Why Do Republicans Feel Compelled To Say "We're The Party of Lincoln?"

1. Your inability to distinguish between "like" and "discrimination" is noted and laughed at. LOL!

2. You are a moron if you assume I had "white privilege".
Your lack of reading comprehension is noted and laughed at. :laugh:

You are a whiny white boy that absolutely needs his white privilege.

I'm a pissed off middle aged white man, who has worked hard for everything I have, and I have a fair amount.

YOu are a fool.
Youre a weak white boy that has no concept of hard work and you have nothing. If you had something you wouldnt be whining and you wouldnt be pissed off. :rolleyes:

You are a fraud and lazy white boy.

I can have stuff and still be pissed off at injustice aimed at my people.
You silly clown. The only thing you can be pissed off about is nature. Its not our fault you are a weak design. Look at you all mad because youre white and you feel like a victim. :rolleyes:

The discrimination that is allowed, if not mandated by law, is not "nature". It is bad national policy.

As you well know, your racist idiocy to the contrary.
Is it not? What if I said blacks are not minorities? LOL. Silly old man.
So what if you say Blacks are not a minority? We arent. There are way more Black people on the planet than whites.
And you know this information why ???
Because its my business to know it.

Do you have exact stats?

Would you please share with moi, your resident Jewish compadre?
I agree. You are an excellent example of an ignorant white person. Glad you agree. I didnt ask what you supported. I pointed out that you cant think about race with any complexity due to whites having issues with insecurity and cognitive dissonance.

I have a very difficult time believing that a person who made the statement in a different thread that stated:

"Affirmative Action was created to discriminate against white people, because of past discrimination against blacks"

Has even a minimal ability to think about race with complexity.

That is one of the most ignorant statements that I have ever read in ANY forum, and the reason why I will not ever waste another word again talking to that person.

Whites are tired of being discriminated against for your ungrateful ass.

That might not be complex, but it is true.
Too bad. If whites werent such fuckups globally as well as here in the US more people of color would tolerate you.

We don't want or care about your tolerance.

We care about the abuse of a oppressive and stupidly run government.
If you didnt care about our tolerance you wouldnt whine all the time to us about how we dont like you or claim you are being discriminated against. Your problem is that you are just another low hanging fruit white boy that is angry he has to actually get up and go get his white privilege. :)

Where is it exactly that one goes to "get" their white privilege, Milkweed? (eye roll)
1. Your inability to distinguish between "like" and "discrimination" is noted and laughed at. LOL!

2. You are a moron if you assume I had "white privilege".
Your lack of reading comprehension is noted and laughed at. :laugh:

You are a whiny white boy that absolutely needs his white privilege.

I'm a pissed off middle aged white man, who has worked hard for everything I have, and I have a fair amount.

YOu are a fool.
Youre a weak white boy that has no concept of hard work and you have nothing. If you had something you wouldnt be whining and you wouldnt be pissed off. :rolleyes:

You are a fraud and lazy white boy.

I can have stuff and still be pissed off at injustice aimed at my people.
You silly clown. The only thing you can be pissed off about is nature. Its not our fault you are a weak design. Look at you all mad because youre white and you feel like a victim. :rolleyes:

Interesting...you seem to think that whites are "weak" yet somehow we have managed to oppress you strong black folks for all these years? How does that work?
Your lack of reading comprehension is noted and laughed at. :laugh:

You are a whiny white boy that absolutely needs his white privilege.

I'm a pissed off middle aged white man, who has worked hard for everything I have, and I have a fair amount.

YOu are a fool.
Youre a weak white boy that has no concept of hard work and you have nothing. If you had something you wouldnt be whining and you wouldnt be pissed off. :rolleyes:

You are a fraud and lazy white boy.

I can have stuff and still be pissed off at injustice aimed at my people.
You silly clown. The only thing you can be pissed off about is nature. Its not our fault you are a weak design. Look at you all mad because youre white and you feel like a victim. :rolleyes:

Interesting...you seem to think that whites are "weak" yet somehow we have managed to oppress you strong black folks for all these years? How does that work?

