Why do progressives attempt to paint the Confederates as rightwingers?

Using your own bigotry as "proof" that others are bigoted proves only that YOU'RE a bigot.

Wallace was a real Conservative, you wouldn't know anything about that. Modern day "Conservatives" are Center Left or Centrist at best in traditional terms of left wing and right wing.

Wallace was a dyed in the wool Democrat. He would not fit in either party today. All racism stemmed from the Democrat party that has not changed, it is not a liberal/conservative thing.
Wallace's speeches are almost word for word, Tea Party pablum. Leave of the segregation part, and they are indistinguishable.
How many people who would support secession today are registered democrats versus registered republicans?

Again, I don't expect an honest answer from the likes of PropagandaChic, and that more or less says it all.
Using your own bigotry as "proof" that others are bigoted proves only that YOU'RE a bigot.

Wallace was a real Conservative, you wouldn't know anything about that. Modern day "Conservatives" are Center Left or Centrist at best in traditional terms of left wing and right wing.

Wallace was a dyed in the wool Democrat. He would not fit in either party today. All racism stemmed from the Democrat party that has not changed, it is not a liberal/conservative thing.

Everybody knows he was a Democrat, you aren't saying anything new. He was a Conservative, independent of party affiliation. Many of the Southern Democrats of up until the 1960s were self described conservatives(Wallace called himself a Conservative). He was anti-communist, anti-busing, supported segregation, states' rights, low taxes, and constitutional sized government among other things.
George Wallace for President 1968 Campaign Brochure
The Campaign Rhetoric of George Wallace in the 1968 Presidential Election

George Wallace is more conservative than any modern day republican, who aren't conservative at all. The closest he was to any current republican pundit or politician is Pat Buchanan, he is a Conservative Populist.
I want you to use your brain, examine the ideology of each party. The south was ANTI-CAPITALIST during the civil war, and HATED the North's system of labor (wage labor). The ideology of the current democrat party is as it always has been - ANTI CAPITALIST, ANTI FREEDOM, and ANTI LIBERTY.

Keep in mind that the largest issue distinguishing the COnfederates from the North, was BLACK SLAVERY. Encouraged and supported by Democrats, and reviled by the new Republican party.

During and after the Civil War, Democrats continued to look at blacks as subhuman, not worthy of serious consideration or responsibility, basically somwhere between children and pets that must be constantly supervised and controlled.

Even today the Democrats maintain that such minorities aren't capable of making it on their own without massive assistance from Government - a claim they never make for whites.

The Confederates were nanny-staters and govt-control freaks from day one. Leftist Democrats to the core.

Abraham Lincoln was a socialist, you do realize this? He kept correspondence with Karl Marx and had his support.

So why do you support a Marxist sympathizer who opposes states rights, free speech, and habeas corpus?

You are a phony conservative, an ill informed dolt.
It frightens the bejeesus out of a modern day faux conservative that 50 years ago they would have fit right in with the Southern Democratic platform of states rights, anti-federal government, haters of welfare and Medicare, and anti-communism. The very idea that DEMOCRATS believed in these things at one time just cannot penetrate their skulls.

This concept is so repulsive and alien to them they are forced to reject reality and invent an alternate history.
It frightens the bejeesus out of a modern day faux conservative that 50 years ago they would have fit right in with the Southern Democratic platform of states rights, anti-federal government, haters of welfare and Medicare, and anti-communism. The very idea that DEMOCRATS believe in these things just cannot penetrate their skulls.

This concept is so repulsive and alien to them they are forced to reject reality and invent an alternate history.

They aren't "conservatives". They merely root for the "R Team". So anything the "R Team" has done or does is "conservative"(their word for "good"), and anything the "D Team does is "progressive"(their word for "bad").
The democrat party, the party of mobocracy, and populism was and always has been "progressive" , and the Confederates embodied all of these traits.


