Why do military people hate Republicans?

Military veterans against Donald Trump

I have seen countless videos of veterans against Donald Trump. why do they hate him and Republicans so much?

Are military people democrats?

Just watched a video of trump standing and talking to hundreds of service men telling them that he made sure they got their first pay raise in 10 years. A total lie.
In fact the biggest pay raises was 2009 and 2010 when Obama was president.
How could he do it? How could he stand and talk to soldiers overseas and lie to them? And then bask in their applause when they cheer?
Is this how Republicans lie? Just stand and face soldiers and lie to their faces? How can Republicans be proud of this? Anyone?

A military pay raise is not set by the president. It is automatically linked to a cost of living calculation.
A high pay raise does not reflect a generous president but a rise in the cost of living

The current pay raise for the military is 2.6 percent for 2019. It was voted on by Congress and authorized.

Trump is lying his ass off when he says that he's giving them 10 percent. And, if anyone is interested in seeing the pay raise for themselves, simply Google "2019 military pay raise", and you will see what it is.

I feel sorry for the people working in Personnel. On the 1st, they are going to have to explain to the troops that they won't get their checks until the government reopens.

Then, on the 15th of January (first payday the raise takes effect), they are going to have to explain to their people that Congress is the one that authorizes the pay raise, not Trump, and then they are going to have to tell them that Trump lied about the 10 percent.

Watch the video. He told them to "make it 10%, more than 10%" but he never said he did or that was the rate they were getting. He was relating what he said.

Why is it so hard for people to understand the language that you should have been educated in?

Why is it so hard for you retards to understand he lied? Dont you understand english?

"“You haven’t gotten one in more than 10 years. More than 10 years. And we got you a big one. I got you a big one. I got you a big one.”"

Why would he lie and say they hadnt got a pay raise in 10 years? Notice how he repeats it 2 more times so the idiots will be fooled?
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Totally wrong

Only the military women that Obama brought in. The men is totally opposite. This is the current military

The military before Obama is much more for trump and the men nearly unanimous

The military men will not let the lies stand.
Military people are a microcosm of the US population. You have both lefties and righties in the military.

Yes and no. The military has always leaned more to the right. Though I do think from what I have seen and read and from those still in that is shifting
I would assume that to be slightly true that they leaned more to the right when speaking of officers but from my experience the enlisted tend to lean to the left..
There are plenty of commisioned officers who are Democrats.
Military veterans against Donald Trump

I have seen countless videos of veterans against Donald Trump. why do they hate him and Republicans so much?

Are military people democrats?

Neither republicans or democrats are going to be 100% congruent in thought. It is not as black and white as the idiots on here would have you believe. There are varying shades of conservatism and liberalism. You will find that the military will hold the same to be true. Some hate Trump some don't.
Military veterans against Donald Trump

I have seen countless videos of veterans against Donald Trump. why do they hate him and Republicans so much?

Are military people democrats?

That's not an indictment of Trump. He said Republicans.

And, if true (it's not) it is because Republicans have become Democrat-lite.

Fake News.

CNN 1st makes an ass of themselves again by falsely claiming that in their love for Trump US military members violated the UCMJ by asking their Commander and Chief to sign MAGA items...and then the media attempts to report that the military hates Republicans. :p

The military knows the Democrats hate the military and insults the military every opportunity they can. During the Iraq war john Kerry made the comment that only ignorant uneducated people who have no other options join the military. He was immediately mocked by US troops in Iraq:


Democrats seek to USE the military and make up lies about their own 'combat experience' to make themselves look better....remember how Hillary visited troops 'while running / ducking for cover under sniper fire'?