Written law and policy.
I'm a fine example, thanks. And I don't support the silly claim that whites don't or can't think about race, with "complexity".
I agree. You are an excellent example of an ignorant white person. Glad you agree. I didnt ask what you supported. I pointed out that you cant think about race with any complexity due to whites having issues with insecurity and cognitive dissonance.

I have a very difficult time believing that a person who made the statement in a different thread that stated:

"Affirmative Action was created to discriminate against white people, because of past discrimination against blacks"

Has even a minimal ability to think about race with complexity.

That is one of the most ignorant statements that I have ever read in ANY forum, and the reason why I will not ever waste another word again talking to that person.

Whites are tired of being discriminated against for your ungrateful ass.

That might not be complex, but it is true.

I'm actually quite grateful. For having had good parents, a great career before retiring. a good wife, a nice home and good health.

But as far as weak. small minded individuals like you, who have anger issues as well as a persecution complex, I feel no empathy for you and your psychosis.

If you had EVER experienced REAL discrimination, in the form that I have actually seen it, you would either be sucking your thumb in the fetal position, or committ suicide.

I don't give a damn what you're "tired of".

That's YOU'RE problem, not mine.

It is now. But someday, when enough whites wake up, it will be your problem when we stop putting up with that shit.

Putting up with what? A more fair and level playing field for all? And not just "your people"?
You're problem is that you are angry that it is not the pre civil rights era, when it was the law that even the best black citizen was still not considered as good as the lowest white one.

What is "your problem", will stay your problem and by the time the rest of your RAW's "wake up", America will be predominantly "Brown"

Better encourage your youngins to start brushing up on their Spanish.....or move to Iceland.

The population there is 98% white. You could be around "your people" in abundance.
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Your lack of reading comprehension is noted and laughed at. :laugh:

You are a whiny white boy that absolutely needs his white privilege.

I'm a pissed off middle aged white man, who has worked hard for everything I have, and I have a fair amount.

YOu are a fool.
Youre a weak white boy that has no concept of hard work and you have nothing. If you had something you wouldnt be whining and you wouldnt be pissed off. :rolleyes:

You are a fraud and lazy white boy.

I can have stuff and still be pissed off at injustice aimed at my people.
You silly clown. The only thing you can be pissed off about is nature. Its not our fault you are a weak design. Look at you all mad because youre white and you feel like a victim. :rolleyes:

The discrimination that is allowed, if not mandated by law, is not "nature". It is bad national policy.

As you well know, your racist idiocy to the contrary.

There is no discrimination. Those like you who believe that any success by someone who is non white, comes at the expense of one of "your people" is the problem.
The Republican party of Lincoln is nothing like the Republican party under Trump.

A lot has changed, but we are still the Good Guys and you dems are not.

Both parties are corrupt. And the current president is not "A
You honestly beleive that you speak better for what Malcolm X stood for and would stand for today than black American descendants of slaves Oldstyle ???

If that's the case, then you REALLY suffer from the I'm-white-and-I-say-so syndrome.

Oh, I get it...because you're a descendant of slaves you have the only word on "blackness" in America? You still haven't shown me anything that the modern Democratic Party has done to help the black community, Marc. Malcolm X understood what they were doing back in the 60's...you STILL haven't figured it out!

"You still haven't shown me anything that the modern Democratic Party has done to help the black community.."

They put a Black man in office with a Black family for starters. That makes them better than repubs off the top.

So was that "Black man in office" really a good thing for blacks? Did Barack Obama improve the lot in life of blacks? He broke a barrier. That's all he did. Donald Trump has done far more for the average black person in the US than Barry EVER did!

Not my argument, however, it has been shown in this forum before how the current president has been the beneficiary of accomplishments by the previous president that were already in place when he took office.

