Why do people hate Liberals?

I tend to look at the broad/big picture. You know, like the facts that a relative few rich fucking assholes are trying to BUY this election and are funding only one side - the con side. Which makes it easy to assume that they expect something in return for their investments. What do you think that might be?

The richest man and the poorest man have but one vote.
Many people (most, would actually be my guess) approach politics as though it was a football game.

They think in terms of our team versus their team.

The sad part of this approach is that the good of the nation is forgotten in favor of what is good for their TEAM.

As to the nastiness we see toward people with political differences?

Well in an envronment like this, weak people, people who need an ego boost because, let's face it, they know they are losers...insult those they disagree with because they can get away with it.

It's pathetic, really.

This really nails it.

And the key point is that the country suffers.

In an ideal world neither posters nor politicians would neglect or mock ideas that other political parties put forward - they would judge them on their merit.

I don't recall the last time I heard a politician react to idea from another party with "Excellent. We totally support the X Party on this one."
This really nails it.

And the key point is that the country suffers.

In an ideal world neither posters nor politicians would neglect or mock ideas that other political parties put forward - they would judge them on their merit.

I don't recall the last time I heard a politician react to idea from another party with "Excellent. We totally support the X Party on this one."
And the thing that doesn't seem to be too apparent for the right, is that for me, when I see someone on "their side" actually speak their mind and not parrot the party line, that makes me want to support them.

Like during the campaign at that republican town hall with John McCain and that old lady called Obama a "muslim" and she "didn't trust" him. McCain grabbed back the microphone and told her, "No, he's not a muslim. We just have different views on how to run the country".

At that point, every issue I had with McCain and taken a step back and I couldn't help admire his moment of clarity. People who can stand up and speak from the heart, will always get respect, irregardless of what political party they are aligned with.
I admired McCain for that too. I thought it showed integrity, and I also think he may have been shocked by quite how extreme the right wing of the GOP had become.

We also had a situation here in Finland recently over retirement ages where a right wing politician told reporters that we couldn't afford this to be a partisan issue, and met with left wing leaders behind closed doors to try to find a common solution.

To some extent, this may have been done in the US with TARP as well, I think.

Parties should be able to work together when the situation warrants it, and certainly posters should be able to agree on whole host of issues without needing to resort to "typical liberal thinking" garbage.
Well for starters, they call republicans racist if they disagree with obama. That alone makes them hatable. Theres many reasons to hate liberals though.

Is that so? I've never called anyone a racist for disagreeing with Obama. What other reasons are there to hate Liberals?

I don't hate Conservatives.

yea.....i have been called that right here in this forum......i dont care for MANY of his policies....i was told its because i dont want a black guy in the WH.....
"Because A-hole Pubs have been demonizing them since Newt's talking point BS in the late 80's, and Pub dupes are brainwashed functional morons?

shut the fuck up Frankie....your one of the "Liberals" here who say you dont want a black guy in the White House if you say something about Obama....
This is a fantastic question and I've noticed the same thing since joining up. The one that bugs me the most is the constantly stereotyping of Liberals as sitting around, taking hand outs, not working, killing babies, wanting to take rich people's money, etc.

It's not a stereotype. It's a fact demonstrated daily in this forum.

It gets old. It is like they don't care what liberals stand for or why they choose that path nor do they want to know. They just want to rip them to shreds. I really don't care. I can take the criticism. It just makes the person doing it looks stupid. However, I work hard, have never taken anything from the Government, live within my means and am Liberal on most issues.

Oh well, haters gotta hate I guess.

Why should I care why looters and moochers want to loot and mooch?

It's not a stereotype. It's a fact demonstrated daily in this forum.

yes it is a stereotype Bri.....i work with a lot of Liberals who detest people who do just that.....but what i notice in this forum is NONE of these "Liberals" ever say something to Dean when he does his usual stereotyping of the right .....some of them thank the guy then go into threads like this and criticize the "righties" for stereotyping the left....
I tend to look at the broad/big picture. You know, like the facts that a relative few rich fucking assholes are trying to BUY this election and are funding only one side - the con side. Which makes it easy to assume that they expect something in return for their investments. What do you think that might be?

The richest man and the poorest man have but one vote.

The richest man and the poorest man do not have the same capabilities to influence politics. The rich man has infinitely more avenues, with his money.
The richest man and the poorest man do not have the same capabilities to influence politics. The rich man has infinitely more avenues, with his money.

So? Why should a worthless bum have the ability to influence politicians? You might was well complain that rich people have more money than poor people.
The one thing about this board that most baffles me is the incredible depth of hatred and contempt for liberals.

The amount of comments from people suggesting all liberals are stupid, anti-patriotic, dumb...you name it. One even suggested liberals don't know what paragraphs are.

