Why do people support this Congenital LIAR???

The are several costs in ObamaCare. Chief among these are health insurance subsidies to people who earn up to 400% above the poverty level and radically increasing the number of people added to Medicaid.

These costs were supposed to be paid for with tax increases, fees, and cost cutting measures (such as automating record keeping).

Right out of the gate, the government began waiving many of these tax increases. This means right out of the gate many, many, many dimes were being added to the national debt.

The ACA also uses many accounting tricks to make ObamaCare look revenue neutral for the first ten years.

What you were also not told is that the federal government pays for all the added Medicaid enrollees for the first few years. After that, the tab falls onto the states. So your state taxes are going to skyrocket, or your state will have to dropall those people who were added (with the sure result of riots in the streets if they do).

And on top of all that, ObamaCare did not address the main argument used to get it passed: the reduction of rising health care costs. Remember all those charts about per capita spending on health care compared to other countries?

Bait and switch, boys and girls. ObamaCare does not bend the cost curve down. In fact, it further entrenches things which bend the curve upward, like employer-sponsored health insurance (whic is a labor union boondoggle).

This was not about solving the cost of healthcare. This was about creating massive government dependency.
The report says THAT IF the republicans REMOVE the cost saving measures or ignores the cost saving measures in the Affordable Care act, THEN Obama care costs will sky rocket....


A report titled "The Federal Government's Long-Term Fiscal Outlook" states that several parts of the health plan "were designed to control the growth of health care costs. The full implementation and effectiveness of these cost-control provisions... would slow the growth in federal health care spending over the long term."
If the legislation were thrown out, though, the forecast becomes considerably more gloomy. The report does not go into detail about the consequences of an invalidated law — but as TPM reports, it clearly implies that "if key cost-control measures in the law, and other automatic cuts to Medicare spending baked into current law, are ignored, or overridden by Congress, the implications for the national debt are vast."
GAO Obamacare Report: National Debt Would Skyrocket If Plan Not Implemented

If says nothing about Republicans removing those cost saving measures, fool. In fact, Obama and the Democrats have already waived many of the fees and taxes that were supposed to pay for ObamaCare.

Got it? The Democrats. Not the Republicans.

Need examples?

At the end of last year, the Department of Health and Human Services had granted some 222 temporary waivers to businesses small and large, insurers, labor, and other organizations that offer affordable health insurance or prescription drug coverage with limited benefits. On Wednesday, the agency quietly updated its online list, which now reveals a whopping total of 729 Obamacare escapees – in addition to four states Massachusetts, New Jersey, Ohio, and Tennessee – who collectively cover 2.1 million enrollees.

At least one eyebrow-raising waiver recipient – the left-leaning, nationalized health care-promoting Robert Wood Johnson Foundation – has direct ties to the White House. Obama health care czar Nancy DeParle sits on the foundation’s board of trustees.

Most noteworthy: One-fourth of all the waivers (182) have gone to Big Labor groups across the country so far.

Tax-Exempt Status And Sweetheart Obamacare Exemptions Keep Big Labor Wealthy ? ExposeTheMedia.com
Labor's $60 Billion Payoff

Democrats seem impervious to embarrassment as they buy votes for ObamaCare, but their latest move makes even Nebraska's Ben Nelson look cheap: The 87% of Americans who don't belong to a union will now foot the bill for a $60 billion giveaway to those who do.

The Senate bill was financed in part by a 40% excise tax on high-cost insurance coverage. The White House backs this "Cadillac tax" as one of the few remaining cost-control tokens. But Big Labor abhors the tax because union benefits tend to be far more generous than average, and labor leaders and House Democrats have been throwing a political tantrum for weeks.

So emerging from their backrooms, Democrats have agreed to extend a special exemption from the Cadillac tax to any health plan that is part of a collective-bargaining agreement, plus state and local workers, many of whom are unionized. Everyone else with a higher-end plan will start to be taxed in 2013, but union members will get a free pass until 2018.

That's 600,000,000,000 dimes.
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The report says THAT IF the republicans REMOVE the cost saving measures or ignores the cost saving measures in the Affordable Care act, THEN Obama care costs will sky rocket....


