Zone1 Why do Protestants always believe their pastors rather than the 2000 year old CHURCH Christ established?

no, it doesn't. But I learned a long time ago, protestants don't listen to Catholics. They already know everything vis a vis Jesus....
Why should they listen to Catholics? It's not as if they have any special knowledge that the rest of us can't get from the Scriptures and the Holy Spirit.
Simply because Satan is successful in bringing about an apostasy, does this mean that in the end Satan will win out. In other words, does this mean that he will prevail against The Church of Jesus Christ? The prophet Amos prophesied the following:

Amos 8:11-12
11 Behold, the days come, saith the Lord God, that I will send a famine in the land, not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of the Lord:
12 And they shall wander from sea to sea, and from the north even to the east, they shall run to and fro to seek the word of the Lord, and shall not find it.

So, did this prophet of the Lord prophesy that Satan would prevail against the church of God? No! Apostasy is not prevailing over the church. In any game of sport, the winner is not determined until the end of the game. The winner is the one who prevails in the end. Amos may have prophesied that an apostasy would occur but in the end the Lord's church would prevail and come out on top. Even though the score may change in a game of sport, only the one who has the highest score at the end of the game prevails. Satan may gain the upper hand at times during the game of life, but in the end he will not prevail against the Lord and his church but will eventually be cast into the lake of fire and brimstone.

Restoration of the church is a move that the Lord holds in reserve to be used when apostasy occurs and it is a trump card to overcoming and taking the lead. Even though Amos predicted the great apostasy, he was not predicting that this would be the final outcome of this life. Jesus Christ and his church will prevail even though apostasy has been prophesied and has occurred. Eventually Satan will be bound for a thousand years and during the millennium Christ's church will reign supreme even if apostasy has occurred as Amos prophesied.
Why should they listen to Catholics? It's not as if they have any special knowledge that the rest of us can't get from the Scriptures and the Holy Spirit.
The 'special knowledge' is the history, culture, and traditions of the time. This is the very reason I listen to Jews. They also know the traditions, culture, and history of Biblical times. It boils down to the message the original author was conveying to his original audience.
The 'special knowledge' is the history, culture, and traditions of the time. This is the very reason I listen to Jews. They also know the traditions, culture, and history of Biblical times. It boils down to the message the original author was conveying to his original audience.
I fully agree. You have to understand the culture and unwritten assumptions of the authors in order to fully understand what they were trying to say.
Jesus promised

"I will build My Church and the gates of Hell will not prevail against it." (Mt 16:18)

I have read the entire Bible and have studied Catholicism and there is nothing contradictory between those 2. But people outside the Catholic Church have been taught to believe (by their human pastors) that there are massive contradictions between those 2 so they unthinkingly believe there are. Why do Protestants choose to believe some non=Catholic over a Catholic? Why is their protestant pastor more believable than the 2000 year old Church?

While not all Catholics understand their Faith, I happen to be one who does. I have knowledge of such things as:

The Ark of the Covenant (OT) ..and how it connects to the present day Tabernacles that house the consecrated Hosts (inside Catholic Churches), so that just as in the old days w/ the Ark of the Covenant and the light perpetually burning in the temple for the Israelites to signify the Presence of God, the tabernacles inside Catholic Churches now house Christ Himself. Transubstantiation is in the Bible.. See where Jesus held the Passover and said that all who ate his flesh, drank his blood (OMG, say the protestants) will have eternal life.. This is the HOST given Catholics at Mass..
Because where you might know scripture...that doesn't mean that you understand it.

Every believer usually gets Baptized...which is the institution of the principle of the "Priesthood of Every Believer" where Jesus is someone with whom you can have a personal relationship with and the Priesthood is no longer necessary for intercession.

Martin Luther is the one who "Officially discovered" the Bible after people were so focused on commentaries, Palmers, and Book of Prayers that there was no focus on scriptures. Shortly after this "discovery" a new focus on the Bible began anew. No one knew them but with the old materials a new focus of study started once again....but the Catholic Church was definitely against such efforts of knowing the scriptures.

So...that was 500 years ago. Today new scholarship has produced the Anthropology studies, geographic, geological, horticulture, climate, and history to put the scriptures in context unlike ever before.

Also new manuscripts have given us a more accurate understanding to the autographs of the scriptures.

