Why do military people hate Republicans?

Wow....................I remember back in the mid 90's, when I knew of a guy who was HIV positive. The military didn't kick him out, but rather used him as a PR messenger who would talk about the dangers and prevention of HIV. They allowed him to finish out his current enlistment.

I also knew of a guy who had contracted syphilis and it was past the curable stage. He was part of our squadron when we were in homeport, but when we deployed, he went to the shore det of the airwing, and would come back when we returned. He also was discharged at the end of his enlistment.

Not sure if they got medical retirement or not. But discharging these airmen, especially now that there are treatments that allow them to live pretty much normal lives with the virus is stupid, especially when there is a recruiting shortage. The only thing I can think of that the couldn't do on deployment is be part of the walking blood bank, meaning if blood was needed, you donated. That is about the only part of a deployment I can think of them not being useful for.
Someone that MUST take medication to survive is NOT deploy able. And never have been. That is why Transgenders should not serve they can not be deployed.
Military veterans against Donald Trump

I have seen countless videos of veterans against Donald Trump. why do they hate him and Republicans so much?

Are military people democrats?

Fake News.

Served 30 years. Still serving. Every military member I know loves Trump. Just more BS lies / fake news from the liberals ... and snowflakes still buy that shit.
Military veterans against Donald Trump

I have seen countless videos of veterans against Donald Trump. why do they hate him and Republicans so much?

Are military people democrats?

[/QUOTEhey just have an I.Q. higher then 50.
Military veterans against Donald Trump

I have seen countless videos of veterans against Donald Trump. why do they hate him and Republicans so much?

Are military people democrats?

No, they have an I.Q. higher then 50.
But just barely.
Trump didn't send anyone to war. Look to shitstain obama for that one.

I think you have the wrong shitstain.
Trump did not have anything to do with Iraq or Afghanistan you lying piece of human garbage.
I didn’t say he did.

You have the wrong shitstain :lol:
Your post in reference to the response you gave is a clear indication you IMPLIED it, hoping no one would call you on your bald faced lie.
Trump didn't send anyone to war. Look to shitstain obama for that one.

I think you have the wrong shitstain.
Trump did not have anything to do with Iraq or Afghanistan you lying piece of human garbage.
I didn’t say he did.

You have the wrong shitstain :lol:
Your post in reference to the response you gave is a clear indication you IMPLIED it, hoping no one would call you on your bald faced lie.
Then it was badly worded on my part. Bush started the war in Afghanistan and Iraq. Not Obama.
Trump didn't send anyone to war. Look to shitstain obama for that one.

I think you have the wrong shitstain.
Trump did not have anything to do with Iraq or Afghanistan you lying piece of human garbage.
I didn’t say he did.

You have the wrong shitstain :lol:
Your post in reference to the response you gave is a clear indication you IMPLIED it, hoping no one would call you on your bald faced lie.
Then it was badly worded on my part. Bush started the war in Afghanistan and Iraq. Not Obama.
Obama sent new troops into Iraq after pulling out, I guess you forgot that right?

I think you have the wrong shitstain.
Trump did not have anything to do with Iraq or Afghanistan you lying piece of human garbage.
I didn’t say he did.

You have the wrong shitstain :lol:
Your post in reference to the response you gave is a clear indication you IMPLIED it, hoping no one would call you on your bald faced lie.
Then it was badly worded on my part. Bush started the war in Afghanistan and Iraq. Not Obama.
Obama sent new troops into Iraq after pulling out, I guess you forgot that right?

Trump sent new troops into Iraq. Guess you forgot that on too eh?
Trump did not have anything to do with Iraq or Afghanistan you lying piece of human garbage.
I didn’t say he did.

You have the wrong shitstain :lol:
Your post in reference to the response you gave is a clear indication you IMPLIED it, hoping no one would call you on your bald faced lie.
Then it was badly worded on my part. Bush started the war in Afghanistan and Iraq. Not Obama.
Obama sent new troops into Iraq after pulling out, I guess you forgot that right?

Trump sent new troops into Iraq. Guess you forgot that on too eh?
On the SAME MISSION that Obama sent them in you claimed Obama had nothing to do with it, he sent troops to Syria and Iraq and had a surge in Afghanistan.
I was deployed overseas when I saw the headlines about the Ken Starr report. A local newspaper had all the gritty, nasty details of the report in it.

I think that is the only time in my 20 years of active duty that I was actually angry at the current Commander in Chief.