[URL='https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.washingtonpost.com%2Fresizer%2FMhw_vDO2gEm-d1-_tKR29TQlBZI%3D%2F960x540%2Ffilters%3Aquality(70)%2Fs3.amazonaws.com%2Fposttv-thumbnails-prod%2Fthumbnails%2F56453bc9e4b085a2d44eded7%2Fclinton_bosnia.jpg&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.washingtonpost.com%2Fnews%2Ffact-checker%2Fwp%2F2016%2F05%2F23%2Frecalling-hillary-clintons-claim-of-landing-under-sniper-fire-in-bosnia%2F&docid=DIAO99Axy3wYOM&tbnid=Xwedi-zllGS7DM%3A&vet=10ahUKEwiGmeq10cLfAhUjheAKHeGdAnQQMwgnKAAwAA..i&w=960&h=540&bih=614&biw=1074&q=Hillary%20visiting%20troops%20'under%20sniper%20fire'&ved=0ahUKEwiGmeq10cLfAhUjheAKHeGdAnQQMwgnKAAwAA&iact=mrc&uact=8'][URL='https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.snopes.com%2Ftachyon%2Fimages%2Fphotos%2Fpolitics%2Fgraphics%2Fkerrysign_small.jpg%3Fresize%3D480%2C229&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.snopes.com%2Ffact-check%2Fstuck-in-iraq%2F&docid=H__wgFBB_xtBJM&tbnid=Dk5qRlsNdepL7M%3A&vet=10ahUKEwih4PvM0MLfAhWNMd8KHVbWBEQQMwgwKAYwBg..i&w=480&h=229&bih=614&biw=1074&q=US%20troops%20holding%20up%20a%20sign%3A%20halp%20us%20john%20kerry%20meme&ved=0ahUKEwih4PvM0MLfAhWNMd8KHVbWBEQQMwgwKAYwBg&iact=mrc&uact=8'][URL='https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.washingtonpost.com%2Fresizer%2FMhw_vDO2gEm-d1-_tKR29TQlBZI%3D%2F960x540%2Ffilters%3Aquality(70)%2Fs3.amazonaws.com%2Fposttv-thumbnails-prod%2Fthumbnails%2F56453bc9e4b085a2d44eded7%2Fclinton_bosnia.jpg&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.washingtonpost.com%2Fnews%2Ffact-checker%2Fwp%2F2016%2F05%2F23%2Frecalling-hillary-clintons-claim-of-landing-under-sniper-fire-in-bosnia%2F&docid=DIAO99Axy3wYOM&tbnid=Xwedi-zllGS7DM%3A&vet=10ahUKEwiGmeq10cLfAhUjheAKHeGdAnQQMwgnKAAwAA..i&w=960&h=540&bih=614&biw=1074&q=Hillary%20visiting%20troops%20'under%20sniper%20fire'&ved=0ahUKEwiGmeq10cLfAhUjheAKHeGdAnQQMwgnKAAwAA&iact=mrc&uact=8'][URL='https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fstatic01.nyt.com%2Fimages%2F2008%2F03%2F25%2Fus%2F25clinton.500.jpg&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.nytimes.com%2F2008%2F03%2F25%2Fus%2Fpolitics%2F25clinton.html&docid=RQtjGcUVVeO35M&tbnid=9ojeHxDAYwdaUM%3A&vet=10ahUKEwiGmeq10cLfAhUjheAKHeGdAnQQMwgoKAEwAQ..i&w=368&h=500&bih=614&biw=1074&q=Hillary%20visiting%20troops%20'under%20sniper%20fire'&ved=0ahUKEwiGmeq10cLfAhUjheAKHeGdAnQQMwgoKAEwAQ&iact=mrc&uact=8'] [/URL][/URL]
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Most of the military folks I know like Trump.

They like him way better than they liked Obama. In fact most of them hated Obama and were more than glad when he was gone.

Well my whole family was military before this last generation.

Aunts, Uncles, Mom, Dad, Brother all were in the military and not a one of them would have liked to have served under Obama as CIC. None of them liked that POS at all.

So its not I know a guy who knows a guy.

Carry on
Military people are a microcosm of the US population. You have both lefties and righties in the military.

Yes and no. The military has always leaned more to the right. Though I do think from what I have seen and read and from those still in that is shifting
I would assume that to be slightly true that they leaned more to the right when speaking of officers but from my experience the enlisted tend to lean to the left..
There are plenty of commisioned officers who are Democrats.
Most are still Republicans
Military veterans against Donald Trump

I have seen countless videos of veterans against Donald Trump. why do they hate him and Republicans so much?

