Why do poor communities exist in America?

People fail to take advantage of the opportunities that are available to them.
Here are three easy rules to make it in America.
1 stay out of trouble
2 finish school
3 be a good employee

If the hi dress of billions spent on star wars etc and the military, imagine what that could do for the poverty.
Be aware, this forum is neck high with racists who would rather see blacks all eliminated because of the embarrassment they cause the whites after the slave days.

They are deliberately kept poor and oppressed because that is what usually differentiates to two parties. Republicans hate blacks. Conservative governments play on their fear and hatred to cement their votes. That's how trump came to power but they won't tell you that.

So basically , t hgabk republicans for it and the racist red necks who support them
I'm from Harlem, New York, and I just started my first day of school today at Bergen Community College, but while I was there, I couldn't help but notice how different people act in Paramus, New Jersey, as opposed to how people act in my part of town.

Aside from the uncomfortably obvious racial difference, people in this area act very unfamiliar with the difficulties that people deal with in poor communities, such as the lack of financial opportunities, abundance of poverty and desperation, pressure to get into illegal business, oppressive police activity, violent gang activity, constant drug use and trafficking, public lewdness and intoxication, overall hopelessness, etc.

Some individuals don't only seem unaware of the characteristics of my type of neighborhood, but also intolerant of the regular tenants of its atmosphere, like the trend of wearing designer clothing, listening to rap music, smoking weed, avoiding romance, as well as maintaining a guarded, skeptical mentality. Even professionals from the ghetto who aren't gang affiliated in any way do most if not all of these things in the 21st century. Despite this however, people's heads spun regardless when I was casually talking about my older brother who did 7 years in Riker's.

It doesn't seem to me like some anyone is really that concerned with what goes on in these communities, and it does seem like this lack of consideration often extends to hatefulness and resentment towards the so-called "vibes."

That aptly brings me back to my question. Quick history lesson here, communities such as Harlem started being developed into poor neighborhoods in the 1960s, when the civil rights movement had finally gained momentum. If that is the case, then the federal government is obviously responsible for every step of the development of these areas ranging from their conception to their final establishment. I can definitely understand the ghetto perhaps having been established to keep certain members of our society "in line," which brings me back to my question.

Why was it even established? Why would the government think it's a good idea to create dangerous neighborhoods all of a sudden? If it really was to keep certain Americans in line, then which ones? Of course, many would assume black people but they clearly don't make up the entirety of the ghetto's demographics. There are also Puerto Ricans, Mexicans, Jews, Russians, (and definitely lots of Dominicans!) in New York City's poorest areas. While hate towards the vibes of the ghetto is certainly prejudice on a whole laundry list of levels, it cannot be considered a form of racism. So if people are separated by race in this country, then all five of the races I mentioned before, as well as black people, must have something in common that the federal government finds incredibly dangerous, and thus wishes to inhibit it. (edit: which sounds absolutely silly)

However, if it isn't actually a race issue, then what determines who goes where? Do a couple of senators just flip a coin and get to see who lives in poverty and who gets to live as a middle class citizen? It seems to me like something else must be a deciding factor here.

If someone could help me understand this basic question as it's been sufficiently elaborated (for those who are about to say TL;DR :p) that would be great!
Why don't you ask your democrat President, your democrat governor and your democrat Mayor?

In fact, ask all the Left wing poverty haven like Venezuela and North Korea why poverty is so rampant around the world

I'm guessing it's Trump's fault.
People fail to take advantage of the opportunities that are available to them.
Here are three easy rules to make it in America.
1 stay out of trouble
2 finish school
3 be a good employee
And if they don’t follow your rules, what then?
I'm from Harlem, New York, and I just started my first day of school today at Bergen Community College, but while I was there, I couldn't help but notice how different people act in Paramus, New Jersey, as opposed to how people act in my part of town.

Aside from the uncomfortably obvious racial difference, people in this area act very unfamiliar with the difficulties that people deal with in poor communities, such as the lack of financial opportunities, abundance of poverty and desperation, pressure to get into illegal business, oppressive police activity, violent gang activity, constant drug use and trafficking, public lewdness and intoxication, overall hopelessness, etc.

Some individuals don't only seem unaware of the characteristics of my type of neighborhood, but also intolerant of the regular tenants of its atmosphere, like the trend of wearing designer clothing, listening to rap music, smoking weed, avoiding romance, as well as maintaining a guarded, skeptical mentality. Even professionals from the ghetto who aren't gang affiliated in any way do most if not all of these things in the 21st century. Despite this however, people's heads spun regardless when I was casually talking about my older brother who did 7 years in Riker's.

