Why Do Republicans Feel Compelled To Say "We're The Party of Lincoln?"

I've not read up on the Jackie Robinson story, because I really don't care.

I referenced that way I had heard about it.

If I got it wrong, it was not intentional.

So give it a rest, drama queen.

My point stands, Obama was not some "Jackie Robinson" as you claim FALSELY presented as some massive qualified person who breaks down barriers due to his greatness.

It was whites who were judged Obama on his merits, such as they were and did NOT discriminate against him as their ancestors would have done.

That is whites NOT being racist.
So now you're ADMITTING that President Barrack Hussein Obama was elected as POTUS solely on MERIT. Yes?
Do you believe old white men are the only population of American citizens demonizing themselves?

Yes I do. You don't want to get down and into the trenches to discuss the overall effects of white racism upon blacks. It's easier for simple minded black dummies like you and that Oshay D. Jackson punk to buy into the white narrative than to think for your selves. Next thing you'll be telling us is that drapetomania has returned to the black community. You are an irresponsible black idiot who is miseducating whites and keeping them ignorant of the problem.
As conservatives embrace the confederacy...Lincoln has become a villain
  • Thanks
Reactions: IM2
#TheLargerIssue #Fatherlessness #ChildNeglectMaltreatment #MentalHealth #Solutions

IM2 replies to Avery, "You are an irresponsible black idiot who is miseducating whites and keeping them ignorant of the problem."

Hello again, IM2. Do you believe Dr. Stacey Patton, Ph.D is a "black idiot" for writing about and promoting her book revealing research into SYSTEMIC, as well as murderous Child Abuse?

police, parental, colin kaepernick, dr stacey patton NIKE.jpg


I would like to learn if you, as well as our American neighbors are familiar with author and violence researcher, as well as 'Childhood Trauma' (#ACEs) victim-survivor, Dr. Stacey Patton, Ph.D, and her extensive research into potentially life scarring, as well as deadly domestic violence committed against American children and teens, aka our Nation's most precious and cherished assets?

The following are quotes and excerpts from college professor and 'Childhood Trauma' (#ACEs) victim-survivor Dr. Stacey Patton's book "Spare the Kids: Why Whupping Children Won't Save Black America", as well as Dr. Patton's public interviews.

How about sparing the kid and not using the rod?

"I would have never been able to do this work if I had come into this world with a mother who stayed, who nurtured me in a healthy way." ~Professor Stacey Patton

The Undefeated: 'Are there any concepts in your book that may be new to readers?'

Dr. Patton: "I think that some of the data. For example, in the past 10 years, if you look at the annual child maltreatment reports that are put out by the Association for Children and Families, African-Americans have killed over 3,600 children.

A lot of people will say, ‘It’s better for me to whup my child than the police,’ but when you look at the data, yes, we’ve seen instances of state violence against unarmed black children, but when you look at the data for the past 10 years, African-Americans kill an average of 360 children a year.

If you line that up against the police killings, it pales in comparison. African-American children are more at risk of being assaulted, physically injured or killed by their own parents than by the police. There’s that."

"In 2015, black kids had the highest rate of abuse and neglect, at 14.5 per 1,000 children, compared with 8.1 per 1,000 for white children, according to the Children’s Bureau, part of the Department of Health and Human Services."

"More than 3,600 black children in the United States have died as a result of maltreatment in the past decade, a rate three times higher than for all other racial groups.

Suicide rates among elementary-age black children have nearly doubled since the 1990s, while the rates for white children have fallen, according to a 2015 report from the Journal of the American Medical Association.”"

American *(Children)* Lives Matter; Take Pride In Parenting; End Our National Health Crisis; Child Abuse and Neglect; End Community Violence/Fear, Police Anxiety & Educator's Frustrations
#TheLargerIssue #Fatherlessness #ChildNeglectMaltreatment #MentalHealth #Solutions

IM2 wrote, "It's easier for simple minded black dummies like you and that Oshay D. Jackson punk to buy into the white narrative than to think for your selves."