I don't get it. And I don't see anything the like the contempt expressed by liberals towards conservatives.

Firstly, the term "liberal" could be used to describe about half of the planet. Like "leftist", it's a fairly cliched catch-all adjective that have little real meaning. It's just too general to be much use.

Secondly, I've met extremely intelligent people from right across the political spectrum - and as many idiots. I've talked to brilliant facists, idiotic conservatives, intelligent communists and brain-dead centrists. I don't see a pattern there at all.

And lastly, why hate liberals when many of the most successful and celebrated administrations have been liberal ones? Were the governments if Clinton, Wilson, FDR, JFK and Truman really so much worse than conservative governments of similar eras?

The constant attacks on liberals seems to me (as an outsider) just a sign of incredible arrogance and conceit - and I would consider attacks on conservatives the same way.

If there is a REAL reason, with facts, for hating liberals - let's hear about it.

I don't hate "liberals" I hate progressives...............

I am a liberal - a classical liberal....

So what are you progressives progressing to anyways? considering you're pretty much fascists.....
The richest man and the poorest man do not have the same capabilities to influence politics. The rich man has infinitely more avenues, with his money.

So? Why should a worthless bum have the ability to influence politicians? You might was well complain that rich people have more money than poor people.

Who do you equate "poor" with "worthless bum".

I assure you - some of the most honest and hardest working Americans are NOT rich.

You really sound like someone who has never worked a day in your life...
Is the projected $400,000,000.00 (that's $400 milion btw) the Koch bro's are going to spend on getting con's elected good for the country?

For the businesses and employees that get the 400mil in business revenue and the taxes they pay...yes indeed.

I tend to look at the broad/big picture. You know, like the facts that a relative few rich fucking assholes are trying to BUY this election and are funding only one side - the con side. Which makes it easy to assume that they expect something in return for their investments. What do you think that might be?

what about the rich fucking assholes who fund only the Liberal side?....dont you think they want something in return?......what do you think it might be?.....the trouble with many people here is they think the real rich Democrats are different than the real rich Conservatives.....when push comes to shove...see who they side with....the people or themselves.....rich people will side with other rich people because they have something in common.....its called Money.....
So what are you progressives progressing to anyways? considering you're pretty much fascists.....

This really ia just childish, Nick.

If you don't know what these terms mean - and you don't - why use them?

Well it is certainly a valid question - you talk about progress - really so what is the goal??

It really shows how fucking dumb you are....

You know the idea of progress is to move forward - but forward to where??
Mr Nick -

No, I am not "fucking dumb" - I just understand what the words mean. And you don't.

Let's be clear here - you are using words that you do not know the meaning of.

"Fascism" a right wing ideology, and "progressive" is left or centre left.

Saying one is pretty much the other is saying that black is pretty much white.
Well for starters, they call republicans racist if they disagree with obama. That alone makes them hatable. Theres many reasons to hate liberals though.

Is that so? I've never called anyone a racist for disagreeing with Obama. What other reasons are there to hate Liberals?

I don't hate Conservatives.

yea.....i have been called that right here in this forum......i dont care for MANY of his policies....i was told its because i dont want a black guy in the WH.....

Well, I would never say that and I'm willing to bet most liberals wouldn't either. Sadly, some would but it isn't right.
This is a fantastic question and I've noticed the same thing since joining up. The one that bugs me the most is the constantly stereotyping of Liberals as sitting around, taking hand outs, not working, killing babies, wanting to take rich people's money, etc.

It's not a stereotype. It's a fact demonstrated daily in this forum.

It gets old. It is like they don't care what liberals stand for or why they choose that path nor do they want to know. They just want to rip them to shreds. I really don't care. I can take the criticism. It just makes the person doing it looks stupid. However, I work hard, have never taken anything from the Government, live within my means and am Liberal on most issues.

Oh well, haters gotta hate I guess.

Why should I care why looters and moochers want to loot and mooch?

It's not a stereotype. It's a fact demonstrated daily in this forum.

yes it is a stereotype Bri.....i work with a lot of Liberals who detest people who do just that.....but what i notice in this forum is NONE of these "Liberals" ever say something to Dean when he does his usual stereotyping of the right .....some of them thank the guy then go into threads like this and criticize the "righties" for stereotyping the left....

Thanks for agreeing it is a stereotype and wrong. I think it is wrong for Liberals to stereotype as well. What good does it do?
If Jefferson's Declaration of Independence had never been written, how would today's Americans respond, to the principles he put in that document? Seems we have put some of our principles on the sacred shelf and extol them as American, but many find them repulsive in practice. But then again maybe the Declaration was, as many say, just propaganda, for the not-too-bright Americans.

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