A report titled "The Federal Government's Long-Term Fiscal Outlook" states that several parts of the health plan "were designed to control the growth of health care costs. The full implementation and effectiveness of these cost-control provisions... would slow the growth in federal health care spending over the long term."
If the legislation were thrown out, though, the forecast becomes considerably more gloomy. The report does not go into detail about the consequences of an invalidated law — but as TPM reports, it clearly implies that "if key cost-control measures in the law, and other automatic cuts to Medicare spending baked into current law, are ignored, or overridden by Congress, the implications for the national debt are vast."
GAO Obamacare Report: National Debt Would Skyrocket If Plan Not Implemented

If says nothing about Republicans removing those cost saving measures, fool. In fact, Obama and the Democrats have already waived many of the fees and taxes that were supposed to pay for ObamaCare.

Got it? The Democrats. Not the Republicans.

Need examples?

At the end of last year, the Department of Health and Human Services had granted some 222 temporary waivers to businesses small and large, insurers, labor, and other organizations that offer affordable health insurance or prescription drug coverage with limited benefits. On Wednesday, the agency quietly updated its online list, which now reveals a whopping total of 729 Obamacare escapees – in addition to four states Massachusetts, New Jersey, Ohio, and Tennessee – who collectively cover 2.1 million enrollees.

At least one eyebrow-raising waiver recipient – the left-leaning, nationalized health care-promoting Robert Wood Johnson Foundation – has direct ties to the White House. Obama health care czar Nancy DeParle sits on the foundation’s board of trustees.

Most noteworthy: One-fourth of all the waivers (182) have gone to Big Labor groups across the country so far.
Tax-Exempt Status And Sweetheart Obamacare Exemptions Keep Big Labor Wealthy ? ExposeTheMedia.com
NOPE g5000, no where does it say it is these measures or exceptions granted cover the rise in health care costs....

it is the big measures like the Medicare savings in the bill, if killed, that will raise the costs through the roof....and that dear ''fool'' ;) is a republican effort.
The report says THAT IF the republicans REMOVE the cost saving measures or ignores the cost saving measures in the Affordable Care act, THEN Obama care costs will sky rocket....


GAO Obamacare Report: National Debt Would Skyrocket If Plan Not Implemented

If says nothing about Republicans removing those cost saving measures, fool. In fact, Obama and the Democrats have already waived many of the fees and taxes that were supposed to pay for ObamaCare.

Got it? The Democrats. Not the Republicans.

Need examples?

At the end of last year, the Department of Health and Human Services had granted some 222 temporary waivers to businesses small and large, insurers, labor, and other organizations that offer affordable health insurance or prescription drug coverage with limited benefits. On Wednesday, the agency quietly updated its online list, which now reveals a whopping total of 729 Obamacare escapees – in addition to four states Massachusetts, New Jersey, Ohio, and Tennessee – who collectively cover 2.1 million enrollees.

At least one eyebrow-raising waiver recipient – the left-leaning, nationalized health care-promoting Robert Wood Johnson Foundation – has direct ties to the White House. Obama health care czar Nancy DeParle sits on the foundation’s board of trustees.

Most noteworthy: One-fourth of all the waivers (182) have gone to Big Labor groups across the country so far.
Tax-Exempt Status And Sweetheart Obamacare Exemptions Keep Big Labor Wealthy ? ExposeTheMedia.com
NOPE g5000, no where does it say it is these measures or exceptions granted cover the rise in health care costs....

it is the big measures like the Medicare savings in the bill, if killed, that will raise the costs through the roof....and that dear ''fool'' ;) is a republican effort.

Ah. Another person talking about ObamaCare who never read the legislation.

All those waivers that were given were for provisions IN THE LEGISLATION. It was those provisions which were supposed to make the entire act revenue neutral.

Obama said "not one dime". I have shown you over 600 billion of them, at least. All done by the Democrats. This is an accomplished fact, not an attempt.

Show me any dimes added by the Republicans.
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I dont trust your source

You don't trust then the GAO???

GAO - Patient Protection act

Your OP link says a GAO report was released today. That is not today's GAO report. And that report says the effect of the long-term outlook depends on whether cost containment measures are maintained. It does not definitively say ObamaCare will increase the deficit.

I would like to see a quote from the CBO that says "ObamaCare will increase the long-term federal deficit by $6.2 trillion".

What does "long-term" mean? What time period is that? In the CBO report you linked, it is out to 2060.

"LONG-TERM" meaning???
Boy am I glad you asked!!!
According to Obama's MATH a LONG-TERM is 1,600 years!!!