Oshay Duke Jackson BUFFOONERY.jpg

IM2, are you referring to admitted segregation-minded black conservative American Mr. Oshay Duke Jackson, creator & CEO of Negromanosphere.com, popular YouTube and Patreon social commentator, as well as American medical student studying abroad.?

"The buffoonery remains at an all time high" ~Oshay Duke Jackson

IM2, how many people, residing all around our planet, are following you?

Oshay Duke Jackson
57,160 subscribers 212 videos
Visit my Daily Blog at Www.negromanosphere.com. You will get content there that is not on this channel.

Oshay Vlogcast Channel
30,295 subscribers 541 videos
Welcome to the Oshay Vlog Cast Channel. I am your host "Oshay Duke Jackson." Here I vlog and do podcasts...

IM2, why you hating on a motivated, successful fellow American citizen focused on issues affecting black American and foreign born men.

Don't bother answering IM2. This man explains why apparent dysfunctional Americans HATE. :look in the mirror:

"Perturbed American Sharing Concerns RE: Dysfunctional ‘Black’ Americans Impeding ‘Black’ Achievement" ~RINGOTVRAW "I SPEAK THE TRUTH."

IM2, will you thank me for offering Ringo as another fellow citizen you can hate-on?

American *(Children)* Lives Matter; Take Pride In Parenting; End Our National Health Crisis; Child Abuse and Neglect; End Community Violence/Fear, Police Anxiety & Educator's Frustrations
I'm a pissed off middle aged white man, who has worked hard for everything I have, and I have a fair amount.

YOu are a fool.
Youre a weak white boy that has no concept of hard work and you have nothing. If you had something you wouldnt be whining and you wouldnt be pissed off. :rolleyes:

You are a fraud and lazy white boy.

I can have stuff and still be pissed off at injustice aimed at my people.
You silly clown. The only thing you can be pissed off about is nature. Its not our fault you are a weak design. Look at you all mad because youre white and you feel like a victim. :rolleyes:

Interesting...you seem to think that whites are "weak" yet somehow we have managed to oppress you strong black folks for all these years? How does that work?

Written law and policy.
How does that work in cities that blacks have majorities in? When the Mayor is black and the Police Chief is black and the City Council is black...how come those cities haven't become examples of your superior "design", Milkweed?
Youre a weak white boy that has no concept of hard work and you have nothing. If you had something you wouldnt be whining and you wouldnt be pissed off. :rolleyes:

You are a fraud and lazy white boy.

I can have stuff and still be pissed off at injustice aimed at my people.
You silly clown. The only thing you can be pissed off about is nature. Its not our fault you are a weak design. Look at you all mad because youre white and you feel like a victim. :rolleyes:

Interesting...you seem to think that whites are "weak" yet somehow we have managed to oppress you strong black folks for all these years? How does that work?

Written law and policy.
How does that work in cities that blacks have majorities in? When the Mayor is black and the Police Chief is black and the City Council is black...how come those cities haven't become examples of your superior "design", Milkweed?

OldStyle, are you referring to cities like Baltimore, populated by large numbers of child abusing single mothers?

POVERTY toya graham .jpg

I can have stuff and still be pissed off at injustice aimed at my people.
You silly clown. The only thing you can be pissed off about is nature. Its not our fault you are a weak design. Look at you all mad because youre white and you feel like a victim. :rolleyes:

Interesting...you seem to think that whites are "weak" yet somehow we have managed to oppress you strong black folks for all these years? How does that work?

Written law and policy.
How does that work in cities that blacks have majorities in? When the Mayor is black and the Police Chief is black and the City Council is black...how come those cities haven't become examples of your superior "design", Milkweed?

OldStyle, are you referring to cities like Baltimore, populated by large numbers of child abusing single mothers?

