Why do progressives attempt to paint the Confederates as rightwingers?

I do not think Progressives are "trying" to paint Confederates as right-wingers, I think they are doing a good job at it themselves. Republicans have spent the last few years courting the Tea Party and DEEP South...and now they are paying the PR price for it. Not to mention the fact that the far-right wing has mainly taken over the microphone for the Republican Party. No help really needed from Progressives to make that connection or image, they are doing it themselves.

I will add this photo, as I think it really galvanizes their relationship:



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Unfortunately, some of the more credulous rubes around here have drank truckloads of Glenn Beck's piss and are no longer in touch with reality. To them, Nazis are left wing, Deep South Democrats have always been liberals, and the Republicans who supported the Voting Rights Act 50 years ago are the same kind of Republicans we have today.

Go home, libtard. I recommend a history book too.


I would bet I have read more history books than this entire forum put together.

Real ones. Not Glenn Beck's piss.

Then again the dudes only argument was to read a book...
George Wallace. He is yours you idiots.

Wallace was more Conservative than any Republican or Democrat politician today.

Indeed. The Old South Democrats hated big government, were virulently anti-communist, opposed integration, were evangelical in the extreme, and really, really hated homos.

And today, as a consequence of the Southern Strategy, the New South is dominated by republicans who hate big government, are virulently anti-Muslim, oppose immigration reform, are evangelical in the extreme, and retained the tradition of hating homosexuals.
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Reality is that the conservatives were in charge in the South in the 1850s to 1865 then from 1877 until the 1960s.

Reality is that that northern and western moderate and liberal GOP and Dems beat down conservative southern Dems and GOP on Civil Rights in the 1950s and 1960s.

Conservatives are still in charge of most of the south. That's why the entire area is on welfare and the state economies are such disasters. Conservative is "static". To fear change. To keep safe by not changing anything.
That was his July 4th "patriotic" American speech, where he decries the Civil Rights Act.

The whole speech sounds like it was plucked straight from a Tea party rally.
Using your own bigotry as "proof" that others are bigoted proves only that YOU'RE a bigot.

Wallace was a real Conservative, you wouldn't know anything about that. Modern day "Conservatives" are Center Left or Centrist at best in traditional terms of left wing and right wing.
If being a racist is being conservative, then I guess you're right.

Why do you use words like "racist" which were coined by jewish communists like Leon Trotsky?
Who cares who coined it? If the shoe fits........

It's a false designation, it means nothing because it means something different to every person. It's a worthless word that is used to discredit people without providing a substantive argument.
George Wallace. He is yours you idiots.

Wallace was more Conservative than any Republican or Democrat politician today.

Indeed. The Old South Democrats hated big government, were virulently anti-communist, opposed integration, were evangelical in the extreme, and really, really hated homos.

They weren't evangelicals, they were old south baptists. Evangelicals are zionist, integrationist, and believers in dual covenant theology. I am a lapsed Catholic myself, but I have Baptist roots on my mother's side(Great-grandfather was a Baptist minister in Oklahoma). They were nothing like these cartoonish evangelicals today.

The South during this time period were the inheritors of the legacy of Andrew Jackson, a dictatorial President who greatly expanded the scope of the executive branch, so much so that the opposition party called itself "the whigs" to stand in stark contrast with the autocratic tendencies of Andrew Jackson. Andrew Jackson, the founder of the modern day democrat party, was first and foremost a populist who saw fit to discard the regular order of checks and balances when it disagreed with his interpretation, and that of the people. He painted himself as the tribune of the people, and claimed to represent the not well-off of people of his era, and despised the capitalist north. Andrew Jackson and the democrat party claimed to have been opposed to special interest, big banks, and capitalism. Does this ring any bells?

The Democrat party, during this time period was also one dominated by the wealthy planters, with all political influence being disproportionally concentrated in them (just like the progressive leftists). Their livelihoods, and lifestyle depended on the institution of slavery, and would use their whole political clout in order to keep it in place (just like the left is doing with obamacare). The democrat party, would in essence sustain slavery in order to live lives without responsibility, and on the backs of others, just like they do today. The progressives, in order to maintain their institution, knowing that much of their wealth would be deprived, and social mobility added (Social mobility was unheard of in the South during this time period due in large part to the slave system destroying any efforts to move up for various reasons), and the wage system's inevitable introduction, sought to secede in order to maintain their progressive state.

The democrat party, the party of mobocracy, and populism was and always has been "progressive" , and the Confederates embodied all of these traits.

Most capitalists were very liberal. Maybe that is why?

btw, Jacksonian Democrats like Strom Thurmond and other conservatives who later became Republicans understood this.