If there is one thing that this current administrations legacy will be highlighted by, is it's level of corruption.
Parties are made up of human beings. They’re not going to be perfect. The real difference here is that the Democratic Party is an inclusive party that is still growing. The Republican Party is a racist party of white nationalist and suprimacists.

Republicans give a bad name to everybody in politics.

You give a bad name to intelligent people of all ilks. The real difference here is that the Democrat Party is the party of the ignorant. Those looking for a free lunch at someone else's expense. The party that is very generous with other people's money. The party that takes umbrage at the people who do not want them to be generous with other people's money. And, the Democrats are the party that pits various ethnic, religious, and other interest groups against each other.

It is not Republicans who demonize old White men in order to curry favor with other demographics.
I agree. You are an excellent example of an ignorant white person. Glad you agree. I didnt ask what you supported. I pointed out that you cant think about race with any complexity due to whites having issues with insecurity and cognitive dissonance.

I have a very difficult time believing that a person who made the statement in a different thread that stated:

"Affirmative Action was created to discriminate against white people, because of past discrimination against blacks"

Has even a minimal ability to think about race with complexity.

That is one of the most ignorant statements that I have ever read in ANY forum, and the reason why I will not ever waste another word again talking to that person.

Whites are tired of being discriminated against for your ungrateful ass.

That might not be complex, but it is true.

I'm actually quite grateful. For having had good parents, a great career before retiring. a good wife, a nice home and good health.

But as far as weak. small minded individuals like you, who have anger issues as well as a persecution complex, I feel no empathy for you and your psychosis.

If you had EVER experienced REAL discrimination, in the form that I have actually seen it, you would either be sucking your thumb in the fetal position, or committ suicide.

I don't give a damn what you're "tired of".

That's YOU'RE problem, not mine.

It is now. But someday, when enough whites wake up, it will be your problem when we stop putting up with that shit.

Putting up with what? A more fair and level playing field for all? And not just "your people"?
You're problem is that you are angry that it is not the pre civil rights era, when it was the law that even the best black citizen was still not considered as good as the lowest white one.

What is "your problem", will stay your problem and by the time the rest of your RAW's "wake up", America will be predominantly "Brown"

Better encourage your youngins to start brushing up on their Spanish.....or move to Iceland.

The population there is 98% white. You could be around "your people" in abundance.

Don't get too giddy thinking about the demise of White people. Blacks will still be the smallest minority behind Whites and Browns. Then, you will know what real racism feels like.
I have a very difficult time believing that a person who made the statement in a different thread that stated:

"Affirmative Action was created to discriminate against white people, because of past discrimination against blacks"

Has even a minimal ability to think about race with complexity.

That is one of the most ignorant statements that I have ever read in ANY forum, and the reason why I will not ever waste another word again talking to that person.

Whites are tired of being discriminated against for your ungrateful ass.

That might not be complex, but it is true.

I'm actually quite grateful. For having had good parents, a great career before retiring. a good wife, a nice home and good health.

But as far as weak. small minded individuals like you, who have anger issues as well as a persecution complex, I feel no empathy for you and your psychosis.

If you had EVER experienced REAL discrimination, in the form that I have actually seen it, you would either be sucking your thumb in the fetal position, or committ suicide.

I don't give a damn what you're "tired of".

That's YOU'RE problem, not mine.

It is now. But someday, when enough whites wake up, it will be your problem when we stop putting up with that shit.

Putting up with what? A more fair and level playing field for all? And not just "your people"?
You're problem is that you are angry that it is not the pre civil rights era, when it was the law that even the best black citizen was still not considered as good as the lowest white one.

What is "your problem", will stay your problem and by the time the rest of your RAW's "wake up", America will be predominantly "Brown"

Better encourage your youngins to start brushing up on their Spanish.....or move to Iceland.

The population there is 98% white. You could be around "your people" in abundance.

Don't get too giddy thinking about the demise of White people. Blacks will still be the smallest minority behind Whites and Browns. Then, you will know what real racism feels like.