Are military people democrats?

Neither republicans or democrats are going to be 100% congruent in thought. It is not as black and white as the idiots on here would have you believe. There are varying shades of conservatism and liberalism. You will find that the military will hold the same to be true. Some hate Trump some don't.
Trump pushes their buttons

I can’t imagine anyone in the military supporting Trump after he demeaned POWs

But, like with most conservatives, they are willing to sell their souls to vote conservative
Military veterans against Donald Trump

I have seen countless videos of veterans against Donald Trump. why do they hate him and Republicans so much?

Are military people democrats?

Neither republicans or democrats are going to be 100% congruent in thought. It is not as black and white as the idiots on here would have you believe. There are varying shades of conservatism and liberalism. You will find that the military will hold the same to be true. Some hate Trump some don't.
Trump pushes their buttons

I can’t imagine anyone in the military supporting Trump after he demeaned POWs

But, like with most conservatives, they are willing to sell their souls to vote conservative
Yes, it is quite didfficult to imagine how a Trumpster thinks. We do not think like one as evidenced by our comments on the site. How ever the comments of others leads me to believe that it is more than likely that some in the military echo the same sentiment.
Military veterans against Donald Trump

I have seen countless videos of veterans against Donald Trump. why do they hate him and Republicans so much?

Are military people democrats?

Neither republicans or democrats are going to be 100% congruent in thought. It is not as black and white as the idiots on here would have you believe. There are varying shades of conservatism and liberalism. You will find that the military will hold the same to be true. Some hate Trump some don't.
Trump pushes their buttons

I can’t imagine anyone in the military supporting Trump after he demeaned POWs

But, like with most conservatives, they are willing to sell their souls to vote conservative
Yes, it is quite didfficult to imagine how a Trumpster thinks. We do not think like one as evidenced by our comments on the site. How ever the comments of others leads me to believe that it is more than likely that some in the military echo the same sentiment.

Conservatives demeaned the military service of decorated war heroes John Kerry and John McCain

Yet they ignore Donald Trumps father paying off a doctor to claim he has imaginary bone spurs
Military people are a microcosm of the US population. You have both lefties and righties in the military.

Yes and no. The military has always leaned more to the right. Though I do think from what I have seen and read and from those still in that is shifting
I would assume that to be slightly true that they leaned more to the right when speaking of officers but from my experience the enlisted tend to lean to the left..
There are plenty of commisioned officers who are Democrats.
That wasnt my experience. I can only speak on what I saw.
Military veterans against Donald Trump

I have seen countless videos of veterans against Donald Trump. why do they hate him and Republicans so much?

Are military people democrats?

Just watched a video of trump standing and talking to hundreds of service men telling them that he made sure they got their first pay raise in 10 years. A total lie.
In fact the biggest pay raises was 2009 and 2010 when Obama was president.
How could he do it? How could he stand and talk to soldiers overseas and lie to them? And then bask in their applause when they cheer?
Is this how Republicans lie? Just stand and face soldiers and lie to their faces? How can Republicans be proud of this? Anyone?

A military pay raise is not set by the president. It is automatically linked to a cost of living calculation.
A high pay raise does not reflect a generous president but a rise in the cost of living

The current pay raise for the military is 2.6 percent for 2019. It was voted on by Congress and authorized.

Trump is lying his ass off when he says that he's giving them 10 percent. And, if anyone is interested in seeing the pay raise for themselves, simply Google "2019 military pay raise", and you will see what it is.

I feel sorry for the people working in Personnel. On the 1st, they are going to have to explain to the troops that they won't get their checks until the government reopens.

Then, on the 15th of January (first payday the raise takes effect), they are going to have to explain to their people that Congress is the one that authorizes the pay raise, not Trump, and then they are going to have to tell them that Trump lied about the 10 percent.

Watch the video. He told them to "make it 10%, more than 10%" but he never said he did or that was the rate they were getting. He was relating what he said.

Why is it so hard for people to understand the language that you should have been educated in?

Why is it so hard for you retards to understand he lied? Dont you understand english?