Tell me something, kiddo. How does one of them there "progressive" Confederates you invented feel about states rights?
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The South during this time period were the inheritors of the legacy of Andrew Jackson, a dictatorial President who greatly expanded the scope of the executive branch, so much so that the opposition party called itself "the whigs" to stand in stark contrast with the autocratic tendencies of Andrew Jackson. Andrew Jackson, the founder of the modern day democrat party, was first and foremost a populist who saw fit to discard the regular order of checks and balances when it disagreed with his interpretation, and that of the people. He painted himself as the tribune of the people, and claimed to represent the not well-off of people of his era, and despised the capitalist north. Andrew Jackson and the democrat party claimed to have been opposed to special interest, big banks, and capitalism. Does this ring any bells?

The Democrat party, during this time period was also one dominated by the wealthy planters, with all political influence being disproportionally concentrated in them (just like the progressive leftists). Their livelihoods, and lifestyle depended on the institution of slavery, and would use their whole political clout in order to keep it in place (just like the left is doing with obamacare). The democrat party, would in essence sustain slavery in order to live lives without responsibility, and on the backs of others, just like they do today. The progressives, in order to maintain their institution, knowing that much of their wealth would be deprived, and social mobility added (Social mobility was unheard of in the South during this time period due in large part to the slave system destroying any efforts to move up for various reasons), and the wage system's inevitable introduction, sought to secede in order to maintain their progressive state.

The democrat party, the party of mobocracy, and populism was and always has been "progressive" , and the Confederates embodied all of these traits.

This would ring true if you folks weren't waving the confederate flag, constantly defending "states rights, calling the civil war "The War of Northern Aggression", building statues of Confederate "Heroes" and questioning the civil right's act.

But since you folks engage on all of that?

This is a load of crap. :eusa_liar:
Wallace was a real Conservative, you wouldn't know anything about that. Modern day "Conservatives" are Center Left or Centrist at best in traditional terms of left wing and right wing.

Wallace was a dyed in the wool Democrat. He would not fit in either party today. All racism stemmed from the Democrat party that has not changed, it is not a liberal/conservative thing.
Wallace's speeches are almost word for word, Tea Party pablum. Leave of the segregation part, and they are indistinguishable.
Yes, Wallace would certainly be at home in the Tea Party. The Tea Party's support for states rights and disdain for welfare were certainly shared by white southerns. Tea Party hatred of a growing oppressive federal government is rather mild compared to how white southerns felt.
I want you to use your brain, examine the ideology of each party. The south was ANTI-CAPITALIST during the civil war, and HATED the North's system of labor (wage labor). The ideology of the current democrat party is as it always has been - ANTI CAPITALIST, ANTI FREEDOM, and ANTI LIBERTY.

Keep in mind that the largest issue distinguishing the COnfederates from the North, was BLACK SLAVERY. Encouraged and supported by Democrats, and reviled by the new Republican party.

During and after the Civil War, Democrats continued to look at blacks as subhuman, not worthy of serious consideration or responsibility, basically somwhere between children and pets that must be constantly supervised and controlled.

Even today the Democrats maintain that such minorities aren't capable of making it on their own without massive assistance from Government - a claim they never make for whites.

The Confederates were nanny-staters and govt-control freaks from day one. Leftist Democrats to the core.

Wrong on so many levels.


It's the Blue States that are donors and the welfare states are Red.

Right away right wingers will say, "It's the blacks", only Kentucky is 90% white and look at Kentucky. Ranked 9th in receiving "handouts".

150 years of conservative policies and Red States are cesspools in so many ways.

And insisting that blacks are between children and pets and the Democratic Party somehow has this hypnotic "control" over all these minorities is laughable. The Democratic Party is a coalition. The black leadership makes up a vital part of the leadership of the Democratic Party. In the GOP, with the party being 90% white, they not only wouldn't get a place at the table, they would be told to clear the table and wash the dishes.
Them damned gun-grabbing big government Confederates! They are all about the federal government giving out food stamps and ObamaCare to negroes; forcing white people to let darkies eat at any ol' lunch counter they please; marching around waving their Obama banners, teaching their kids Obama is the Messiah. I fuckin' hate 'em! Those Confederates can have my AR-15 when they pry it from my dead, cold lily white fingers!

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your overall perception of what the deep south as all about prior to the end and now after the civil war is greatly distorted.
You may entitled to your own opinion but not to your own facts.

