Why do military people hate Republicans?

Trump did not have anything to do with Iraq or Afghanistan you lying piece of human garbage.
I didn’t say he did.

You have the wrong shitstain :lol:
Your post in reference to the response you gave is a clear indication you IMPLIED it, hoping no one would call you on your bald faced lie.
Then it was badly worded on my part. Bush started the war in Afghanistan and Iraq. Not Obama.
Obama sent new troops into Iraq after pulling out, I guess you forgot that right?

Trump sent new troops into Iraq. Guess you forgot that on too eh?

Really? Who?
trump epitomizes why I never served, even with the encouragement of a beloved relative who was a USAF lifer during the Nixon era. What do you do when you have sworn an oath to serve and then end up with some scum like trump as your your commander-in-chief? Does one have to salute such a bag of shit?
Unfortunately you have to salute every scum bag or faint while in ranks and be dragged behind the formation.

Funny story: when my beloved aunt and godmother first joined, she told me that she walked past some guys and they all snapped to attention and saluted. She wasn't used to it yet and their commander had to ask her to please release these men by returning their salute. Boy! Was her face ever red!

She tried to talk me into the USAF when I graduated from college, but then, there had been Nixon. There is no way in hell that I could ever salute trump or accord him any other token of respect.
I remember we used to fuck with the newbie 2nd lieutenants. We would act like we were going to salute them and then rub our heads. :laugh:

God I miss her! The folks who needed patching up in Vietnam had a good chance of meeting her. This is what she did, before she headed for Bangkok, and then was the chief nurse in the ER at Andrews. The last time I saw her, she called me from the hospital stateside, explaining that she was stateside to have tests on the veins in her legs, and took me to dinner at the O Club at Bolling, because she could leave the hospital on pass. She died some three months later at the age of 52 on a "volksmarch" at Rheinmain, collapsing in the forest after first attending Catholic mass. We had to wait for her to be brought back to us, as the snow conditions in Europe prevented the plane bearing her body from taking off.
Military veterans against Donald Trump

I have seen countless videos of veterans against Donald Trump. why do they hate him and Republicans so much?

Are military people democrats?


Yet Democrats voted for the war too. Then when they got power, nothing changed, in fact just more wars.

President Trump is the only President we’ve had in decades that hasn’t started a new war. Just look at who is howling about the Syria withdraw after crushing ISIS. The Dems are only anti-war when it suits them to attack Republicans, not because of their values.
In my brief couple of years in the US Army... long ago, in a galaxy far, far away...

It occurred to my young mind back then, that there were two types of people in the military...

Patriots and Fuck-Ups...

There were a great many of both kinds to be seen, and, I would imagine, there still are...

Patriots consisted largely of young kids fresh from school who wanted to serve their country, and a few old-timers here-and-there...

Fuck-Ups consisted largely of "Lifers"... calendar-watchers, in it for the steady work and the benefits and the pension...

Those are broad, sweeping and entirely unfair generalizations, based upon long-ago impressions imprinted upon a young kid's mind...

And, with the advent and evolution of an All-Volunteer Force, I'm sure such ancient impressions need adjusting, at the very least...

But I'll also speculate that there is still a sizable kernel of Truth in such observations, despite the passage of time...

Young soldiers are a little more likely to vote Republican than their young civilian peers, owing to the chain-of-command mentality...

Older folks - both civilian and military - are more likely to vote Republican, as they gain experience and wisdom...


Given the Aberration in the White House...

All bets are off...

Both Patriots and Fuck-Ups can see through The Creature... his recklessness, authoritarianism, insincerity, greed, and his amoral nature.

Predicting how Military Folks will vote - or perceive Republicans - in this new and toxic political environment - will prove challenging.
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...President Trump is the only President we’ve had in decades that hasn’t started a new war...
That is because we are still busy wrapping-up a couple of other wars; oh, yeah, that, and, because Cousin Vlad won't let him.

...Just look at who is howling about the Syria withdraw after crushing ISIS...
ISIS has not been crushed; they have been pushed into an enclave; the enclave has not been destroyed yet; when will that happen?

...The Dems are only anti-war when it suits them to attack Republicans, not because of their values.
That is true for both sides of the aisle - unfortunately - and the Dems are every bit as full of $hit about this as Pubs are.
Military veterans against Donald Trump

I have seen countless videos of veterans against Donald Trump. why do they hate him and Republicans so much?

Are military people democrats?