I am not "giddy" over the demise of anyone. Furthermore. I already know what "real racism" is like.

Do you?
So what if you say Blacks are not a minority? We arent. There are way more Black people on the planet than whites.
And you know this information why ???
Because its my business to know it.

Do you have exact stats?

Would you please share with moi, your resident Jewish compadre?
Thats insider information. Sorry homes.
Your lack of reading comprehension is noted and laughed at. :laugh:

You are a whiny white boy that absolutely needs his white privilege.

I'm a pissed off middle aged white man, who has worked hard for everything I have, and I have a fair amount.

YOu are a fool.
Youre a weak white boy that has no concept of hard work and you have nothing. If you had something you wouldnt be whining and you wouldnt be pissed off. :rolleyes:

You are a fraud and lazy white boy.

I can have stuff and still be pissed off at injustice aimed at my people.
You silly clown. The only thing you can be pissed off about is nature. Its not our fault you are a weak design. Look at you all mad because youre white and you feel like a victim. :rolleyes:

The discrimination that is allowed, if not mandated by law, is not "nature". It is bad national policy.

As you well know, your racist idiocy to the contrary.
There is no discrimination against whites you silly clown. I was talking about nature dealing you a genetically horrible hand.
I have a very difficult time believing that a person who made the statement in a different thread that stated:

"Affirmative Action was created to discriminate against white people, because of past discrimination against blacks"

Has even a minimal ability to think about race with complexity.

That is one of the most ignorant statements that I have ever read in ANY forum, and the reason why I will not ever waste another word again talking to that person.

Whites are tired of being discriminated against for your ungrateful ass.

That might not be complex, but it is true.
Too bad. If whites werent such fuckups globally as well as here in the US more people of color would tolerate you.

We don't want or care about your tolerance.

We care about the abuse of a oppressive and stupidly run government.
If you didnt care about our tolerance you wouldnt whine all the time to us about how we dont like you or claim you are being discriminated against. Your problem is that you are just another low hanging fruit white boy that is angry he has to actually get up and go get his white privilege. :)

Where is it exactly that one goes to "get" their white privilege, Milkweed? (eye roll)
Other whites with resources, opportunities, and openings.
  • Thanks
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Your lack of reading comprehension is noted and laughed at. :laugh:

You are a whiny white boy that absolutely needs his white privilege.

I'm a pissed off middle aged white man, who has worked hard for everything I have, and I have a fair amount.

YOu are a fool.
Youre a weak white boy that has no concept of hard work and you have nothing. If you had something you wouldnt be whining and you wouldnt be pissed off. :rolleyes:

You are a fraud and lazy white boy.

I can have stuff and still be pissed off at injustice aimed at my people.
You silly clown. The only thing you can be pissed off about is nature. Its not our fault you are a weak design. Look at you all mad because youre white and you feel like a victim. :rolleyes:

Interesting...you seem to think that whites are "weak" yet somehow we have managed to oppress you strong black folks for all these years? How does that work?
Disease, better weapons, and lying. See whites think these things are virtues but they are all signs of weakness. :rolleyes:
I'm a pissed off middle aged white man, who has worked hard for everything I have, and I have a fair amount.

YOu are a fool.
Youre a weak white boy that has no concept of hard work and you have nothing. If you had something you wouldnt be whining and you wouldnt be pissed off. :rolleyes:

You are a fraud and lazy white boy.

I can have stuff and still be pissed off at injustice aimed at my people.
You silly clown. The only thing you can be pissed off about is nature. Its not our fault you are a weak design. Look at you all mad because youre white and you feel like a victim. :rolleyes:

The discrimination that is allowed, if not mandated by law, is not "nature". It is bad national policy.

As you well know, your racist idiocy to the contrary.