"“You haven’t gotten one in more than 10 years. More than 10 years. And we got you a big one. I got you a big one. I got you a big one.”"

Why would he lie and say they hadnt got a pay raise in 10 years? Notice how he repeats it 2 more times so the idiots will be fooled?
Why would he lie? He lies all the time. Notice how he slways talks about "I" I I I I
Military people are a microcosm of the US population. You have both lefties and righties in the military.

Yes and no. The military has always leaned more to the right. Though I do think from what I have seen and read and from those still in that is shifting
I would assume that to be slightly true that they leaned more to the right when speaking of officers but from my experience the enlisted tend to lean to the left..
There are plenty of commisioned officers who are Democrats.
That wasnt my experience. I can only speak on what I saw.
I was one of them. Of course that was a while long while ago. Things may be different today.
Military people are a microcosm of the US population. You have both lefties and righties in the military.

Yes and no. The military has always leaned more to the right. Though I do think from what I have seen and read and from those still in that is shifting
I would assume that to be slightly true that they leaned more to the right when speaking of officers but from my experience the enlisted tend to lean to the left..
There are plenty of commisioned officers who are Democrats.
That wasnt my experience. I can only speak on what I saw.
I was one of them. Of course that was a while long while ago. Things may be different today.
I'm pretty sure there were some commissioned officers that were Dems. I didnt mean to imply all were right leaning.
Yes and no. The military has always leaned more to the right. Though I do think from what I have seen and read and from those still in that is shifting
I would assume that to be slightly true that they leaned more to the right when speaking of officers but from my experience the enlisted tend to lean to the left..
There are plenty of commisioned officers who are Democrats.
That wasnt my experience. I can only speak on what I saw.
I was one of them. Of course that was a while long while ago. Things may be different today.
I'm pretty sure there were some commissioned officers that were Dems. I didnt mean to imply all were right leaning.
I found most officers to be conservative and very religious
There are always exceptions
I would assume that to be slightly true that they leaned more to the right when speaking of officers but from my experience the enlisted tend to lean to the left..
There are plenty of commisioned officers who are Democrats.
That wasnt my experience. I can only speak on what I saw.
I was one of them. Of course that was a while long while ago. Things may be different today.
I'm pretty sure there were some commissioned officers that were Dems. I didnt mean to imply all were right leaning.
I found most officers to be conservative and very religious
There are always exceptions

Conservative yes, religious no. But I was in the Marines and religion was never a big thing.

I remember way back when the Commandant issued a White Letter about the "deglamorization of Alcohol"....my CO said "glamorize it? hell we worship it!"
There are plenty of commisioned officers who are Democrats.
That wasnt my experience. I can only speak on what I saw.
I was one of them. Of course that was a while long while ago. Things may be different today.
I'm pretty sure there were some commissioned officers that were Dems. I didnt mean to imply all were right leaning.
I found most officers to be conservative and very religious
There are always exceptions

Conservative yes, religious no. But I was in the Marines and religion was never a big thing.

I remember way back when the Commandant issued a White Letter about the "deglamorization of Alcohol"....my CO said "glamorize it? hell we worship it!"
Agreed. I was in the army. Every Friday afternoon formation our officers would encourage us to get blitzed over the weekend
That wasnt my experience. I can only speak on what I saw.
I was one of them. Of course that was a while long while ago. Things may be different today.
I'm pretty sure there were some commissioned officers that were Dems. I didnt mean to imply all were right leaning.
I found most officers to be conservative and very religious
There are always exceptions

Conservative yes, religious no. But I was in the Marines and religion was never a big thing.

I remember way back when the Commandant issued a White Letter about the "deglamorization of Alcohol"....my CO said "glamorize it? hell we worship it!"
Agreed. I was in the army. Every Friday afternoon formation our officers would encourage us to get blitzed over the weekend

We didn't need any encouragement! :21::21::21:
When I worked for the Army, I could never understand the support of George Bush

He launched unnecessary invasions that killed thousands of soldiers and wounded tens of thousands of soldiers. He forced them into repeated redeployments. Yet, they worshiped him

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