Why do Republicans support people who never seriously worked and get "free stuff"?

When I read the subject line I thought this thread had to be about Mrs. Clinton or Obama.

Turns out it is just another BS post by the king of BS.
Affluenza Rich Teen Kills 4 in Drunk Driving Accident Gets Probation TIME.com

Why do the children of the rich so often turn into drug addicts Daily Mail Online

Families of victims killed by drunk teen upset he got probation - Fox4News.com Dallas-Fort Worth News Weather Sports

Republicans constantly go after the poor for being lazy. Even if they have two jobs. For having too many children. Even when Republicans block birth control and abortion and even want to force women who have been raped into having the resulting child.

But they are outraged when the subject of an inheritance tax comes up. They are fine with children of the rich running wild. Children who never worked a day in their life living the good life off of money "given" to them for no other reason than they were lucky to be born to the very rich.

Republicans hate the poor because they are poor and Republicans say they don't work and only get "free stuff". But they idolize rich people who never worked a day in their life and are handed enormous amounts of "free stuff". Go figure.
Maybe this kid is from an elitist democrat family.

Another bunch of bullshit to get idiots all self righteous.
Maybe, but considering it's in Texas, I doubt it.

Judge Jean Boyd, the judge in this case, is a Republican judge who has presided over the 323rd Family District Court since 1995.

  • Judge Jean Boyd is facing an avalanche of criticism after sentencing Ethan Couch to 10 years probation for killing four people in a car crash
  • In the past she has handed out tougher sentence and last year an African-American teenager was jailed for 10 years for punching a man who died
  • A petition has been launched to have Boyd removed from her position
  • A psychologist blamed Couch's behavior on 'affluenza' claiming his parents gave him too many freedoms
  • Couch will now spend time at the swanky Newport Academy rehab center in California with his parents footing the bill
  • Sergio Molina, now 16, was in the back of Couch's pickup truck and survived the accident but is now paralyzed
  • Molina's family are now suing Couch and his father's business - as the car was owned by the company - for $20million

Judge who let off spoiled rich teen who killed four in DUI previously put boy aged fourteen in prison for TEN YEARS Daily Mail Online

Oh wow, look at that, trying to blame it on Democrats and the Judge was a typical racist Republican. Hilarious!
Affluenza Rich Teen Kills 4 in Drunk Driving Accident Gets Probation TIME.com

Why do the children of the rich so often turn into drug addicts Daily Mail Online

Families of victims killed by drunk teen upset he got probation - Fox4News.com Dallas-Fort Worth News Weather Sports

Republicans constantly go after the poor for being lazy. Even if they have two jobs. For having too many children. Even when Republicans block birth control and abortion and even want to force women who have been raped into having the resulting child.

But they are outraged when the subject of an inheritance tax comes up. They are fine with children of the rich running wild. Children who never worked a day in their life living the good life off of money "given" to them for no other reason than they were lucky to be born to the very rich.

Republicans hate the poor because they are poor and Republicans say they don't work and only get "free stuff". But they idolize rich people who never worked a day in their life and are handed enormous amounts of "free stuff". Go figure.
Maybe this kid is from an elitist democrat family.

Another bunch of bullshit to get idiots all self righteous.
Maybe, but considering it's in Texas, I doubt it.

Judge Jean Boyd, the judge in this case, is a Republican judge who has presided over the 323rd Family District Court since 1995.

  • Judge Jean Boyd is facing an avalanche of criticism after sentencing Ethan Couch to 10 years probation for killing four people in a car crash
  • In the past she has handed out tougher sentence and last year an African-American teenager was jailed for 10 years for punching a man who died
  • A petition has been launched to have Boyd removed from her position
  • A psychologist blamed Couch's behavior on 'affluenza' claiming his parents gave him too many freedoms
  • Couch will now spend time at the swanky Newport Academy rehab center in California with his parents footing the bill
  • Sergio Molina, now 16, was in the back of Couch's pickup truck and survived the accident but is now paralyzed
  • Molina's family are now suing Couch and his father's business - as the car was owned by the company - for $20million
Judge who let off spoiled rich teen who killed four in DUI previously put boy aged fourteen in prison for TEN YEARS Daily Mail Online

Oh wow, look at that, trying to blame it on Democrats and the Judge was a typical racist Republican. Hilarious!

Oh wow, look at that, trying to blame it on Democrats and the Judge was a typical racist Republican.