It doesn't seem to me like some anyone is really that concerned with what goes on in these communities, and it does seem like this lack of consideration often extends to hatefulness and resentment towards the so-called "vibes."

That aptly brings me back to my question. Quick history lesson here, communities such as Harlem started being developed into poor neighborhoods in the 1960s, when the civil rights movement had finally gained momentum. If that is the case, then the federal government is obviously responsible for every step of the development of these areas ranging from their conception to their final establishment. I can definitely understand the ghetto perhaps having been established to keep certain members of our society "in line," which brings me back to my question.

Why was it even established? Why would the government think it's a good idea to create dangerous neighborhoods all of a sudden? If it really was to keep certain Americans in line, then which ones? Of course, many would assume black people but they clearly don't make up the entirety of the ghetto's demographics. There are also Puerto Ricans, Mexicans, Jews, Russians, (and definitely lots of Dominicans!) in New York City's poorest areas. While hate towards the vibes of the ghetto is certainly prejudice on a whole laundry list of levels, it cannot be considered a form of racism. So if people are separated by race in this country, then all five of the races I mentioned before, as well as black people, must have something in common that the federal government finds incredibly dangerous, and thus wishes to inhibit it.

However, if it isn't actually a race issue, then what determines who goes where? Do a couple of senators just flip a coin and get to see who lives in poverty and who gets to live as a middle class citizen? It seems to me like something else must be a deciding factor here.

If someone could help me understand this basic question as it's been sufficiently elaborated (for those who are about to say TL;DR :p) that would be great!
Stopped reading after that nonsense right at the start when you started mentioning the uncomfortably obvious racial differences, lack of opportunities and oppressive Police.

First day at your new college, you sound like you'll either fit in well with the rest or they've got to grips and brainwashed you in a day.
Stay in Scotland trash. We don't need you here.
I'm from Harlem, New York, and I just started my first day of school today at Bergen Community College, but while I was there, I couldn't help but notice how different people act in Paramus, New Jersey, as opposed to how people act in my part of town.

Aside from the uncomfortably obvious racial difference, people in this area act very unfamiliar with the difficulties that people deal with in poor communities, such as the lack of financial opportunities, abundance of poverty and desperation, pressure to get into illegal business, oppressive police activity, violent gang activity, constant drug use and trafficking, public lewdness and intoxication, overall hopelessness, etc.

Some individuals don't only seem unaware of the characteristics of my type of neighborhood, but also intolerant of the regular tenants of its atmosphere, like the trend of wearing designer clothing, listening to rap music, smoking weed, avoiding romance, as well as maintaining a guarded, skeptical mentality. Even professionals from the ghetto who aren't gang affiliated in any way do most if not all of these things in the 21st century. Despite this however, people's heads spun regardless when I was casually talking about my older brother who did 7 years in Riker's.

It doesn't seem to me like some anyone is really that concerned with what goes on in these communities, and it does seem like this lack of consideration often extends to hatefulness and resentment towards the so-called "vibes."

That aptly brings me back to my question. Quick history lesson here, communities such as Harlem started being developed into poor neighborhoods in the 1960s, when the civil rights movement had finally gained momentum. If that is the case, then the federal government is obviously responsible for every step of the development of these areas ranging from their conception to their final establishment. I can definitely understand the ghetto perhaps having been established to keep certain members of our society "in line," which brings me back to my question.

Why was it even established? Why would the government think it's a good idea to create dangerous neighborhoods all of a sudden? If it really was to keep certain Americans in line, then which ones? Of course, many would assume black people but they clearly don't make up the entirety of the ghetto's demographics. There are also Puerto Ricans, Mexicans, Jews, Russians, (and definitely lots of Dominicans!) in New York City's poorest areas. While hate towards the vibes of the ghetto is certainly prejudice on a whole laundry list of levels, it cannot be considered a form of racism. So if people are separated by race in this country, then all five of the races I mentioned before, as well as black people, must have something in common that the federal government finds incredibly dangerous, and thus wishes to inhibit it. (edit: which sounds absolutely silly)

However, if it isn't actually a race issue, then what determines who goes where? Do a couple of senators just flip a coin and get to see who lives in poverty and who gets to live as a middle class citizen? It seems to me like something else must be a deciding factor here.

