Intuition.
not if that was what they were looking for; it Only and merely requires money if it is not available for free.

why do free guys, like yourself, have so many problems with women?

Why do you claim I have problems with women? Nothing I have posted would indicate I do. In fact, quite the opposite.

Isn't it obvious that the poster is bonkers? :dunno: Remember when I told you that you can't argue with insanity? :D

Danny is an idiot, he has proved it over and over again. The best part is he thinks he is the smartest guy on the board and post after post he proves otherwise. He is a fallacy without a CAUSE. :lmao:

Or at least he tries to convince others that he has some semblance of intelligence by stringing words together to make nonsensical phrases. Lol.
i was blessed with a large vocabulary instead of a large penis; now you know my dilemma.

Looks like you shorted on both. Now you know your dilemma.
I do not disagree that it should not be illegal. But it IS, in fact, illegal.
bearing false witness is immoral. i already know y'all don't really care.

And exactly how did I bear false witness?
it is about the concept; how many guys lie for sex?

What does that have to do with anything? If you have to lie to get sex, then it is obvious that you don't really have anything going for you? Otherwise, there would be no reason to lie . . . right?
it has to do with morals, silly.

What has to do with morals? Explain please. Are you saying that you are angry that other men might lie to women to get sex? How about just coming out and saying what you mean with plain English. It shouldn't be a difficult request if you are a sane person.
dear; she has been demonstrating them on this board; are you that dense?

No, she has not. Not even close. She has been arguing (which is what we do here, remember?). That she does not offer the same "service" to everyone is not a question. That you claim to know what her customer service skills are like is simply a lie.
her response to me is a form of "customer service". have you no moral understanding for free?

Um no, that is not customer service. That is TRYING to have a discussion with someone who obviously isn't playing with a full deck. Lol.
you have to resort to fewer fallacies than myself, to make that stick, dear. :p

I'm sorry, but having a discussion with a person on a message board is not any form of "customer service." What makes you think that it is?
interpersonal relations.

why do you believe i prefer full body massage.
doesn't really matter unless you want to quibble; i just threw it out there for propaganda and rhetoric purposes due to our "gender war".

You mean rhetorical purposes...anyway...gender war?
If you mean how our educational system, entertainment industry are trying to eviscerate masculinity - then yes I would certainly agree with this...and the results are telling.
Quietly there has been a huge rise in young females seeking/dating older men. And the age gap is increasing.
There are few real men below the age of 30...for certain.
You didn't answer what you think a "nice guy" is.

Can he actually think that he is a "nice guy?" :lol: After being a member of several of these kinds of forums, nothing really surprises me at this point. Lol. :doubt:
yup, i have the "best customer service" around. :p only silly chics who are usually full of fallacy don't get it.
not if that was what they were looking for; it Only and merely requires money if it is not available for free.

why do free guys, like yourself, have so many problems with women?

Why do you claim I have problems with women? Nothing I have posted would indicate I do. In fact, quite the opposite.

Isn't it obvious that the poster is bonkers? :dunno: Remember when I told you that you can't argue with insanity? :D

Danny is an idiot, he has proved it over and over again. The best part is he thinks he is the smartest guy on the board and post after post he proves otherwise. He is a fallacy without a CAUSE. :lmao:
says the guys who have nothing but fallacy for their Cause. :p

Fallacy IS your CAUSE.
only when learning All about them.
her response to me is a form of "customer service". have you no moral understanding for free?

Winterborn is right. I think you are a fucking weirdo with serious mental issues.
so what; you have lousy customer service for free.

I've told you, I don't work in the customer service department, so I don't know what you're talking about. What do you mean by "customer service?"
interpersonal relations is inclusive.

Inclusive to what? No, I'm not a customer service representative. I am a person on a message board.
interpersonal relations is inclusive.
Winterborn is right. I think you are a fucking weirdo with serious mental issues.
so what; you have lousy customer service for free.

I've told you, I don't work in the customer service department, so I don't know what you're talking about. What do you mean by "customer service?"
interpersonal relations is inclusive.

Inclusive to what? No, I'm not a customer service representative. I am a person on a message board.
interpersonal relations is inclusive.

Inclusive to what?
Why do you claim I have problems with women? Nothing I have posted would indicate I do. In fact, quite the opposite.