Obama said: " And if we are able to slow the growth of health care costs by just one-tenth of 1 percent each year --
one-tenth of 1 percent -- it will actually reduce the deficit by $4 trillion over the long term."

Today's health care expenditure: $2,555,000,000,000. That's $2.5 trillion.

A) 1/10th of 1 percent of $2.5 trillion is $2.5 billion.
B) Obama said would be used to reduce the deficit by $4 trillion over the long term..
C) Divide the $4 trillion deficit by $2.5 billion a year supposedly in savings .... and Obama's"long term? 1,600 years!
Talk about Voodoo economics!!
You have a president that says "corpse -man" ignorantly.
You have a president thinks we have 57 states.
and now thinks a long-term is 1,600 years!
You don't trust then the GAO???

GAO - Patient Protection act

Your OP link says a GAO report was released today. That is not today's GAO report. And that report says the effect of the long-term outlook depends on whether cost containment measures are maintained. It does not definitively say ObamaCare will increase the deficit.

I would like to see a quote from the CBO that says "ObamaCare will increase the long-term federal deficit by $6.2 trillion".

What does "long-term" mean? What time period is that? In the CBO report you linked, it is out to 2060.

"LONG-TERM" meaning???
Boy am I glad you asked!!!
According to Obama's MATH a LONG-TERM is 1,600 years!!!

Obama said: " And if we are able to slow the growth of health care costs by just one-tenth of 1 percent each year --
one-tenth of 1 percent -- it will actually reduce the deficit by $4 trillion over the long term."

Today's health care expenditure: $2,555,000,000,000. That's $2.5 trillion.

A) 1/10th of 1 percent of $2.5 trillion is $2.5 billion.
B) Obama said would be used to reduce the deficit by $4 trillion over the long term..
C) Divide the $4 trillion deficit by $2.5 billion a year supposedly in savings .... and Obama's"long term? 1,600 years!

So today's CBO report says ObamaCare will increase the federal debt by $6.2 trillion over 1,600 years.
Why do people support this Congenital LIAR???


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hs3O6Ekkog8]Bush said he saw the first plane hit the towers.avi - YouTube[/ame]​
Your OP link says a GAO report was released today. That is not today's GAO report. And that report says the effect of the long-term outlook depends on whether cost containment measures are maintained. It does not definitively say ObamaCare will increase the deficit.

I would like to see a quote from the CBO that says "ObamaCare will increase the long-term federal deficit by $6.2 trillion".

What does "long-term" mean? What time period is that? In the CBO report you linked, it is out to 2060.

"LONG-TERM" meaning???
Boy am I glad you asked!!!
According to Obama's MATH a LONG-TERM is 1,600 years!!!

Obama said: " And if we are able to slow the growth of health care costs by just one-tenth of 1 percent each year --
one-tenth of 1 percent -- it will actually reduce the deficit by $4 trillion over the long term."

Today's health care expenditure: $2,555,000,000,000. That's $2.5 trillion.

A) 1/10th of 1 percent of $2.5 trillion is $2.5 billion.
B) Obama said would be used to reduce the deficit by $4 trillion over the long term..
C) Divide the $4 trillion deficit by $2.5 billion a year supposedly in savings .... and Obama's"long term? 1,600 years!

So today's CBO report says ObamaCare will increase the federal debt by $6.2 trillion over 1,600 years.

Well if we ALL HAVE TO USE Obama Math...YES!!
But remember the Messiah LIED..
“I will not sign a plan that adds one dime to our deficits — either now or in the future,”
Obama told a joint-session of Congress in September 2009. “I will not sign it if it adds one dime to the deficit, now or in the future, period.”

Explain why a Perfect being which YOU seem to believe Obama is, couldn't have stopped the hurricane in NY area, or
the snow storms that harmed people and why he couldn't have halted the BP spill... I mean you believe he is a god because the MSM tells you he is.. and he has a stash of money he gives out as the typical Obamatron.. believes...
SO based on your association... WE HAVE NO Problem!
The Messiah has a stash...do you think he'll share after all he's told us he's his brother's keeper... except his real brother..
How do you get the impression I believe Obama to be a perfect being?

Are you not reading my posts?

I am someone who believes in facts and critical thinking. If someone makes a false claim against Obama, the truth takes precedence over my abhorrence of him.

I like to see evidence of claims. An article on a biased web site is not evidence. It is just more claims. That is why I asked for the CBO report. I prefer the source when possible.
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