Just watched a video of trump standing and talking to hundreds of service men telling them that he made sure they got their first pay raise in 10 years. A total lie.
In fact the biggest pay raises was 2009 and 2010 when Obama was president.
How could he do it? How could he stand and talk to soldiers overseas and lie to them? And then bask in their applause when they cheer?
Is this how Republicans lie? Just stand and face soldiers and lie to their faces? How can Republicans be proud of this? Anyone?
Military veterans against Donald Trump

I have seen countless videos of veterans against Donald Trump. why do they hate him and Republicans so much?

Are military people democrats?

Just watched a video of trump standing and talking to hundreds of service men telling them that he made sure they got their first pay raise in 10 years. A total lie.
In fact the biggest pay raises was 2009 and 2010 when Obama was president.
How could he do it? How could he stand and talk to soldiers overseas and lie to them? And then bask in their applause when they cheer?
Is this how Republicans lie? Just stand and face soldiers and lie to their faces? How can Republicans be proud of this? Anyone?

A military pay raise is not set by the president. It is automatically linked to a cost of living calculation.
A high pay raise does not reflect a generous president but a rise in the cost of living
I didn’t say he did.

You have the wrong shitstain :lol:
Your post in reference to the response you gave is a clear indication you IMPLIED it, hoping no one would call you on your bald faced lie.
Then it was badly worded on my part. Bush started the war in Afghanistan and Iraq. Not Obama.
Obama sent new troops into Iraq after pulling out, I guess you forgot that right?

Trump sent new troops into Iraq. Guess you forgot that on too eh?
On the SAME MISSION that Obama sent them in you claimed Obama had nothing to do with it, he sent troops to Syria and Iraq and had a surge in Afghanistan.
You seem to be confusing your stories. If that is the standard you are using apply it to both. Obama sent troops to Afghanistan and Iraq on the same mission Bush started.
I remember working with Army Officers in the 90s and they hated Bill Clinton. To them, it was an honor issue and they could not excuse his moral conduct.

Now, with Trump, they are willing to look the other way

Wow....................I remember back in the mid 90's, when I knew of a guy who was HIV positive. The military didn't kick him out, but rather used him as a PR messenger who would talk about the dangers and prevention of HIV. They allowed him to finish out his current enlistment.

I also knew of a guy who had contracted syphilis and it was past the curable stage. He was part of our squadron when we were in homeport, but when we deployed, he went to the shore det of the airwing, and would come back when we returned. He also was discharged at the end of his enlistment.

Not sure if they got medical retirement or not. But discharging these airmen, especially now that there are treatments that allow them to live pretty much normal lives with the virus is stupid, especially when there is a recruiting shortage. The only thing I can think of that the couldn't do on deployment is be part of the walking blood bank, meaning if blood was needed, you donated. That is about the only part of a deployment I can think of them not being useful for.

People in the military get hurt! You want to be the guy (or titless girl in your case) having to treat someone bleeding all over your happy ass who has AIDS? I guess since you probably already have it, you don't care!

HIV is not AIDS . Are you from 1983?
Military veterans against Donald Trump

I have seen countless videos of veterans against Donald Trump. why do they hate him and Republicans so much?

Are military people democrats?

Just watched a video of trump standing and talking to hundreds of service men telling them that he made sure they got their first pay raise in 10 years. A total lie.
In fact the biggest pay raises was 2009 and 2010 when Obama was president.
How could he do it? How could he stand and talk to soldiers overseas and lie to them? And then bask in their applause when they cheer?
Is this how Republicans lie? Just stand and face soldiers and lie to their faces? How can Republicans be proud of this? Anyone?

A military pay raise is not set by the president. It is automatically linked to a cost of living calculation.
A high pay raise does not reflect a generous president but a rise in the cost of living

The current pay raise for the military is 2.6 percent for 2019. It was voted on by Congress and authorized.

Trump is lying his ass off when he says that he's giving them 10 percent. And, if anyone is interested in seeing the pay raise for themselves, simply Google "2019 military pay raise", and you will see what it is.

I feel sorry for the people working in Personnel. On the 1st, they are going to have to explain to the troops that they won't get their checks until the government reopens.

Then, on the 15th of January (first payday the raise takes effect), they are going to have to explain to their people that Congress is the one that authorizes the pay raise, not Trump, and then they are going to have to tell them that Trump lied about the 10 percent.
Came out today that Trump had a doctor friend falsified a claim of bone spurs to get out of military service

Yet, they still love him
The article I read said a relative of the doctor said he might have. I guess to a lib that’s conclusive proof.
trump epitomizes why I never served, even with the encouragement of a beloved relative who was a USAF lifer during the Nixon era. What do you do when you have sworn an oath to serve and then end up with some scum like trump as your your commander-in-chief? Does one have to salute such a bag of shit?
Unfortunately you have to salute every scum bag or faint while in ranks and be dragged behind the formation.