View attachment 233248

View attachment 233247

I'm referring to every city that is politically dominated by blacks. Milkweed is making the point that whites keep blacks down by the use of "written law and policy" so I'd like him to explain why cities that ARE politically dominated by blacks aren't shining examples of their "superior design"!
If you'll recall...Black Lives Matter took to the streets in Baltimore to protest the death of a black man while in Police custody...claiming that it was blatantly racist behavior! The only problem with that narrative is the Mayor of Baltimore was black...the Chief of Police was black...the majority of the officers involved were black and the person who put the events in motion leading up to that man's death was a black Councilman who was married to the black District Attorney! I'm simply curious how whites are somehow using policy to suppress black people in Baltimore when they don't control policy!
You silly clown. The only thing you can be pissed off about is nature. Its not our fault you are a weak design. Look at you all mad because youre white and you feel like a victim. :rolleyes:

Interesting...you seem to think that whites are "weak" yet somehow we have managed to oppress you strong black folks for all these years? How does that work?

Written law and policy.
How does that work in cities that blacks have majorities in? When the Mayor is black and the Police Chief is black and the City Council is black...how come those cities haven't become examples of your superior "design", Milkweed?

OldStyle, are you referring to cities like Baltimore, populated by large numbers of child abusing single mothers?

View attachment 233248

View attachment 233247

I'm referring to every city that is politically dominated by blacks. Milkweed is making the point that whites keep blacks down by the use of "written law and policy" so I'd like him to explain why cities that ARE politically dominated by blacks aren't shining examples of their "superior design"!

Hello, Oldstyle. Your reply tells me you're more focused on finger pointing than identifying causes or finding solutions for curing the widespread human dysfunction and fvvkery existing in far too many American communities largely populated by black American citizens.

Please let me know if you decide to move past finger pointing and wish to responsibly as well as intelligently examine why Child Abuse victim Tupac Shakur created his T.H.U.G.L.I.F.E Child Abuse, Emotional Neglect, Abandonment & Maltreatment *AWARENESS-PREVENTION* concept?

T.H.U.G.L.I.F.E. - "The HATE U Give Little Infants Fvvks *EVERYONE"* ~Tupac Shakur

_tupac burke harris AWARENESS.png

If you'll recall...Black Lives Matter took to the streets in Baltimore to protest the death of a black man while in Police custody...claiming that it was blatantly racist behavior! The only problem with that narrative is the Mayor of Baltimore was black...the Chief of Police was black...the majority of the officers involved were black and the person who put the events in motion leading up to that man's death was a black Councilman who was married to the black District Attorney! I'm simply curious how whites are somehow using policy to suppress black people in Baltimore when they don't control policy!

You are referring to Child Abuse victim Freddie Gray. A perfectly healthy American newborn whose mother and community turned him into a traumatized, hateful person, peddling drugs to other depressed, self-harming Baltimore resident.

Freddie Gray, Oprah Winfrey, Dr. Nadine Burke Harris.jpg

#TheLargerIssue #Fatherlessness #ChildNeglectMaltreatment #MentalHealth #Solutions

IM2 replies to Avery, "You are an irresponsible black idiot who is miseducating whites and keeping them ignorant of the problem."

Hello again, IM2. Do you believe Dr. Stacey Patton, Ph.D is a "black idiot" for writing about and promoting her book revealing research into SYSTEMIC, as well as murderous Child Abuse?


I would like to learn if you, as well as our American neighbors are familiar with author and violence researcher, as well as 'Childhood Trauma' (#ACEs) victim-survivor, Dr. Stacey Patton, Ph.D, and her extensive research into potentially life scarring, as well as deadly domestic violence committed against American children and teens, aka our Nation's most precious and cherished assets?

The following are quotes and excerpts from college professor and 'Childhood Trauma' (#ACEs) victim-survivor Dr. Stacey Patton's book "Spare the Kids: Why Whupping Children Won't Save Black America", as well as Dr. Patton's public interviews.

How about sparing the kid and not using the rod?

"I would have never been able to do this work if I had come into this world with a mother who stayed, who nurtured me in a healthy way." ~Professor Stacey Patton

The Undefeated: 'Are there any concepts in your book that may be new to readers?'

