Why do poor communities exist in America?

We didn't have free food,shelter ,etc..We had strong people determined to do better.Even our children had to work. Made them stronger than the weak complaining cucks of today.No free food ,shelter or handouts which most of us had too much pride to beg for to begin with.
We sacrificced so people like you could sit on their ass and complain.
Are you actually advocating for child labor? What the fuck is wrong with you?

Hell No! .....
Sure seems that way.
We didn't have free food,shelter ,etc..We had strong people determined to do better.Even our children had to work. Made them stronger than the weak complaining cucks of today.No free food ,shelter or handouts which most of us had too much pride to beg for to begin with.
We sacrificced so people like you could sit on their ass and complain.
Are you actually advocating for child labor? What the fuck is wrong with you?

Hell No! .....
Sure seems that way.

Or you see what you want to see ,huh?
We didn't have free food,shelter ,etc..We had strong people determined to do better.Even our children had to work. Made them stronger than the weak complaining cucks of today.No free food ,shelter or handouts which most of us had too much pride to beg for to begin with.
We sacrificced so people like you could sit on their ass and complain.
Are you actually advocating for child labor? What the fuck is wrong with you?

Hell No! .....
Sure seems that way.

Or you see what you want to see ,huh?
I see what you posted, dumbass.
We didn't have free food,shelter ,etc..We had strong people determined to do better.Even our children had to work. Made them stronger than the weak complaining cucks of today.No free food ,shelter or handouts which most of us had too much pride to beg for to begin with.
We sacrificced so people like you could sit on their ass and complain.
Are you actually advocating for child labor? What the fuck is wrong with you?

Hell No! .....
Sure seems that way.

Or you see what you want to see ,huh?
I see what you posted, dumbass.

I was trying to stay out of insane discussions because noone benefits. But name calling isn't debating.Plus my keyboardkeys are sticking.
We didn't have free food,shelter ,etc..We had strong people determined to do better.Even our children had to work. Made them stronger than the weak complaining cucks of today.No free food ,shelter or handouts which most of us had too much pride to beg for to begin with.
We sacrificced so people like you could sit on their ass and complain.
Are you actually advocating for child labor? What the fuck is wrong with you?

Hell No! .....
Sure seems that way.

Or you see what you want to see ,huh?
I see what you posted, dumbass.

I was trying to stay out of insane discussions because noone benefits. But name calling isn't debating.Plus my keyboardkeys are sticking.
We didn't have free food,shelter ,etc..We had strong people determined to do better.Even our children had to work. Made them stronger than the weak complaining cucks of today.No free food ,shelter or handouts which most of us had too much pride to beg for to begin with.
We sacrificced so people like you could sit on their ass and complain.
Are you actually advocating for child labor? What the fuck is wrong with you?

Hell No! .....
Sure seems that way.

Or you see what you want to see ,huh?
I see what you posted, dumbass.

I was trying to stay out of insane discussions because noone benefits. But name calling isn't debating.Plus my keyboardkeys are sticking.

Yeah after WW2 ... 70-years ago.
When the government starting creating those neighbourhoods.
Exactly. That's generations and 10 decades ago.

What's this generations excuse? still the Government's fault? despite giving minorities more tools than you're average white folk from poor backgrounds.
Isn't it the government's fault? America is as lawless as it gets. Maybe I'm racist or ignorant or something for saying that too but it doesn't make it any less true and I'm sure you're already aware of it.
No you aren't racist. Not at all.

I'd say Ignorant but it's not even your fault - kids today are brainwashed and get taught to blame everything and everyone else other than the actual root of these problems because it's more comfortable blaming the Government than an actual person you feel sorry for. It's an emotional thing. It's easier to look at the big bad faceless system even if it was a policy 7 decades ago whilst ignoring the fact that minorities have all the tools now.

It comes down to personal responsibility.
It seems to me like the government, or specifically the legislative branch, has all the power to make this change. They could make public transportation free so people don't get stranded, they could eliminate tuitions so that people don't have to actually pay for an education in the United Freaking States for crying out loud, they could eliminate unregulated parenting so that people don't have to grow up with parents that don't like responsibility, etc.

Also by the way, I guess you should know I'm white so I'm not technically a minority, but I did grow up in Harlem, like I said, and it wasn't with very much money. Thankfully I work in the music business now so the money problem is mostly a thing of the past.

It still makes me think though, since if I'm white, and I had to deal with the same problems as anyone else in the streets, is it really a race thing? I can't, in my right mind at least, believe that it is after knowing the facts.
You can't just make everything free. Free public transportation sounds great but it needs paid for. Substantial cost.

Last time I was in New York a weekly subway ticket was 30-dollars. If you're working in employment then 30-dollars is nothing. If you're not working, why would you be out every day travelling around New York, going out for nights out etc to get stranded in the first instance?

