Why do progressives attempt to paint the Confederates as rightwingers?

Why do progressives attempt to paint the Confederates as rightwingers?
Simple. They're desperate to claim Lincoln as one of their own.

But reality simply doesn't support that claim.

He's a site that compares and contrasts the two parties' platforms from their inception. You can plainly see the GOP has always championed civil rights; the Dems are Johnny-come-latelies.


Further, look at this Democratic campaign poster:


"The two platforms" From a series of racist posters attacking Radical Republican exponents of black suffrage, issued during the 1866 Pennsylvania gubernatorial race. (See "The Constitutional Amendment," no. 1866-5.) The poster specifically characterizes Democratic candidate Hiester Clymer's platform as "for the White Man," represented here by the idealized head of a young man. (Clymer ran on a white-supremacy platform.) In contrast a stereotyped black head represents Clymer's opponent James White Geary's platform, "for the Negro." Below the portraits are the words, "Read the platforms. Congress says, The Negro must be allowed to vote, or the states be punished." Above is an explanation: "Every Radical in Congress Voted for Negro Suffrage. Every Radical in the Pennsylvania Senate Voted for Negro Suffrage. Stevens [Pennsylvania Representative Thaddeus Stevens], Forney [John W. Forney, editor of the " Philadelphia Press":], and Cameron [Pennsylvania Republican boss Simon Cameron] are for Negro Suffrage; they are all Candidates for the United States Senate. No Radical Newspaper Opposes Negro Suffrage. "Geary" said in a Speech at Harrisburg, 11th of August, 1866--"There Can Be No Possible Objection to Negro Suffrage."​
File:Racistcampaignposter1.jpg - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

For the left to claim Lincoln as their own is laughable.

The Civil Rights Bill was not a Democrat v Republican issue. It was a North\South Issue. Most votes in favor of it were from the Northern states. Most votes against were from the South.

Historically the Democratic party in the 1860 was the party of white men. But then again Lincoln was also racist. Trying to compare the parties of 2013 with the parties of the 1860's is just plain dumb.
I'm not making a comparison.

I'm trying to get leftists to acknowledge reality.

It's a tough sell.
Reality is that the conservatives were in charge in the South in the 1850s to 1865 then from 1877 until the 1960s.

Reality is that that northern and western moderate and liberal GOP and Dems beat down conservative southern Dems and GOP on Civil Rights in the 1950s and 1960s.
When was defending states rights a liberal position?
When was Lincoln a Democrat?

Allow me to repeat the question. When was defending states rights a liberal position?

You're claiming it is. Offer some proof. States' rights were the cornerstone of the Southern Democratic political belief.

If you wish to somehow argue that they were liberals/progressives, then start by explaining that.
I feel no obligation to prove claims I haven't made.
Nixon's Southern Strategy: "It's All In The Charts"

"From now on, the Republicans are never going to get more than 10 to 20 percent of the Negro vote and they don't need any more than that...but Republicans would be shortsighted if they weakened enforcement of the Voting Rights Act. The more Negroes who register as Democrats in the South, the sooner the Negrophobe whites will quit the Democrats and become Republicans. That's where the votes are. Without that prodding from the blacks, the whites will backslide into their old comfortable arrangement with the local Democrats."

That's a Republican strategist talking. Writing off the Negro vote for all time, and using race baiting to scare the racist Democrats into the GOP. Actually saying that weakening the VRA would cause racist Democrats not to move into the GOP, and so the GOP must not allow the VRA to be weakened!

Diabolical. Boldly and plainly stated.
Reality is that the conservatives were in charge in the South in the 1850s to 1865 then from 1877 until the 1960s.

Reality is that that northern and western moderate and liberal GOP and Dems beat down conservative southern Dems and GOP on Civil Rights in the 1950s and 1960s.

Yes, that's the progressive programming. You parrot it so well.
From the conservative propaganda outlet The New York Times:
Everyone knows that race has long played a decisive role in Southern electoral politics. From the end of Reconstruction until the beginning of the civil rights era, the story goes, the national Democratic Party made room for segregationist members — and as a result dominated the South. But in the 50s and 60s, Democrats embraced the civil rights movement, costing them the white Southern vote. Meanwhile, the Republican Party successfully wooed disaffected white racists with a “Southern strategy” that championed “states’ rights.”