Funny story: when my beloved aunt and godmother first joined, she told me that she walked past some guys and they all snapped to attention and saluted. She wasn't used to it yet and their commander had to ask her to please release these men by returning their salute. Boy! Was her face ever red!

She tried to talk me into the USAF when I graduated from college, but then, there had been Nixon. There is no way in hell that I could ever salute trump or accord him any other token of respect.
I remember we used to fuck with the newbie 2nd lieutenants. We would act like we were going to salute them and then rub our heads. :laugh:
I would have charged you with disrespect.
Military veterans against Donald Trump

I have seen countless videos of veterans against Donald Trump. why do they hate him and Republicans so much?

Are military people democrats?

Just watched a video of trump standing and talking to hundreds of service men telling them that he made sure they got their first pay raise in 10 years. A total lie.
In fact the biggest pay raises was 2009 and 2010 when Obama was president.
How could he do it? How could he stand and talk to soldiers overseas and lie to them? And then bask in their applause when they cheer?
Is this how Republicans lie? Just stand and face soldiers and lie to their faces? How can Republicans be proud of this? Anyone?

A military pay raise is not set by the president. It is automatically linked to a cost of living calculation.
A high pay raise does not reflect a generous president but a rise in the cost of living

The current pay raise for the military is 2.6 percent for 2019. It was voted on by Congress and authorized.

Trump is lying his ass off when he says that he's giving them 10 percent. And, if anyone is interested in seeing the pay raise for themselves, simply Google "2019 military pay raise", and you will see what it is.

I feel sorry for the people working in Personnel. On the 1st, they are going to have to explain to the troops that they won't get their checks until the government reopens.

Then, on the 15th of January (first payday the raise takes effect), they are going to have to explain to their people that Congress is the one that authorizes the pay raise, not Trump, and then they are going to have to tell them that Trump lied about the 10 percent.
Trump has some splain’n to do
Your post in reference to the response you gave is a clear indication you IMPLIED it, hoping no one would call you on your bald faced lie.
Then it was badly worded on my part. Bush started the war in Afghanistan and Iraq. Not Obama.
Obama sent new troops into Iraq after pulling out, I guess you forgot that right?

Trump sent new troops into Iraq. Guess you forgot that on too eh?
On the SAME MISSION that Obama sent them in you claimed Obama had nothing to do with it, he sent troops to Syria and Iraq and had a surge in Afghanistan.
You seem to be confusing your stories. If that is the standard you are using apply it to both. Obama sent troops to Afghanistan and Iraq on the same mission Bush started.
You claimed he did NOT even do that while blaming Trump.

Wow....................I remember back in the mid 90's, when I knew of a guy who was HIV positive. The military didn't kick him out, but rather used him as a PR messenger who would talk about the dangers and prevention of HIV. They allowed him to finish out his current enlistment.

I also knew of a guy who had contracted syphilis and it was past the curable stage. He was part of our squadron when we were in homeport, but when we deployed, he went to the shore det of the airwing, and would come back when we returned. He also was discharged at the end of his enlistment.

Not sure if they got medical retirement or not. But discharging these airmen, especially now that there are treatments that allow them to live pretty much normal lives with the virus is stupid, especially when there is a recruiting shortage. The only thing I can think of that the couldn't do on deployment is be part of the walking blood bank, meaning if blood was needed, you donated. That is about the only part of a deployment I can think of them not being useful for.

People in the military get hurt! You want to be the guy (or titless girl in your case) having to treat someone bleeding all over your happy ass who has AIDS? I guess since you probably already have it, you don't care!

HIV is not AIDS . Are you from 1983?
HIV LEADS to AIDS dumb fuck.
Military veterans against Donald Trump

I have seen countless videos of veterans against Donald Trump. why do they hate him and Republicans so much?

Are military people democrats?

Just watched a video of trump standing and talking to hundreds of service men telling them that he made sure they got their first pay raise in 10 years. A total lie.
In fact the biggest pay raises was 2009 and 2010 when Obama was president.
How could he do it? How could he stand and talk to soldiers overseas and lie to them? And then bask in their applause when they cheer?
Is this how Republicans lie? Just stand and face soldiers and lie to their faces? How can Republicans be proud of this? Anyone?

A military pay raise is not set by the president. It is automatically linked to a cost of living calculation.
A high pay raise does not reflect a generous president but a rise in the cost of living

The current pay raise for the military is 2.6 percent for 2019. It was voted on by Congress and authorized.