Now stfu

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Some are unable to understand that, "I am a conservative".

Unfortunately, some of the more credulous rubes around here have drank truckloads of Glenn Beck's piss and are no longer in touch with reality. To them, Nazis are left wing, Deep South Democrats have always been liberals, and the Republicans who supported the Voting Rights Act 50 years ago are the same kind of Republicans we have today.

These people must not open a single history book. They are sad to say the least.
Some are unable to understand that, "I am a conservative".

Unfortunately, some of the more credulous rubes around here have drank truckloads of Glenn Beck's piss and are no longer in touch with reality. To them, Nazis are left wing, Deep South Democrats have always been liberals, and the Republicans who supported the Voting Rights Act 50 years ago are the same kind of Republicans we have today.

I don't think they understand what left wing and right wing mean(in the sense of the French Revolution). I don't think the understand the history of American political parties or the histories or definition of American Conservatism or American Progressivism.
Republicans trying to disown the confederates? Now I've heard everything.
Republicans trying to disown the confederates? Now I've heard everything.

I think it is funny how southern republicans shit on their heritage by supporting Abe Lincoln and Michael King, to men that absolutely were opposed to their traditions and way of life.
It takes a world class liar to assert this nonsense and only world class idiots believe it.

It's no shock to see PoliticalChic doing the lying and Daveman lapping it up.
Republicans trying to disown the confederates? Now I've heard everything.

I think it is funny how southern republicans shit on their heritage by supporting Abe Lincoln and Michael King, to men that absolutely were opposed to their traditions and way of life.

I think its sad how you leftists defend the Confederacy, when it was clearly founded on the principles of progressivism.
Republicans trying to disown the confederates? Now I've heard everything.

I think it is funny how southern republicans shit on their heritage by supporting Abe Lincoln and Michael King, to men that absolutely were opposed to their traditions and way of life.

I think its sad how you leftists defend the Confederacy, when it was clearly founded on the principles of progressivism.
I think it's obvious you're an idiot.
That was his July 4th "patriotic" American speech, where he decries the Civil Rights Act.

The whole speech sounds like it was plucked straight from a Tea party rally.
Using your own bigotry as "proof" that others are bigoted proves only that YOU'RE a bigot.

Wallace was a real Conservative, you wouldn't know anything about that. Modern day "Conservatives" are Center Left or Centrist at best in traditional terms of left wing and right wing.

Wallace was a dyed in the wool Democrat. He would not fit in either party today. All racism stemmed from the Democrat party that has not changed, it is not a liberal/conservative thing.
Look at rdean go!

You must be the 13-14 year old, since you are the one launching the insults and not arguing the facts, or for that matter reacting childishly to the presentation of facts that trump your own will.

The facts are the conservatives fled the Democratic Party in the middle 60's and joined the GOP when the blacks joined the Democratic Party. That's what happened. The results? The GOP is the confederate party. Lincoln not being a confederate should explain it pretty clearly. And why is the GOP 90% white?

Look why don't you just suck who's cock.

No democrat ever fled. Can we talk about George? Big embarrassment you idiot.

The only Democrat of any consequence around today who has roots in the conservative Southern Democrats of the pre-1964 era

is Zell Miller.

And he is now just about every conservatives' favorite Democrat.
I want you to use your brain, examine the ideology of each party. The south was ANTI-CAPITALIST during the civil war, and HATED the North's system of labor (wage labor). The ideology of the current democrat party is as it always has been - ANTI CAPITALIST, ANTI FREEDOM, and ANTI LIBERTY.

Keep in mind that the largest issue distinguishing the COnfederates from the North, was BLACK SLAVERY. Encouraged and supported by Democrats, and reviled by the new Republican party.

During and after the Civil War, Democrats continued to look at blacks as subhuman, not worthy of serious consideration or responsibility, basically somwhere between children and pets that must be constantly supervised and controlled.

Even today the Democrats maintain that such minorities aren't capable of making it on their own without massive assistance from Government - a claim they never make for whites.

The Confederates were nanny-staters and govt-control freaks from day one. Leftist Democrats to the core.
Reality is that the conservatives were in charge in the South in the 1850s to 1865 then from 1877 until the 1960s.

Reality is that that northern and western moderate and liberal GOP and Dems beat down conservative southern Dems and GOP on Civil Rights in the 1950s and 1960s.

Yes, that's the progressive programming. You parrot it so well.

Nope, that is historical fact in context.

You have been programmed to believe reactionary revisionism, which does not reflect the truth at all.

You are a victim of reactionary propaganda, little tool.

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