It’s an easy story to believe, but this year two political scientists called it into question. In their book “The End of Southern Exceptionalism,” Richard Johnston of the University of Pennsylvania and Byron Shafer of the University of Wisconsin argue that the shift in the South from Democratic to Republican was overwhelmingly a question not of race but of economic growth. In the postwar era, they note, the South transformed itself from a backward region to an engine of the national economy, giving rise to a sizable new wealthy suburban class. This class, not surprisingly, began to vote for the party that best represented its economic interests: the G.O.P. Working-class whites, however — and here’s the surprise — even those in areas with large black populations, stayed loyal to the Democrats. (This was true until the 90s, when the nation as a whole turned rightward in Congressional voting.)

The two scholars support their claim with an extensive survey of election returns and voter surveys. To give just one example: in the 50s, among Southerners in the low-income tercile, 43 percent voted for Republican Presidential candidates, while in the high-income tercile, 53 percent voted Republican; by the 80s, those figures were 51 percent and 77 percent, respectively. Wealthy Southerners shifted rightward in droves but poorer ones didn’t.

To be sure, Shafer says, many whites in the South aggressively opposed liberal Democrats on race issues. “But when folks went to the polling booths,” he says, “they didn’t shoot off their own toes. They voted by their economic preferences, not racial preferences.” Shafer says these results should give liberals hope. “If Southern politics is about class and not race,” he says, “then they can get it back.”
Wallace was more Conservative than any Republican or Democrat politician today.

Pardon me. No he wasn't. He was D all the way. He hated *******. It was the way of the south back then.

D hates blacks. I will not let you change truth. Democrats hated every ****** in the south at the time.

Cripes. Can't you recognize truth in history? Cripes you have the KKK with the D's you have Jim Crow laws with the D's what the hell else do you need to prove to yourself that D's were the racists and the R's were the saviors
The conservative you wish to disown:

