Why do NRA members not support Keith Scott?

Felons can buy guns from private citizens without undergoing the background check that would prevent the seller from legally selling the gun.

That's the loophole. The NRA supports that loophole. You are ignorant.
It's illegal for a felon to buy a gun and for anyone to knowingly sell them one.

Felons are fully apprised about this. If they break the law, they'll go back to prison. Why do you want to treat every gun owner as guilty because a few law-breakers break the law?
Says someone who's never had to worry about his life. I have no love for the Police.......but if I were one and you got out of a car with a weapon and did not drop it when I told you to you'd die. There is no way for you or anyone else to say who is a treat and who isn't. You probably think they should shoot him in the leg.
Center mass kid, center mass.

I was trained as an MP. Ft Gordon, Ga. Look it up.

I was trained at Ft. Mc, if you pull your weapon it is to kill someone. You aim center mass.

Police point their weapons at people all the time without the intention of killing them. You're an idiot, and a poser.

No, you've got a couple things wrong there. Never point a weapon at someone if you don't have the intentions to use it, ie. never point a loaded weapon at someone just a a deterrent knowing that you won't actually fire the gun if needed. There is also a thing known as straight fingering the trigger... but you already knew that right? *Wink* *Wink*

You don't point with the intent to use it if you're a cop. You point it with the willingness to use it if need be.

C'mon niggra.....you lied and the video proves it.
I was trained as an MP. Ft Gordon, Ga. Look it up.

I was trained at Ft. Mc, if you pull your weapon it is to kill someone. You aim center mass.

Police point their weapons at people all the time without the intention of killing them. You're an idiot, and a poser.

No, you've got a couple things wrong there. Never point a weapon at someone if you don't have the intentions to use it, ie. never point a loaded weapon at someone just a a deterrent knowing that you won't actually fire the gun if needed. There is also a thing known as straight fingering the trigger... but you already knew that right? *Wink* *Wink*

You don't point with the intent to use it if you're a cop. You point it with the willingness to use it if need be.

C'mon niggra.....you lied and the video proves it.

Come on man, just because he is wrong no need to call names like the "n" word.
I was trained at Ft. Mc, if you pull your weapon it is to kill someone. You aim center mass.

Police point their weapons at people all the time without the intention of killing them. You're an idiot, and a poser.

No, you've got a couple things wrong there. Never point a weapon at someone if you don't have the intentions to use it, ie. never point a loaded weapon at someone just a a deterrent knowing that you won't actually fire the gun if needed. There is also a thing known as straight fingering the trigger... but you already knew that right? *Wink* *Wink*

You don't point with the intent to use it if you're a cop. You point it with the willingness to use it if need be.

C'mon niggra.....you lied and the video proves it.

Come on man, just because he is wrong no need to call names like the "n" word.

Point taken.
police have no more right to shoot someone that you or me .

You see these shootings and wonder why no one is held accountable?

That cop in Tulsa is being charged . Makes you wonder what would happen if there was no video .
police have no more right to shoot someone that you or me .

You see these shootings and wonder why no one is held accountable?

That cop in Tulsa is being charged . Makes you wonder what would happen if there was no video .

What would happen? The cop in Tulsa admitted why she shot him. Just because he didn't comply to her commands, not because she felt threatened. She is getting charged like she should be. Period. Why when given an inch you ask for a mile? It's so sad that before it was, "Blacks are getting shot for no reason and the cops are not getting charged..." "Now it's cops are shooting Black people and they are getting charged, BUT what if more cops got charged?" "Next it will be...?" Jesus dude.
He be wrong color.

Bullshit kid.
IF a Cop says drop your weapon, drop it.
Had he obeyed he'd be alive.

There was no reason to shoot him. He wasn't a threat.

If he had a gun in his hand, he was a threat

He was inside a car with the windows rolled up. The proper procedure would have been to clear the area and try to negotiate a peaceful surrender.

The video has been released you dumbass, he was out of the vehicle..
You are a little punk who knows nothing.

A video I hadn't seen.
Keith Scott has ankle holster on right side. Gun not seen in hand pointing.

Scott Shooting4.jpg
Scott Shooting2.jpg
Scott Shooting3.jpg
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Bullshit kid.
IF a Cop says drop your weapon, drop it.
Had he obeyed he'd be alive.

There was no reason to shoot him. He wasn't a threat.

If he had a gun in his hand, he was a threat

He was inside a car with the windows rolled up. The proper procedure would have been to clear the area and try to negotiate a peaceful surrender.