If someone could help me understand this basic question as it's been sufficiently elaborated (for those who are about to say TL;DR :p) that would be great!
Slums are not designed by government. There is a rise and decline in neighborhoods. It is economics not design. There becomes a time when the structures age and new areas develop. Mo ey moves to new and poor moves to old. Then there is a time of rise again. Take some appraisal classes you will understand this. Being born in a poor area does limit opportunities this is a fact. Don't let that hopelessness get into your brain. Forget yesterday focus on now. As independent advises you are in school work hard get good grades believe and achieve. You have taken a large step toward getting out of a bad situation. Forget designer cloths, pay rent, utilities and groceries first. Invest money in appreciable assets. Whether you make 5k a year or 5 mil a year if you are not saving you are a slave. Once you have disposable income save it it. Also be careful who you spend time with, you can spend time with loyal positive people who enhance your life or negative lead weights Make the right choice.
You had the opportunity to get out of your area and go to college to make something of yourself.

Nobody is FORCING these people to live in the areas they do. Hell, I traveled around several states one summer on $300. I moved from one state to another on less than that!! Just because I'm dirt poor doesn't mean I was GLUED to the shitholes I lived in!!

These people have the means to change their lives and leave their shitholes if they so CHOOSE. But they REFUSE TO CHOOSE, which is their choice in itself. Most people prefer to wallow in their own self-pity, self-hate, and pile of filth they've dug themselves into. They don't WANT to change, they just want to whine and bitch about it.

Some people that DO want change will find a way to change it. Whether by scraping together a bit of money to get the hell out of there, or going to college or getting a decent job, in order to give themselves opportunities to get away from these places.
You had the opportunity to get out of your area and go to college to make something of yourself.

Nobody is FORCING these people to live in the areas they do. Hell, I traveled around several states one summer on $300. I moved from one state to another on less than that!! Just because I'm dirt poor doesn't mean I was GLUED to the shitholes I lived in!!

These people have the means to change their lives and leave their shitholes if they so CHOOSE. But they REFUSE TO CHOOSE, which is their choice in itself. Most people prefer to wallow in their own self-pity, self-hate, and pile of filth they've dug themselves into. They don't WANT to change, they just want to whine and bitch about it.

Some people that DO want change will find a way to change it. Whether by scraping together a bit of money to get the hell out of there, or going to college or getting a decent job, in order to give themselves opportunities to get away from these places.
What a presumptuous pile of crap. You didn't think before posting that nonsense, you just feeeeeeeled.
I'm from Harlem, New York, and I just started my first day of school today at Bergen Community College, but while I was there, I couldn't help but notice how different people act in Paramus, New Jersey, as opposed to how people act in my part of town.

Aside from the uncomfortably obvious racial difference, people in this area act very unfamiliar with the difficulties that people deal with in poor communities, such as the lack of financial opportunities, abundance of poverty and desperation, pressure to get into illegal business, oppressive police activity, violent gang activity, constant drug use and trafficking, public lewdness and intoxication, overall hopelessness, etc.

Some individuals don't only seem unaware of the characteristics of my type of neighborhood, but also intolerant of the regular tenants of its atmosphere, like the trend of wearing designer clothing, listening to rap music, smoking weed, avoiding romance, as well as maintaining a guarded, skeptical mentality. Even professionals from the ghetto who aren't gang affiliated in any way do most if not all of these things in the 21st century. Despite this however, people's heads spun regardless when I was casually talking about my older brother who did 7 years in Riker's.

It doesn't seem to me like some anyone is really that concerned with what goes on in these communities, and it does seem like this lack of consideration often extends to hatefulness and resentment towards the so-called "vibes."

That aptly brings me back to my question. Quick history lesson here, communities such as Harlem started being developed into poor neighborhoods in the 1960s, when the civil rights movement had finally gained momentum. If that is the case, then the federal government is obviously responsible for every step of the development of these areas ranging from their conception to their final establishment. I can definitely understand the ghetto perhaps having been established to keep certain members of our society "in line," which brings me back to my question.

Why was it even established? Why would the government think it's a good idea to create dangerous neighborhoods all of a sudden? If it really was to keep certain Americans in line, then which ones? Of course, many would assume black people but they clearly don't make up the entirety of the ghetto's demographics. There are also Puerto Ricans, Mexicans, Jews, Russians, (and definitely lots of Dominicans!) in New York City's poorest areas. While hate towards the vibes of the ghetto is certainly prejudice on a whole laundry list of levels, it cannot be considered a form of racism. So if people are separated by race in this country, then all five of the races I mentioned before, as well as black people, must have something in common that the federal government finds incredibly dangerous, and thus wishes to inhibit it. (edit: which sounds absolutely silly)

However, if it isn't actually a race issue, then what determines who goes where? Do a couple of senators just flip a coin and get to see who lives in poverty and who gets to live as a middle class citizen? It seems to me like something else must be a deciding factor here.