I want you to use your brain, examine the ideology of each party. The south was ANTI-CAPITALIST during the civil war, and HATED the North's system of labor (wage labor). The ideology of the current democrat party is as it always has been - ANTI CAPITALIST, ANTI FREEDOM, and ANTI LIBERTY.

Keep in mind that the largest issue distinguishing the COnfederates from the North, was BLACK SLAVERY. Encouraged and supported by Democrats, and reviled by the new Republican party.

During and after the Civil War, Democrats continued to look at blacks as subhuman, not worthy of serious consideration or responsibility, basically somwhere between children and pets that must be constantly supervised and controlled.

Even today the Democrats maintain that such minorities aren't capable of making it on their own without massive assistance from Government - a claim they never make for whites.

The Confederates were nanny-staters and govt-control freaks from day one. Leftist Democrats to the core.
I want you to use your brain, examine the ideology of each party. The south was ANTI-CAPITALIST during the civil war, and HATED the North's system of labor (wage labor). The ideology of the current democrat party is as it always has been - ANTI CAPITALIST, ANTI FREEDOM, and ANTI LIBERTY.

Keep in mind that the largest issue distinguishing the COnfederates from the North, was BLACK SLAVERY. Encouraged and supported by Democrats, and reviled by the new Republican party.

During and after the Civil War, Democrats continued to look at blacks as subhuman, not worthy of serious consideration or responsibility, basically somwhere between children and pets that must be constantly supervised and controlled.

Even today the Democrats maintain that such minorities aren't capable of making it on their own without massive assistance from Government - a claim they never make for whites.

The Confederates were nanny-staters and govt-control freaks from day one. Leftist Democrats to the core.

Abraham Lincoln was a socialist, you do realize this? He kept correspondence with Karl Marx and had his support.

So why do you support a Marxist sympathizer who opposes states rights, free speech, and habeas corpus?

You are a phony conservative, an ill informed dolt.

You are the phony conservative, my friend. Lincoln's use of big government to put down the South, end slavery, support the intercontinental railroad, state-supported land grant colleges, homesteads in the West was all Whig, not socialist.

Go learn some terms, please.
Keep in mind that the largest issue distinguishing the COnfederates from the North, was BLACK SLAVERY. Encouraged and supported by Democrats, and reviled by the new Republican party.

During and after the Civil War, Democrats continued to look at blacks as subhuman, not worthy of serious consideration or responsibility, basically somwhere between children and pets that must be constantly supervised and controlled.

Even today the Democrats maintain that such minorities aren't capable of making it on their own without massive assistance from Government - a claim they never make for whites.

The Confederates were nanny-staters and govt-control freaks from day one. Leftist Democrats to the core.

Abraham Lincoln was a socialist, you do realize this? He kept correspondence with Karl Marx and had his support.

So why do you support a Marxist sympathizer who opposes states rights, free speech, and habeas corpus?

You are a phony conservative, an ill informed dolt.

You are the phony conservative, my friend. Lincoln's use of big government to put down the South, end slavery, support the intercontinental railroad, state-supported land grant colleges, homesteads in the West was all Whig, not socialist.

Go learn some terms, please.
I am not a conservative at all. But Abraham Lincoln, as you mentioned through those college grants, rail roads subsidies, opposition to political decentralization, and institution of the first income tax certainly makes him a proto-socialist. I guess progressive would be a more apt word, but to deny his socialist tendencies is foolish. Eugene Debs, the father of American socialist was considered similar to Lincoln by his contemporaries.

Did you bother to read the letters between him and Marx? How can you deny his socialist tendencies after this?

Reading Karl Marx with Abraham Lincoln | International Socialist Review
Eugene Debs and American socialism | International Socialist Review
A. Lincoln, Socialist? « The Berkeley Blog
Lincoln and the socialist roots of the Republican Party | Occasional Planet

Regardless, he certainly isn't a conservative by any means.
Simple. They're desperate to claim Lincoln as one of their own.

But reality simply doesn't support that claim.

He's a site that compares and contrasts the two parties' platforms from their inception. You can plainly see the GOP has always championed civil rights; the Dems are Johnny-come-latelies.