I half agree on tuitions. It's a shame there's real smart kids out there who are denied the chance to make a good living and even enhance the country too at the same time but can't afford the money for the further education. That's not unique to the USA though. In Scotland we do have free University places should you qualify but the cost is very substantial and other areas of our economy suffer from this policy and we are a small nation within the United Kingdom. Even if they get a University place there's still the substantial cost - a couple of my friends who's kids have moved 35 miles from Glasgow to Edinburgh for Edinburgh University are £1200 pounds a month just for their accommodation alone that they cover.

You're obviously a socialist because you're answers for these things is "make it free" - that's too detached from reality. Well intended, but detached from reality.

You've more or less answered your own question in your last two lines.

Whites have it hard, blacks have it hard - life can be hard, but it's nothing to do with race, Police aggression, Government suppression etc. It's life.

You being in the music industry, that's being in a niche market too. I'm guessing you've landed on your feet with a labour of love that you enjoy so that will detach you that bit further when it comes to trying to understand why everything can't be great.

Lastly apartments in Harlem isn't cheap to rent or have a mortgage on due to the gentrification that New York has underwent these last 20-30-years.
The reason I think public transportation should be free is because people just shouldn't be stranded. Plain and simple. What if someone is driving and gets in an accident, doesn't have Uber, or any cash on them, and they are in a different neighborhood etc. I have been stranded in the park of a different community for almost an entire weekend one time, and that is not something that I would ever want to go through again, much less wish on anyone especially on this forum.

I definitely understand how you're saying music is a niche product essentially, and how an individual working in a niche industry could potentially gravitate towards more socialist ideals that are definitely well-intended but less connected to reality in terms of practical solutions. Essentially what you're saying is music is a niche good, it's not a raw material such as lumber, metal, food, raw materials, etc. As such, anyone working in the business of this product is essentially less connected to reality in terms of their philosophical mindset, which definitely makes sense.

Lastly in response to Harlem not being cheap, I'm definitely aware of the whole gentrification process that's going on in New York. There used to be normal liquor stores and now they have Wine and Spirits or something. They even have Whole Foods on 125th for Christ's sake, and I remember it made headlines too. We were definitely struggling to even afford that house at all since my family was going through a divorce and child protective services was involved in my life, etc. Legal fees can be pretty expensive.
Do you have some physical challenge that prevents you from walking?
Everyone knows Harlem was a black neighborhood by the 1920's when the people of NYC were flocking to Harlem for the jazz and the dance halls (ever heard of the Savoy Ballroom?) Black poets, writers and intellectuals were blazing a trail for blacks who had moved north. The Harlem Renaissance was a cultural explosion that apparently fizzled with the Depression. By 1930, 70% of those in Harlem were black. Like everyone, jobs were lost in the Depression, but it hit blacks harder. Good history coverage here. Harlem - Wikipedia
Except for what cnm said about making it difficult for black people to move out to the burbs, I don't know that the government corralled people there; whatever happened to Harlem, it started a lot earlier than the 1960's, or even 1945.
The Harlem Renaissance was around that period with a much higher percentage of blacks, you're right, but they all lived in tenements at the time. Blacks in this country unfortunately were treated no different than immigrants in that time period, left basically as vagabonds without reliable places to settle, except specific communities that had a higher percentage of their population overall.

I guess at the time tenements were they issue, but now they've evolved to just poorer neighborhoods instead.
Maybe you should move to the actual UK so you can learn to read English.
You just told somebody they need to learn to read English.

Government's don't create dangerous neighborhoods. This is my problem with idiots like you, you think you are clever with the way you type but you actually don't have the first clue.
You really are a fuckwit. The US government created those communities by denying mortgage guarantees to Blacks after WW2, there by keeping them out of property ownership in the suburbs, by permitting and enabling Redlining, thereby keeping them from property ownership elsewhere, among other measures. Not only are you a fuckwit, you're the perfect example of the sort of person to which the OP was referring.
That makes a lot of sense. I appreciate you educating me on that and the fact that I'm a fuckwit apparently. Do you British people ever speak actual English from time to time or is that just not a thing over there?
If you follow the quote.. He's obviously calling Scottish guy a fuckwit. And then funny enough... Begin to go into reading comprehension skills again. Irony, got to love it.

So... Either you have more than one account in which you are *also* Schottish guy... Or... You need to move to the actual UK so you can learn to read English.

Umm no, I can't say it is. I'm also not sure how or why you would even come to that conclusion.
Thus my comment.
I really have no idea what you are trying to say lol. Are you trying to accuse me of not speaking proper English or using a different account which I'm definitely not doing? I actually have no idea what you're talking about lmao.
I'm from Harlem, New York, and I just started my first day of school today at Bergen Community College, but while I was there, I couldn't help but notice how different people act in Paramus, New Jersey, as opposed to how people act in my part of town.