If someone could help me understand this basic question as it's been sufficiently elaborated (for those who are about to say TL;DR :p) that would be great!
Because the retards who live there burn the city down and the democrats help
You had the opportunity to get out of your area and go to college to make something of yourself.

Nobody is FORCING these people to live in the areas they do. Hell, I traveled around several states one summer on $300. I moved from one state to another on less than that!! Just because I'm dirt poor doesn't mean I was GLUED to the shitholes I lived in!!

These people have the means to change their lives and leave their shitholes if they so CHOOSE. But they REFUSE TO CHOOSE, which is their choice in itself. Most people prefer to wallow in their own self-pity, self-hate, and pile of filth they've dug themselves into. They don't WANT to change, they just want to whine and bitch about it.

Some people that DO want change will find a way to change it. Whether by scraping together a bit of money to get the hell out of there, or going to college or getting a decent job, in order to give themselves opportunities to get away from these places.
What a presumptuous pile of crap. You didn't think before posting that nonsense, you just feeeeeeeled.

There you go with the name calling again, instead of listening to whats being said or use any kind of logic and reason to understand anything past your nose.

Go back to your video games.
People fail to take advantage of the opportunities that are available to them.
Here are three easy rules to make it in America.
1 stay out of trouble
2 finish school
3 be a good employee

Being a "good employee" has nothing to do with it. Companies are going to use and abuse who they want, and theres nothing you can do about it. I've known people deemed "the best employee" a company has ever had before, then was fired two weeks later.
Toffeenut Baconsmuggler
What I mean is showing up for work on time and getting the job done.
It is just a basic requirement for employment.
The OP complaint is "why do poor communities exist".
They exist because when enough people fail to be contributors to society we have dystopian "community".
You had the opportunity to get out of your area and go to college to make something of yourself.

Nobody is FORCING these people to live in the areas they do. Hell, I traveled around several states one summer on $300. I moved from one state to another on less than that!! Just because I'm dirt poor doesn't mean I was GLUED to the shitholes I lived in!!

These people have the means to change their lives and leave their shitholes if they so CHOOSE. But they REFUSE TO CHOOSE, which is their choice in itself. Most people prefer to wallow in their own self-pity, self-hate, and pile of filth they've dug themselves into. They don't WANT to change, they just want to whine and bitch about it.

Some people that DO want change will find a way to change it. Whether by scraping together a bit of money to get the hell out of there, or going to college or getting a decent job, in order to give themselves opportunities to get away from these places.
What a presumptuous pile of crap. You didn't think before posting that nonsense, you just feeeeeeeled.

There you go with the name calling again, instead of listening to whats being said or use any kind of logic and reason to understand anything past your nose.

Go back to your video games.
Did you say "logic and reason"? Do you have the slightest idea what those words mean? Idiotic generalizations are not "logic," moron. Do you think that drawing universal conclusions from your own personal anecdotes is "logic," moron?
We didn't have free food,shelter ,etc..We had strong people determined to do better.Even our children had to work. Made them stronger than the weak complaining cucks of today.No free food ,shelter or handouts which most of us had too much pride to beg for to begin with.
We sacrificced so people like you could sit on their ass and complain.


We didn't have free food,shelter ,etc..We had strong people determined to do better.Even our children had to work. Made them stronger than the weak complaining cucks of today.No free food ,shelter or handouts which most of us had too much pride to beg for to begin with.
We sacrificced so people like you could sit on their ass and complain.
Are you actually advocating for child labor? What the fuck is wrong with you?
No it wasn't just black 'sleves'working in the fields and factory's.Most sharecroppers wwere white and worked for the rich man who built a nation of wealth for all of us including those who come here enjoy the benefits of our ancesters labors while they sit on their well fed ass and complain and play victim.
Sadly it is over for us all both freeloaders and freemen but sometimes I just have to speak out.


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We didn't have free food,shelter ,etc..We had strong people determined to do better.Even our children had to work. Made them stronger than the weak complaining cucks of today.No free food ,shelter or handouts which most of us had too much pride to beg for to begin with.
We sacrificced so people like you could sit on their ass and complain.
Are you actually advocating for child labor? What the fuck is wrong with you?

Hell No! But since your a product of new wokeness and obviously can't 'comphehend what you read 'I'll try to explain to you.
With all working during times of hardship even both parents doing all they could they were still starving in times of trouble.

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