Why is the judge who let off a rich, liberal kid a racist?
A lot of republicans are SO greedy! They are a lot like Scrooge. If they want to leave their money to their kids, I don't really care. My only point in this thread is that I agree that republicans hate the poor and constantly sulk about "their money" (which actually isn't even "their" money at all because once it goes to the government, it becomes "our" money) going to help those less fortunate. Then, they feel the need to denigrate the poor as well. It's actually quite disgusting. Some of them need to watch a Christmas Carol . . . or something . . . before they turn into Scrooge! Lol!


If they want to leave their money to their kids, I don't really care.

You're a better person than shitstain. I mean rdean.

I suppose I'll take that as a compliment! I mean, being better than a shit stain? Wow! My, you are full of compliments So thanks! :biggrin:
Affluenza Rich Teen Kills 4 in Drunk Driving Accident Gets Probation TIME.com

Why do the children of the rich so often turn into drug addicts Daily Mail Online

Families of victims killed by drunk teen upset he got probation - Fox4News.com Dallas-Fort Worth News Weather Sports

Republicans constantly go after the poor for being lazy. Even if they have two jobs. For having too many children. Even when Republicans block birth control and abortion and even want to force women who have been raped into having the resulting child.

But they are outraged when the subject of an inheritance tax comes up. They are fine with children of the rich running wild. Children who never worked a day in their life living the good life off of money "given" to them for no other reason than they were lucky to be born to the very rich.

Republicans hate the poor because they are poor and Republicans say they don't work and only get "free stuff". But they idolize rich people who never worked a day in their life and are handed enormous amounts of "free stuff". Go figure.
Maybe this kid is from an elitist democrat family.

Another bunch of bullshit to get idiots all self righteous.
Maybe, but considering it's in Texas, I doubt it.

Judge Jean Boyd, the judge in this case, is a Republican judge who has presided over the 323rd Family District Court since 1995.

  • Judge Jean Boyd is facing an avalanche of criticism after sentencing Ethan Couch to 10 years probation for killing four people in a car crash
  • In the past she has handed out tougher sentence and last year an African-American teenager was jailed for 10 years for punching a man who died
  • A petition has been launched to have Boyd removed from her position
  • A psychologist blamed Couch's behavior on 'affluenza' claiming his parents gave him too many freedoms
  • Couch will now spend time at the swanky Newport Academy rehab center in California with his parents footing the bill
  • Sergio Molina, now 16, was in the back of Couch's pickup truck and survived the accident but is now paralyzed
  • Molina's family are now suing Couch and his father's business - as the car was owned by the company - for $20million
Judge who let off spoiled rich teen who killed four in DUI previously put boy aged fourteen in prison for TEN YEARS Daily Mail Online

Oh wow, look at that, trying to blame it on Democrats and the Judge was a typical racist Republican. Hilarious!

Oh wow, look at that, trying to blame it on Democrats and the Judge was a typical racist Republican.

Why is the judge who let off a rich, liberal kid a racist?
The answer is as simple as "black and white". Don't be a dunce.
A lot of republicans are SO greedy! They are a lot like Scrooge. If they want to leave their money to their kids, I don't really care. My only point in this thread is that I agree that republicans hate the poor and constantly sulk about "their money" (which actually isn't even "their" money at all because once it goes to the government, it becomes "our" money) going to help those less fortunate. Then, they feel the need to denigrate the poor as well. It's actually quite disgusting. Some of them need to watch a Christmas Carol . . . or something . . . before they turn into Scrooge! Lol!


If they want to leave their money to their kids, I don't really care.

You're a better person than shitstain. I mean rdean.

I suppose I'll take that as a compliment! I mean, being better than a shit stain? Wow! My, you are full of compliments So thanks! :biggrin:
So this isn't their county too? Why do they stay? Republicans want to turn this country into something unrecognizable. And they defend their evil plans. Wish they would leave. Imagine what a great place this would be if lazy and racist Republicans left.
Maybe, but considering it's in Texas, I doubt it.

Do you think there are no democrats in Texas? Perhaps they are an endangered species?
The judge is a Republican. Easy to look up.

I was talking about your comment " . . . but considering it's Texas, I doubt it." :wink_2:

Texas is the home of steers and queers (or so I heard), so there must be SOME democrats there. :p
A lot of republicans are SO greedy! They are a lot like Scrooge. If they want to leave their money to their kids, I don't really care. My only point in this thread is that I agree that republicans hate the poor and constantly sulk about "their money" (which actually isn't even "their" money at all because once it goes to the government, it becomes "our" money) going to help those less fortunate. Then, they feel the need to denigrate the poor as well. It's actually quite disgusting. Some of them need to watch a Christmas Carol . . . or something . . . before they turn into Scrooge! Lol!