Isn't it obvious that the poster is bonkers? :dunno: Remember when I told you that you can't argue with insanity? :D

Danny is an idiot, he has proved it over and over again. The best part is he thinks he is the smartest guy on the board and post after post he proves otherwise. He is a fallacy without a CAUSE. :lmao:

Or at least he tries to convince others that he has some semblance of intelligence by stringing words together to make nonsensical phrases. Lol.
i was blessed with a large vocabulary instead of a large penis; now you know my dilemma.

Looks like you shorted on both. Now you know your dilemma.
yup; i am not the one who has to resort to fallacy for being too dumb.
so what; you have lousy customer service for free.

I've told you, I don't work in the customer service department, so I don't know what you're talking about. What do you mean by "customer service?"
interpersonal relations is inclusive.

Inclusive to what? No, I'm not a customer service representative. I am a person on a message board.
interpersonal relations is inclusive.

Inclusive to what?
interpersonal relations
Winterborn is right. I think you are a fucking weirdo with serious mental issues.
so what; you have lousy customer service for free.

I've told you, I don't work in the customer service department, so I don't know what you're talking about. What do you mean by "customer service?"
interpersonal relations is inclusive.

Inclusive to what? No, I'm not a customer service representative. I am a person on a message board.
interpersonal relations is inclusive.

Unless a person is a prostitute, it has nothing to do with customer service. It has to do with personal preferences and what a person wants out of life. It's as simple as that. Just because you don't possess the characteristics that women find attractive, doesn't mean it is everyone else's problem. That is your own personal problem, and something that YOU need to work on.
I've told you, I don't work in the customer service department, so I don't know what you're talking about. What do you mean by "customer service?"
interpersonal relations is inclusive.

Inclusive to what? No, I'm not a customer service representative. I am a person on a message board.
interpersonal relations is inclusive.

Inclusive to what?
interpersonal relations

Interpersonal relations is inclusive to interpersonal relationships? Lol. WTF are you babbling about? I don't think you even know anymore. You are just enjoying soaking up any kind of attention you can get, eh?

Earlier you stated that "interpersonal relations" were inclusive with customer service. That is only applicable if a person WORKS in the customer service industry. Interpersonal relationships are relationships between people. Do you understand the difference? Women are not "products" that you can buy at your whim. You have to be able to attract the female that you desire. If you cannot do that, that is not HER fault. That is your problem because she can choose who she prefers to have an "interpersonal" relationship with. Getting it yet?
so what; you have lousy customer service for free.

I've told you, I don't work in the customer service department, so I don't know what you're talking about. What do you mean by "customer service?"
interpersonal relations is inclusive.

Inclusive to what? No, I'm not a customer service representative. I am a person on a message board.
interpersonal relations is inclusive.

Unless a person is a prostitute, it has nothing to do with customer service. It has to do with personal preferences and what a person wants out of life. It's as simple as that. Just because you don't possess the characteristics that women find attractive, doesn't mean it is everyone else's problem. That is your own personal problem, and something that YOU need to work on.
dear; presentation and first impressions are everything in sales. interpersonal relations online or in person.
I've told you, I don't work in the customer service department, so I don't know what you're talking about. What do you mean by "customer service?"
interpersonal relations is inclusive.

Inclusive to what? No, I'm not a customer service representative. I am a person on a message board.
interpersonal relations is inclusive.

Unless a person is a prostitute, it has nothing to do with customer service. It has to do with personal preferences and what a person wants out of life. It's as simple as that. Just because you don't possess the characteristics that women find attractive, doesn't mean it is everyone else's problem. That is your own personal problem, and something that YOU need to work on.
dear; presentation and first impressions are everything in sales. interpersonal relations online or in person.

What does this have to do with anything you have been talking about? Interpersonal relationships are not "customer service" because there is no obligation that exists. What does this have to do with the fact that you can't get a woman?
I've told you, I don't work in the customer service department, so I don't know what you're talking about. What do you mean by "customer service?"
interpersonal relations is inclusive.

Inclusive to what? No, I'm not a customer service representative. I am a person on a message board.
interpersonal relations is inclusive.

Unless a person is a prostitute, it has nothing to do with customer service. It has to do with personal preferences and what a person wants out of life. It's as simple as that. Just because you don't possess the characteristics that women find attractive, doesn't mean it is everyone else's problem. That is your own personal problem, and something that YOU need to work on.
dear; presentation and first impressions are everything in sales. interpersonal relations online or in person.

Your impressions that you put forth are just horrid. Lol. I'm sorry, but you seem like a mentally disabled person. That is why women wouldn't want to have anything to do with you. Do you understand that? Besides, this is not a dating site. Perhaps you should try E Harmony or something? Maybe you'll find someone as messed up as you are?

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