There is no discrimination. Those like you who believe that any success by someone who is non white, comes at the expense of one of "your people" is the problem.
Its all just the typical white boy whining that Coral is known for. He was good when whites had centuries of legislated head starts and AA but once someone told him it was illegal to discriminate against other races he started crying.
Youre a weak white boy that has no concept of hard work and you have nothing. If you had something you wouldnt be whining and you wouldnt be pissed off. :rolleyes:

You are a fraud and lazy white boy.

I can have stuff and still be pissed off at injustice aimed at my people.
You silly clown. The only thing you can be pissed off about is nature. Its not our fault you are a weak design. Look at you all mad because youre white and you feel like a victim. :rolleyes:

The discrimination that is allowed, if not mandated by law, is not "nature". It is bad national policy.

As you well know, your racist idiocy to the contrary.

There is no discrimination. Those like you who believe that any success by someone who is non white, comes at the expense of one of "your people" is the problem.
Its all just the typical white boy whining that Coral is known for. He was good when whites had centuries of legislated head starts and AA but once someone told him it was illegal to discriminate against other races he started crying.

He has no clue what real discrimination is. But claims to be a "victim" of it. Then has the nerve to say "wait until other white people wake up"

In this thread he has outed hinself as nothing more than a common stormfronter.

That fact alone prohibits him from viewing race with complexity.
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The Republican party of Lincoln is nothing like the Republican party under Trump.

A lot has changed, but we are still the Good Guys and you dems are not.

Both parties are corrupt. And the current president is not "A
Oh, I get it...because you're a descendant of slaves you have the only word on "blackness" in America? You still haven't shown me anything that the modern Democratic Party has done to help the black community, Marc. Malcolm X understood what they were doing back in the 60's...you STILL haven't figured it out!

"You still haven't shown me anything that the modern Democratic Party has done to help the black community.."

They put a Black man in office with a Black family for starters. That makes them better than repubs off the top.

So was that "Black man in office" really a good thing for blacks? Did Barack Obama improve the lot in life of blacks? He broke a barrier. That's all he did. Donald Trump has done far more for the average black person in the US than Barry EVER did!

Not my argument, however, it has been shown in this forum before how the current president has been the beneficiary of accomplishments by the previous president that were already in place when he took office.

If there is one thing that this current administrations legacy will be highlighted by, is it's level of corruption.
Parties are made up of human beings. They’re not going to be perfect. The real difference here is that the Democratic Party is an inclusive party that is still growing. The Republican Party is a racist party of white nationalist and suprimacists.

Republicans give a bad name to everybody in politics.

You give a bad name to intelligent people of all ilks. The real difference here is that the Democrat Party is the party of the ignorant. Those looking for a free lunch at someone else's expense. The party that is very generous with other people's money. The party that takes umbrage at the people who do not want them to be generous with other people's money. And, the Democrats are the party that pits various ethnic, religious, and other interest groups against each other.

It is not Republicans who demonize old White men in order to curry favor with other demographics.

Those old white men demonize themslves. The the rest of your post is repeated garbage from lard ass Limbaugh. The only expertise that blimp has is knowing the difference between a Chinese buffet and Golden Corral.
Those old white men demonize themslves.

Do you believe old white men are the only population of American citizens demonizing themselves?


In my opinion, the APPARENT 'Childhood Trauma' (#ACEs) victims appearing in these recordings UNKNOWINGLY are providing a disturbing symbol for America’s Culture of African American Child Abuse, Emotional Neglect & Maltreatment evolving from America’s oppressive, multi-generational, ignorant, once legal Culture of Racism.

Sadly, each of the apparent emotionally or mentally ill suicidal/homicidal thinking Americans (*May 18, 2015 - Rise in Suic!de by Black Children Surprises Researchers - The New York Times*) appearing in these horrifying recordings are exhibiting self, people and community harming behaviors that I, as well as a growing number of my responsible, caring American neighbors believe are impeding our responsible, peaceful black or American neighbors, friends and co-workers of African descent from fully experiencing the respect and equality all peaceful Americans have a right to enjoy.


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