Dr. Patton: "I think that some of the data. For example, in the past 10 years, if you look at the annual child maltreatment reports that are put out by the Association for Children and Families, African-Americans have killed over 3,600 children.

A lot of people will say, ‘It’s better for me to whup my child than the police,’ but when you look at the data, yes, we’ve seen instances of state violence against unarmed black children, but when you look at the data for the past 10 years, African-Americans kill an average of 360 children a year.

If you line that up against the police killings, it pales in comparison. African-American children are more at risk of being assaulted, physically injured or killed by their own parents than by the police. There’s that."

"In 2015, black kids had the highest rate of abuse and neglect, at 14.5 per 1,000 children, compared with 8.1 per 1,000 for white children, according to the Children’s Bureau, part of the Department of Health and Human Services."

"More than 3,600 black children in the United States have died as a result of maltreatment in the past decade, a rate three times higher than for all other racial groups.

Suicide rates among elementary-age black children have nearly doubled since the 1990s, while the rates for white children have fallen, according to a 2015 report from the Journal of the American Medical Association.”"

American *(Children)* Lives Matter; Take Pride In Parenting; End Our National Health Crisis; Child Abuse and Neglect; End Community Violence/Fear, Police Anxiety & Educator's Frustrations

Any black person who doesn't include the holistic damage to blacks by white racism is an idiot in my view. You've got blacks adults and children suffering from continuing white racism dumb ass. And each time a black adult has to see an act of racism, whether it is on TV or in their lives, stressors which allow old oms of behavior can return. There are millions of blacks walking around here with PTSD caused by white racism you idiot! This is what we need to understand. The study of the psychological effects of racism on people color is relatively new and we must educate ourselves and whites alike to what racism actually does. You, nor any of those you mention do so.
#TheLargerIssue #Fatherlessness #ChildNeglectMaltreatment #MentalHealth #Solutions

IM2 wrote, "It's easier for simple minded black dummies like you and that Oshay D. Jackson punk to buy into the white narrative than to think for your selves."

IM2, are you referring to admitted segregation-minded black conservative American Mr. Oshay Duke Jackson, creator & CEO of Negromanosphere.com, popular YouTube and Patreon social commentator, as well as American medical student studying abroad.?

"The buffoonery remains at an all time high" ~Oshay Duke Jackson

IM2, how many people, residing all around our planet, are following you?

Oshay Duke Jackson
57,160 subscribers 212 videos
Visit my Daily Blog at Www.negromanosphere.com. You will get content there that is not on this channel.

Oshay Vlogcast Channel
30,295 subscribers 541 videos
Welcome to the Oshay Vlog Cast Channel. I am your host "Oshay Duke Jackson." Here I vlog and do podcasts...

IM2, why you hating on a motivated, successful fellow American citizen focused on issues affecting black American and foreign born men.

Don't bother answering IM2. This man explains why apparent dysfunctional Americans HATE. :look in the mirror:

"Perturbed American Sharing Concerns RE: Dysfunctional ‘Black’ Americans Impeding ‘Black’ Achievement" ~RINGOTVRAW "I SPEAK THE TRUTH."

IM2, will you thank me for offering Ringo as another fellow citizen you can hate-on?

American *(Children)* Lives Matter; Take Pride In Parenting; End Our National Health Crisis; Child Abuse and Neglect; End Community Violence/Fear, Police Anxiety & Educator's Frustrations

I'm not hating on anyone. I am speaking the truth to what I hear coming from them.
You silly clown. The only thing you can be pissed off about is nature. Its not our fault you are a weak design. Look at you all mad because youre white and you feel like a victim. :rolleyes:

Interesting...you seem to think that whites are "weak" yet somehow we have managed to oppress you strong black folks for all these years? How does that work?

Written law and policy.
How does that work in cities that blacks have majorities in? When the Mayor is black and the Police Chief is black and the City Council is black...how come those cities haven't become examples of your superior "design", Milkweed?