Aside from the uncomfortably obvious racial difference, people in this area act very unfamiliar with the difficulties that people deal with in poor communities, such as the lack of financial opportunities, abundance of poverty and desperation, pressure to get into illegal business, oppressive police activity, violent gang activity, constant drug use and trafficking, public lewdness and intoxication, overall hopelessness, etc.

Some individuals don't only seem unaware of the characteristics of my type of neighborhood, but also intolerant of the regular tenants of its atmosphere, like the trend of wearing designer clothing, listening to rap music, smoking weed, avoiding romance, as well as maintaining a guarded, skeptical mentality. Even professionals from the ghetto who aren't gang affiliated in any way do most if not all of these things in the 21st century. Despite this however, people's heads spun regardless when I was casually talking about my older brother who did 7 years in Riker's.

It doesn't seem to me like some anyone is really that concerned with what goes on in these communities, and it does seem like this lack of consideration often extends to hatefulness and resentment towards the so-called "vibes."

That aptly brings me back to my question. Quick history lesson here, communities such as Harlem started being developed into poor neighborhoods in the 1960s, when the civil rights movement had finally gained momentum. If that is the case, then the federal government is obviously responsible for every step of the development of these areas ranging from their conception to their final establishment. I can definitely understand the ghetto perhaps having been established to keep certain members of our society "in line," which brings me back to my question.

Why was it even established? Why would the government think it's a good idea to create dangerous neighborhoods all of a sudden? If it really was to keep certain Americans in line, then which ones? Of course, many would assume black people but they clearly don't make up the entirety of the ghetto's demographics. There are also Puerto Ricans, Mexicans, Jews, Russians, (and definitely lots of Dominicans!) in New York City's poorest areas. While hate towards the vibes of the ghetto is certainly prejudice on a whole laundry list of levels, it cannot be considered a form of racism. So if people are separated by race in this country, then all five of the races I mentioned before, as well as black people, must have something in common that the federal government finds incredibly dangerous, and thus wishes to inhibit it. (edit: which sounds absolutely silly)

However, if it isn't actually a race issue, then what determines who goes where? Do a couple of senators just flip a coin and get to see who lives in poverty and who gets to live as a middle class citizen? It seems to me like something else must be a deciding factor here.

If someone could help me understand this basic question as it's been sufficiently elaborated (for those who are about to say TL;DR :p) that would be great!
Why are making excuses?
Speak English my guy.
Do you have some physical challenge that prevents you from walking?
Well I'm definitely not going to walk across a highway in New Jersey. That is a really easy way to get arrested.
Do you have some physical challenge that prevents you from walking?

Probably allery,allergic to work? How did this person get stuck in a ghetto to begin with before the divorce?
Two people working and still have to live in the ghetto ,something else is going on here.

If the hi dress of billions spent on star wars etc and the military, imagine what that could do for the poverty.
Be aware, this forum is neck high with racists who would rather see blacks all eliminated because of the embarrassment they cause the whites after the slave days.

They are deliberately kept poor and oppressed because that is what usually differentiates to two parties. Republicans hate blacks. Conservative governments play on their fear and hatred to cement their votes. That's how trump came to power but they won't tell you that.

So basically , t hgabk republicans for it and the racist red necks who support them
They got money for wars but can't feed the poor. That's how this world is I guess!
Do you have some physical challenge that prevents you from walking?
Well I'm definitely not going to walk across a highway in New Jersey. That is a really easy way to get arrested.
The police would help you get home.
Do you have some physical challenge that prevents you from walking?

Probably allery,allergic to work? How did this person get stuck in a ghetto to begin with before the divorce?
Two people working and still have to live in the ghetto ,something else is going on here.
Do you really think there is some sign saying "Entering Ghetto"? You sound like some ignorant soft belly with no real world experience talking about things he saw in some bad movie.

If the hi dress of billions spent on star wars etc and the military, imagine what that could do for the poverty.
Be aware, this forum is neck high with racists who would rather see blacks all eliminated because of the embarrassment they cause the whites after the slave days.

They are deliberately kept poor and oppressed because that is what usually differentiates to two parties. Republicans hate blacks. Conservative governments play on their fear and hatred to cement their votes. That's how trump came to power but they won't tell you that.

So basically , t hgabk republicans for it and the racist red necks who support them
They got money for wars but can't feed the poor. That's how this world is I guess!

I do understand that you may not get this being so liberal you think your suppose to be fed and cared for by others labor like the family pet but this nation has wars to stay strong enough to stop other nations from controlling us.
I also hate war but it happens to be a natural state of mankind or human nature.
Socialist aka communisst nations like you seem to want always end in millions of people dying. PolPot,Bolshevicks,Hitler nazism, eyc.etc..
So America was as good as it gets.
Don't bring up other socialist nations who depend on our "WARS" and defense to survive.They can give all the freebes because we stop others from invading and taking over. Whitout American protection they would exist.
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