Speech by George C. Wallace The Civil Rights Movement fraud, sham and hoax 1964

July 4, 1964

We come here today in deference to the memory of those stalwart patroits who on July 4, 1776, pledged their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor to establish and defend the proposition that governments are created by the people, empowered by the people, derive their just powers from the consent of the people, and must forever remain subservient to the will of the people.
Today, 188 years later, we celebrate that occasion and find inspiration and determination and courage to preserve and protect the great principles of freedom enunciated in the Declaration of Independence.
It is therefore a cruel irony that the President of the United States has only yesterday signed into law the most monstrous piece of legislation ever enacted by the United States Congress.
It is a fraud, a sham, and a hoax. This bill will live in infamy. To sign it into law at any time is tragic. To do so upon the eve of the celebration of our independence insults the intelligence of the American people.
It dishonors the memory of countless thousands of our dead who offered up their very lives in defense of principles which this bill destroys.
Never before in the history of this nation have so many human and property rights been destroyed by a single enactment of the Congress. It is an act of tyranny. It is the assassin's knife stuck in the back of liberty.
With this assassin's knife and a blackjack in the hand of the Federal force-cult, the left-wing liberals will try to force us back into bondage. Bondage to a tyranny more brutal than that imposed by the British monarchy which claimed power to rule over the lives of our forefathers under sanction of the Divine Right of kings.
Today, this tyranny is imposed by the central government which claims the right to rule over our lives under sanction of the omnipotent black-robed despots who sit on the bench of the United States Supreme Court.
This bill is fraudulent in intent, in design, and in execution.
It is misnamed. Each and every provision is mistitled. It was rammed through the congress on the wave of ballyhoo, promotions, and publicity stunts reminiscent of P. T. Barnum.
It was enacted in an atmosphere of pressure, intimidation, and even cowardice, as demonstrated by the refusal of the United States Senate to adopt an amendment to submit the bill to a vote of the people.
To illustrate the fraud--it is not a Civil Rights Bill. It is a Federal Penal Code. It creates Federal crimes which would take volumes to list and years to tabulate because it affects the lives of 192 million American citizens. Every person in every walk and station of life and every aspect of our daily lives becomes subject to the criminal provisions of this bill.
It threatens our freedom of speech, of assembly, or association, and makes the exercise of these Freedoms a federal crime under certain conditions.
It affects our political rights, our right to trial by jury, our right to the full use and enjoyment of our private property, the freedom from search and seizure of our private property and possessions, the freedom from harassment by Federal police and, in short, all the rights of individuals inherent in a society of free men.
Ministers, lawyers, teachers, newspapers, and every private citizen must guard his speech and watch his actions to avoid the deliberately imposed booby traps put into this bill. It is designed to make Federal crimes of our customs, beliefs, and traditions. Therefore, under the fantastic powers of the Federal judiciary to punish for contempt of oucrt and under their fantastic powers to regulate our most intimate aspects of our lives by injunction, every american citizen is in jeopardy and must stand guard against these despots.
Yet there are those who call this a good bill.
It is people like Senator Hubert Humphrey and other members of Americans for Democratic Action. It is people like Ralph McGill and other left-wing radical apologists.
They called it a good bill before it was amended to restore the right to trial by jury in certain cases.
Yet a Federal judge may still try one without a jury under the provisions of this bill. It was the same persons who said it was a good bill before the amendment pretending to forbid busing of pupils from neighborhood schools. Yet a Federal judge may still order busing from one neighborhood school to another. They have done it, they will continue to do it. As a matter of fact, it is but another evidence of the deceitful intent of the sponsors of this bill for them to claim that it accomplished any such thing.
It was left-wing radicals who led the fight in the Senate for the so-called civil rights bill now about to enslave our nation.
We find Senator Hubert Humphrey telling the people of the United States that "non-violent" demonstrations would continue to serve a good purpose through a "long, busy and constructive summer."
Yet this same Senator told the people of this country that passage of this monstrous bill would ease tensions and stop demonstrations.
This is the same Senator who has suggested, now that the Civil Rights Bill is passed, that the President call the fifty state Governors together to work out ways and means to enforce this rotten measure.
There is no need for him to call on me. I am not about to be a party to anything having to do with the law that is going to destroy individual freedom and liberty in this country.
I am having nothing to do with enforcing a law that will destroy our free enterprise system.
I am having nothing to do with enforcing a law that will destroy neighborhood schools.
I am having nothing to do with enforcing a law that will destroy the rights of private property.
I am having nothing to do with enforcing a law that destroys your right--and my right--to choose my neighbors--or to sell my house to whomever I choose.
I am having nothing to do with enforcing a law that destroys the labor seniority system.
I am having nothing to do with this so-called civil rights bill.
The liberal left-wingers have passed it. Now let them employ some pinknik social engineers in Washington, D.C., To figure out what to do with it.
The situation reminds me of the little boy looking at the blacksmith as he hammered a red-hot horseshoe into the proper shape.
After minutes of hammering, the blacksmith took the horseshoe, splashed it into a tub of water and threw it steaming onto a sawdust pile.
The little fellow picked up the horseshoe, dropped it quickly.
"What's the matter, son," the blacksmith said, "is that shoe too hot to handle?"
"No sir," the little boy said, "it just don't take me long to look at a horseshoe."
It's not going to take the people of this country long to look at the Civil Rights Bill, either.
And they are going to discard it just as quickly as the little boy tossed away the still hot horseshoe.
But I am not here to talk about the separate provisions of the Federal Penal Code. I am here to talk about principles which have been overthrown by the enactment of this bill. The principles that you and I hold dear. The principles for which our forefathers fought and died to establish and to defend. The principles for which we came here to rededicate ourselves.
But before I get into that, let me point out one important fact. It would have been impossible for the American people to have been deceived by the sponsors of this bill had there been a responsible american press to tell the people exactly what the bill contained. If they had had the integrity and the guts to tell the truth, this bill would never have been enacted.
Whoever heard of truth put to the worst in free and open encounter? We couldn't get the truth to the American people.
You and I know that that's extremely difficult to do where our newspapers are owned by out-of-state interests. Newspapers which are run and operated by left-wing liberals, Communist sympathizers, and members of the Americans for Democratic Action and other Communist front organizations with high sounding names.
...Ladies and gentlemen, I have listed only a few of the many acts of tyranny which have been committed or specifically sanctioned by the United States Supreme Court.
I feel it important that you should know and understand what it is that these people are trying to do. The written opinions of the court are filled with double talk, semantics, jargon, and meaningless phrases. The words they use are not important. The ideas that they represent are the things which count.
It is perfectly obvious from the left-wing liberal press and from the left-wing law journals that what the court is saying behind all the jargon is that they don't like our form of government.
They think they can establish a better one. In order to do so it is necessary that they overthrow our existing form, destroy the democratic institutions created by the people, change the outlook, religion, and philosophy, and bring the whole area of human thought, aspiration, action and organization, under the absolute control of the court. Their decisions reveal this to be the goal of the liberal element on the court which is in a majority at present.
It has reached the point where one may no longer look to judicial decisions to determine what the court may do. However, it is possible to predict with accuracy the nature of the opinions to be rendered. One may find the answer in the Communist Manifesto.