OldStyle, are you referring to cities like Baltimore, populated by large numbers of child abusing single mothers?

View attachment 233248

View attachment 233247

I'm referring to every city that is politically dominated by blacks. Milkweed is making the point that whites keep blacks down by the use of "written law and policy" so I'd like him to explain why cities that ARE politically dominated by blacks aren't shining examples of their "superior design"!

Why is it that when I drive through rural parts of states I see at least 50-100 dead all white towns?

Stop asking dumb ass questions.
If you'll recall...Black Lives Matter took to the streets in Baltimore to protest the death of a black man while in Police custody...claiming that it was blatantly racist behavior! The only problem with that narrative is the Mayor of Baltimore was black...the Chief of Police was black...the majority of the officers involved were black and the person who put the events in motion leading up to that man's death was a black Councilman who was married to the black District Attorney! I'm simply curious how whites are somehow using policy to suppress black people in Baltimore when they don't control policy!

You are referring to Child Abuse victim Freddie Gray. A perfectly healthy American newborn whose mother and community turned him into a traumatized, hateful person, peddling drugs to other depressed, self-harming Baltimore resident.


That's not how that happened Jahman
#TheLargerIssue #Fatherlessness #ChildNeglectMaltreatment #MentalHealth #Solutions

IM2 replies to Avery, "You are an irresponsible black idiot who is miseducating whites and keeping them ignorant of the problem."

Hello again, IM2. Do you believe Dr. Stacey Patton, Ph.D is a "black idiot" for writing about and promoting her book revealing research into SYSTEMIC, as well as murderous Child Abuse?


I would like to learn if you, as well as our American neighbors are familiar with author and violence researcher, as well as 'Childhood Trauma' (#ACEs) victim-survivor, Dr. Stacey Patton, Ph.D, and her extensive research into potentially life scarring, as well as deadly domestic violence committed against American children and teens, aka our Nation's most precious and cherished assets?

The following are quotes and excerpts from college professor and 'Childhood Trauma' (#ACEs) victim-survivor Dr. Stacey Patton's book "Spare the Kids: Why Whupping Children Won't Save Black America", as well as Dr. Patton's public interviews.

How about sparing the kid and not using the rod?

"I would have never been able to do this work if I had come into this world with a mother who stayed, who nurtured me in a healthy way." ~Professor Stacey Patton

The Undefeated: 'Are there any concepts in your book that may be new to readers?'

Dr. Patton: "I think that some of the data. For example, in the past 10 years, if you look at the annual child maltreatment reports that are put out by the Association for Children and Families, African-Americans have killed over 3,600 children.

A lot of people will say, ‘It’s better for me to whup my child than the police,’ but when you look at the data, yes, we’ve seen instances of state violence against unarmed black children, but when you look at the data for the past 10 years, African-Americans kill an average of 360 children a year.

If you line that up against the police killings, it pales in comparison. African-American children are more at risk of being assaulted, physically injured or killed by their own parents than by the police. There’s that."

"In 2015, black kids had the highest rate of abuse and neglect, at 14.5 per 1,000 children, compared with 8.1 per 1,000 for white children, according to the Children’s Bureau, part of the Department of Health and Human Services."

"More than 3,600 black children in the United States have died as a result of maltreatment in the past decade, a rate three times higher than for all other racial groups.

Suicide rates among elementary-age black children have nearly doubled since the 1990s, while the rates for white children have fallen, according to a 2015 report from the Journal of the American Medical Association.”"

American *(Children)* Lives Matter; Take Pride In Parenting; End Our National Health Crisis; Child Abuse and Neglect; End Community Violence/Fear, Police Anxiety & Educator's Frustrations

Any black person who doesn't include the holistic damage to blacks by white racism is an idiot in my view. You've got blacks adults and children suffering from continuing white racism dumb ass. And each time a black adult has to see an act of racism, whether it is on TV or in their lives, stressors which allow old oms of behavior can return. There are millions of blacks walking around here with PTSD caused by white racism you idiot! This is what we need to understand. The study of the psychological effects of racism on people color is relatively new and we must educate ourselves and whites alike to what racism actually does. You, nor any of those you mention do so.