If I was still on active duty, I would have that same feeling about Trump.

You know, I was pissed at Clinton as well for that. Now, under him, the economy was doing pretty good, relations with overseas nations was decent, and my taxes weren't all that bad. However..................because he lied about getting a bj in the Oval Office, THAT is why I didn't like him. If he had stood up, said, yeah, I made a mistake, but power is a strong aphrodesiac, and she was interested. I've talked it over with my family, and it's a private matter. If he had said that, I would have given him a pass on the bj, but because he kept lying about it, I lost all respect for him. When he came to visit my ship one year, I did everything in my power to assure that I would be on liberty the day he was supposed to show up, and made it happen.

And yeah, a lot of the military is kinda conservative leaning, but that is because of the environment we are in. There are rules that must be followed, procedures that need to be done in exact order, as well as other things that lean conservative.

But, like I said, we have rules we have to follow, and if you don't tell what is really going on up and down the chain, you can possibly get someone killed.

I don't think it's that the military is against the Republicans, I think that the military is against Trump himself for all the lies he has told, all the things he has flip flopped on, and now, shutting down the government so the military doesn't get paid until it reopens.

Trump doesn't embody any kind of military values that I can see, and he's supposed to be the CIC.

Hey, titless WAVE, the military IS getting paid despite the shutdown. Military funding was passed a long time ago. I still work for the military and half my family is IN the military!

Stop being a dumbass to justify your ignorance! We covered this exact point in other threads where you showed your ass!
Trump did not have anything to do with Iraq or Afghanistan you lying piece of human garbage.
I didn’t say he did.

You have the wrong shitstain :lol:
Your post in reference to the response you gave is a clear indication you IMPLIED it, hoping no one would call you on your bald faced lie.
Then it was badly worded on my part. Bush started the war in Afghanistan and Iraq. Not Obama.
Obama sent new troops into Iraq after pulling out, I guess you forgot that right?

Trump sent new troops into Iraq. Guess you forgot that on too eh?

How can you forget something that did not happen, dumbass?

Wow....................I remember back in the mid 90's, when I knew of a guy who was HIV positive. The military didn't kick him out, but rather used him as a PR messenger who would talk about the dangers and prevention of HIV. They allowed him to finish out his current enlistment.

I also knew of a guy who had contracted syphilis and it was past the curable stage. He was part of our squadron when we were in homeport, but when we deployed, he went to the shore det of the airwing, and would come back when we returned. He also was discharged at the end of his enlistment.

Not sure if they got medical retirement or not. But discharging these airmen, especially now that there are treatments that allow them to live pretty much normal lives with the virus is stupid, especially when there is a recruiting shortage. The only thing I can think of that the couldn't do on deployment is be part of the walking blood bank, meaning if blood was needed, you donated. That is about the only part of a deployment I can think of them not being useful for.

People in the military get hurt! You want to be the guy (or titless girl in your case) having to treat someone bleeding all over your happy ass who has AIDS? I guess since you probably already have it, you don't care!
Trump didn't send anyone to war. Look to shitstain obama for that one.

I think you have the wrong shitstain.
Trump did not have anything to do with Iraq or Afghanistan you lying piece of human garbage.
I didn’t say he did.

You have the wrong shitstain :lol:
Your post in reference to the response you gave is a clear indication you IMPLIED it, hoping no one would call you on your bald faced lie.
Then it was badly worded on my part. Bush started the war in Afghanistan and Iraq. Not Obama.

Ha! Obama ended the war in Iraq and then started one helping them against ISIS and then sent them into Syria!

Did you sleep through the 8 years of the Obama regime?
trump epitomizes why I never served, even with the encouragement of a beloved relative who was a USAF lifer during the Nixon era. What do you do when you have sworn an oath to serve and then end up with some scum like trump as your your commander-in-chief? Does one have to salute such a bag of shit?
Unfortunately you have to salute every scum bag or faint while in ranks and be dragged behind the formation.

Funny story: when my beloved aunt and godmother first joined, she told me that she walked past some guys and they all snapped to attention and saluted. She wasn't used to it yet and their commander had to ask her to please release these men by returning their salute. Boy! Was her face ever red!

She tried to talk me into the USAF when I graduated from college, but then, there had been Nixon. There is no way in hell that I could ever salute trump or accord him any other token of respect.
I remember we used to fuck with the newbie 2nd lieutenants. We would act like we were going to salute them and then rub our heads. :laugh:

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