Then the printing press also gave the scriptures to be proliferated en masse and everyone could have their own copy once they learned to read....(before this only the Church decided who could learn to read vx who could not)

Today the Catholic Church promotes scriptures instead of the psalter or book of prayers. (Catechisms are still promoted heavily)
Jesus promised

"I will build My Church and the gates of Hell will not prevail against it." (Mt 16:18)

I have read the entire Bible and have studied Catholicism and there is nothing contradictory between those 2. But people outside the Catholic Church have been taught to believe (by their human pastors) that there are massive contradictions between those 2 so they unthinkingly believe there are. Why do Protestants choose to believe some non=Catholic over a Catholic? Why is their protestant pastor more believable than the 2000 year old Church?

While not all Catholics understand their Faith, I happen to be one who does. I have knowledge of such things as:

The Ark of the Covenant (OT) ..and how it connects to the present day Tabernacles that house the consecrated Hosts (inside Catholic Churches), so that just as in the old days w/ the Ark of the Covenant and the light perpetually burning in the temple for the Israelites to signify the Presence of God, the tabernacles inside Catholic Churches now house Christ Himself. Transubstantiation is in the Bible.. See where Jesus held the Passover and said that all who ate his flesh, drank his blood (OMG, say the protestants) will have eternal life.. This is the HOST given Catholics at Mass..
True Christians tend to believe.........the Word of God as opposed to a man calling himself God's voice on earth and superior to the Holy Scriptures by the tradition established by men (not found in the Bible), History Actual teaches us that the Roman Catholic (universal church) did not elect its first POPE until A.D.606.
Jesus promised

"I will build My Church and the gates of Hell will not prevail against it." (Mt 16:18)

I have read the entire Bible and have studied Catholicism and there is nothing contradictory between those 2. But people outside the Catholic Church have been taught to believe (by their human pastors) that there are massive contradictions between those 2 so they unthinkingly believe there are. Why do Protestants choose to believe some non=Catholic over a Catholic? Why is their protestant pastor more believable than the 2000 year old Church?

While not all Catholics understand their Faith, I happen to be one who does. I have knowledge of such things as:

The Ark of the Covenant (OT) ..and how it connects to the present day Tabernacles that house the consecrated Hosts (inside Catholic Churches), so that just as in the old days w/ the Ark of the Covenant and the light perpetually burning in the temple for the Israelites to signify the Presence of God, the tabernacles inside Catholic Churches now house Christ Himself. Transubstantiation is in the Bible.. See where Jesus held the Passover and said that all who ate his flesh, drank his blood (OMG, say the protestants) will have eternal life.. This is the HOST given Catholics at Mass..
That's an easy response. Just look at the honest history of the church and you'll discover so much corruption it will amaze you. Also, it's easier to listen to a single liar who's present rather than a corrupt organization.
That's an easy response. Just look at the honest history of the church and you'll discover so much corruption it will amaze you. Also, it's easier to listen to a single liar who's present rather than a corrupt organization.
"One must know how to combat religion..." Vladimir Lenin
Just look at the honest history of the church and you'll discover so much corruption it will amaze you.
Two men look out through the bars: One sees the dirt, one sees the stars.

It amazes me how people who go looking for dirt in the history of the church see none of the tremendous good that was ever present. It can be compared to someone seeing a fleck of dirt on an apple, and condemning the entire apple for that one fleck.
That's an easy response. Just look at the honest history of the church and you'll discover so much corruption it will amaze you. Also, it's easier to listen to a single liar who's present rather than a corrupt organization.
I look in a mirror and see "so much corruption" aka sin... guess I should just off myself because of that.

And what do you see when you look in a mirror? an angel?

People who claim to see no good in Catholicism are either lying or deceived by lies or a little of both
Martin Luther is the one who "Officially discovered" the Bible after people were so focused on commentaries, Palmers, and Book of Prayers that there was no focus on scriptures. Shortly after this "discovery" a new focus on the Bible began anew. No one knew them but with the old materials a new focus of study started once again....but the Catholic Church was definitely against such efforts of knowing the scriptures.
You don't know what a vile heretic Luther was. He is very likely frying in Hell as we speak

Read The Facts About Luther
True Christians tend to believe.........the Word of God as opposed to a man calling himself God's voice on earth and superior to the Holy Scriptures by the tradition established by men (not found in the Bible), History Actual teaches us that the Roman Catholic (universal church) did not elect its first POPE until A.D.606.
What a crock. Protestants hang on every word their pastor says, esp when it comes to his criticisms (or hers?) of the Catholic Church.