Serious question, IM2...

Dr. Shonna Etienne COONS.jpg

If you'll recall...Black Lives Matter took to the streets in Baltimore to protest the death of a black man while in Police custody...claiming that it was blatantly racist behavior! The only problem with that narrative is the Mayor of Baltimore was black...the Chief of Police was black...the majority of the officers involved were black and the person who put the events in motion leading up to that man's death was a black Councilman who was married to the black District Attorney! I'm simply curious how whites are somehow using policy to suppress black people in Baltimore when they don't control policy!


If I recall, BLM was protesting the police departmnts murder of a man and that is what the protest was about. Although the police who initially stopped Gray were white, the protest was about police killings of unarmed black men. Now would you like to explain how the majority of these killings have not been done in majority black administered cities?
What is it, exactly, are they trying to say, or communicate when they spout that line?

I'd love to have the self-professed Republicans, Conservatives and other assorted Rightwingers of USMB weigh in on this.

/---/ We freed your people from the democRAT slaveholders and preserved the nation.
LoLing @ "We"


So is that the sole purpose of Republicans all over the media constantly spouting this tired phrase, "We're the party of Lincoln!?"

Why you mad or something bro?

The Republicans are the party of Lincoln

The democrats the party of the KKK


Facts are facts.

#TheLargerIssue #Fatherlessness #ChildNeglectMaltreatment #MentalHealth #Solutions

IM2 replies to Avery, "You are an irresponsible black idiot who is miseducating whites and keeping them ignorant of the problem."

Hello again, IM2. Do you believe Dr. Stacey Patton, Ph.D is a "black idiot" for writing about and promoting her book revealing research into SYSTEMIC, as well as murderous Child Abuse?


I would like to learn if you, as well as our American neighbors are familiar with author and violence researcher, as well as 'Childhood Trauma' (#ACEs) victim-survivor, Dr. Stacey Patton, Ph.D, and her extensive research into potentially life scarring, as well as deadly domestic violence committed against American children and teens, aka our Nation's most precious and cherished assets?

The following are quotes and excerpts from college professor and 'Childhood Trauma' (#ACEs) victim-survivor Dr. Stacey Patton's book "Spare the Kids: Why Whupping Children Won't Save Black America", as well as Dr. Patton's public interviews.

How about sparing the kid and not using the rod?

"I would have never been able to do this work if I had come into this world with a mother who stayed, who nurtured me in a healthy way." ~Professor Stacey Patton

The Undefeated: 'Are there any concepts in your book that may be new to readers?'

Dr. Patton: "I think that some of the data. For example, in the past 10 years, if you look at the annual child maltreatment reports that are put out by the Association for Children and Families, African-Americans have killed over 3,600 children.

A lot of people will say, ‘It’s better for me to whup my child than the police,’ but when you look at the data, yes, we’ve seen instances of state violence against unarmed black children, but when you look at the data for the past 10 years, African-Americans kill an average of 360 children a year.

If you line that up against the police killings, it pales in comparison. African-American children are more at risk of being assaulted, physically injured or killed by their own parents than by the police. There’s that."

"In 2015, black kids had the highest rate of abuse and neglect, at 14.5 per 1,000 children, compared with 8.1 per 1,000 for white children, according to the Children’s Bureau, part of the Department of Health and Human Services."

"More than 3,600 black children in the United States have died as a result of maltreatment in the past decade, a rate three times higher than for all other racial groups.

Suicide rates among elementary-age black children have nearly doubled since the 1990s, while the rates for white children have fallen, according to a 2015 report from the Journal of the American Medical Association.”"