If they want to leave their money to their kids, I don't really care.

You're a better person than shitstain. I mean rdean.

I suppose I'll take that as a compliment! I mean, being better than a shit stain? Wow! My, you are full of compliments So thanks! :biggrin:
So this isn't their county too? Why do they stay? Republicans want to turn this country into something unrecognizable. And they defend their evil plans. Wish they would leave. Imagine what a great place this would be if lazy and racist Republicans left.

Can't you all leave? Imagine, no more republicans or democrats? Ahhhhh . . . . peace and quiet.
The OP is just another typical liberal who can not comprehend the word charity. ...

Charity is from your heart, not the government deciding how much money to take from you and redistribute it.

The OP is just another typical liberal Who can not comprehend the word principle....

In this case, a man or woman Made their money , got it taxed and gave it to whom ever they felt like, to their kids, to charity to hell even their pets...

We don't care, it's already been taxed once, never out of principle should be taxed again.
But they idolize rich people who never worked a day in their life and are handed enormous amounts of "free stuff".

"free stuff"...., and just who give all this free stuff.., would you believe it if i told you it is the demoscum politicians, that is who, look at Detroit, Chicago and Baltimore and many more demorat run cities and towns.

you are so full of shit you could start a fertilizer factory that could supply the entire world with oil nutrients for thousands of years. :up:
When they don't want to discuss...

OK ! let's discuss this, why don't the multi millionaire and billionaire demoscum start distributing their wealth to the poor, how far do you think $500,000,000,000.00 would go to bring the poor who depend on tax payers dollars out of their situation ??

each family could get a million $$$$$$$$$$ and there would be enough for poor Deannie to have a pot to piss in.



Affluenza Rich Teen Kills 4 in Drunk Driving Accident Gets Probation TIME.com

Why do the children of the rich so often turn into drug addicts Daily Mail Online

Families of victims killed by drunk teen upset he got probation - Fox4News.com Dallas-Fort Worth News Weather Sports

Republicans constantly go after the poor for being lazy. Even if they have two jobs. For having too many children. Even when Republicans block birth control and abortion and even want to force women who have been raped into having the resulting child.

But they are outraged when the subject of an inheritance tax comes up. They are fine with children of the rich running wild. Children who never worked a day in their life living the good life off of money "given" to them for no other reason than they were lucky to be born to the very rich.

Republicans hate the poor because they are poor and Republicans say they don't work and only get "free stuff". But they idolize rich people who never worked a day in their life and are handed enormous amounts of "free stuff". Go figure.
Maybe this kid is from an elitist democrat family.

Another bunch of bullshit to get idiots all self righteous.
Maybe, but considering it's in Texas, I doubt it.

Judge Jean Boyd, the judge in this case, is a Republican judge who has presided over the 323rd Family District Court since 1995.

  • Judge Jean Boyd is facing an avalanche of criticism after sentencing Ethan Couch to 10 years probation for killing four people in a car crash
  • In the past she has handed out tougher sentence and last year an African-American teenager was jailed for 10 years for punching a man who died
  • A petition has been launched to have Boyd removed from her position
  • A psychologist blamed Couch's behavior on 'affluenza' claiming his parents gave him too many freedoms
  • Couch will now spend time at the swanky Newport Academy rehab center in California with his parents footing the bill
  • Sergio Molina, now 16, was in the back of Couch's pickup truck and survived the accident but is now paralyzed
  • Molina's family are now suing Couch and his father's business - as the car was owned by the company - for $20million
Judge who let off spoiled rich teen who killed four in DUI previously put boy aged fourteen in prison for TEN YEARS Daily Mail Online

Oh wow, look at that, trying to blame it on Democrats and the Judge was a typical racist Republican. Hilarious!

Oh wow, look at that, trying to blame it on Democrats and the Judge was a typical racist Republican.

Why is the judge who let off a rich, liberal kid a racist?
The answer is as simple as "black and white". Don't be a dunce.

Or as simple as a one-punch murderer getting 10 years.
Has he let any white one-punch murderers off?
That would be better proof of racism.

They are fine with children of the rich running wild.

Do you have a list of the Republicans who are okay with this rich liberal asshole getting probation? I'd be okay with him getting at least 10 years.

Forum List