A politician must stand on his record. Let the Court stand on its record.
The record reveals, for the past number of years, that the chief, if not the only beneficiaries of the present Court's rulings, have been duly and lawfully convicted criminals, Communists, atheists, and clients of vociferous left-wing minority groups.
There is yet a spirit of resistance in this country which will not be oppressed. And it is awakening. And I am sure there is an abundance of good sense in this country which cannot be deceived.
I have personal knowledge of this. Thirty-four percent of the Wisconsin Democrats supported the beliefs you and I uphold and expound.
Thirty percent of the Democrats in Indiana join us in fighting this grab for executive power by those now in control in Washington.
And, listen to this, forty-three percent of the Democrats in Maryland, practically in view of the nation's capital, believe as you and I believe.
So, let me say to you today. Take heart. Millions of Americans believe just as we in this great region of the United States believe.
I shall never forget last spring as I stood in the midst of a great throng of South Milwaukee supporters at one of the greatest political rallies I have ever witnessed.
A fine-looking man grabbed my hand and said:
"Governor, I've never been south of South Milwaukee, but I am a Southerner!"​
of course, he was saying he believed in the principles and philosophy of the southern people . . . Of you here today and the people of my state of Alabama. He was right.
Being a southerner is no longer geographic. It's a philosophy and an attitude.
One destined to be a national philosophy--embraced by millions of Americans--which shall assume the mantle of leadership and steady a governmental structure in these days of crises.
Certainly I am a candidate for President of the United States.
If the left-wingers do not think I am serious--let them consider this.
I am going to take our fight to the people--the court of public opinion--where truth and common sense will eventually prevail.
At this time, I have definite, concrete plans to get presidential electors pledged to me on the ballots in the following states: Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia, New York, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, Missouri, Kentucky, Arkansas, Tennessee, and of course Alabama, Mississippi and Louisiana.
Other states are under serious consideration.
A candidate for President must receive 270 electoral votes to win.
The states I am definitely going to enter represent 218 electoral votes.
Conservatives of this nation constitute the balance of power in presidential elections.
I am a conservative.

I intend to give the American people a clear choice. I welcome a fight between our philosophy and the liberal left-wing dogma which now threatens to engulf every man, woman, and child in the United States.

I am in this race because I believe the American people have been pushed around long enough and that they, like you and I, are fed up with the continuing trend toward a socialist state which now subjects the individual to the dictates of an all-powerful central government.
I am running for President because I was born free. I want to remain free. I want your children and mine and our prosperity to be unencumbered by the manipulations of a soulless state.
I intend to fight for a positive, affirmative program to restore constitutional government and to stop the senseless bloodletting now being performed on the body of liberty by those who lead us willingly and dangerously close to a totalitarian central government.

Speech by George C. Wallace The Civil Rights Movement fraud, sham and hoax 1964 < 1951- < Documents < American History From Revolution To Reconstruction and beyond
Some are unable to understand that, "I am a conservative".
Some are unable to understand that, "I am a conservative".