Then... ha ha... too damn funny...:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg: they sanctimoniously attack Catholics for... for what? Respecting their priests..? Listening to them?

Well, don't worry because Catholics no longer should listen to them. Most of them (NO priests) are not old enough to have been consecrated by an actual, validly ordained bishop. But at one time, priests were validly ordained and Catholics could trust them in confessionals and etc...

Please keep in mind that yours truly is a sedevacantist Catholic, meaning I am with the ancient Church that continued to exist after 1958, just not in the Vatican, which was taken over by non-believers... communists, etc..

So yeh... protestants are hypocrites. They are like political liberals in the sense that they are always accusing Catholics of the same things they themselves are guilty of
The 'special knowledge' is the history, culture, and traditions of the time. This is the very reason I listen to Jews. They also know the traditions, culture, and history of Biblical times. It boils down to the message the original author was conveying to his original audience.
Alternatively, the Eastern Orthodox Church can make the same claim.
What a crock. Protestants hang on every word their pastor says, esp when it comes to his criticisms (or hers?) of the Catholic Church.

Then... ha ha... too damn funny...:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg: they sanctimoniously attack Catholics for... for what? Respecting their priests..? Listening to them?

Well, don't worry because Catholics no longer should listen to them. Most of them (NO priests) are not old enough to have been consecrated by an actual, validly ordained bishop. But at one time, priests were validly ordained and Catholics could trust them in confessionals and etc...

Please keep in mind that yours truly is a sedevacantist Catholic, meaning I am with the ancient Church that continued to exist after 1958, just not in the Vatican, which was taken over by non-believers... communists, etc..

So yeh... protestants are hypocrites. They are like political liberals in the sense that they are always accusing Catholics of the same things they themselves are guilty of
Nope......nothing PRIDEFUL to see here folks.

When you find the word POPE in the Holy Scriptures come back and beat on your chest like the pompous strutting peacocks of your organization...........who are engaging in the same VAIN and GREEDY actions that Jesus charged the JEWS with engaging in the entirety of Matthew 23

The RCC and its man made traditions contradict the word of God as found in the Holy Scriptures. The false priesthood structure used by the RCC is nothing but a plagiarized pattern taken from the Jewish and Pagan can't be found in the Holy Scriptures.

The RCC teaches falsely that man made traditions as declared by the POPE are greater or equal to the Holy Scriptures. Kind'a puts one in remembrance of the falsehoods told to EVE in the Garden.......Don't listen to God......You will surely not die if you partake of the tree of good and will be EQUAL WITH GOD. (Genesis 3:1-5). This message is much like the fake prophet Joseph will become gods. In the end its all about the same ole same ole.......power, greed, wealth, pride etc.

You accept the BS and false interpretation that Peter was the 1st POPE because you take the entirety of Matthew 16 away from its contextual integrity. Find the word POPE in the N.T. you cannot. Matthew 16 as well as many other passages of scripture teach that Jesus was THE ROCK.....the STONE, THE CORNER STONE, the FOUNDATION STONE of the church found in the N.T. There can be only ONE foundation stone laid and that Stone is Jesus Christ, founder of the One true church.

The head of that one true church is not THE POPE...........Jesus Christ was made both Lord and Christ of that one true church (Acts 2:36) Its a pure act of EVIL to declare that any man is equal to the Christ as the POPE proclaims in declaring Himself infallible. How many children have been raped because of this pride and conceit? How many crimes have been covered up by purchasing the silence of the victims?

As I have stated before...........the RCC is nothing more than a fake religious arm of the Italian mob.
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Why should they listen to Catholics? It's not as if they have any special knowledge that the rest of us can't get from the Scriptures and the Holy Spirit.
How would a protestant know? They shut their minds like steel traps against learning about Catholicism
Because they view the Catholic church as not worth listening to.
I suspect it is because the Catholic Church is very much hands on doers and active listeners to everything.

Some people just want to hear, "I accept Jesus as my savior. I am assured of heaven. That's all I need/want to hear."

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