Further, look at this Democratic campaign poster:


"The two platforms" From a series of racist posters attacking Radical Republican exponents of black suffrage, issued during the 1866 Pennsylvania gubernatorial race. (See "The Constitutional Amendment," no. 1866-5.) The poster specifically characterizes Democratic candidate Hiester Clymer's platform as "for the White Man," represented here by the idealized head of a young man. (Clymer ran on a white-supremacy platform.) In contrast a stereotyped black head represents Clymer's opponent James White Geary's platform, "for the Negro." Below the portraits are the words, "Read the platforms. Congress says, The Negro must be allowed to vote, or the states be punished." Above is an explanation: "Every Radical in Congress Voted for Negro Suffrage. Every Radical in the Pennsylvania Senate Voted for Negro Suffrage. Stevens [Pennsylvania Representative Thaddeus Stevens], Forney [John W. Forney, editor of the " Philadelphia Press":], and Cameron [Pennsylvania Republican boss Simon Cameron] are for Negro Suffrage; they are all Candidates for the United States Senate. No Radical Newspaper Opposes Negro Suffrage. "Geary" said in a Speech at Harrisburg, 11th of August, 1866--"There Can Be No Possible Objection to Negro Suffrage."​
File:Racistcampaignposter1.jpg - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

For the left to claim Lincoln as their own is laughable.

The Civil Rights Bill was not a Democrat v Republican issue. It was a North\South Issue. Most votes in favor of it were from the Northern states. Most votes against were from the South.

Historically the Democratic party in the 1860 was the party of white men. But then again Lincoln was also racist. Trying to compare the parties of 2013 with the parties of the 1860's is just plain dumb.
I'm not making a comparison.

I'm trying to get leftists to acknowledge reality.

It's a tough sell.

Modern day reality (after LBJ), or the reality of 1860?
Why do you use words like "racist" which were coined by jewish communists like Leon Trotsky?
Who cares who coined it? If the shoe fits........

It's a false designation, it means nothing because it means something different to every person. It's a worthless word that is used to discredit people without providing a substantive argument.

How about we go with the traditional White supremacy!
Who cares who coined it? If the shoe fits........

It's a false designation, it means nothing because it means something different to every person. It's a worthless word that is used to discredit people without providing a substantive argument.

How about we go with the traditional White supremacy!

I don't want to be supreme over any other race. I want Separation. White Separatism would be the correct phrase.
They have their own History Channel with Hannity and Beck

The South during this time period were the inheritors of the legacy of Andrew Jackson, a dictatorial President who greatly expanded the scope of the executive branch, so much so that the opposition party called itself "the whigs" to stand in stark contrast with the autocratic tendencies of Andrew Jackson. Andrew Jackson, the founder of the modern day democrat party, was first and foremost a populist who saw fit to discard the regular order of checks and balances when it disagreed with his interpretation, and that of the people. He painted himself as the tribune of the people, and claimed to represent the not well-off of people of his era, and despised the capitalist north. Andrew Jackson and the democrat party claimed to have been opposed to special interest, big banks, and capitalism. Does this ring any bells?

The Democrat party, during this time period was also one dominated by the wealthy planters, with all political influence being disproportionally concentrated in them (just like the progressive leftists). Their livelihoods, and lifestyle depended on the institution of slavery, and would use their whole political clout in order to keep it in place (just like the left is doing with obamacare). The democrat party, would in essence sustain slavery in order to live lives without responsibility, and on the backs of others, just like they do today. The progressives, in order to maintain their institution, knowing that much of their wealth would be deprived, and social mobility added (Social mobility was unheard of in the South during this time period due in large part to the slave system destroying any efforts to move up for various reasons), and the wage system's inevitable introduction, sought to secede in order to maintain their progressive state.

The democrat party, the party of mobocracy, and populism was and always has been "progressive" , and the Confederates embodied all of these traits.

Most capitalists were very liberal. Maybe that is why?

btw, Jacksonian Democrats like Strom Thurmond and other conservatives who later became Republicans understood this.

Now stfu


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