Unfortunately, some of the more credulous rubes around here have drank truckloads of Glenn Beck's piss and are no longer in touch with reality. To them, Nazis are left wing, Deep South Democrats have always been liberals, and the Republicans who supported the Voting Rights Act 50 years ago are the same kind of Republicans we have today.
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Some are unable to understand that, "I am a conservative".

Unfortunately, some of the more credulous rubes around here have drank truckloads of Glenn Beck's piss and are no longer in touch with reality. To them, Nazis are left wing, Deep South Democrats have always been liberals, and the Republicans who supported the Voting Rights Act 50 years ago are the same kind of Republicans we have today.

At least I don't drink the cool-aid...
Some are unable to understand that, "I am a conservative".

Unfortunately, some of the more credulous rubes around here have drank truckloads of Glenn Beck's piss and are no longer in touch with reality. To them, Nazis are left wing, Deep South Democrats have always been liberals, and the Republicans who supported the Voting Rights Act 50 years ago are the same kind of Republicans we have today.

Go home, libtard. I recommend a history book too.
"Comrades, friends and fellow-workers, for this very cordial greeting, this very hearty reception, I thank you all with the fullest appreciation of your interest in and your devotion to the cause for which I am to speak to you this afternoon.

To speak for labor; to plead the cause of the men and women and children who toil; to serve the working class, has always been to me a high privilege; a duty of love.

I have just returned from a visit over yonder, where three of our most loyal comrades are paying the penalty for their devotion to the cause of the working class. They have come to realize, as many of us have, that it is extremely dangerous to exercise the constitutional right of free speech in a country fighting to make democracy safe in the world.

I realize that, in speaking to you this afternoon, there are certain limitations placed upon the right of free speech. I must be exceedingly careful, prudent, as to what I say, and even more careful and prudent as to how I say it. I may not be able to say all I think; but I am not going to say anything that I do not think. I would rather a thousand times be a free soul in jail than to be a sycophant and coward in the streets. They may put those boys in jail&#8212;and some of the rest of us in jail&#8212;but they can not put the Socialist movement in jail. Those prison bars separate their bodies from ours, but their souls are here this afternoon. They are simply paying the penalty that all men have paid in all the ages of history for standing erect, and for seeking to pave the way to better conditions for mankind. "-Eugene V. Debs
"Comrades, friends and fellow-workers, for this very cordial greeting, this very hearty reception, I thank you all with the fullest appreciation of your interest in and your devotion to the cause for which I am to speak to you this afternoon.

To speak for labor; to plead the cause of the men and women and children who toil; to serve the working class, has always been to me a high privilege; a duty of love.

I have just returned from a visit over yonder, where three of our most loyal comrades are paying the penalty for their devotion to the cause of the working class. They have come to realize, as many of us have, that it is extremely dangerous to exercise the constitutional right of free speech in a country fighting to make democracy safe in the world.

I realize that, in speaking to you this afternoon, there are certain limitations placed upon the right of free speech. I must be exceedingly careful, prudent, as to what I say, and even more careful and prudent as to how I say it. I may not be able to say all I think; but I am not going to say anything that I do not think. I would rather a thousand times be a free soul in jail than to be a sycophant and coward in the streets. They may put those boys in jail—and some of the rest of us in jail—but they can not put the Socialist movement in jail. Those prison bars separate their bodies from ours, but their souls are here this afternoon. They are simply paying the penalty that all men have paid in all the ages of history for standing erect, and for seeking to pave the way to better conditions for mankind. "-Eugene V. Debs
More leftards non-sequesters.
Some are unable to understand that, "I am a conservative".

Unfortunately, some of the more credulous rubes around here have drank truckloads of Glenn Beck's piss and are no longer in touch with reality. To them, Nazis are left wing, Deep South Democrats have always been liberals, and the Republicans who supported the Voting Rights Act 50 years ago are the same kind of Republicans we have today.

Go home, libtard. I recommend a history book too.


I would bet I have read more history books than this entire forum put together.

Real ones. Not Glenn Beck's piss.

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