The video has been released you dumbass, he was out of the vehicle..
You are a little punk who knows nothing.

A video I hadn't seen.

It's right next to your firearms certification award. Look hard...maybe you'll find it. :badgrin:
Bullshit kid.
IF a Cop says drop your weapon, drop it.
Had he obeyed he'd be alive.

There was no reason to shoot him. He wasn't a threat.

If he had a gun in his hand, he was a threat

He was inside a car with the windows rolled up. The proper procedure would have been to clear the area and try to negotiate a peaceful surrender.

The video has been released you dumbass, he was out of the vehicle..
You are a little punk who knows nothing.

A video I hadn't seen.

You were wrong child, apologize.
The Black Police Chief told you what it showed.
There was no reason to shoot him. He wasn't a threat.

If he had a gun in his hand, he was a threat

He was inside a car with the windows rolled up. The proper procedure would have been to clear the area and try to negotiate a peaceful surrender.

The video has been released you dumbass, he was out of the vehicle..
You are a little punk who knows nothing.

A video I hadn't seen.

You were wrong child, apologize.
The Black Police Chief told you what it showed.

I have nothing to apologize for. I have commented only on information as it was known to me when I posted it.

In contrast to your wild speculations.
If he had a gun in his hand, he was a threat

He was inside a car with the windows rolled up. The proper procedure would have been to clear the area and try to negotiate a peaceful surrender.

The video has been released you dumbass, he was out of the vehicle..
You are a little punk who knows nothing.

A video I hadn't seen.

You were wrong child, apologize.
The Black Police Chief told you what it showed.

I have nothing to apologize for. I have commented only on information as it was known to me when I posted it.

In contrast to your wild speculations.

Nope, our comments were based on the word of the cops who said that dash cam and body cam footage showed he had a gun and refused to put it down...thus why he was shot.
If he had a gun in his hand, he was a threat

He was inside a car with the windows rolled up. The proper procedure would have been to clear the area and try to negotiate a peaceful surrender.

The video has been released you dumbass, he was out of the vehicle..
You are a little punk who knows nothing.

A video I hadn't seen.

You were wrong child, apologize.
The Black Police Chief told you what it showed.

I have nothing to apologize for. I have commented only on information as it was known to me when I posted it.

In contrast to your wild speculations.

Your lack of anything resembling integrity is duly noted.
Pull a weapon on me "boy" ;)
Keith Lamont Scott had a right to carry a gun.
He was in his vehicle.
He broke no laws that day.
Police forced him out of the vehicle and shot him after he did not drop his gun.

Why does NRA not come out and support Scott's right to have a gun?

At this point, what difference does it make? Do you people approve or not approve felons with wrap sheets and a mtentbro kill in possession of guns?
Pretty much a giveaway from the video from the wife.

Kept yelling at her husband not to do it
Keith Lamont Scott had a right to carry a gun.
He was in his vehicle.
He broke no laws that day.
Police forced him out of the vehicle and shot him after he did not drop his gun.

Why does NRA not come out and support Scott's right to have a gun?

Even if he weren't an ex-convict, your right to bear arms ended the moment you chose to use your firearm (or attempt) against law enforcement. Law enforcement has every right to shoot you dead for doing so. It is interesting however that you admit the man had a gun.

If a cop orders you out of the vehicle, don't whine or protest, just do it.

And if you are an ex-convict, you break the law by owning a firearm. And yes, Scott committed two serious crimes before he died. He (1) was in possession of a firearm as a convicted felon, and (2) he tried to pull a gun on police when he was stopped.

18 USC 922 (g)(1)(9)

(g) It shall be unlawful for any person—

(1) who has been convicted in any court of, a crime punishable by imprisonment for a term exceeding one year;

(9) who has been convicted in any court of a misdemeanor crime of domestic violence,

to ship or transport in interstate or foreign commerce, or possess in or affecting commerce, any firearm or ammunition; or to receive any firearm or ammunition which has been shipped or transported in interstate or foreign commerce.
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According the United States Sentencing Commission, in fiscal year 2015, 4,894 people were sentenced under 18 USC 922 for illegally shipping, obtaining, or otherwise possessing a firearm or ammunition. The one key statistic that jumps out is this:

A total of 51% (2,896) of the offenders under this statue were Black, followed by Whites at 26% (1,273) and Hispanics at 20% (979).


So what now guys?
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There is no way that the cops at the scene just happened to have an extra gun they threw on the ground in case they shot somebody that day.

Of course not. The gun showed signs of usage, especially around the muzzle. Planting evidence is considered as tampering with evidence and obstruction of justice.

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