Trump is lying his ass off when he says that he's giving them 10 percent. And, if anyone is interested in seeing the pay raise for themselves, simply Google "2019 military pay raise", and you will see what it is.

I feel sorry for the people working in Personnel. On the 1st, they are going to have to explain to the troops that they won't get their checks until the government reopens.

Then, on the 15th of January (first payday the raise takes effect), they are going to have to explain to their people that Congress is the one that authorizes the pay raise, not Trump, and then they are going to have to tell them that Trump lied about the 10 percent.
Actually dumb ass the military budget was already passed. They get paid normally.
trump epitomizes why I never served, even with the encouragement of a beloved relative who was a USAF lifer during the Nixon era. What do you do when you have sworn an oath to serve and then end up with some scum like trump as your your commander-in-chief? Does one have to salute such a bag of shit?
Unfortunately you have to salute every scum bag or faint while in ranks and be dragged behind the formation.

Funny story: when my beloved aunt and godmother first joined, she told me that she walked past some guys and they all snapped to attention and saluted. She wasn't used to it yet and their commander had to ask her to please release these men by returning their salute. Boy! Was her face ever red!

She tried to talk me into the USAF when I graduated from college, but then, there had been Nixon. There is no way in hell that I could ever salute trump or accord him any other token of respect.
I remember we used to fuck with the newbie 2nd lieutenants. We would act like we were going to salute them and then rub our heads. :laugh:
I would have charged you with disrespect.
You wouldnt have done shit except maybe pee on yourself. :rolleyes:
Military veterans against Donald Trump

I have seen countless videos of veterans against Donald Trump. why do they hate him and Republicans so much?

Are military people democrats?

Just watched a video of trump standing and talking to hundreds of service men telling them that he made sure they got their first pay raise in 10 years. A total lie.
In fact the biggest pay raises was 2009 and 2010 when Obama was president.
How could he do it? How could he stand and talk to soldiers overseas and lie to them? And then bask in their applause when they cheer?
Is this how Republicans lie? Just stand and face soldiers and lie to their faces? How can Republicans be proud of this? Anyone?

A military pay raise is not set by the president. It is automatically linked to a cost of living calculation.
A high pay raise does not reflect a generous president but a rise in the cost of living

The current pay raise for the military is 2.6 percent for 2019. It was voted on by Congress and authorized.

Trump is lying his ass off when he says that he's giving them 10 percent. And, if anyone is interested in seeing the pay raise for themselves, simply Google "2019 military pay raise", and you will see what it is.

I feel sorry for the people working in Personnel. On the 1st, they are going to have to explain to the troops that they won't get their checks until the government reopens.

Then, on the 15th of January (first payday the raise takes effect), they are going to have to explain to their people that Congress is the one that authorizes the pay raise, not Trump, and then they are going to have to tell them that Trump lied about the 10 percent.

Watch the video. He told them to "make it 10%, more than 10%" but he never said he did or that was the rate they were getting. He was relating what he said.

Why is it so hard for people to understand the language that you should have been educated in?
Military veterans against Donald Trump

I have seen countless videos of veterans against Donald Trump. why do they hate him and Republicans so much?

Are military people democrats?

Just watched a video of trump standing and talking to hundreds of service men telling them that he made sure they got their first pay raise in 10 years. A total lie.
In fact the biggest pay raises was 2009 and 2010 when Obama was president.
How could he do it? How could he stand and talk to soldiers overseas and lie to them? And then bask in their applause when they cheer?
Is this how Republicans lie? Just stand and face soldiers and lie to their faces? How can Republicans be proud of this? Anyone?

A military pay raise is not set by the president. It is automatically linked to a cost of living calculation.
A high pay raise does not reflect a generous president but a rise in the cost of living

The current pay raise for the military is 2.6 percent for 2019. It was voted on by Congress and authorized.

Trump is lying his ass off when he says that he's giving them 10 percent. And, if anyone is interested in seeing the pay raise for themselves, simply Google "2019 military pay raise", and you will see what it is.

I feel sorry for the people working in Personnel. On the 1st, they are going to have to explain to the troops that they won't get their checks until the government reopens.

Then, on the 15th of January (first payday the raise takes effect), they are going to have to explain to their people that Congress is the one that authorizes the pay raise, not Trump, and then they are going to have to tell them that Trump lied about the 10 percent.

You are just doubling down on stupid I see. The military will get paid, dumbass! That funding was passed LONG ago!

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