Why do progressive liberals hate John Stossel?


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012

Government Creates Poverty

5/1/11 John Stossel is host of “Stossel” on the Fox Business Network.

The U.S. government has “helped” no group more than it has “helped” the American Indians. It stuns me when President Obama appears before Indian groups and says things like, “Few have been ignored by Washington for as long as Native Americans.”

Ignored? Are you kidding me? They should be so lucky. The government has made most Indian tribes wards of the state. Government manages their land, provides their health care, and pays for housing and child care. Twenty different departments and agencies have special “native American” programs. The result? Indians have the highest poverty rate, nearly 25 percent, and the lowest life expectancy of any group in America. Sixty-six percent are born to single mothers.

Nevertheless, Indian activists want more government “help.”

It is intuitive to assume that, when people struggle, government “help” is the answer. The opposite is true. American groups who are helped the most, do the worst.

Consider the Lumbees of Robeson County — a tribe not recognized as sovereign by the government and therefore ineligible for most of the “help” given other tribes. The Lumbees do much better than those recognized tribes.

Lumbees own their homes and succeed in business. They include real estate developer Jim Thomas, who used to own the Sacramento Kings, and Jack Lowery, who helped start the Cracker Barrel Restaurants. Lumbees started the first Indian-owned bank, which now has 12 branches.

The Lumbees’ wealth is not from casino money.

“We don’t have any casinos. We have 12 banks,” says Ben Chavis, another successful Lumbee businessman. He also points out that Robeson County looks different from most Indian reservations.

Freedom lets them prosper.

John Stossel is host of “Stossel” on the Fox Business Network. He’s the author of “Give Me a Break” and of “Myth, Lies, and Downright Stupidity.”

Government Creates Poverty | government, creates, poverty - Gaston Gazette

Lot's more to come folks, got the whole series...:eusa_whistle:
John Stossel So Sick Of ABC’s Liberal Bias, He ‘Begged’ Fox to Hire Him


Journalist John Stossel left the liberal confines of ABC News "because it sucked there." The libertarian reporter talked to the Heritage Foundation's Rob Bluey in an interview posted Thursday and exposed the liberal culture at his former network: "They were hostile to these ideas that have made us prosperous and I consider so important."

He added that ABC "tolerated" him and his good ratings, "But by the end, they were sort of saying, 'Oh, you're predictable, Stossel. All you want to do is libertarian economics all the time. I don't want to watch that.'" He joked that ABC preferred to do stories on how "[Michael Jackson's] still dead."

Stossel admitted that he was "not offered a job by Fox." He added, "I went over and begged, 'Please hire me. I can't stand it anymore.'"

Read more: John Stossel So Sick Of ABC

I feel for ya John, I had the same problem so I fired them...:D
Because if there is one thing that liberals hate more than conservatives - it is libertarians.
Stossel has devoted a number of his shows about the failure of the education system from top to bottom - showing solid data that proves that the more government gives into the system, the more the system fails. Never more true than K-12.
Education is the bastion of liberals. It is their home base. It is an abysmal failure. They don't like to be reminded of it.
Because if there is one thing that liberals hate more than conservatives - it is libertarians.
Stossel has devoted a number of his shows about the failure of the education system from top to bottom - showing solid data that proves that the more government gives into the system, the more the system fails. Never more true than K-12.
Education is the bastion of liberals. It is their home base. It is an abysmal failure. They don't like to be reminded of it.
How is K-12 a failure?
Because if there is one thing that liberals hate more than conservatives - it is libertarians.
Stossel has devoted a number of his shows about the failure of the education system from top to bottom - showing solid data that proves that the more government gives into the system, the more the system fails. Never more true than K-12.
Education is the bastion of liberals. It is their home base. It is an abysmal failure. They don't like to be reminded of it.
How is K-12 a failure?

How is it even possible you are asking this question??:eusa_eh:
How is it even possible you are asking this question??:eusa_eh:
Because you said it was a failure, but didn't give any reasons why.

I want to know what led you to that conclusion.

Uhh...because I belong to a sentient species?
Your question is like asking someone why they think Alaska is cold.
Is there a purpose to such an obvious question? You are new here..either you are being a troll or....
Because he's a fool.

He lives in realville... and shows how the liberal utopia will never, and has never worked.... ANYWHERE EVER.

Just sayin' :eusa_whistle:

Kerry on :D
Uhh...because I belong to a sentient species?
What you perceive, is not necessarily the truth. It's just what you perceive. Which, unfortunately, is affected by your pre-dispositions. And if you're drawing conclusions soley on what you perceive and not analytical thinking, then you shouldn't be acting like I'm the one who's "out there".

Your question is like asking someone why they think Alaska is cold.
No it's not. It's obvious Alaska is cold. And if I asked someone why they said it was cold, they'd be able to tell me. If you think the nature of the questions are the same, why is it you cannot tell me. Because if you can't, then the questions are obviously different.

Is there a purpose to such an obvious question?
Yes. An obvious answer, which I'm still waiting for.

You are new here..either you are being a troll or....
I'm neither new, or a troll.

Why do you think something is wrong with someone who asks a question?
Uhh...because I belong to a sentient species?
What you perceive, is not necessarily the truth. It's just what you perceive. Which, unfortunately, is affected by your pre-dispositions. And if you're drawing conclusions soley on what you perceive and not analytical thinking, then you shouldn't be acting like I'm the one who's "out there".

Your question is like asking someone why they think Alaska is cold.
No it's not. It's obvious Alaska is cold. And if I asked someone why they said it was cold, they'd be able to tell me. If you think the nature of the questions are the same, why is it you cannot tell me. Because if you can't, then the questions are obviously different.

Is there a purpose to such an obvious question?
Yes. An obvious answer, which I'm still waiting for.

You are new here..either you are being a troll or....
I'm neither new, or a troll.

Why do you think something is wrong with someone who asks a question?

Because it is a dumb question, and I am not going to sit here and paste up a series of charts/graphs and data from numerous sites. It is not worth the time it would take to get it because I do not believe you are asking a genuine question. If you are...then....damn.
Because it is a dumb question, and I am not going to sit here and paste up a series of charts/graphs and data from numerous sites. It is not worth the time it would take to get it because I do not believe you are asking a genuine question. If you are...then....damn.
Then just give me a brief synopsis as to what led you to this conclusion.

I mean, if you're going to make such an "all inclusive" statement on public education, there must be some prima facia evidence you can cite off the top of your head. I promise I won't ask for links. Just give me 3 examples.
Because he's a fool.

There's the articulate, well reasoned retort from the nanny state left we've come to know and love. The logic, the reason, the pinpoint specificity with which you identify, counter and overcome the original statement is impressive; you're quite debater...:eusa_eh:

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