American *(Children)* Lives Matter; Take Pride In Parenting; End Our National Health Crisis; Child Abuse and Neglect; End Community Violence/Fear, Police Anxiety & Educator's Frustrations

Any black person who doesn't include the holistic damage to blacks by white racism is an idiot in my view. You've got blacks adults and children suffering from continuing white racism dumb ass. And each time a black adult has to see an act of racism, whether it is on TV or in their lives, stressors which allow old oms of behavior can return. There are millions of blacks walking around here with PTSD caused by white racism you idiot! This is what we need to understand. The study of the psychological effects of racism on people color is relatively new and we must educate ourselves and whites alike to what racism actually does. You, nor any of those you mention do so.

Serious question, IM2...

View attachment 233257

#TheLargerIssue #Fatherlessness #ChildNeglectMaltreatment #MentalHealth #Solutions

IM2 replies to Avery, "You are an irresponsible black idiot who is miseducating whites and keeping them ignorant of the problem."

Hello again, IM2. Do you believe Dr. Stacey Patton, Ph.D is a "black idiot" for writing about and promoting her book revealing research into SYSTEMIC, as well as murderous Child Abuse?


I would like to learn if you, as well as our American neighbors are familiar with author and violence researcher, as well as 'Childhood Trauma' (#ACEs) victim-survivor, Dr. Stacey Patton, Ph.D, and her extensive research into potentially life scarring, as well as deadly domestic violence committed against American children and teens, aka our Nation's most precious and cherished assets?

The following are quotes and excerpts from college professor and 'Childhood Trauma' (#ACEs) victim-survivor Dr. Stacey Patton's book "Spare the Kids: Why Whupping Children Won't Save Black America", as well as Dr. Patton's public interviews.

How about sparing the kid and not using the rod?

"I would have never been able to do this work if I had come into this world with a mother who stayed, who nurtured me in a healthy way." ~Professor Stacey Patton

The Undefeated: 'Are there any concepts in your book that may be new to readers?'

Dr. Patton: "I think that some of the data. For example, in the past 10 years, if you look at the annual child maltreatment reports that are put out by the Association for Children and Families, African-Americans have killed over 3,600 children.

A lot of people will say, ‘It’s better for me to whup my child than the police,’ but when you look at the data, yes, we’ve seen instances of state violence against unarmed black children, but when you look at the data for the past 10 years, African-Americans kill an average of 360 children a year.

If you line that up against the police killings, it pales in comparison. African-American children are more at risk of being assaulted, physically injured or killed by their own parents than by the police. There’s that."

"In 2015, black kids had the highest rate of abuse and neglect, at 14.5 per 1,000 children, compared with 8.1 per 1,000 for white children, according to the Children’s Bureau, part of the Department of Health and Human Services."

"More than 3,600 black children in the United States have died as a result of maltreatment in the past decade, a rate three times higher than for all other racial groups.

Suicide rates among elementary-age black children have nearly doubled since the 1990s, while the rates for white children have fallen, according to a 2015 report from the Journal of the American Medical Association.”"

American *(Children)* Lives Matter; Take Pride In Parenting; End Our National Health Crisis; Child Abuse and Neglect; End Community Violence/Fear, Police Anxiety & Educator's Frustrations

Any black person who doesn't include the holistic damage to blacks by white racism is an idiot in my view. You've got blacks adults and children suffering from continuing white racism dumb ass. And each time a black adult has to see an act of racism, whether it is on TV or in their lives, stressors which allow old oms of behavior can return. There are millions of blacks walking around here with PTSD caused by white racism you idiot! This is what we need to understand. The study of the psychological effects of racism on people color is relatively new and we must educate ourselves and whites alike to what racism actually does. You, nor any of those you mention do so.

Serious question, IM2...

View attachment 233257


Do not try changing the subject again. But to answer your question, you are not a free thinker and as you see here by what you just experienced with oldstyle, your thinking creates a feeling of validation for white racists. YOU keep degrading those you claim are pro black, so does that make you, a black man, anti black? Your views are why you get denigrated by blacks. You are doing what the white man wants, blame us for problems we did not create. And like the white man you ignore and deny the root cause of the problem.

Your vision doesn't create love or happiness.

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